TriQuint Semiconductor Inc TGA1082B Datasheet

Advance Product Information
27- 32 GHz 1.5 Watt Power Amplifier TGA1082B
Prototype Part #, Production Part # TBD
Key Features
0.25 um pHEMT Technology
22 dB Nominal Gain at 30GHz
1.5W Psat at 30GHz
Bias 6 - 7V @ 960 mA
Chip Dimensions 4.13mm x 3.3mm
Primary Applications
Point-to-Point Radio
Point-to-Multipoint Communications
The TriQuint TGA1082B-EPU is a three stage HPA MMIC design using TriQuint’s proven
0.25 um Power pHEMT process. The TGA1082B is designed to support a variety of millimeter wave applications including point-to-point digital radio and LMDS/LMCS and Ka band satellite ground terminals.
The TGA1082B provides 30 dBm nominal output power at 1dB compression across 27-32GHz. Typical small signal gain is 22 dB at 30GHz.
The TGA1082B requires minimum off-chip components. Each device is 100% DC and RF tested on-wafer to ensure performance compliance. The device is available in chip form.
Ka Band Sat-Com
30 28 26 24 22
Gain (dB)
20 18 16
28 29 30 31 32
Frequency (GHz)
32 30 28 26 24 22
P1dB (dBm)
20 18
28 29 30 31 32
Frequency (GHz)
Note: Devices designat e d as EPU are typically earl y in their char a cterization process prior to finalizing all electric al and process specifications. Sp ecifications are subje ct to change without notice
TriQuint Semiconductor Texas : Phone (972)994-8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web:
Advance Product Information
Note: Devices designat e d as EPU are typically earl y in their char a cterization process prior to finalizing all electric al and process specifications. Sp ecifications are subje ct to change without notice
TriQuint Semiconductor Texas : Phone (972)994-8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web:
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