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Functional Description
The core of the GA1087 is a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)
that continuously compares the reference clock (REFCLK)
to the feedback clock (FBIN), maintaining a zero frequency
difference between the two. Since one of the outputs
(Q0–Q8) is always connected to FBIN, t
he PLL keeps
the propagation delay between the outputs
and the
reference clock within –350 ps
+500 ps for the
GA1087-MC500, and within –350 ps
+700 ps for the
The internal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) has an
operating range of 280 MHz to 420 MHz. The combination of the VCO and the Divide Logic enables the
GA1087 to operate between 24 MHz and 105 MHz.
The device features six divide modes: ÷4, ÷5, ÷6, ÷8,
÷10, and ÷12. The Frequency Select pins, F0 and F1,
and the output used as feedback to FBIN set the divide
mode as shown in Table 1.
In the test mode, the PLL is bypassed and REFCLK is
connected directly to the Divide Logic block via the
MUX, as shown in Figure 1. This mode is useful for
debug and test purposes. The various test modes are
outlined in Table 2. In the test mode, the frequency of
the reference clock is divided by 4, 5, or 6.
The maximum rise and fall time at the output pins is
1.4 ns. All outputs of the GA1087 are TTL-compatible
with 30 mA symmetric drive and a minimum VOH of 2.4 V.
Power Up/Reset Synchronization
After-power-up or reset, the PLL requires time before it
achieves synchronization lock. The maximum time
required for synchronization (TSYNC) is 500 ms.
Feedback: Any Group B Output (Q0 – Q4)
Select Pins Reference Clock Output Frequency Range
Test F0 F1 Mode Frequency Range Group A: Q5–Q10 Group B: Q0–Q4
010 ÷ 4 70 MHz – 105 MHz 70 MHz – 105 MHz 35 MHz – 52 MHz
000 ÷ 5 56 MHz – 84 MHz 56 MHz – 84 MHz
28 MHz – 42 MHz
001 ÷ 6 48 MHz – 70 MHz 48 MHz – 70 MHz 24 MHz – 35 MHz
0 1 1 Not Used N.A. N.A. N.A.
Select Pins Reference Clock Output Frequency Range
Test F0 F1 Mode Frequency Range Group A: Q5–Q10 Group B: Q0–Q4
010 ÷ 8 35 MHz – 52 MHz 70 MHz – 105 MHz 35 MHz – 52 MHz
000 ÷ 10 28 MHz – 42 MHz 56 MHz – 84 MHz
28 MHz – 42 MHz
001 ÷ 12 24 MHz – 35 MHz 48 MHz – 70 MHz 24 MHz – 35 MHz
0 1 1 Not Used N.A. N.A. N.A.
Notes: 1. This mode produces outputs with 40/60 duty cycle for Q5 – Q10 only.
Table 1. Frequency Mode Selection
Feedback: Any Group A Output (Q5 – Q10)