Tripp Lite PVINT375 User Manual

Owner’s Manual
DC-to-AC Inverter
Maintenance & Service
Feature Identification
1111 W. 35th Street Chicago, IL 60609 USA
Customer Support: (773) 869-1234 •
Copyright © 2006 Tripp Lite. All rights reserved. PowerVerter®is a registered trademark of Tripp Lite.
Important Safety Instructions! Save These Instructions!
This manual contains important instructions and warnings that should be followed during the installation, operation and storage of all Tripp Lite Inverters.
• Do not use a Tripp Lite PowerVerter Inverter in life support or healthcare applications where a malfunction or failure of a Tripp Lite PowerVerter Inverter could cause failure or significantly alter the performance of a life support device or medical equipment.
• Do not operate your Inverter near flammable materials, fumes or gases.
• Since the Inverter requires adequate ventilation during operation, do not block fan or cooling vents or cover the Inverter, and do not operate near vehicle heating vents or in direct sunlight. Keep the Inverter dry at all times and disconnect when not in use.
• Since the Inverter case will get hot (55° - 60° C) during continuous extended use, use care when handling it. Do not place it near surfaces or materials affected by this level of heat.
• Turn OFF connected equipment before starting your engine. DO NOT plug a surge suppressor, line conditioner or UPS system into the Inverter. If you attach AC extension cords, use 18 AWG or 0.5mm
• Before connecting a battery charger or adapter, check its manual to make sure that the Inverter’s specifications (including output waveform) fall within its recommendations. Most battery chargers and adapters, however, are safe for connection, as long as their labels state that their AC-to-DC output voltage is low (30 volts or lower).
-gauge, less than 100 feet long.
Step 1: Plug Inverter into vehicle lighter/accessory outlet. Step 2: Turn on Inverter. Step 3: Plug equipment into the Inverter.
Determine your equipment’s total wattage.* Do not connect more watts than your Inverter’s Output Power (Maximum Continuous Watts) rating—see Specifications. See chart for typical equipment runtimes. Also see chart for important note concerning the limitations of vehicle electrical systems.
* Wattage ratings are usually listed in equipment manuals or on nameplates. If your equipment is rated in amps, multiply that number times AC utility voltage to determine watts. (Example: a ¼ in. drill requires 1.25 amps. 230 volts × 1.25 amps = 290 watts.)
Maintenance & Service
Your Inverter requires no maintenance and contains no user-serviceable parts (except for replaceable DC fuses). If returning your Inverter to Tripp Lite, please pack it carefully using the ORIGINAL PACKING MATERIAL that came with the unit. Enclose a letter describing the problem. If the Inverter is within the warranty period, enclose a copy of your sales receipt. To obtain service you must obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number from Tripp Lite or an authorized Tripp Lite service center.
Feature Identification
Lighted ON/OFF Switch: move to ON (“I”) position to power connected equipment; switch
will illuminate. Move to OFF (“O”) position to stop powering connected equipment. AC Outlet: accepts 230V AC equipment you would normally plug into a wall outlet.
DC Fuse(s) (externally mounted): protect vehicle battery from damaging overload. If fuse
blows, replace with standard automotive fuse of equal amperage. CAUTION: installing non­rated fuses could cause equipment damage and void your warranty.
Vehicle Lighter/Accessory Plug: connects to a standard 12V DC vehicle lighter/accessory
Cooling Fan: maintains internal cooling. Ultra-Compact, Lightweight Metal Case
Low Battery Alarm (internal, not shown): detects low voltage and shuts down Inverter to preserve vehicle battery. If alarm sounds, turn Inverter OFF and run engine to recharge battery.
Overload Alarm (internal, not shown): detects wattage overload on Inverter outlets and shuts down Inverter as a protective measure. If alarm sounds, turn Inverter OFF and reduce wattage load (by unplugging high-wattage devices).
PVINT375 Front View
PVINT375 Rear View
Please check the following before sending the Inverter in for service:
Symptom Problem Correction
Alarm sounds. Low battery voltage (<10.5 V). Turn Inverter OFF and run engine to
Output overload. Turn Inverter OFF and remove overload by
Inverter does not turn ON when Automatic Inverter shutdown due Turn Inverter OFF and run engine to power switch is turned ON. to low battery voltage (<10V). recharge vehicle battery.
Inverter is unable to power Battery running low. Low battery Turn Inverter OFF and run engine to connected equipment. voltage reduces Inverter power recharge vehicle battery.
Connected equipment experiences Loose connections. Check and secure all connections. audio/video distortion.
Automatic Inverter shutdown due Turn Inverter OFF and remove overload by to output overload. unplugging high-wattage devices. Load
Blown fuse. Replace fuse with standard automotive fuse
output. Connected equipment load Turn Inverter OFF and remove overload by
exceeds Inverter’s maximum unplugging high-wattage devices. Load continuous output power. should not exceed your Inverter's maximum
Audio/video interference. Reposition equipment antennas and Inverter.
recharge vehicle battery.
unplugging high-wattage devices. Load should not exceed your Inverter's maximum continuous output power (see Specifications).
should not exceed your Inverter’s maximum continuous output power (see Specifications).
of identical amperage (see Specifications).
continuous output power (see Specifications).
Model: PVINT375
Output Power (Maximum Continuous Watts)*: 375 Output Power (Peak Watts)**: 600 Input Voltage (DC): 12V nominal (10-15V) Output Voltage (AC)/Frequency: 230V / 50 Hz. nominal Output Waveform: PWM Sine Wave Low Battery Voltage Alarm (Volts): 10.5V Low Battery Voltage Shutdown (Volts): 10V AC Outlets: 1 Circuit Protection (DC Overload): 40-amp fuse (external)
* Maximum output power (continuous or peak) only available when vehicle battery is properly charged. Run vehicle engine often to maintain proper charge. ** Peak Output Power is instantaneous. The policy of Tripp Lite is one of continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Although you can operate your Inverter with your vehicle engine off, best results are usually attained with the engine running. Since the Inverter converts electrical energy (and doesn’t produce it), the Inverter’s performance is relative to the condition of your vehicle’s electrical system (battery, alternator and wiring). If other loads (air conditioner, heater, lights, etc.) are also using power, you may get less runtime.
Model: PVINT375 & Wiring & Wiring & Wiring
1/2 Load (engine on/engine off) continuous/1-2 hours continuous/2-3 hours continuous/3-6 hours
Full Load* (engine on/engine off) continuous/30 min-1 hour continuous/1-2 hours continuous/2-3 hours
Typical Runtimes Before Battery Recharge
With Typical With Typical With Typical
Compact Vehicle (4 cylinder) Mid-Size Vehicle (6 cylinder) Full-Size Vehicle (8 cylinder)
Battery, Alternator Battery, Alternator Battery, Alternator
Vehicle Electrical System Limitations
NOTE: Due to the limitations of certain vehicles’ 12V DC lighter/accessory outlet electrical systems, you may not be able to continuously run a full load (375 watts) from your PVINT375. If you regularly blow fuses, it may indicate your vehicle is not adequately wired to support a PVINT375 as it is designed. In this case, consult vehicle manufacturer recommendations for rewiring from the fuse block or battery with appropriate wiring (8 - 10 gauge) and fusing (at least 40 amp).
Limited Warranty
Tripp Lite warrants its Inverters to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date of initial purchase. Tripp Lite’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at its sole option) any such defective products. To obtain service under this warranty you must obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number from Tripp Lite or an authorized Tripp Lite service center. Products must be returned to Tripp Lite or an authorized Tripp Lite service center with transportation charges prepaid and must be accompanied by a brief description of the problem encountered and proof of date and place of purchase.
This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been damaged by accident, negligence or misapplication or has been altered or modified in any way, including opening of the unit’s casing for any reason. This warranty applies only to the original purchaser who must have properly registered the product within 10 days of purchase.
EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, TRIPP LITE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not permit limitation or exclusion of implied warranties; therefore, the aforesaid limitation(s) or exclusion(s) may not apply to the purchaser.
EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, IN NO EVENT WILL TRIPP LITE BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Specifically, Tripp Lite is not liable for any costs, such as lost profits or revenue, loss of equipment, loss of use of equipment, loss of software, loss of data, costs of substitutes, claims by third parties, or otherwise.
Regulatory Compliance Identification Numbers
For the purpose of regulatory compliance certifications and identification, your Tripp Lite product has been assigned a unique series number. The series number can be found on the product nameplate label, along with all required approval markings and information. When requesting compliance information for this product, always refer to the series number. The series number should not be confused with the marking name or model number of the product.
Tripp Lite has a policy of continuous improvement. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.
Manual del propietario
Inversor de corriente continua
a corriente alterna
Mantenimiento y Servicio
Identificación de funciones
Solución de problemas
Garantía limitada
1111 W. 35th Street Chicago, IL 60609 USA
Customer Support: (773) 869-1234 •
Copyright © 2006 Tripp Lite. Todos los derechos reservados PowerVerter es una marca comercial registrada de Tripp Lite.
¡Instrucciones de seguridad importantes! ¡Guarde estas instrucciones!
Este manual contiene instrucciones y advertencias importantes que deben seguirse durante la instalación, operación y almacenamiento de todos los inversores de Tripp Lite.
• No use un inversor PowerVerter de Tripp Lite para aplicaciones de soporte de vida o cuidado de la salud, en las que un funcionamiento defectuoso o una falla del inversor PowerVerter de Tripp Lite pueda causar la falla o una alteración importante en el funcionamiento del dispositivo médico o de soporte de vida.
• No opere su inversor cerca de materiales inflamables, humos o gases.
• Ya que el inversor requiere ventilación adecuada en operación, no obstruya el ventilador ni los respiraderos de enfriamiento ni cubra el inversor, y no opere cerca de respiraderos de calefacción de vehículos o bajo luz solar directa. Mantenga siempre seco el inversor y desconéctelo cuando no lo esté usando.
• Ya que la caja del inversor se calentará (55° - 60° C) con el uso prolongado, tenga cuidado al manipularla. No lo coloque cerca de superficies o materiales que puedan ser afectados por este nivel de calor.
• APAGUE el equipo conectado antes de arrancar su motor. NO conecte un supresor de sobretensiones o un acondicionador de línea, ni un sistema UPS (Fuente de alimentación ininterrumpida) en el inversor. Si conecta cordones de extensión de corriente alterna, use calibre 18 AWG o 0.5 mm2, de menos de 30 metros de longitud.
• Antes de conectar un cargador de baterías o un adaptador, revise su manual para asegurarse de que las especificaciones del inversor (incluyendo la forma de onda de salida) estén dentro de sus recomendaciones. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de los cargadores de baterías y adaptadores es segura de conectar si sus rótulos indican que sus voltajes de salida de corriente alterna a corriente continua son bajos (30 voltios o menos).
Paso 1: Conecte el inversor en una salida auxiliar o del encendedor del vehículo. Paso 2: Encienda el inversor. Paso 3: Conecte el equipo en el inversor.
Determine la potencia total requerida por sus equipos.* No conecte más potencia que la capacidad de salida de su inversor (Vatios máximos en forma continua) —vea las especificaciones. Vea la tabla para tiempos de respaldo de equipo típico. También vea la tabla para información importante relativa a las limitaciones de sistemas eléctricos de vehículos.
* La potencia nominal de un equipo normalmente está indicada en su manual o en su placa. Si su equipo tiene un valor en amperios, multiplique ese número por el voltaje en corriente alterna de la red para calcular los vatios. (Ejemplo: a taladro de ¼” requiere 1.25 amperios 230 voltios × 1.25 amperios = 290 vatios)
Mantenimiento y Servicio
Su inversor no necesita mantenimiento y no contiene piezas a las que el usuario pueda dar servicio (excepto por el fusible de corriente continua reemplazable). Si está devolviendo su inversor a Tripp Lite, por favor, empáquelo cuidadosamente, usando el MATERIAL ORIGINAL DE EMBALAJE incluido con la unidad. Adjunte una carta describiendo los síntomas del problema. Si el inversor está dentro del período de garantía, adjunte una copia de su recibo de compra. Para obtener servicio, debe conseguir un número de Autorización de devolución de mercadería (RMA) de Tripp Lite o de un centro de servicio autorizado de Tripp Lite.
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