Tripp Lite PowerAlert User Manual

User’s Guide

PowerAlert® Device Manager

(PADM) 20.0.0


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 System Requirements


2. Initial Configuration


IP Address Assignment



Saving Configuration Changes



Default UPS System



Shutdown Settings


2.4 SNMP Configuration


3. Web Interface


Accessing the Web Interface



PADM Overview



Top Menu


4. Main Menu














Events & Actions






4.6.1 Internet



4.6.2 Services



4.6.3 SMTP


4.7 Security


4.7.1 Session Management


4.7.2 User Accounts


4.7.3 Roles & Privileges


4.7.4 Security Settings


4.8 Logs


4.8.1 Accounting Log


4.8.2 Application Log


4.8.3 Data Log


4.8.4 Event Log


4.8.5 Syslog


5. Technical Support


Appendix A –


Privileges Chart


Appendix B –


Supplemental Information


Appendix C –


SNMP Commands



1. Introduction

Tripp Lite LX Platform devices contain an Ethernet network interface that enables remote configuration, monitoring and control of the device. These functions can be performed using the device’s web interface, Command Line Interface (CLI) or by using SNMP-based management software applications offered by Tripp Lite and other vendors. This User’s Guide focuses on configuration and management using the web interface, commonly referred to as PowerAlert® Device Manager (PADM).

This User’s Guide covers PADM version 20.0.0 and later. For previous PADM versions (15.x.x.), refer to the LX Platform User’s Guide (part number 93-35A4).

For information about the Command Line Interface for PADM version 20.0.0 and later, refer to the PADM20 CLI User’s Guide (part number 93-3C86).

Notes: Previous versions (15.x.x) of PADM supported a Telnet/SSH/Console menu-driven text interface. Starting with PADM version 20.0.0, the menu-driven text interface is replaced by a full-featured CLI (command line interface).

·PADM version 20.0.0 introduces support of a RESTful Application Programming Interface (API). Contact Tripp Lite Technical Support for details.

·See Appendix B for information about PADM20 operational scenarios, such as firmware update from 15.x and moving a WEBCARDLX from one device to another.

1.1 System Requirements

A Tripp Lite LX Platform Device, such as WEBCARDLX, PDU3E-series PDUs, PDU3XE-series PDUs, LX suffix PDUs and LX-compatible cooling products

Note: If updating to PADM20 from a previous firmware version, ensure the device is running version 15.5.2 or later. If the device is running 15.5.1 or earlier, update it to 15.5.7 prior to updating to PADM20.

Ethernet network that supports the TCP/IP protocol

One of the following options for remote configuration, monitoring and control:

o Web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari); desktop and mobile environments are supported o VT-100 terminal emulator client for Telnet, SSH, and/or Serial connections (to access CLI)

Warning: Use of this equipment in life support applications where failure of this equipment can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of the life support equipment or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness is not recommended.

Note: PADM applies the following security policies:

On initial login with any of the pre-configured local users, localadmin, localmanager or localguest, PADM will force the user to change the default password.

The preconfigured SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c users, public and tripplite respectively, are disabled by default.

The default Authorization Password and Privacy Passphrase of the pre-configured SNMPv3 users, localadmin, localmanager or localguest, must be changed prior to use.


2. Initial Configuration

This section provides instructions for configuring the device’s network access parameters. During the process, the device’s MAC address may be required. The 12-character address (in the format XX XX XX XX XX XX) is printed on a label found on the LX Platform device.

For devices using WEBCARDLX, the label is attached to the underside of the card

For devices with an embedded LX interface, the label is typically affixed to the device enclosure

For instructions on loading PADM firmware or device driver updates, refer to the applicable release notes. Related documentation can be downloaded from the Tripp Lite website: Enter the model name of the LX Platform device in the search bar; on opening the device’s product page, refer to the “Resources & Downloads” section. Ensure the LX Platform device is turned on.

2.1 IP Address Assignment

PADM supports both dynamic (DHCP) and manual IP address assignment; refer to the appropriate section below. If uncertain as to which method to use, contact your network administrator for assistance.

Dynamic IP Address Assignment

Using a standard Ethernet patch cable, connect the LX Platform device’s Ethernet port to the network environment in which the DHCP server is running. The device will attempt to obtain an IP address via DHCP; this may take several minutes, depending on network performance. To learn which IP address has been assigned, contact your network administrator and provide the device’s MAC address..


Consider requesting a long-term lease period for the IP address, depending on application.

PADM supports IPv4 and IPv6. By default, PADM is set to receive both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses via DHCP

Static IP Address Assignment

PADM supports a single static IPv4 address (requires setting the IP address, subnet mask and gateway) and/or a single static IPv6 address. In addition, PADM can support a single static IPv4 or IPv6 DNS address (requires setting the primary DNS address, and optionally a secondary DNS address). If PADM is not assigned an IP address manually or via DHCP, it will use the default static IP address of with a subnet mask of Using a standard Ethernet patch cable, connect the LX Platform device’s Ethernet port to the network environment. From a computer operating in the same environment, launch a web browser and enter in the address bar. When the PADM login screen appears, enter localadmin for both the name and password*. Navigate to the Network > Internet menu, then overwrite the default IP address with the desired static IP address (Figure 2-1).

*Note: On initial login, you will be required to change the password.

Figure 2-1: Assignment of a Static IPv4 Address


2. Initial Configuration

2.2 Saving Configuration Changes

Most configuration changes saved in PADM take effect immediately; PADM will typically indicate if a reboot is required for changes to take effect. Regardless, rebooting PADM is recommended to ensure that configuration changes persist. See section 3.3 Top Menu for instructions on rebooting PADM. Rebooting PADM does not power cycle the device or any outlet on the device.

2.3 Default UPS System Shutdown Settings

WEBCARDLX and LX Platform UPS systems are pre-configured to shut down the device two minutes after receiving one of the following alert signals from the UPS:

Low Battery

Temperature High

To modify or disable this setting, navigate to the Events & Actions > Action menu and edit the Default Device Shutdown line item by clicking on its pencil icon (Figure 2-2).

Figure 2-2: Setting the Default Device Shutdown Parameters


2. Important Safety Instructions

2.4 SNMP Configuration

PADM uses an embedded SNMP agent and Management Information Bases (MIBs) to support management over the network. The SNMP agent responds to standard SNMP commands (Get, Get Next and Set) and can generate SNMP traps (messages). The MIBs determine which parameters can be monitored and controlled. Three MIB files—TRIPPLITE.MIB, TRIPPLITEPRODUCTS.MIB and RFC-1628-UPS.MIB—must be imported to each Network Management System (NMS) station that will be monitoring/controlling the LX Platform device. The MIB files can be downloaded from the PADM20 Top Menu > Help or from

Note: SNMP Users are configured in the SNMP Users tab of the Security > User Accounts menu item.

SNMPv1 & v2c Definitions


A general name for the user. This data is not included in network communications


The key required for responses to Set or Get requests. The Community name must be between 6 and 32 ASCII characters; alphanumeric and the following special characters are allowed: !”#$%&\’()*+,-./:;?@[\]^_`{|}~.


Each Role contains a set of predefined Privileges related to device functions. In order to issue Set commands --for example, load control – the SNMP User must be assigned a Role with the corresponding Privileges. See Appendix A for more details about Roles and Privileges.

SNMPv3 Definitions


The identifier of the user profile. SNMPv3 maps Gets, Sets and Traps to a user profile by matching the username of the profile to the username in the data packet being transmitted. The username cannot exceed 32 ASCII characters; alphanumeric and the following special characters are allowed: !@#$%^*(){[}]~.

Security Level:

The Tripp Lite implementation of SNMPv3 supports three security levels: No Authentication No Privacy (NoAuthNoPriv), Authentication No Privacy (AuthNoPriv) and Authentication Privacy (AuthPriv)

Auth. Protocol:

The Tripp Lite implementation of SNMPv3 supports MD5 and SHA authentication.

Auth. Passphrase:

A phrase of 8 to 32 ASCII characters (alphanumeric and !”#$%&\’()*+,-./:;?@[\]^_`{|}~ ) that verifies the authenticity of the NMS. It also verifies that the message has not been changed during transmission, or that the message was communicated in a timely manner (not delayed nor copied and resent later at an inappropriate time).

Privacy Passphrase:

A phrase of 8 to 32 ASCII characters (alphanumeric and !”#$%&\’()*+,-./:;?@[\]^_`{|}~ ) that ensures the privacy of the data (by means of encryption) sent via SNMPv3 between the NMS and the device.

Privacy Protocol:

The Tripp Lite implementation of SNMPv3 supports the AES and DES protocols for encrypting and decrypting data.


Each Role contains a set of predefined Privileges related to device functions. In order to issue Set commands --for example, load control – the SNMP User must be assigned a Role with the corresponding Privileges. See Appendix A for more details about Roles and Privileges.


3. Web Interface

3.1 Accessing the Web Interface

Use the following steps to access the PowerAlert Device Manager web interface

1.Open a web browser.

2.In the address bar, enter the IP address assigned to the LX Platform device.

3.In the login page that appears (Figure 3-1) enter the User Name and Password (case-sensitive), then click the Login button.

The default Administrator Username and Password are both localadmin. Note that on initial login, you will be required to change the password.

Figure 3-1: Login Page


3. Web Interface

On logging in, the Dashboard page is displayed (Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-2.: Dashboard Page

3.2 PADM Overview

PADM Layout

The PADM web interface is comprised of three main sections (Figure 3-3):

1Top Menu – Alert summary and administrative functions

2Main Menu – Navigation to device management functions

3Content– Information reflective of selections made in the Main Menu or Top Menu




Figure 3-3: PADM Web Interface Main Sections


3. Web Interface

Navigation Elements

A number of graphical elements are used for navigation throughout the interface.

Sub-MenusCertain menu items contain submenus. Click a menu item to expand the selection, displaying its sub-menu (Figure 3-4). Click the menu item again to contract the sub-menu.

Tabs – Tabs are used to organize information of a common topic into logical groupings (Figure 3-5). Select a tab to view its content.

Pages – Sequenced numbers with arrows indicate that the content exceeds one page (Figure 3-6). Select each to navigate pages as follows:

Go to the first pages of the content Go to the previous page number

Number Go directly to the selected page Go to the next page.

Go to the last page of the content

Scroll Bars – In cases where content exceeds the size of the window, vertical and/or horizontal scroll bars appear (Figure 3-7).

Figure 3-4: Sub-Menus

Figure 3-5: Tabs

Figure 3-6: Pages

Figure 3-7: Scroll bars


3. Web Interface

Chevrons – Click the chevron next to an item to expand or contract the content of the item (Figure 3-8).

Adjusting Views

Sorting – When content is displayed in table format, the information can be sorted in the following manners (Figure 3-9):

Columns – Click a column title to sort the table by that category, in ascending order.

Arrows – Click the up or down arrow adjacent to a column title to sort the table in ascending or descending order, respectively.

Filters – Click Filter to open a dialog box in which a variety of filtering options can be selected. Click the Apply Filters button to update the displayed information. It should be noted that applied filters persist, even after logout/login. Click the Clear Filters button to restore the default view (Figure 3-10).

Figure 3-8: Chevrons

Figure 3-9: Columns and arrows

Figure 3-10: Filter functions


3. Web Interface

Columns – Click Columns (in Loads) to open a menu of applicable column titles (Figure 3-11). Select

or unselect the preferred column titles, then click anywhere on the screen.

View – Click View (in Data Log) to open a menu of variables (Figure 3-12). Select or unselect the preferred variables, then click the Save button

Refresh – Click Refresh to update the displayed content (Figure 3-13).

Export – Click Export to configure and generate an export of the contents (Figure 3-14).

Figure 3-11: Columns

Figure 3-12: View

Figure 3-13: Refresh

Figure 3-14: Export


3. Web Interface


Pencil – The pencil icon indicates that the item can be edited (Figure 3-15). Click the icon to open a dialog box in which the edits can be made.

Details – The ‘i’ icon indicates that the item contains details (Figure 3-16). Click or mouse over the icon to view the details.

Control – The gear icon indicates that a control can be executed (Figure 3-17). Mouse over the icon to view a description of the control. Click on the icon to execute

the action.

Delete – The icon indicates the item can be deleted (Figure 3-18). Click the icon to mark the item for deletion; the action will change the icon color to red. To complete the deletion, click the Delete xxx button (also in red).

Sliders – Sliders allow the state of the item to be manually changed. Colors and symbols reflect the condition or state of the item. Figure 3-19 shows the following sliders, from left to right: Load On, Load Off, Load Mixed State, Load On - Cycling, Load Off - Cycling, Load On - Disabled, Load Off – Disabled, Item Enabled, Item Disabled

Figure 3-15: Edit

Figure 3-16: Details

Figure 3-17. Control

Figure 3-18: Delete icon and Delete (Confirmation) Button.

Figure 3-19: Slider States and Colors


3. Web Interface

Tags – Colored shape tags indicate the severity of Events and Alerts (Figure 3-20):

red octagon = Critical, blue circle = Informational, yellow triangle = Warning.

Figure 3-20: Tags

Checkmark – Used in the in Alert summary, a blue Checkmark indicates that an item has been cleared or acknowledged (Figure 3-21).

Figure 3-21: Checkmark


3. Web Interface

3.3 Top Menu

The Top Menu is used for viewing Alerts and performing administrative functions (Figure 3-22).

Figure 3-22: Top menu


The Alerts icon is located to the right of device name (Figure 3-22). The icon’s color (matching Tags) indicates the highest severity level of all active Alerts. The number in the upper right corner of the icon indicates the quantity of active Alerts. Click the icon to display a list of active Alerts for the device as well as any peripherals (e.g. sensors) connected to it (Figure 3-23). An Alert is active if it has not been acknowledged, nor cleared. An Alert clears when the condition that triggered the Alert is no longer in effect. An Alert can be acknowledged in one of two ways: automatically (configured in Events & Actions > Events) or manually. To manually acknowledge one or more Alerts, select the checkboxes in the Ack. column, then click the Save button. To manually acknowledge all Alerts, click the icon in the Ack column title, then click the Save button. Once an Alert has been both cleared and acknowledged, it is removed from the list. By default, the list is sorted by Date/Time, in descending order, i.e. the most recent Alerts appear at the top of the list.

Figure 3-23: Alerts screen


3. Web Interface

Click Refresh to update the page. Click Filter to open a window in which options can be selected for refining the displayed content of the Alert Log (Figure 3-24). Click Close once all selections have been made.

Figure 3-24: Filter

Click Export to open a window in which the desired file format (CSV or XML) and export destination can be selected (Figure 3-25). Select the Download option to locally export the log. Upon selecting the Email option, a table of recipients will appear, one of which can be selected. Refer to section 4.5 Events & Actions > Alert Contact sub-menu item for creating email recipients. Click the Continue button to execute the export.

Figure 3-25: Alert export options


3. Web Interface


Click the Language icon to select a personal preference for the desired language (Figure 3-26). Note that this selection applies only to the logged-in user; the default language for all users is set using the Global Settings function. GUI contents, email notifications and generated reports will all reflect the selected language.

Figure 3-26: Language icon


Click the Gear icon to display a sub-menu of Administrative functions (Figure 3-27). Note that if the ‘Restart Device’, ‘Turn Off Device’ and ‘Turn On Device’ items do not appear in the pulldown menu, the device does not support these functions.

Figure 3-27: Administration Icon and Sub-Menu


3. Web Interface

Global Settings

This option allows for configuration of global settings, including time, date, temperature and language (Figure 3-28). All users accessing the device are subject to these settings. Users have the option of individually overriding these settings using the Preferences function. Once all configuration parameters have been entered, click the Save button.

Figure 3-28: Global settings

Note that it is possible to change the Current Local Time once the Time Source has been saved as ‘Real-time clock (Manual)’. Click the pencil icon to open a Calendar window in which the date and time can be selected (Figure 3-29). Once the time and date have been set, click the Save button.

Figure 3-29: Adjusting Current Local Time


3. Web Interface


This option allows for execution of maintenance functions – firmware update and backup management (Figure 3-30).

Figure 3-30: Device Maintenance

Click the Check for Updates button to confirm availability of a firmware update at the Tripp Lite website. Click the Update Firmware button to initiate the firmware update process. In the dialog box that opens, select the firmware file using the Browse button, then click the Upload button. Once the file has been uploaded, click the Continue button. A warning box will appear; click Update Now to continue the process (Figure 3-31). Completing the update requires a reboot.

Figure 3-31: Update Firmware


Tripp Lite PowerAlert User Manual

3. Web Interface

Click the Backup PowerAlert Settings Now button, followed by the Continue Backup button to store the configuration on the device (Figure 3-32). On completing the backup, click the Download button to optionally save the configuration to the local environment (Figure 3-32).

The download file name will be in the format “card (x).bck”, which is used by other downloads. Consider renaming the file to distinguish it from similar files, e.g. “Device123backup_07_31_2021.bck”.

Figure 3-32. Performing a PADM Configuration Backup

Click the Restore from Saved Backup button to upload a configuration file (Figure 3-33). If a previous Backup on the device does not exist, the configuration source must be selected using the Browse button. Upon selecting the file, click Upload, then Continue. If a Backup on the device exists, the configuration source can be either System Backup (stored on the device) or External Backup (Browse to select).

Figure 3-33: Restoring from Backup


3. Web Interface

Click the Restore PowerAlert to Factory Defaults button to overwrite the existing configuration with the default parameters set in the factory, either with preserving current network settings or without doing so (Figure 3-34).

Note: Restoring PowerAlert will terminate all active sessions.

When performing the “Restore PowerAlert” function using the “maintain current network settings” option, the following occurs:


• Domain, IPv4, IPv6 and DNS settings do NOT change; all settings are retained


The enabled/disabled status of SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 are NOT retained

The port values for SNMP Get/Set and Trap do NOT change; they are retained

HTTP/HTTPS and Telnet settings do NOT change; they are retained

SFTP/SCP are NOT retained if SSH is enabled


• Server, Authentication and Email Format all change; settings are not retained

Figure 3-34: Restoring PowerAlert to Factory Defaults


3. Web Interface

Reboot PowerAlert – This item performs a reboot of the LX Platform device’s network interface (Figure 3-36). This operation does not power cycle the device itself or any outlet on the device.

Note: Rebooting the LX Card will terminate all active sessions.

Figure 3-36. Reboot PowerAlert

Restart Device – This item turns off the device after a specified delay time, then turns it on after a specified delay (Figure 3-37).

Figure 3-37: Restart device


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