HE104-75W Manual
High Efficiency
Vehicle Power Supply
DC to DC Conver te r
Manufactured by
Engineered Solutions for Embedded Applications
Technical Manu al
P/N: HE104-75W MAN
13 March 2013
TRI-M Technologies Inc.
#101 1530 Kingsway
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6N6
Tel 604.945.9565
North America 800.665.5600
Fax 604.945.9566
sales@tri-m.com Toll-free (Canada & USA) 1-800-665-5600
2013-03-14 1 Direct: +1-604-945-9565
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 4
1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................................... 4
FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER 2 CONFIGURATION AND INSTALLATION ..................................................................... 7
2.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
POWER CONSIDERATIONS. .............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Main (CN2) Input Power Connector.............................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Output (CN4) Power Connector ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 PC/104 Bus Connector ................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.6 LED Enable/Disable ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Connector Part Numbers .............................................................................................................................................. 9
sales@tri-m.com Toll-free (Canada & USA) 1-800-665-5600
2013-03-14 2 Direct: +1-604-945-9565
This manual is for integrators of applications of embedded systems. It contains information on hardware requirements
and interconnection to other embedded electronics.
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sales@tri-m.com Toll-free (Canada & USA) 1-800-665-5600
2013-03-14 3 Direct: +1-604-945-9565