Part Number: 27250-00
Revision: B
Date: February 1996
Trimble Navigation Limited
Surveying & Mapping Division
645 North Mary Avenue
Post Office Box 3642
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3642
+1-800-827-8000 in North America
+1-408-481-8000 International
FAX: +1-408- 48 1- 8214
Trimble Navigation Europe Ltd.
Trimble House
Meridian Office Park
Osborn Way, Hook
Hampshire RG27 9HX England
FAX: +44-256- 7 60- 148
Printed in the United States of America. Printed on recycled paper.
Revision Notice
This is the second release of the Series 4000 Receiver Reference, Part Number 27250-00,
Revision B, February 1996. This document describes receiver firmware version 7.10.
4000 Download, 4000A, 4000DS, 4000DSR, 4000RS, 4000RSR, 4000S, 4000SE, 4000SSE,
4000SSi, 4000ST, Asset Surveyor, DeltaNav QC, Dual-Frequency, FastStatic, Geodetic
Surveyor, Geodetic Survey or SSi, Geodetic System Surve yor, Geodetic System Surveyor SSi,
GIS Surveyor, GPSurvey, HYDRO, Land Surveyor II, Land Surveyor IID, PFINDER,
PostNav II, RTK, Seismic Controller , Sing le-Frequenc y , Site S urve yor SSi, Super -tr ak, Surve y
Controller, System Surveyor II, TDC1, TRIMTALK 900, TRIMVEC Plus are trademarks of
Trimble Navigation Limited. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business
Machines, Inc. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft and MS-DOS are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. All other brand names are trademarks of their respective holders.
Disclaimer of Warranty
Except as indicated in “Limited W arranty” herein, T rimble Hardware, Software, Firmware and
documentation is provided “as is” and without express or limited warranty of any kind by
either Trimble or anyone who has been involved in its creation, production, or distribution
including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability an d fitness for a
particular purpose. The entire risk, as to the quality and perf ormance of the T rimble Hardware,
Software, Firmware and documentation, is with you. Some states do n ot allow the e xclusion of
implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.
Limitation of Liability
Because the Software is inherently complex and may not be completely free of errors, you are
advised to verify your work. In no event will Trimble or any person involved in the creation,
production, or distribution of the Trimble Software be liable to you on account of any claim
for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other special, incidental,
consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to any damages assessed
against or paid by you to any third party, rising out of the use, liability to use, quality or
performance of such T rimble Softw are and documen tation, e v en if T rim ble or an y such person
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Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential
damages so, the above limitations may not apply to you.
Software and Firmware Limited Warranty
Trimble warrants that Software and Firmware products will substantially conform to the
published specification s provi ded it is used with the T rimble pr oducts, compu ter products, and
operating system for which it was designed. For a period of ninety (90) days, commencing
thirty (30) days after shipment from Trimble, Trimble also warrants that the magnetic media
on which Software and Firmware are distributed and the documentation are free from defects
in materials and workmanship. During the ninety (90) day warranty period, Trimble will
replace defective media or documentation, or correct substantial program errors at no charge.
If Trimble is unable to replace defective media or documentation, or correct program errors,
Trimble will refund the price paid for The Software. These are your sole remedies for any
breach in warranty.
Hardware Limited Warranty
Trimble Navigation Limited products are warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one year. The warranty period shall commence thirty (30) days
after shipment from Trimble’s factory. Warranty service will be provided at a designated
Trimble Service Center. Trimble will at its option either repair or replace products that prove
to be defective. The Customer shall pay all shipping charges for products returned to Trimble
for warranty service. Trimble shall pay all shipping charges for the return of products to the
The above warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from:
1. Improper or inadequate maintenance by the buyer
2. Buyer-supplied software or interfacing
3. Unauthorized modification or misuse
4. Operation outside of the environmental specifications of the product
5. Improper installation, where applicable
6. Lightning or other electrical discharge
7. Fresh or salt water immersion or spray
8. Normal wear and tear on consumable parts (for example, batteries)
No other warranty is expressed or implied. Trimble Navigation Limited specifically disclaims
the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability.
Table B-11.RTCM-104 Input and Output Record Formats . . . . . . . . . B-36
xxSeries 4000 Receiver Reference
W elcome to the Series 4 000 Recei ver Ref erence manual. This manual
describes all current models in the T r imble Serie s 4000 group of GPS
receiv ers. Thes e receivers are designed fo r a v ari ety of ap plica tions in
the areas of surveying, positioning, and navigation, but they share
many hardware and firmware components, and they behave alike in
many respects.
Scope and Audience
Even if you have used other Global Positioning System (GPS)
receivers we recommend that you spend some time reading this
manual. This manual provides detailed reference information about
members of Series 4000 GPS receivers. It assumes that you already
are familiar with the basic procedures for operating your receiver. If
you are not yet familiar with the receiver, see the first few chapters of
its User Guide.
This manual also assumes that you understand the application for
which you intend to use your receiver.
Series 4000 Receiver Referencexxi
You should be familiar with the principles of the
Positioni ng System (GP S), and with the terminology that is us ed to
discuss it. For example, you should understand such terms as space vehicle (SV), elevation mask, and dilution of precision (DOP). If you
are not familiar with the
Trimble's booklet GPS, A Guide to the Next Utility. You can find a
complete citation t o tha t publi catio n in the Bibl iogra ph y at the end of
this manual.
To download and postprocess logged data, you should know how to
use personal computers runni ng the IBM DOS or MS-DOS operating
system. You should be able to run programs, create and use
directories, and use common DOS commands for cop ying, renamin g,
and deleting files.
The following section provides you with a guide to this manual, as
well as to other documentation included with this product.
Notes on Termino log y
Series 4000 receivers are used in several different applications that
have developed independently of each other, and this has led to a
certain amount of inconsistent terminology. For example, in static
surveying the point that a receiver's GPS antenna occupies during a
satellite observation has traditionally been called a station; in
FastStatic surveying it has been called a mark, and in kinematic
surveying it has been called a point.
, we suggest that you read
Trimble's documentation has adopted a consistent set of terms as far
as it is practical to do so. For the present, this will lead to some
inconsistency between documentation and equipment. For example,
documentation consistently uses the term mark for a point whose
coordinates are t o be determined, but the s tatic surveying procedure's
receiver screens continue to say station. Fut ure releases of software
will reduce or eliminate these inconsistencies.
xxiiSeries 4000 Receiver Reference
The first chapter of the Series 4000 Application Guide summarizes
the major changes in ter minology. These terms and others are defined
in the Glossa ry near the end of this manual.
How to Use the Series 4000 Manuals
Each Series 4000 GPS receiver is accompanied by several pieces of
A User Gu i de introduces the recei ver and describ es those of its
features that are not shared by other members of the Series
The Series 4000 Receiver Reference (this document) describes
all features found in Series 4000 receivers, in complete detail.
It is useful when you need to know exactly how a particular
key or data display works, or you need technical information
about a receiver's power requirements, inputs, or outputs.
The Series 4000 Application Guide explains the applications
that Series 4000 receivers may be used for, such as FastStatic
surveying, navigation, and real-time positioning with
differential GPS. It discusses the purpose of each procedure,
explains how to perform the procedure, and gives suggestions
for planning the procedure and configuring the receiver.
Once you are familiar with the basics of using a receiver, the
Application Guide and the Quick Reference (below) should
ordinarily be the only pieces of documentation you need to
take into the fie ld.
A set of Series 4000 Quick References summarize the
procedures most often performed with each receiver. They are
much less detailed than the Application Guide, but their
compact format makes them very convenient to carry in your
shirt pocket or backpack.
Series 4000 Receiver Referencexxiii
Series 4000 Receiver Reference Organization
The major di visions o f the te xt in the Serie s 4000Receiver Refere nce
Chapter 1, Introducti on (this chapter), briefly describes Series
4000 GPS receivers and documentation that supports them.
Chapter 2, The Keypad and Display, shows you how to use the
receiver's keypad and LCD display. (This information is also
presented in Chapter 2 of each User Guide.)
Chapter 3, The Status Screens, describes receiver functions
you can use by pressing the [STATUS] key. These functions
display information about the status and configuration of the
receiver. They also provide many of the receiver's navigation
•Chapter 4, The Sat Info Screens, describes receiver functions
you can use by pressing the [SAT{{{INFO] key. These functions
display and print information about satellites and the receiver.
•Chapter 5, The Control Screens, describes receiver functions
you can use by pressing the [CONTROL] key . Th ese f uncti ons l et
you control aspects of the receiver's GPS data handling, such
as which satellites to track, what data to input and output, and
what input/output data formats to use.
•Chapter 6, The Modify Screens, descri bes receiver functions
you can use by pressing the [MODIFY] key. These functions let
you control certain aspects of the receiver's internal operation,
such as LCD viewing angle and backlight, battery use, beeper
volume, and displayed units.
•Chapter 7, The Sessions Screens, describes receiver functions
you can use by pressing the [SESSIONS] key. The functions are
used to define sessions, stations, and parameters for data
xxivSeries 4000 Receiver Reference
Chapter 8, The Log Data Screens, describes rec eiver functions
you can use by pressing the [LOG{{{DATA] key. These functions
let you start and stop data logging to record measurement data
for later processing.
Appendix A, Features and Accessories, summarizes the
features of Series 4000 receivers and the supplies and
accessories you can use with them. It summarizes receiver
parameters and lists their default settings. It discusses issues
related to connecting a Series 4000 receiver to another device:
pinouts and electrical characteristics of the receiver's
connectors, appropriate use of Trimble cables, and procedures
for interfacing the receiver to computers, navigation displays,
power sources, etc.
Appendix B, Data Output F ormats, descri bes the forma ts of the
messages and printouts the receiver can produce.
The Glossary defines technical terms used in this manual and
other Series 4000 documentation.
The Bibliography lists manuals, papers , and books that cont ain
additional information about GPS, Trimble products, and
The Index provides an easy way to find particular topics in the
Series 4000 Receiver Referencexxv
Related Information
This manual c ontains system-wide, general informatio n about the
Series 4000 recei v ers. The fo llowi ng sectio ns discuss ot her sources of
Update Notes
You will find a Warranty Activation Sh eet with your receiver. By
sending in your Warranty Activation Sheet, you are automatically
sent update notes as they become available. When you receive these
packages, read them. They contain important information about
software and hardware changes. Contact your local Trimble Dealer
for more information about the support agreement contracts for
software and firmware, and an extended warranty programs for
Trimble Bulletin Board Service
If you have a modem, check the Trimble Surveying and Mapping
Bulletin Board Service (BBS) on a regular basis for application notes,
new software release notices, and other information. The phone
numbers are:
+1-408-732-8936 high-speed modem
xxviSeries 4000 Receiver Reference
T echnical Assistance
If you have probl ems and cannot f ind the info rmation you need in this
document, call the Trimble Technical Assistance Center (TAC). The
phone numbers are:
+1-800-SOS-4TAC (in North America)
+1-408-481-6940 (Inte rnational)
+1-408-737-9142 (fa x)
You can call the Technical Assistance Center phones between 6 AM
to 6 PM Pacific Standard Time. A support technician will take your
call, help you determine th e sourc e of your pro ble m, and pro vid e you
with any technical assistance you might need.
FaxBack is a complet ely automate d fa x response sy stem for selectin g
documents and catalogs (lists of available documents) to be faxed
back to a fax machine. Call from a tone-dialing phone and FaxBack
guides you through the call by playing a pre-recorded voice message.
The FaxBack system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You can order a variety of documents, including; data sheets,
application notes, technical documentation, configuration guides,
assembly drawings, and general information.
To call the FaxBack service, dial +1-408-481-7704 and follow the
instructions received.
Reader Comment Form
A reader comment form is provided at the end of this guide. If this
form is not available, comments and suggestions can be sent to
Trimble Navigation Limited, 645 North Mary Avenue, Post Office
Box 3642, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3642. All comments and
suggestions become the property of Trimble Navigation Limited.
Series 4000 Receiver Referencexxvii
Document Conventions
Italics identify software menus, menu commands, dialog boxes, and
the dialog box fields.
and filename ex tensions.
Courier is used to represent what you see printed on the screen by
the DOS system or program.
Courier Bold represents information that you must type in a
software screen or window.
[Return] or [Ctrl] + [C] identifies a hardware function key or key
combination that you must press on a PC.
identify DOS commands, directories, filenames,
xxviiiSeries 4000 Receiver Reference
Notes, Tips, Cautions, and Warnings
Notes, tips, cautions, and warnings are used to emphasize important
Note – Notes give additional significant information about the subject
to increase your knowledge, or guide your actions. A note can
precede or follow the text it references.
Tip – Indicates a shortcut or other time or labor-saving hint that can
help you make better use of the Series 4000 receivers.
Caution – Cautions alert you to situations that could cause hardware
damage or software error. A caution precedes the text it references.
Warning – Warnings alert you to situations that could cause personal
injury or unrecoverable data loss. A warning precedes the text it
Series 4000 Receiver Referencexxix
xxxSeries 4000 Receiver Reference
1The Series 4000
All current members of the Series 4000 share these features:
Track GPS satellites on nine or more L1 or L1/L2 channels.
Can measure carrier phase to compute very high-precision
vectors between two stations.
Make low-noise C/A code measurements with carrier aided
filtering and smoothing.
Automatically calculate overdetermined position solutions
when enough satellites are available.
Can automatically compute 3D or 2D positi on f ixes depending
on the number of satellites being tracked.
Can output all raw and computed data through bi-directional
RS-232 ports for transmission by radio modem, logging on a
computer, or input to navigation instruments.
Can resume last operation af ter power-down / power-up cycles.
Present data on a 4-line, 40-character front-panel display.
The followi ng sec ti ons br iefl y desc ri be th e rece ivers discussed in this
manual. For more detailed descriptions of an individual receiver, see
that receiver's User Guide.
Series 4000 Receiver Reference1-1
The Series 4000 Receivers
1.1“Maxwell” Technology
The latest generation of Series 4000 receivers feature Trimble's
proprietary Maxwell technology, which provides more precise
position measurements by means of very low-noise C/A code
processing. In differential GPS (DGPS) applications, Maxwell
technology increa ses the prec ision of posi tion f ixe s from ±2--2-5 meters
RMS horizontal to bett er than ±1 meter. Also, the precisi on of car rier
phase measurement has been increased nearly to its theoretical limit.
The following model descriptions tell which receivers use Maxwell
1.2Super-trakTM Technology
4000SSi series receivers feature Trimble’s Super-trak technology.
Super-trak ena bles acqu irin g lo w po wer sate llit e signal s, main taini ng
better lock on si gnal s once acquired and tracking unde r c ondi ti ons of
high RF interference. Super-trak is a combination of hardware and
firmware technology, including true multibit signal processing.
Performance tests show significantly improved jamming immunity
over lesser equipped receivers. Another system benefit is
measurement of the L2 range during P-code encryption. Receivers
with the SSi designation use Super-trak technology.
1.3Dual-Frequency Surveying Receivers
Dual-frequency receivers (those equipped with the Dual Frequency
Option) observe satellite measurements on both the L1 and the L2
frequencies. They thus can perform FastStatic surveys and RTK
surveys (with the RTK Functions Option), as well as static and
kinematic surveys.
1-2Series 4000 Receiver Reference
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