Trimble 3300 User Manual

Trimble 3300
Topo Software User Guide
Part no.: 571 703 051
Dear Customer 1-2 The System Philosophy 1-3 Important Notes 1-4
Instrument Description
Hardware Overview........................................... 2-2
The Routine Total Stations Trimble 3300.......... 2-3
Overview about “Topo”..................................... 2-4
Overview about “Construction” ........................ 2-5
Software “Topo” ............................................... 2-6
The Keyboard..................................................... 2-8
The Basic Concept of the Menu........................ 2-9
Use of this Manual .......................................... 2-10
Safety Notes
Risks in Use ...................................................... 2-11
Attention .........................................................2-13
From Power to Data
Overview......................................................... 2-14
Before Measurement
Set-Up and Coarse Centring.............................. 3-2
Levelling and Fine Centring ............................... 3-2
Telescope Focusing............................................ 3-3
Switching the Instrument on............................. 3-4
Principles of Display........................................... 3-5
Principles of Input.............................................. 3-6
Input of Reflector, Trunnion Axis and
Station Heights.................................................. 3-7
Heightstationing Input of th and ih/Zs.............. 3-8
Measurement “Stationing in Elevation”............ 3-9
Input of Point Number and Code.................... 3-10
Principles of Distance Measurements..............3-11
Distance tracking.............................................3-11
Measurements to inaccessible Points ............. 3-12
1 Introduction
2 Trimble 3300 ­ The Routine Total Stations
3 First Steps
Introduction..................................................... 3-13
Settings in the Set-Up Menu........................... 3-14
Frequently used Settings.................................. 3-17
Instructions for Settings................................... 3-18
Saving the Measured Values ........................... 3-23
Measurement in the Start-Up Menu
Selecting the Measuring Mode....................... 3-24
Measurement .................................................. 3-26
The Menu Guidance
Principle ............................................................. 4-2
Station Point Memory Trimble 3300 ................ 4-4
Special Features of Trimble 3306 ...................... 4-4
Unknown Station
Stationing in Elevation....................................... 4-6
Measurement „Unknown Station“.................... 4-8
Recording......................................................... 4-10
Known Station
Measurement „Known Station“...................... 4-11
Orientation using a known Azimuth............... 4-12
Orientation using known Coordinates............4-13
Recording......................................................... 4-14
Stationing in E levation
Measurement „Stationing in Elevation“..........4-15
Recording......................................................... 4-17
Polar Points
Confirmation of Stationing..............................4-18
Measurement „Polar Points“...........................4-20
Eccentric Measurement...................................4-21
Recording......................................................... 4-22
Setting Out
Confirmation of Stationing..............................4-23
Measurement „Setting Out“ ........................... 4-25
Setting Out using known nominal
Coordinates ..................................................... 4-25
Setting Out using known Setting Out
Parameters....................................................... 4-26
Measurement Results ......................................4-27
Recording......................................................... 4-28
4 Coordinates
The Menu Guidance
Principle ............................................................. 5-2
Connecting Distance
Measurement „Connecting Distance“............... 5-5
Polygonal Connecting Distance......................... 5-7
Radial Connecting Distance............................... 5-8
Recording........................................................... 5-9
Object Height
Measurement „Object Height“........................ 5-10
Definition of a Reference Height ZSet ............. 5-11
Measurement beside the Plumb Line..............5-12
Recording......................................................... 5-13
Station + Of fset
Measurement „Station + Offset“ ................... 5-14
The Station equals Point A .............................. 5-18
The Station equals Point B............................... 5-19
The Station equals Point P............................... 5-19
Shifting the Coordinate Axes y,x ..................... 5-20
Recording......................................................... 5-22
Vertical Plane
Measurement „Vertical Plane“ ........................5-23
hSet - Determination of the
Height Coordinate........................................... 5-24
xSet - Definition of the x-Axis .......................... 5-25
ySet - Points before or behind the Plane........ 5-26
The Station equals Point P............................... 5-27
Recording......................................................... 5-27
Area Calculation
Measurement “Area Calculation” ................... 5-28
Recording......................................................... 5-31
5 Applications
Calling the EDIT Menu....................................... 6-2
Display of Data Lines.......................................... 6-2
Searching for Data Lines.................................... 6-3
Deleting Data Lines............................................ 6-4
Entering Data Lines............................................ 6-6
Data Transfer
Preparing the Instrument for data transfer ....... 6-9
PC Terminal Settings........................................6-10
Data Transmission ........................................... 6-11
Data Reception................................................6-12
Data Formats
Introduction..................................................... 6-13
Description of M5 data format .......................6-14
Description of Rec 500 data format................ 6-18
Description of R4 and R5 (M5, Rec 500)
format of Trimble 3300................................... 6-20
Defination of type identification......................6-26
Type identifier-CZ Formats M5, R4, R5
and Rec500 Trimble 3300 .............................. 6-26
Description of value blocks.............................. 6-29
CZ Format ID and address block...................... 6-30
Data output on a printer.................................6-31
User Interface
Introduction..................................................... 6-32
What is an interface?....................................... 6-32
Hardware interface.......................................... 6-33
Remote Control
Introduction..................................................... 6-34
Xon/Xoff Control ............................................6-34
Rec 500 Software Dialog
(Rec 500 Protocol)
Key Codes and Function Requests................... 6-36
Recording Data Lines
Recording Data Lines 6-41
Introduction..................................................... 6-46
Preparation on the PC...................................... 6-48
Starting Update............................................... 6-50
6 Data Management
Introduction 7-2 V Index / Hz Co ll imat i on 7-5 Compensator 7-6
Overview Softkeys 8-2 Overview Key Functions 8-6 Geodetic Glossary 8-7 Technical Data
Trimble 3304, 3306 and 3305........................ 8-13
Electromagnetic Compatibility ........................ 8-16
Battery Charger LG 20.....................................8-17
Charging the Battery........................................8-18
Formulae and Constants
Computational Formulae for
Angle Measurements ...................................... 8-19
Computational Formulae for
Distance Measurements.................................. 8-19
Reduction Formulae ........................................ 8-20
Verifying on Calibration Distances................... 8-22
Prism and Addition Constants.........................8-23
Error Messages
What to do......................................................8-24
Before you call the service ............................... 8-26
Maintenance and Care
Instructions for Maintenance and Care...........8-27
Case/Extended Temperature Range
Keeping the Measurement System
in the Case....................................................... 8-28
Using the Instrument in the Low Temperature
Range to -35°C................................................8-28
7 Adjusting and checking
8 Annex
1 Introduction
Dear Customer 1-2
The System Philosophy 1-3
Important Notes 1-4
Introduction Dear Customer
Dear Cust omer By purchasing an Trimble 3300 Routine Total
Station from Trimble you have opted for a lead­ing-edge product in the fie ld of surv eying instru ­ments. We congratulate you on your choice and would like to thank you for the trust placed in our company.
Introduction The System Philosophy
For quite some time, surveying has no longer been limited to the measurement of bearings and distances. Complex measurement systems have been in demand that do not only satisfy ever in­creasing needs for automatiza tion, but als o those involving digital data processin g as well as the effectiveness of daily measuring practice. New standards have thus been set regarding technol­ogy and operating convenience.
The Trimble 3300 Routine Total Station is part of a complete range of surveying instru ments from Trimble. Data interchange between all the instru­ments is ensured by a common da ta format.
The operating convenience offered by the Trimble 3300 hardware is very high within this group of total stations. Th e clear graphic dis play and on ly 7 keys give the user a wide variety of information for the processing in the field and provide him with valuable aids for achieving high productivity in solving his surveying tasks.
The software version “Topo
” meets high stan­dards with the special programs for this a pplica­tion.
Introduction Important Notes
The instrument was manufactured by tested methods and using environ mentally compa tible quality materials.
The mechanical, optical a nd electronic functio ns of the instrument were carefully checked prio r to delivery. Should any defects attributable to faulty material or workmansh ip occur within the war­ranty period, they will be repaired as a wa rranty service.
This warranty does not cover defects caused by operator errors, inexpert handling or inappropriate application.
Any further liabilities, fo r example for indirect damages, cannot be accepted.
User manual: Edition Cat. No.: 571 703 051 Date: February
February 2001
2001 2001
Software releas e: >
> >
> V 5.50
Subject to alterations by the ma nufacturer fo r the purposes of further technical development.
! At
At At
Attention !
tention !tention !
tention !
Please read the safety notes in chapter 2 carefully before starting up the instrument.
Introduction Important Notes
Phone: +49-6142-21000 Telefax: +49-6142-2100-220 E-mail:
# Tip
Tip Tip
The type label and serial nu mber are pro­vided on the left-hand side and under-s ide of the instrument, respectively. Please note these data and the followin g information in your user manual. Always indicate this refer­ence in any inquiries addresse d to our dealer, agency or service department:
$ Trimble 3303 $ Trimble 3305 $ Trimble 3306
Serial number: Software version:
Introduction Important Notes
We would like to wish you every succes s in com­pleting your work with your Trimble 3300. If you need any help, we will be glad to be of assistance.
ZSP Geodetic Systems GmbH Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10 D-07745 Jena
Phone: (03641) 64-3200 Telefax:
(03641) 64-3229 E-Mail:
2 Trimble 3300 - The Routine Total Stations
This chapter gives you an overview of the operation and controls of the instrumen t as well as th e programs which are a special featu re of the Trimble 3300 Routine Total Stations.
Instrument Description 2-2
Operation 2-4
Safety Notes 2-9
From Power to Data 2-14
Trimble 3300 Instrument Description
Hardware Overview
1 Sighting collimator 2 Mark for trunnion axis height 3 Telescope focusing control 4 Vertical tangent screw 5 Eyepiece 6 Vertical clamp 7 Display (graphic capabilities 128 x 32
pixels) 8 Horizontal tangent screw 9 Keyboard 10 Horizontal clamp 11 Interface 12 Tribrach screw 13 Telescope objective with integrated sun
shield 14 Battery cassette lock 15 Vertical axis level 16 Battery 17 Circular level 18 Adjustment screws for optical plu mmet 19 Optical plummet 20 Tribrach clamping screw
Fig. 1-1: Trimble 3303, Control side
Fig. 1-2: Trimble 3300, Objective side
Fig. 1-3: Trimble 3300, Optical plummet
Trimble 3300 Instrument Description
The Routine Total Stations Trimble 3303 / 3305 and Trimble 3306
The electronic Routine Total Stations as instruments of mean accuracy are not only appropriate for land-measuring by geodesists, but also users on building sites appreciate their un complicated handling as well as ra pidity, reliability and clea rness in measuring. Measurements are made easy thanks to menu guidance supported by graphics , instrument software with flexible point identification and universal data record forma ts.
The principal features:
The principal features:The principal features:
The principal features: by phase comparison method Trimble 3303 up to 1500 m with 1 prism,
Trimble 3305 / 3306 up to 1300 m with 1 prism Hz and V electronically
all common units and angle reference systems Automatic compensation of sighting axis and index
errors Display screen with graphic capabilities (128 x 32
pixels), user-friendly surface, easy familia risation, simple handling, reliable control of all measu ring and compu ting processes with clear references, integrated, practical application pro grams, ergonomic arrangement of controls, light, compact construction
Eco-friendly power supply for about 1000 angle and distance measurements, charging time 1 hour
RS 232 C (V 24) interface as data input and output In the internal data memory of Trimble 3303 and
Trimble 3305, 1900 data lines can be saved.
Distance measurement Measuring range
Angle measurement
Error compensation
The advantages in operating
Quick charging, longer times of measuring
Data management
Trimble 3300 Program versions
This program is availa ble on the delivered instrument.
Overview about software versi on „T op o“
(version > 5.00)
Connecting Distances
(with heightstatio ning – new)
Statio + Offset
(with heightstatio ning – new)
Object Height
Vertical Plane
Area Calculation
Unknown Station
(5 Bac ksi ght point - new)
Known Station
Polar Points
(with eccentricity – new)
Setting Out
Trimble 3300 Program versions
This program version can be selected.
Overwiev about software version „C onstruction“
(version > 4.00)
Connecting Distance
(with heightstationing - new)
Station + Offset
(with heightstatio ning – new)
Object Height
Vertical Plane
Stake out Pt- Line
Stationing on a Known or
Unknown point
Setting Out
Polar Points
Trimble 3300 Operation
Overview about software “Top o”
(addition constant) 2 Scale 3 Temp (temperature)
4 Pressure
1 Connecting distance 2 Object height 3 Station + Offset 4 Vertical plane 5 Area Calculation
1 Unknown Station 2 Known Station 3 Stationing in elevation 4 Polar points Determination 5 Setting out
Instrument setting
1 Angles (resolution) 2 Distances (resolution) 3 V reference 4 Coo system 5 Coo display 6 Temperature 7 Pressure 8 Switch off 9 Acoustic signal
10 Contrast 11 EDM T-Out 12 Angles (Units) 13 Distances (Units)
Menu (ON+MENU)
Trimble 3300 Operation
Overview about software “Top o”
0 Record. 1 Format 2 Parity 3 Baud rate 4 Protocol 5 Position C 6 Position P
7 Position I 8 T-O Rec. 9 PC-Demo
1 MEM -> Peripherie 2 Peripherie -> MEM
Trimble 3300 Operation
The Keyboard
For operating the Trimble 3300, only 7 keys are needed.
Functions (Hardkeys)
Switching the instrument on and chan ging over to hardkey function
Starting a measurement Switching the instrument off Illumination ON/OFF Calling up the memory Calling up the input of poin t number an d code Going to the main menu Starting the tracking function
Function keys defined by the display in depen dence on the program.
Two types of keys: ! Hard keys
- direct function
- Key in connection with
! Sof tkey
function depending on program, significance explained in display line at the bottom
Overview softkeys
Trimble 330 Operation
The Basic Concept of the Menu
The total station is a ble to realise a great va riety of functions.
Functions needed directly during the measuring process are accessible through the key functions.
The menu facilitates the access to many other functions.
Having selected the menu, you can go to submenus and you are offered available functions, respectively:
e.g. settings
e.g. measurement programs
Trimble 3300 Operation
Use of this Manual
The manual is divided into 8 main chapters. The subchapters have not been numbered. Clarity
and convenience are provided by a maximum of 3 structural levels, for example:
4 Coordinates 2 Coordinates Unknown St ation
The pages are divided into two colu mns: Principal text including ! Description of measuring processes and
- instrument operation and keys
-Trimble 3300 display / graphics
- drawings and large gra phics
- tips, warnings and techn ical informa tion
Measuring tasks are defined as follows: given:
: :
: given values
meas.: :
: :
: measured values
: :
: required/computed values
You will find a list of terms in the an nex (Geodetic Glossary).
Functional text for calling up
Softkeys and t heir functions
# Cross references
to other chapters
Small graphics
Chapter Section
% Tip
Tip Tip
for hints, special as pects and tricks & Attention !
Attention !Attention !
Attention !
for risks or potential problems
' Technical Informatio n
Technical Informatio n Technical Informatio n
Technical Informatio n
for technical background information
4 Coordinates 3 Stationing in elevation
Trimble 3300 Safety Notes
Risks in Use
Instruments and original accessories from Carl Zeiss have to be used only for the intended purpose. Read the manual carefully before the firs t use and keep it with the instrument so that it will be rea dy to hand at any time. Be sure to comply with the safety notes.
& Attention !
Attention ! Attention !
Attention !
Don´t make any changes or repairs on the instrument and accessories . This is a llowed only to the manufacturer or to specialist sta ff authorised by the same.
Only the service team o r authorised specialist staff are allowed to open th e instrument and accessories .
Do not point th e telescope directly at the sun.
Do not use the instrument and accessories in rooms with danger of explosion.
Use the instrumen t only within the operative ranges and conditions defined in the chapter of technical data.
Do not o perate th e battery ch arger in humid or wet conditions (risk of electrical shock). Make sure the voltage setting is identical on the battery charger an d voltage source. Do not use instruments while they are wet.
Trimble 3300 Safety Notes
& Attention !
Attention ! Attention !
Attention !
Take the necessary precautions at your measuring site in the field, note the relevant traffic rules.
Check that the instrument has been correctly set up and the accessories are properly secured.
Limit the time of working when it is raining, cover the instrument with the protective hood during breaks.
After taking the instrument out of the case, fix it immediately to the tripod with the retaining screw. Do never lea ve it un fasten ed on the tripod plate. After loosening the retaining screw agai n, put the instrume nt immediately back into the case.
Prior to starting o peration, a llow sufficient time for the instrument to adjust to th e ambient temperature.
Tread the tripod legs s ufficiently down in the ground in order to keep the instrument in stable position and to avoid its turn ing over in case of wind pressure.
Check yo ur instru ment at regular inte rvals in order to avoid faulty measurements, especially after it has been subjected to s hock or heavy punishment.
Remove the battery in case of being discharged or for a longer stop period of the instrument. Recharge the batteries with the LG 20.
Properly dispose of the batteries and equipment taking into account the applicable national regulations.
Trimble 3300 Safety Notes
& Attention !
Attention ! Attention !
Attention !
The mains cable and plugs of accessories have to be in perfect condition.
When working with the tachymeter rod near to electrical installations (fo r example electric railways, aerial lines, transmitting stations and others), there is acute danger to life, independent of the rod material. Inform in these cases the releva nt and auth orised security offices and follow th eir instruction s. Keep sufficient distance to the electrical in stallations .
Avoid surveying during thunderstorms because of lightning danger.
Trimble 3300 From Power to Data
PC Station
230V: 708100
Charger 115V: 708103
External Battery 6V/7A h 708146-9901 only for Type „ -35
C “
Internal Battery
6 V1,1Ah
Car Adapter
for LG20: 708410
Power Cable 6V
Data Cable
Data Transfer Software e.g. Terminal program (Accessories / Windows)
3 First Steps
The first steps cover up the set-up of the instrument, including the explana tion of basic inputs and the necessa ry presettings. After having set the parameters for saving an d entered the point information, you can measure in the start-up menu.
Before Measurement 3-2
Principles 3-5
Presettings 3-13
Measuring in the Start-up Menu 3-24
First Steps Before Measurement
Set-Up and Coarse Centring
In order to guarantee the stability of meas urement we recommend the use of a havy Tripod.
up: up:
up: Extend the tripod legs (1) to a comfortable h eight of observation and fix them using the tripod locking screws (2). Screw the ins trument centrally to the tripod head plate (3). The tribra ch screws (4 ) should be in mid-position.
Coarse Centring:
Coarse Centring:Coarse Centring:
Coarse Centring: Set up the tripod roughly above the station point (ground mark), the tripod head plate (3) should be approximately horizontal.
Centre the circular mark of the o ptical plummet (5) above the ground mark using the tribrach screws. To focus the circle: Turn the eyepiece. To focus the ground mark: Draw out or push in the eyepiece of the optical plummet.
Levelling and Fine Centring
Coarse Levelling:
Coarse Levelling:Co arse Levelling:
Coarse Levelling: Level the circular bubble (6) by adjustin g the length of the tripod legs (1).
Precision Levelling:
Precision Levelling:Precision Levelling:
Precision Levelling: Align the control unit pa rallel with the imagin ary connecting line between two tribrach screws. Level the instrument by tu rning the tribra ch screws a) and b) in opposite directions. Turn the instrument by 100 grad in Hz and level instrument with tribrach screw c).For checking, turn the instru ment round the vertical axis.
+ 170 hidden pages