The PANTHER 306 Key Telephone System is a PANTHER 612
System which has been slightly downsized to better
accommodate smaller business. For your convenience, the table
below highlights major differences between the two systems.
Refer to the reverse of this Update
- pins 2,3,4,5 interface to the Voice
and Data Pairs;
- pins 1 and 6 provide an interface for
connecting an external amplifier to
the speaker terminals
International Sales
Trillium Telephone Systems kc
603 March Road, P.O. BOX 1330, Kanaz, Ontara K2K 1X3
Telex: 0534524. Tel.: (613) 592-2550. Fax: (613) 592-2555
@ Copyrght 1987 TRILLIUM Telephone Systems MC.
TM Trademark of TRILLIUM T&phone Systems II-C.
Station Select/Speed Call - dualfunction keys used to make intercom paging
announcements and to dial private speed call
Redial - used to redial the last number
manually dialed from your Set.
- used
to select any of the outside
lines (unless programmed otherwise).
Hold - places outside calls on hold and
exclusive hold.
Conference - for setting up three-party
add-on conference calls.
Flash/Cancel - programmable as a
calibrated hookswitch flash or cancel, but not
provides a calibrated on-hook signal
which is required to access most PBX,
Centrex and network features.
Cancel is used to cancel external calls and
return dial tone without hanging up the
Speed - used to enter pnvate and common
speed call numbers into the system’s memory;
also for dialing speed call numbers.
Speaker - turns the Set’s speaker on and
off; also used to end a handsfree call.
Mic On/Off - turns the Set’s microphone
on and off for handsfree calls.
Intercom - used to perform internal call
transfers, activate paging, background music
and various other features.
Ringer Volume Control - controls the
volume of the tone ringing.
Speaker Volume Control - controls the
volume of the speaker audio.
Station Indicator Lamps - (Panther 306
Attendant Set only) - turn on when the
corresponding Set is busy on a call.
Asterisk (Jt) - when the * is dialed as ‘4%
first digit in a telephone number sequence the
last outside line used at your Set is
automatically selected. (The handset must be
in the cradle).
Pound (#) - when the # is dialed, the
internal intercom line will be automaticalty
selected, provided the handset is in the cradle
and all speech paths are not in use.
Handset - used to place call5 in the
conventional handset manner. Provides more
privacy man the handsfree method.
To use most of the PANTHER 306 system features, follow
the PANTHER 612 operating instructions given in the
PANTHER User Guide and the PANTHER Quick Reference
Guide. PANTHER 306 system features which operate
differently are described below.
Private Speed Call - Dialing
speed call one of your first 5 Private numbers -
Lift the handset.
Handsfree Handsfree -
Press the Line key of an outside line.
Turn the MIC. on/off indicator on.
Press the Line key of an outside line or press *
Dial tone is heard; line indicator winks.
Press desired Speed Call key_(DSS
keys 11-15).
The number is automatically speed dialed.
To speed call one of your last 6 Private Speed numbers
Lift the handset. Press the Line key of an outside line.
Handsfree Handsfree -
Turn the Mic. on/off indicator on.
Press the Line key of an outside line or press Jt.
Dial tone is heard; line indicator winks.
Press the Speed key.
Dial the desired Speed Call Code
(from 05 to 10).
The number is automatically speed dialed.
Private Speed Call - Storing
To store your first 5 Private Speed Call entries -
the Speed key.
Continuous tone is heard; intercom indicator winks.
Press the desired Speed Call key (11-15).
Intercom indicator flashes.
Dial the entry to be stored including any pauses, halts, flashes.
Maximum 26 digits.
Contmuous tone stops; indicator continues to flash.
Write the entry on
Repeat above procedure for each entry to be stored.
the designation card.
To store your last 6 Private Speed Call entries
Press the Speed key.
Continuous tone is heard; intercom indicator winks.
Dial the desired speed call code (05 to 10).
Intercom indicator flashes.
Dial the entry to be stored including any pauses, halts, flashes.
Maximum 26 digits.
Continuous tone stops; indicator continues to flash.
Write the entry on the designation card.
Repeat above procedure for each entry to be stored.
Door Answering
Line key 3 is used to access the Door Module.
To answer a door
Distinctive tone ringing is heard. Line 3 indicator flashes.
Lift the handset; press Line key 3.
Handsfree -
tine 3 indicator winks.
The visitor
the Door Module.
To place an intercom call to Door Module One -
Lift the handset; press Line key 3.
Handsfree -
One ringing burst is heard; line 3 indicator wrnks.
. F 1
Make your announcement.
The called
the Door Module.
Handsfree -
a Door
Hang up the handset.
Line 3 indicator turns off.
(from either Module)
Turn the Mic. onloff indicator on; press Line key 3.
at the door need only speak in the direction of
Turn the Mic. on off indicator on; press Line key 3.
answers by speaking in the direction of
Module conversation -
Press the Speaker key.
Features that do not apply to the PANTHER 306 System:
Music through external paging
Non-appearing line access
Call Data Recording operations
Specrficaf/ons and features are subject lo change without notice.
U.S. Marketing Headquarters/U.S.Operations
Trlllwm T&phone Systems Corporation
MacArthur Blvd.,
Costa Mead. California 92626, Tel.: (714) 557-3300
Canadian Sales
TrGum Telephone Sales Inc.
I 55 Gordon
Ontano, M2H 3N5 Tel.:
Baker Road. Suite 206. Wlllowdale.
Cell the attendant by dialing 0
Message waiting from the attendant
Loudspeaker Paging
International Sales
Tnllwm Telephone Systems Inc.
603 March Road, P.O. Box 13030, Kanata, Onlano. K2K 1X3
Telex 053-4524, Tel.: (613) 592-2550, Fax: (613) 592-2555
@ Copynght 1987 TRILLIUM Telephohe Systems Ix.
TM Trademark of TRILLIUM Telephone Systems Inc
91-0363-2A - March 1987 - Pnnted in Japan
F-301 4-l
Due to the similarity between the
PANTHER 306 and PANTHER 612 systems,
MOST of the installation and programming
instructrons found on the PANTHER 612
Electronic Key System installation Guide
will apply to both systems. This Update
Sheet outlines all differences which must be
taken into considerarron when installing and
proaramminq the PANTHER 306 System
bNcY. When following this update-refer to
the PANTHER 612 Electronic Key System
Installation Guide
included with your
Incoming,C.O.iPBX/~entrex Lines
Line 1 R G
Line 2 B Y
Line 3 R G
Side One of the PANTHER 612
Electronic Key System installation Guide
provides a detailed illustration olus stepby-step instructions for mount,ng and
connecting PANTHER 612 components.
Some of these components V/I not be used
when connecting only the PANTHER 306
System. Component differences are shown
below. Refer to the reverse o’ this Update
Sheet. for changes to installar’on and
&conductor cable supplied
See the Power Fail Installation Diagram
on reverse for connection details.
Standard Set
or Attendant Set
50-pin ribbon plug
. ;)R(-JG= 1’.’
1 DROG=“.’
j .
STATIC’.5 10 to 15
Key Service Unit
(Refer to the PANTHER 612 Electron/c Key System
lnsta//arron G&e, S/de One)
STEP 2 - Telephone Line Connection
Do not COI!~HX! :clephone Irr~e 3 when Ihe Door AnswcrrnG Oo\ron
IS bcrny rrxi&x
STEP 3 - KSU to 66-Block Connections
The KSU ;wr :.z.1or IS labelled “SLattons 10-15”.
STEP 5 - Statron Wiring Connections
Ignore SIZ:,G~! Vi,irnbers 16 IO 21 and DRY CONTACTS LA: “1’~ or,
the StaIror Wjr,c~g CharI
STEP 6 - Door Answering
The Door ir!swerrrlg Option uszs C.O. lrne 3. Ewurc [ha:
lelephoric ..:ii’ 3 s no! connecreo to Ihe KSU.
STEP 7 - Call Data Recording Interface - Not Equlppes
Ignore 1t11s s!e:
STEP 9 - Power Fail Transfer
Only on’c P’T .:;II IS connecwc !o the PANTHER 306 SYS:~T.
Correct rns:a!‘a! 3n IS shown w:ow.
STEP 11 - External Pagrng Amplifier - NOI Eourpped
lhrs sleo.
Side Two ;! the PANTHER 612 Electronic
Key System Installation Guide contains the
necessary infer-nation for selecting and
programmlng s,stem features. as well as tnformation
on :roubleshoz:,ng. The followrng changes apply
wFen progran-ung the PANTHER 306 System:
Whet :‘j,,ra~nm\. ;
and III .f’~or’: LE3 INo LOUD BELL ‘?diure CXISIS )
l Whe.
:-;yra:‘lnw_: Coci: 3YYl (ZONE PAGING).
alsregz: 3;I zone 10’3rn-~a:lon a!ler Zorw 6
Wher ;~x4rawrnrr:j Coae 5Xx0. lgruri: all LOUD
BELL P ‘.GING rr::owat1on.
Whe!’ r’~yramnwy. Ignore all of Cooe 0061. (CDR
Srarl Dz.2 Reczrdq does not apply.)
Wher I-sgra’wirrq RINGING ASSIGNMENT. qnore
111 Inter:: -. LE3 ior CoUe 2YY0 (No Ltw 1). arid lynore
all of c:a:< 2YYl
Wher- r-~yrammrng LINE GROUPING qoore 111
interco-. -ED ror C;de 6220 iNo Lrne 11, and Ignore all
of Coaf 6221
Coce 0000, qncri 81 Line 3 LED
-0 KSU
C01.2 CC: 2 TK’ 2 TK3.4 C’.:
teltphsm systefns
Spef2rfrc.c :.‘i and fea:,‘es zre subject 10 crsnge WI:-:.A nor :f
U.S. Marketing HeadquartersU.S.0peration.s
Trlllrurn T+ ?I’ xe Sys[e,- s ‘Czrporatrorl
1675 Ma::,:*.-’ Blvd.,
Costa M51.2 C-;lrforn~a 92625 Tel.: (714) 55i-3300
.I Line 1,2
Internationa’ Sales
..m Tele: :rle S;srerl:s Inc.
62: h,farch =:.;j, P 0 Bsl
Tee; 0%::::. Te; (613) 592-2555. F& .5’3) 592-2555
When the organization for this manual was first conceived, most chapters were
designed to include more than one system - since a large number of functions,
features, and characteristics are common to TFULLIUM’s telephone systems.
For example, the Panther 306 and 612 Electronic Key Telephone Systems are
very similar; coverage of these two systems was to have been combined into a
single chapter
However, interrupting the
- as evidenced by the single Panther 306/612 tab.
of text and graphics to identify and explain the
differences between these systems proved to be too disruptive - and the potential for reader confusion began to outweigh the benefits of shared coverage.
In the
end, giving each separate system its own chapter was judged to be much
more useful to field installers and technicians (this manual’s primary audience)
in their normal work environment, under their normal operating circumstances.
Therefore, the Panther 306 system - and only the Panther 306 system - is
the subject of the first chapter under this tab (starting at the first red page), fok
lowed by the separate Panther 612 chapter (starting at the second red page).
RADIO AND TELEVISION INTEW;ERENCE ...................................................................................................... A-l
HEARING AID COMPATIBILITY ....................................................................................................................... A-l
User Responsibiliti es. ....................................................................................................................................
STANDARD Coh4.Po~ ..............................................................................................................................
One Key Service Unit (KSU) ........................................................................................................................... B-l
to Six Telephone Sets.. .............................................................................................................................
One Door Answer Unit .................................................................................................................................. B-2
One Power Fail Transfer Unit ......................................................................................................................... B-2
Up to Five Off Premises Extension/Data Interface (OPX) units
Set Stands/Wall-Mounts.. ............................................................................................................................... B-2
Face Plates ................................................................................................................................................... B-3
STATION NUMBERING PL.AN ........................................................................................................................... C-l
SYSTEM CAPABILITIES ...................................................................................................................................
Site Preparation.
Backboard Installation
System Uncrating
Station Wiring Table
Door Answer Unit Installation
Door Module Installation
Music Connection
OPX Unit Connection ...................................................................................................................................
OPX Unit Test
Power Fail Transfer Unit Installation
Power Fail Transfer Unit Test ......................................................................................................................... D-8
TYPICAL SYSTEM LAYOUT DIAGRAM (Standard Components only).
TYPICAL SYSTEM LAYOUT DIAGRAM (Optional and External Components only).
The Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System is a
state-of-the-art system that incorporates sophisticated electronics to meet the communications needs of today’s home,
offke, and small business user.
It connectS three outside tone or rotary telephone lines (only
two if the optional Door Answer Unit and Door Modules are
installed) with up to six station Sets - which are all wired
in a star configuration. Both Handsfree and Non-Handsfree
Sets are available; the Handsfree Sets also include Busy
Lamp Field (BLF) indicators that show the status of all system stations.
Common and private speed call numbers, call transferring,
door answering (with optional Door Answer Unit and Door
Modules), internal monitoring, conferencing (up to 3 parties), internal intercom paging (station-to-station, zone, and
all page paging), and last number redialing are just some of
the many features offered.
The attractive. well-designed system makes feature programming and operation very easy. In addition, the Panther
system is designed to allow easy interfacing with modems
and answering devices through an optional OPX device.
The fully sealed Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone
System may be installed in either a standalone mode or behind a CENTRJSX or PBX. The microprocessor-controlled
circuitry operates all system communications and the flexible programming.
An optional external backup 24 V battery can be connected
to the system; the backup battery is automatically brought on
line in the event of a power failure, thus preventing interrup-
tions in telephone service.
This chapter has also been designed specifically to enable
technicians to install, operate, and maintain the Panther 306
Electronic Key Telephone System. Information is presented
in a logical order, without undue wordiness - to help the
technician find, understand, and use the relevant information, quickly and easily.
Therefore, for example, the Connection Procedures are separated into concise steps that have a logical and necessary
sequence; and reference material (Technical Specifications,
Feature Programming, Operating Instructions, and
Troubleshooting) is presented in a variety of easy-to-follow,
visible-at-a-glance tabular formats.
To acquaint yourself with this chapter, please review the
Table of Contents and spend a few moments browsing
through the different sections.
Panther equipment is sealed. Breaking the seal
will void your warranty.
If you have an installation, operation, or troubleshooting
problem that you cannot solve by using this chapter (and that
your dealer cannot help solve), call TRILLIUM Customer
Service at l-800-848-2444 (inside California, call 1-800422-7600).
For your ready reference, a chart summarizing
indicator signals appears on the back of this
Also, in the event of a total system failure, incoming lines
will be transferred to standard sets if the optional Power
Transfer Unit has been installed in the system.
The Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System lets
users know what is happening witi calls and lines through a
series of indicator patterns. These indications are summar-
ized in the chart on this page. Specific indications are
described at the appropriate places throughout the procedural material in this chapter.
The Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone
System generates and uses radio-frequency energyandaccordance with these instructions - may
cause interference to radio and television
The Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System has been
certified to comply with the limits for a Class B computing
device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) Rules which are designed to provide reasonable protection from radio and
television interference in a residential installation. However
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.
If interference is encountered, test to determine if the unit is
at fault by unplugging the Key Service Unit (KSU) from the
wall outlet..
if not installed and used in strict
The Panther 306 Set is compatible for those requiring a
hearing aid as defined in section 68.316, Part 68 of FCC
If unplugging the KSU removes the interference, try the following corrective measures, singly or in combination, until
the interference is eliminated:
Change the location or position of the indoor receiving antenna of the radio or television.
Relocate the Panther 306 Set or KSU in relation to
the radio and television receivers experiencing
Plug the KSU into an outlet that does not also serve
radio or television sets.
If further help is needed, consult your TRILLIUM dealer or
an experienced radio/television technician - or refer to the
FCC’s booklet, “How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV
Interference Problems.” It is available from the US
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (stock
number CQ4-000403454).
The FCC’s rules permit the Panther 306 Electronic Key
Telephone System to be connected to the telephone network
via a jack or jacks provided by the telephone company
(telco). These jacks are not provided for coin or party lines.
- User Responsibilities
Before connecting your Panther 306 Electronic Key
Telephone System to the telephone lines, you must contact
the telephone company and provide them with the following
c information:
Telephone numbers of the lines to which the
Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System is to
be connected (lines 1,2, and 3)
FCC Registration Number (found on the side of the
Key Service Unit or KSU: tire number for the
Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System is
Ringer Equivalence Number (also found on the side
of the KSU: the number for the Panther 306
Electronic Key Telephone System is 33B)*
Telco Responsibilities
The telephone company is required to give you adequate notice of any changes it makes in its technical operations or
procedures that may affect the compatibility or use of your
Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System.
USOC jacks required (usually one Q-conductor,
RJ14 modular jack for lines 1 and 2; and one 2conductor RI 11 jack for line 3)
You also have the responsibility to disconnect a malfunc-
tioning Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System from
the telephone lines until the cause of the malfunctioning is
identified and repaired. Otherwise, the telephone company
may temporarily disconnect service.
* The Canadian Department of Communications load num-
ber for the Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System is
The key service unit (KSU) for the Panther 306 Electronic
Key Telephone System can be programmed to operate with
either dual-tone, multi-frequency (DTMF) or rotary (pulse)
signaling. The signaling on each Central Office (CO) line
can be programmed independently. The KSU has two con-
nectors on its left side to attach the three incoming telephone
company (telco) CO lines - one connector for lines 1 and 2;
and a second connector for line 3 (which must be left vacant
if the optional Door Answer Unit is installed).
Also on the left side of the KSU are connectors labeled
DOOR (for the optional Door Answer Unit), MUSIC (for an
external music source), POWER FAIL (for the optional
Power Fail Transfer Unit).
Below these connectors, the KSU has one recessed light-
emitting diode (LED) indicator (labeled STATUS), four
miniature dual m-line package (DIP) switches (labeled, from
top to bottom, 1 PROGRAM [used to return features to their
default, factory preprogrammed conditions], 2 PROGRAM
[used to program system features], 3 [not used], and 4
BATIERY [used to save feature programming]), and one
recessed pushbutton (labeled RESET).
Near the bottom left of the KSU is a 50-pin connector, la-
beled STATIONS 10 TO 15, that is used to connect the
KSU to the station wiring main distribution frame (MDF) and, through the h4DF, to all the system stations.
The KSU’s power cord (at the top of the KSU) plugs into a
110 V ac outlet (at the appropriate time; see the Connection
Procedures section). A grounding wire (12 AWG, solid cop
per) connects from the top of the KSU to a ground clamp,
usually on a water pipe.
Up to Six Telephone Sets
Part Number 90-0291
k-t Number 90-0292
(handsfree with busy lamp field)
Other than the handsfree operation and the busy lamp field,
these two models look alike and operate identically. For example, both have an attractive black matte finish.
Each Set’s base has six dual-function station select/speed
dial keys (labeled 10 through 15 - the top key is also used
for last number &dial), three line select keys (labeled 1,2,
and 3), seven dedicated function keys (labeled Hold, Flash/
Cancel, Conference, Intercom, Speed, Speaker, and
Mic.on/off) and a tone dial keypad
The line 1,2, and 3 keys, the Intercom key, and the
Mic.on/off key have accompanying status indicators. And,
only on handsfree/busy lamp field (HF/BLF) Sets, each station select key (10 through 15) also has an accompanying
status indicator.
Finally, the base has a speaker volume control (a sliding adjustment) and a ringer control switch (a 3-position switch,
for low, medium, and high volume ringing).
Each Set also includes a telephone handset and two modular
- a 4-conductor, coiled cord for connecting the handset to the Set, and a 4-conductor modular cord for
connecting the Set to the station wiring jack.
An input connector for an optional 24 V backup battery is
also provided at the top of the KSU. If ac power is lost, the
switchover to backup battery power is automatic when the
optional backup battery is connected.
The unit comes with 4 screws for mounting the KSU on a
Part Number 90-0058,
With One or Two Door Modules,
Part Number 90-0057
The Door Answer Unit (also known as the Door Answer
Control) is installed next to, and connects with, the KSU. It
serves as the interface between the system’s stations and the
one or two installed Door Modules (also know as the Door
Answer Boxes) at the desired doors or entryways. Together,
these units enable signaling and conversation between Set
users and visitors. Like the KSU, these units come equipped
with mounting screws.
A visitor, by pressing the door bell button on a Door
Module, generates a distinctive tone (four groups of 4 short
tones for Door Module 1, four groups of 2 long tones for
Door Module 2) that wilI sound at all Sets programmed to
ring on line 3 and causes the indicator for line 3 on all Sets
to WINK. Also, each Set user can generate a calling tone
that will sound at Door Module 1 only.
One Power Fail Transfer Unit
Up to Five Off Premises Extension/
Data Interface (OPX) units
Part Number 90-0308
The OPX unit convertS a 4-wire interface to a 2-wire inter-
face, allowing a single line telephone to be connected to any
spare station jack
devices to be connected at a distance greater than the system
2000 feet limit for Sets. The OPX unit also simulates CO
line characteristics, allowing a modern or an answering machine to be connected to the system. Finally. the OPX unit
allows a remote device to be connected to your system at
When the user lifts the singleline telephone’s handset, an intercom connection is made to the Panther system. Also, by
dialing a special code, the off-premise user can access any
of the Panther system’s outside limes.
-except station 10. It also allows 2-wire
Set Stands/Wall-Mounts
Part Number 90-0087
Each Set may be placed on a desk - or mounted on a wall
using the Set Stand/Wall-Mount Bracket (available in pack-
ages of 10).
Service I’
Part Number 90-0052
The Power Fail Transfer Unit automaticalIy takes over in the
event of an electrical power failure, allowing for continued
telephone service during the emergency. When power fails,
the Power Fail Transfer Unit transfers the system’s CO lines
(all 3 of them - or the 2 lines in use, if the optional Door
Answer Unit with Door Modules is instaUed) to pre-installed
standard telephone sets (nor to Panther 306 Sets).
The same bracket can also be used to provide a heightened
viewing angle when used with the Set on a desk- or table-
Designation Cards are used to list the first five private spe43d
call numbers and identify the assignment or location of the
six system stations.
Although each Set comes equipped with one installed and
one spare Designation Card, you may order additional cards
(in packages of 10) for your system.
that e&h type of Set uses a
Face Plates
Part Number 70-0211
(for non-handsfree Sets)
&-t Number 70-0212
(for handsfree/busy lamp field Sets)
Face Plates cover and protect the Designation Cards. You
Door Answer Unit (optional) ................................................................................... 1 (with 1 or 2 Door Modules)
Power Fail Transfer Unit (optional)
* Length of each station cable should not exceed 2000 feet of 24 AWG; all station runs are star (horae run) configurations
** Sets may ahernatively use a 6-conductor modular cord-to-RI25C jack (to gain access to the Set’s speaker terminals)
t Transfers up to 3 incoming lines to pre-installed
Because the KSU is at the heart of the operation of the
Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone System, ensure that
its installation site meets the following criteria:
Clean, dry, and well ventilated (should meet the environmental requirements listed in Section C)
Within seven feet of the incoming CO, CENTREX,
or PBX line terminations
If you are in area subject to power transients,
instali a surge protector on the dedicated outlet.
Within five feet of a dedicufed 110 V ac, 60 Hz, 3-
wire grounded outlet wall switch
Not too distant from station terminations (the maxi-
mum distance to each station is 2000 feet, using 24
AWG wiring)
A 30” by 30” area of wall space should be reserved,
allowing room for the Power Fail Transfer Unit and
Door Answer Unit (whether they are being installed
now or might be in the future)
an outlet that is not on a
System Uncrating
a Carefully unpack the System and confirm that all
ordered parts are present by checking them off
against the Customer’s order sheet and the packing
h Make sure that the customer’s feature requirements
have been documented on a Customer Feature
Selection Form.
KSU Installation
a Mark the position of the 4 screw holes needed to
mount the KSU on the backboard.
b. Drive four screws (supplied) until their heads are
within l/g-inch of the board’s surface.
c. Using the four keyhole slots (narrow end up) in the
side flanges of the KSU cabinet, hang the unit on
the four screws and tighten them securely.
Failure to properly ground the KSU may void
your Panther 306 Electronic Key Telephone
d Connect the ground lug at the top of the KSU to a
cold water metal pipe or ground stake, usirig copper
wire that is 12 AWG or heavier (not supplied).
Be sure that the cold water pipe’s metal continuity
Backboard Installation
If the KSU is to be mounted on a concrete or masonry wall,
the use of a l&inch thick plywood backboard (30 inches
square) is recommended.
Depending on the wall’s construction and your method of installing the backboard, you might need screwdrivers
(various kinds and sizes), drills and bits (various sizes), # 10
masonry screws with plastic anchors (4 of each), or l/4”
screws with wall grip screw anchors (4 of each).
Mount the backboard at least 12 inches above the floor.
is not broken by the use of plastic pipe.
Aground stake should also meet the &allation re-
quirements of your local electrical code.
e At the electrical service panel, equip the electrical
breaker for tbii outlet with alocking clip - or
mark it with a label to serve notice that this unit
should not be disconnected or shut off.
Panther 306
Page D-l
Do not plug in the KSU’s power cord until in-
1. If telephone lines 1 and 2 are not yet installed, ask the telco that they be terminated in
a single 4-conductor RJ14 jack.
2. If line 3 is also not yet installed, ask that it
be terminated in an RJ 11 jack
3. If the optional Power Fail Transfer Unit is to
be installed, follow the instructions in Step 9 to
connect the incoming lines.
4. If the optional Door Answer Unit is to be installed, line 3 (KSU jack C03) must be left
5. Refer to the Typical System Layout
Diagram (on page E-l) for wiring details.
To prevent damage to the KSU while wiring,
make sure that the KSU’s power cord is not
plugged in. Do not apply power to the KSU
until instructed to do so in Step 4.
1. Because much of the feature programming is
performed from station 10, choose a convenient or strategic location for station 10.
2. If an external amplifier/speaker is to be used
at any of the station locations, mount a 6conductor RJ25 jack at the station lazation instead of a 4conductor RJ14 jack See Step 10.
3. Refer to the Typical System Layout
Diagram (on page E-l) and the St&at Wiring
Table (on the facing page) for wiring details
Decide on the location and station number (horn 10
up through 15) for each Set.
If the incoming lines are terminated in RJ14 jacks - with
lines 1 and 2 terminated in a
stall one rl-conductor, modular line cord between the single
RJ14 jack at which incoming lines 1 and 2 both terminate
and the jack labeled C01.2 on the left side of the KSU.
If, however, the incoming lines 1 and 2 are already tenninated in
adapter (such as SE-174 from Suttle Apparatus Corporation)
to form a bridge to the KSU jack labeled C01.2.
Then, install a 2conductor modular cord between the
jack at which incoming line 3 terminates and the jack la-
On the backboard, mount a 66-block with a female
50-pin connector.
Install a 25-pair cable - with male 50-pin connec-
tors at both ends - between the 66block’s 50-pin
connector and the KSU 50-pin connector labeled
STATIONS 10 TO 15. Secure the KSU end of the
cable with the screw and plastic tie-wrap provided
with the unit.
For each station, install a.length (not to exceed
2000 feet) of 4-conductor, 24 AWG~cable fiom.the
66-block terminals to the station wiring jack
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