BACTERIA: Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes that causes
acne breakouts. Lives on sebum secreted by the follicle.
BLACK HEAD: A small non-inflamed bump on the skin
with a black center.
CLAR ITY: Freedom from blemishes and imperfections
caused by more severe inflammatory reactions.
COMEDO NAL ACNE: Blackheads and whiteheads.
CYS T: A closed, liquid-filled structure under the skin.
Acne cysts are present only in severe acne.
INFLAMED: Red and sensitive to the touch.
NODULE: A solid mass, like a knot, either raised or felt under
the skin. Acne nodules are present only in severe acne.
PIMPLE: A red and sensitive, inflamed bump on the skin.
PUSTULE: A red and sensitive, inflamed bump on the skin
filled with white or yellow pus.
SEBUM: Oil produced by sebaceous glands.
TEXTURE: Smoothness of your skin. When your complexion
is free of bacteria, the result is a clearer, smoother texture.
TONE: Brightness and even skin colour. When your skin
is healthy, it’s brighter and the colour is consistently even.
WHITEHEAD: A small, non-inflamed bump on the skin
with a white center.
Acne begins deep under the skin with the buildup of oil
in the sebaceous glands. When this oil and dead skin cells
clog the hair follicle, P. acnes bacteria proliferate. The skin
becomes inflamed and breakouts develop.
For years, dermatologists have treated acne with traditional
topical and oral medications, which sometimes left the skin
irritated or resulted in side eects that made long-term
treatment difficult. Now, Tria Blue Light offers a true
breakthrough in the treatment of acne by providing a safe,
gentle and eective means of clearing and helping to
prevent blemishes by eliminating the underlying cause
at the source.
Using a gentle, non-UV high-energy light source, Tria
Blue Light treats mild to moderate inflammatory acne by
eliminating the bacteria that cause acne—deep within the
skin—without aecting the surrounding tissue or irritating
skin. Even those with sensitive skin types can treat blemishes
long term, safely and eectively with the Tria Blue Light.