T-Rex Mudhoney Danish Collection User manual

Congratulations on your purchase of the Mudhoney distortion!
It’s sound is meant for slight grit, plain old distortion or almost fuzz-like tones, so make sure to sweep through the gain range to get a feel for how the pedal reacts.
We recommend tweaking the gain knob and the mode switch to find the right gain setting, because both will affect the gain, but not in the exact same way - a high gain setting on the cleaner mode may sound better to you than a low gain setting on the high gain mode setting.
The tone control may seem subtle in the way it adds/detracts high frequencies, but in use, this makes it easier to dial in the desired response.
The output level can be boosted when turning the level knob up, so it works just as good as a “push the front end of the amp”­pedal. With a lower gain setting, the EQ curve in combination with the level boost takes an already dirty amp sound to higher levels of push, gain and raw-someness, without muddying up the sound.
Gain: Adjusts the level of distortion in conjunction with the mode switch
Tone: Adjusts the high/treble frequencies
Level: Controls the output level. Settings above 12 o´clock
will boost the level relative to the bypassed signal. At maxi­mum, the output level is boosted appr. 15dB
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