1.2 Terms and abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 General presentation ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 TRAX-Net at a glance ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Main features ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Host CPU ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 DC characteristics ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4 Declarations of conformity ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 R&TTE conformity for 433 MHz and 863 MHz bands ........................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 FCC conformity for 915 MHz band ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 CSA conformity for 915 MHz band ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.2.1 Guidelines per pin function ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.1 Document Status .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
This manual is intended solely to TRAXENS internal use, as part of the integration of Wing4TRAX module
into its asset tracking devices TRAX-Box and their derivatives, or to system integrators duly certified by
All rights to this manual are the exclusive property of TRAXENS. All rights reserved. Copying this manual
without written permission from the owner via printing, copying, recording or by any other means, translating this manual in full or partially is prohibited.
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AFA Adaptive Frequency Agility
AGFS Automatic Geographic-based Frequency Selection
CTS Clear To Send
FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Frequency Shift Keying
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile communications
ISM Industrial – Scientific – Medical
LBT Listen Before Talk
MAC Media Access Control (radio layer)
MCC Mobile Country Code
NET NETwork (radio layer)
NPM Network Phy Mode (message)
P2P Peer To Peer
PHY PHYsical (radio layer)
PIFA Planar Inverted-F Antenna
RTS Request To Send
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
WAN Wide Area Network
WOR Wake On Radio
WSN Wireless Sensor Network
TRAXENS SAS – Les Baronnies – Bâtiment C – 15 Rue Marc Donadille – 13453 Marseille – France
Wing4TRAX is a universal sub-GHz radio module with the native capability to support the 3 unlicensed ISM
bands available worldwide: 433 MHz, 868 MHz and 915 MHz
It has been designed to be connected to a host controller thru an UART interface, like a standard radio
modem. It embeds the robust and efficient TRAX-Net protocol stack, with P2P communication and/or
mesh routing capabilities, between single or several nodes registered into a TRAX-Net cluster
Selection of the working band depends on the country where the Wing4TRAX module is operated and is
performed thanks to a specific command issued by the host controller, using proprietary AGFS algorithm.
TRAXENS provides a fully portable ANSI-C library to be executed on the host controller, to select the proper
band as a function of geolocation information, gathered from multiple sources: GPS position, GSM MCC or
NPM messages broadcasted by other TRAX-Net nodes.
In any case, frequency hopping channels and RF output power are settled to be in conformity with local
regulations; if geolocation information is not available, Wing4TRAX module remains silent and enters by
default in sniffer mode, listening for a NPM message.
Note: AGFS algorithm controls the Wing4TRAX firmware execution and guarantees the non-infringement of
local radio regulations in force where the module is operated by a host controller; therefore, integrity and
conformity of AGFS algorithm implementation into the host controller is verified during the TRAXENS certification process of its own products, as for those developed by integrators
TRAXENS SAS – Les Baronnies – Bâtiment C – 15 Rue Marc Donadille – 13453 Marseille – France
TRAX-Net is a cluster-based WSN protocol in which some nodes are in charge to aggregate the data
collected from other nodes and deliver it to the sink. The sink is either a TRAX-Gate gateway connected to a
WAN thru Ethernet, WiFi or GSM, or another TRAX-Net node with GSM connection capabilities
When a TRAX-Gate is present, it forms a super cluster and all TRAX-Net nodes in its communication range
join it, as illustrated below:
When no Gateway is present in the nearby, an election scheme selects some TRAX-Net nodes to be in
charge of collecting the data generated by the neighbors and transmit it to the TRAXENS data center passing through the GSM connection, as illustrated below:
TRAXENS SAS – Les Baronnies – Bâtiment C – 15 Rue Marc Donadille – 13453 Marseille – France
TRAX-Net protocol stack is divided into 3 main layers:
1. PHY, responsible for controlling the output power, channel frequency, modulation/demodulation,
symbol encoding/decoding and bit framing
2. MAC, responsible for controlling frame preamble, synchronization, packet format, node addressing
thanks to unique TRAX-Net ID, integrity checking and communication retries
3. NET, responsible for controlling cluster election policy, node status (HEAD, MEMBER, AFFILIATE,
LOOSE) and message routing thru the cluster
Each layer can be individually started by host controller, respecting a strict order: PHY layer first, followed
by MAC layer, then NET layer. Activation of PHY and MAC layers is direct thru specific commands; activation
of NET layer is conditioned to a prior mutual authentication between the host and Wing4TRAX module,
based on a shared secret AES key. This security has been put in place to avoid malicious generation of fake
TRAX-Net clusters, with intention to dump data of registered nodes and thus create a denial of service
Main features of TRAX-Net are listed in table below:
TRAXENS SAS – Les Baronnies – Bâtiment C – 15 Rue Marc Donadille – 13453 Marseille – France
Communication between the host controller and Wing4TRAX module is based on a standard UART working
in half-duplex mode, as illustrated below:
Default factory UART setup is 19200 bauds, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit
By default, hardware flow control thru RTS/CTS handshaking signals is deactivated and RTS signal is set to 0
after reset; in this case, PB0 pin can be used as a general purpose input and PB1 as output
RTS/CTS handling can be activated thanks to a specific command issued by the host and RTS signal is set to
1 after reset; in this case PB0 and PB1 pins are reserved and driven by Wing4TRAX kernel
TRAXENS SAS – Les Baronnies – Bâtiment C – 15 Rue Marc Donadille – 13453 Marseille – France