Traveltek MID700 User Manual

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Table of contents
OVERVIEW.................................................................................................... 3
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................. 4
Main Functions .............................................................................................. 7
Basic Operations ........................................................................................... 8
Home screen ..................................................................................................9
Install the APK application ............................................................................11
Uninstall APK application ..............................................................................12
Movies ..........................................................................................................13
Camera ..........................................................................................................14
Regular Settings..............................................................................................16
Bluetooth ..........................................................................................................18
DEVICE SPECIFICATION .............................................................................19
Connect computer ...............................................................................................20
Common Issues .............................................................................................21
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Read these safety instructions before using your device and store them for possible future reference. Always follow these basic safety precautions when using your mobile device. This reduc es th e risk of fire, electric shock, and injury.
• Do n ot expose this product to rain or m oisture.
• Keep the device out of d irect sunlight and heat sources.
• Protect the power cord. Route power cords so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed on or against them. Pay particular attention to the p oint w here the cord attaches to th e device.
• Only use the AC adapter included with the device. Using any other power adapter voi ds your w arr anty.
• Do n ot r em ove t he cover. There are no user-s erviceable parts insid e.
• If the charger cord is damaged, have it repaired by the manufacturer, its serv ic er or a sim il ar ly qu al if ied p ers on i n ord er t o avoid an y haz ar d.
• Th e char ger is not intended for use by persons (includ ing c hildren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacity. Persons who have not read the manual, unles s they have r eceiv ed exp lanat ions b y a p ers on r es pons ible f or th eir saf ety and super vis ion sh ould not use this unit.
• Ch ildr en sh oul d be m onit or ed t o ens ur e that t hey do not play wit h t he ch arg er. The device contains small part s th at may present a chok i ng haz a rd.
• The charger should always be readily accessible.
• The d evic e should not b e exposed to drippin g or s plas hing water.
• No objects fil led w ith liquids suc h as vases shal l be p lac ed on th e device.
• Always leave a minimum distance of 10 cm all around the unit to ensure suffic i ent v ent i lat ion.
• Naked flame sources, such as candles, should not be placed on top of the device.
• The d evic e is intend ed f or us e only in a moderate temperature climate.
• CA UT ION: Dan ger of expl osion if batt ery is inc orrec tl y r ep lac e d or n ot r ep laced by the same type or equiv alent.
• Th e batt ery s hou ld not be expos ed t o exc ess ive h eat s uch as s unsh ine, fir e or simi lar el ements . Clean y our D evice Treat the screen gently. To clean fingerprints or dust from the screen, we recommend using a soft, non-abrasiv e cloth such as a camera lens cloth. SW ITC H OFF I N RESTR ICTED AREAS Turn off the power w hen the us e of th e mobi le devic e is not author iz ed or when it may cause interference or danger, for example; on board an aircraft, near med ical equip ment, fuel, chemicals or blasting s ites. ROAD SA FET Y COME S FI RS T Check the current laws and regulations in the area wher e you drive, regarding the us e of mob il e devices such as t his mob il e dev ic e.
• Do n ot hol d th is mobile device while driving
• Concentrate fully on the dr iving
• Radio Freq uency (R F) c an aff ect cert ain electronic systems in your car, s uch as the audio-stereo system or s ecurity equipment.
• An airb ag inflat es with gr eat forc e. Do not st ore the m obile de vice or any of its accessor i es in th e area ab ov e th e bag or in its dep l oym ent area.
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AUTH ORI S ED PE RSO NN EL Only qual ified personnel are authorized to inst all or r epair this product ACCESSORIES On l y u s e b at t er i es , c h ar g ers a n d ot h er ac c es s or i e s w h ic h ar e co m p at i b le f or t h is device. D o not co n nect i n com p atibl e p ro du c t s. KEEP YOUR DEV ICE DRY Your device an d it s accessori es is not water proof. Keep it dry. Precaut ions for use This mobi le d evic e conf orms to guidelines for exposure to radio frequency. Your mobile dev ice is a radio transmitter and rec eiver. It was designed to me et the lim its recommended by international guidelines on the exposure to radio-waves. These guidelines were developed by an independent scientific organization, the ICNIRP, and include safety margins designed to assure the prot ect i on of al l, r egar d less of th eir ag e or st at e of heal th. The rec ommend at ions on expos ure guid elines f or mob ile devic es em ploy a unit of measure, known as the Specific Absorption Rate or SAR. The SAR limit, as defi ned in the I CNIRP recomm endations is 2.0 wat ts/kilogr am (W /Kg) averag ed over 10 grams of cellul ar tissue. In tests to determine the SAR the device is used in positions of standard operation at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. The actual SAR level of a device in use can be less than the maximum value because t he device is d esig ned t o only use t he power necessary t o reach t he network. This value changes depending on a number of factors such as the dist ance from a network base s tation. Rad io Fr eq uency I nterfer ence Radio frequency emissions from electronic equipment can interfere with other electronic equipment and c an cause malfunctions. Although this mobile devic e has been designed, tested and manufactured in accordance with the EU regulations on radio frequency emissions, the mobile device’s wireless transmitter and electrical circuits can cause interference with other electronic equipment . We rec om mend th at you take t he followi ng precautions: Plan e: Wirel ess eq u ipm ent c an c aus e int erf er enc e i n aircraft.
• Turn off the mobi le dev ic e b efore boar d ing a pl an e
• Do n ot use on the ru nway without the crew’s permission. Vehicles: Telephone radio- frequency emissions can affect a motor vehicle’s electronic systems. With regards to your vehicle, check with th e manuf acturer or dealer. Med ic al Imp l ants : To avoid any interference with the medical device, manufacturers of medical devic es recomm end a minimum distance of 15cm between wireless equipment and a medical implant such as a pacemaker or defibrillator. The following is recommended to peopl e who have s uch devices:
•Always keep the wireless device at a dist ance of over 15cm from the medical device.
• Do n ot carry th e wir eless device in a breast pocket.
• Hol d the wireless device at the e ar opposite the medic al d ev ice
• Turn off t he wireless d evic e if th ere is any susp icion of interfere nce occurring.
• Follow t he ins tructions provided by the manufacturer of the medic al imp lant. If you ar e f itt ed with a medic al im plant and have an y quest ions regar di ng the us e of wir eles s equi pm ent , c ons ult your d oct or. Hearing:
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W arning: If you use head phon es ther e is a risk of n ot being ab le to hear outsi de sounds clearly. Do not use headphones if there is a risk of endangering your safety. Som e wir el ess d ev ic es c an int erfere w it h the proper functionin g of h earin g aids . Other medical dev ices: Radio transmitting equipment, including wireless devices such as this mobile device, can interfere with the operation of inadequately protected medical equipment. Consult a doctor or the manufacturer of the medical equipment to see if the equipment is adequately protected from external Radio Frequency energy. Turn your device off in places where regulations apply, especially in hospitals. Healt h F aci l ities : Hospitals and health facilities may be using equipment that is particularly sensitive to external radio-frequency emissions. Turn your mobile device off when s taff or signs tell you to. Blasting sites an d identif ied areas: Switc h off you r equi p m ent in z ones wh er e the at m osp h ere is p otenti ally explosive. Foll ow all off icial ins truct ions. Sparks in suc h areas c ould caus e an exp losion or fire, resulting in serious bodily injury or death. Switch off your device in gas stati ons, esp ecial ly ne ar the g as pum ps. C aref ully obs erve ins tru cti ons on use in fuel depots, storage and distribution areas, at chemical plants or in areas where expl os iv es ar e us ed. Areas with a pot entially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always clearly mark ed. Th es e inc lu d e ar eas wh er e it is n orm al ly ad v is ab le t o switch off eng in es, the area b elow deck on b oats, facilities where ch emicals are transferr ed or stored and areas where the air contains chem icals or particles such as grain, dust or metallic powder. Check with t he manuf acturers of vehicles that us e LPG (suc h as butane or propan e) if the d evic e can be used safely in their vicinity. All our mobile devices conform to international standards and regulations, and where appropriate national recognition, to limit the exposure of users to elect ronic magn etic f ields. T hese s tandar ds an d regu lations were adopt ed after ext ens ive sc ient ific res earc h. This res earc h d oes n ot l ink t he us e of mob ile phones with any adverse effects on health if the equipment is used in accordance to standards and reg ulat ions. However, if you want to reduce the levels of exposure to radio frequency radiation you can limit your time using the mobile device in wireless mode becaus e t he len gt h of t ime is a c ontri buti ng f act or to th e exp osu re rec eived by a person. Simi larly, keeping the mobile device away from the body is anoth er f actor, as expos ur e l ev els l ess en dr am at ic al ly with dist ance.
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Main Functions
5 Point Capacitive Touch
Front 0.3MP/Rear 2.0MP
Built-in microphone, super long time recording
Sup port 3D g am es and f uncti on custom ization
OS: Google Android 4.2.2
Music play: support MP3, MP1, FLAC, APE, OGG, AAC
Video play up to 720P: full format video supports RM,RMVB,AVI,MKV, MP4, MPG, 3GP
Picture browse: support JPEG, JPG, BMP, P NG formats
Support TF card function, (3 2GB Max)
Support E-book read i ng, d epen d ent book m ar ks
Automatically browsing, horizontal an d vertic al screen, Switching function
Free s et of en er gy-saving settings, display brightness, the interface background
E-mail: Gmail, Email-client
•Bluetooth: Support bluetooth 3.0
At the bott om of the scr een, you’ll find the Navigation butt ons. They’re always avail abl e, N o mat ter what you’ re d oing w it h your t ablet, you c an always g o bac k to the main Home screen or return to pr evious screens:
Open the previous screen you were working in,
even if it wa s a differen t app. On ce you ba ck up
to the Home screen, you can’t go back any
furt her in yo ur hist ory.
Opens Home. If you’re viewing a left or right
Home screen , o pens th e cent ral Home Screen
Opens a list of thumbnail images of apps you’ve worked with recently. To open an app, touch it. To
remove a thumbnail from the list, swipe it left or right.
Fr om mai n page “ All Ap ps” sc reen op ens. T his is where you can see all your apps, including those downloaded from Android market. You can move
app icons to any of your Home screens.
+ 14 hidden pages