The following status codes are used.
E-Ticket Record
Exchange: Refund: Void: Definition:
OPEN Y Y Y The ET flight coupon is eligible for all
coupon status updates
ARPT Y Y Y The operating carrier has secured the ET
coupon prior to the scheduled departure
UNVL Y N N Indicates that the validating carrier has
determined that the coupon is no longer
available for use as ticketed. The coupon
may only be exchanged.
CKIN N N N The passenger has made his presence
known to the operating carrier
LFTD N N N The passenger has boarded the aircraft
SUSP N N N The validating carrier has restricted the
use of the ET flight coupon
IREG The operating carrier's control is being
extended beyond the normal 48 hour
period provided for under Airport Control,
Check In or Lifted/Boarded
EXCH N N N The value of the ET coupon has been
used as payment for a new transaction
N N N The journey associated with the ET flight
coupon has been completed
RFND N N N The unused value of the ET flight coupon
has been returned/remitted to the
VOID N N N Cancellation of the entire electronic sale.
Void is only applicable when all coupons
have a status of O (open for use). A void
request is only valid for an original sale
transaction or a new ticket issued as a
result of an exchange/reissue transaction.
CLSD N N N The validating carrier has determined that
the coupon is not available for use
REMV N N N The validating carrier has removed e-
ticketing data from their system when the
ticket has been fully used.