TRAVAINI PUMPS USA PVL200, PVL200B, PVL270, PVL270B Technical data

Liquid Ring & Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps and System
PVL200 - PVL200/B PVL270 - PVL270/B
The pump series:
- PVL200 - PVL270 final vacuum 0.5 Torr (absolute)
-PVL200/B - PVL270/B final vacuum 7.5 Torr (absolute)
They are lubricated, with oil recirculation system, rotary vane vacuum pumps.
They are suitable to evacuate closed systems or to operate at a constant vacuum within
Nominal Capacity ACFM 60 Hz
Ultimate pressure (abs.) Torr 0.5 7.5
Motor power HP 60 Hz
Sound pressure level dB(A) 60 Hz 75
Water vapor tolerance Torr 20
Water vapor capacity lb/h 8.8 11
Total weight/without motor lbs 60 Hz ~3
Oil charge qt 5
Technical data and curves according to Pneurop standard 6602 with gas-ballast valve in
PVL200 PVL200/B PVL270 PVL270/B
0.5 7.5
60 Hz 1700
~3 7.2
401/269 427/264
the following vacuum range: CFM 60 Hz
-PVL200 - PVL270 from 0.5 to 300 Torr (absolute)
-PVL200/B - PVL270/B
from 7.5 to 650 torr (absolute)
They are complete with: N.1 inlet filtering element
- check valve
- gas-ballast valve
0.1 0.5 1 4 7.5 37.5 75 750
Applications: Hospital Central Vacuum Systems Lab Systems
Meat Packing Vacuum Forming Food Packing Vacuum Holddown General Packing Printing Vacuum Filling Vacuum Laminations CNC Routers
PVL200 - PVL200/B
(PVL270 - PVL270/B)
* Dimensions subject to changes depending on the motor brand
A Inlet Our Other Products:
B Air outlet - Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps: C Cooling air inlet 3 CFM to 10,000 CFM D Cooling air outlet - Liquid Ring Compressors E Oil filling plug up to 100 psig F Max. oil level sight glass - Heat Transfer Pumps
F G Oil discharge plug H Pump name plate Systems:
I Oil plate - Package Vacuum Systems L Rotation plate with Partial or Total Recirculation M Lifting eyebolt - Customer Engineered Vacuum Solutions N Gas ballast valve
Min. oil level sight glass for hot thermal oils up to 600 deg. F