This product may be purchased from Connevans Limited secure online store
at www.DeafEquipment.co.uk
Solutions to improve the quality of life
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Standard RF Frequencies: 173.8MHz, 174.1MHz, 174.5MHz, 175.0MHz
(Others available on request)
RF Output Impedance 50Ω
Modulation: Direct FM
Beltpack Audio Input: 4 Pin Lemo Connector, Input level adjustable by user gain control
Pin 1 Ground; Pin 2 +9v; Pin 3 Audio/+9v; Pin 4 Audio
Handheld Head Type: Dynamic
Battery: 9v PP3 Alkaline, Life Expectancy > 10 Hours
RF Sensitivity: < 1µV for 12dB/Sinad
IF Bandwidth: 100kHz (IF 10.7MHz)
Audio Output: Unbalanced on 0.25” Jack, -∞ to -4dBm (Variable), Impedance 10kΩ
Power Supply: 12-18v DC, 250mA via external AC power adaptor
S3.5 Diversity
Radio Microphone Systems
Operating Instructions
All Trantec products are guaranteed for a period of one year from date of purchase against defects in
materials and workmanship. In the event of a claim under guarantee the system should be returned to your
dealer in its original packaging and with proof of purchase. Defects caused by modification, misuse or
accident are not covered by the guarantee.
Due to our continual policy of research and development we reserve the right to alter specifications without
prior notice.
Trantec Systems Tel: +44 (0)20 8330 3111
BBM Electronics Group Ltd Fax: +44 (0)20 8330 3222
Kestrel House
Garth Road E-Mail: enquiries@trantec.co.uk
Morden Web: www.trantec.co.uk
© BBM Electronics Group 2000
General Operating Guidelines: