Notification is hereby given that TransTel Communications, Inc. reserves the right to modify, change, update or revise
this document from time to time as required without the prior obligation to notify any person, company or organization.
Further, TransTel Communications, Inc. makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect
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2010 TransTel Communications, Inc. ◎
This document or any parts thereof are not to be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
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Revision History
Date of Release RevisionDescription
2008/9/52.0Present a new format of description
2008/10/172.1Check reading
2008/10/312.2Edited for U.S. Release
2009/03/172.2aAdded VMU programming to 46-st-07/78-st-04
2009/12/162.2bAdded 05-20 section. Updated defaults through G1-A52yb5
2010/03/112.2cAdded Automatic Call Record options 48-st-01 and 48-st-02
2010/04/052.2dChanged description of MSG button and 46-st-02.
Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................................................3
New Systems ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Program 01-tk-IP : Day Ringing And Ringing Line Preference Assignment .......................................................... 16
Program 02-tk-IP : Night Ringing And Ringing Line Preference Assignment ....................................................... 16
Program 03-01-IP : Door Phone Ringing Assignment ............................................................................................. 17
Program 04-gp-IP : Console Operator Assignment ................................................................................................. 17
Program 05-01-IP : System Timing Parameters – 01 ................................................................................................ 18
01. Hold Recall Time ................................................................................................................................................. 18
02. Exclusive Hold Recall Time ................................................................................................................................. 18
03. Hold Recall Timeout ............................................................................................................................................ 18
04. DISA & ECF Access Delay Time - Day ................................................................................................................ 19
05. Busy Remind Cycle Time (Off-Hook Ringing) ...................................................................................................... 19
06. Pause Time ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
07. DTMF Generation Time ....................................................................................................................................... 19
08. Call Forward No Answer Transfer Time ............................................................................................................... 19
Program 05-02-IP : System Timing Parameters – 02 ............................................................................................... 20
01. SLT Dial Tone Timeout ........................................................................................................................................ 20
03. Auto Redial Access Time – PSTN Lines .............................................................................................................. 20
04. SLT Release Signal Time .................................................................................................................................... 20
05. PSTN Line Flash Time - Key Phone & Analog Phone .......................................................................................... 21
06. SLT Hold Signal Time .......................................................................................................................................... 21
07. Ring On Time ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
08. Ring Off Time ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Program 05-03-IP : System Timing Parameters – 03 ............................................................................................... 22
01. Make/Break Ratio ................................................................................................................................................ 22
06. Station Numbering Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 23
07. Internal Dial Tone Pattern .................................................................................................................................... 23
08. Door Phone Ring Pattern ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Program 05-04-IP : System Timing Parameters – 04 ............................................................................................... 24
01. System Baud Rate Setting ................................................................................................................................... 24
G1E Plus Programming Manual Rev 2.2dPage 3
02. Dial 9 Flag ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
03. Action for Call Duration Limiting ........................................................................................................................... 24
Program 05-05-IP : System Timing Parameters – 05 ............................................................................................... 27
01. Wake Up Call ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
05. Name Function .................................................................................................................................................... 28
07. Auto Redial Attempts ........................................................................................................................................... 28
08. Auto Redial Pause Time ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Program 05-06-IP : System Timing Parameters – 06 ............................................................................................... 29
01. Transfer Busy Recall Time ................................................................................................................................... 29
02. Transfer Idle Recall Time ..................................................................................................................................... 29
03. ISDN Audio Coding (a-law or μ- law) ................................................................................................................... 29
06. Unsupervised Conference & ECF Time Setting ................................................................................................... 30
07. Hold Feature for SLT ........................................................................................................................................... 30
08. Station Hunting Group - Ring Method: ................................................................................................................. 30
Program 05-07-IP : System Timing Parameters – 07 ............................................................................................... 31
02. Toll Override Prevention from Quick Dial ............................................................................................................. 31
03. Paging Alert Tone ................................................................................................................................................ 31
04. DISA Recall To Console - No Dialing .................................................................................................................. 31
07. CO Line Guard Timer ......................................................................................................................................... 32
Program 05-08-IP : System Timing Parameters – 08 ............................................................................................... 33
01. Ring Hunt Time ................................................................................................................................................... 33
02. DSS Access to Other Trunk Group ...................................................................................................................... 33
03. SLT Camp on Time ............................................................................................................................................. 33
04. Console of DISA Transfer Group for No Answer ................................................................................................. 34
06. DISA Transfer Time No Answer ........................................................................................................................... 34
07. DISA Transfer Time - No Digits Dialed ................................................................................................................ 34
08. Music Source Selection ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Program 05-09-IP : System Timing Parameters – 09 ............................................................................................... 36
03. Clear Forward Signal (Loop Disconnect) Detection ............................................................................................. 36
04. DISA Busy Tone Detection .................................................................................................................................. 37
06. ACD-1 Enable Time ............................................................................................................................................. 37
07. ACD-1 Segment 2 Recall Time ............................................................................................................................ 37
08. ACD-1 Release Time ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Page 4G1E Plus Programming Manual Rev 2.2d
Program 05-10-IP : System Timing Parameters – 10 ............................................................................................... 38
Program 05-11-IP : System Timing Parameters – 11 ............................................................................................... 39
01. DTMF Caller ID Leading Digit .............................................................................................................................. 39
02. Number of DISA Passwords ................................................................................................................................ 39
03. Select Music on Hold or Ring Back Tone ............................................................................................................. 39
04. DISA & ECF Access Delay Time – Night ............................................................................................................. 39
05: DISA Special Function Access ............................................................................................................................. 40
06. DISA Re-check Times To Station/Console .......................................................................................................... 40
07. Door Phone Ringing Time .................................................................................................................................... 40
08. DISA Single Digit Dialing .................................................................................................................................... 40
Program 05-12-IP : System Timing Parameters – 12 ............................................................................................... 41
01. Call Transfer Method – Key Telephone ................................................................................................................ 41
03. Exclusive Hold Capability ..................................................................................................................................... 41
04. Door Relay Activation Time .................................................................................................................................. 41
05. Voice Mail Call Forward Protocol Selection and Muting Leading Digits ................................................................ 42
06. Linear / Circular Trunk Group Access .................................................................................................................. 42
07. LED Indication of Check In / Check Out ............................................................................................................... 43
05. Caller ID Record Storing Method for LCD Phones ............................................................................................... 45
06. CTI-Trunk Status Report ...................................................................................................................................... 45
07. Least Cost Routing – Weekly Holiday 1 ............................................................................................................... 45
08. Least Cost Routing – Weekly Holiday 2 ............................................................................................................... 45
Program 05-14-IP : System Timing Parameters – 14 ............................................................................................... 46
01. SLT LCR Switch on Delay for PSTN .................................................................................................................... 46
05. DISA DTMF Detect Delay Time ........................................................................................................................... 46
06. CLI Delay Ring Time ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Program 05-15-IP : System Timing Parameters – 15 ............................................................................................... 47
01. Company Greeting Time ...................................................................................................................................... 47
03. DISA Single Digit Dialing Level ............................................................................................................................ 49
04. VMU Language Service ....................................................................................................................................... 50
07. ACP Data Output Format ..................................................................................................................................... 50
03. Extension Number Announcement for DISA ........................................................................................................ 51
04. DISA & ECF Access Delay Time – Lunch ........................................................................................................... 51
05. DTMF Caller ID Leading Digits ............................................................................................................................ 52
07. Call Block or Transfer to Voice Mail according to Caller ID Message .................................................................. 52
08. Minimum Mail Box Record Time ...................................................................................................................... 53
Program 05-18-IP : System Timing Parameters – 18 ............................................................................................... 54
02. Hotel Alarm .......................................................................................................................................................... 54
03. Dial Out History Feature ...................................................................................................................................... 54
04. Caller ID Compatibility (Canada) .......................................................................................................................... 55
06. Play Transfer message for ECF ........................................................................................................................... 55
07. High Frequency Level of DTMF Generator .......................................................................................................... 55
08. Low Frequency Level of DTMF Generator ........................................................................................................... 55
Program 05-19-IP : System Timing Parameters – 19 ............................................................................................... 56
Program 08-Gp-IP : Flexible DSS Console Key Group Assignment ...................................................................... 62
Page 6G1E Plus Programming Manual Rev 2.2d
Program 09-nnn-DP : System Speed Dial ................................................................................................................. 63
Program 10-GP-IP : Intercom Single Digit Assignment ........................................................................................... 64
Program 11-IP : Date and Time Setting .................................................................................................................... 65
Program 12-nn : System Alarm Clock ....................................................................................................................... 65
Program 13-nn : Password ........................................................................................................................................ 66
Program 14-01-IP : SMDR Specifications ................................................................................................................. 67
01. Call Duration Start Time ...................................................................................................................................... 67
02. Record Incoming Calls .................................................................................................................................... 67
03. Record Local Calls ............................................................................................................................................... 67
04. Record Incoming Calls No Answer ...................................................................................................................... 67
05. Print out the Title .................................................................................................................................................. 67
06. Number of Records between the Title .................................................................................................................. 68
Program 17-nn : Forced Account Code .................................................................................................................... 71
Program 18-nn-TK : Assign Toll Plan To Trunk Lines ............................................................................................. 72
Program 20-nn- : Set Day – Time / Lunch Time Schedule .................................................................................... 73
Program 25 : Reset Data to System Default ............................................................................................................. 74
Program 29-tk-IP : Trunk Specifications – 2 ............................................................................................................ 75
01. Trunk Receive Gain ............................................................................................................................................. 75
02. ACD-1 Function Enable ....................................................................................................................................... 75
03. Trunk Transmit Gain ............................................................................................................................................ 75
04. Set Ring Frequency (DK Handsets) ..................................................................................................................... 76
05. Allow Audible Ring for Incoming Calls .................................................................................................................. 76
07. CO Delayed Ring Timer to Hunting Group ........................................................................................................... 76
08. CO Delayed Ring Overflow Hunting Group .......................................................................................................... 76
Program 35-tk-IP : Trunk Specifications – 1 ............................................................................................................ 77
01. Trunk Type (CO / PABX) ..................................................................................................................................... 77
02. Trunk Signal (Pulse / DTMF ) .............................................................................................................................. 77
04. DISA / ECF (Direct Inward System Access / External Call Forward) ................................................................... 78
05. Pick Up ................................................................................................................................................................ 78
06. Loud Bell .............................................................................................................................................................. 79
07. Inward Line Ringing Method Assignment (Day) ................................................................................................... 79
08. Inward Line Ringing Method Assignment (Night) ................................................................................................. 80
Trunk Name Entry ..................................................................................................................................................... 80
Program 36-gp-tk : Trunk Group Assignments ....................................................................................................... 81
Program 37-tk : Busy Out Trunks ............................................................................................................................. 82
Program 38-gp-tk : Dial 87 Trunk Group Assignments ........................................................................................... 83
G1E Plus Programming Manual Rev 2.2dPage 7
Program 39-IP : Sensor Assignments ...................................................................................................................... 84
Program 40-stn-IP : Station Class of Service – 1 ..................................................................................................... 85
04. Station Loud Bell .................................................................................................................................................. 86
Program 41-stn-IP : Station Specifications .............................................................................................................. 87
01. Station group ....................................................................................................................................................... 87
02. Flexible key group assignments for Key phone .................................................................................................... 87
03. Shift Key Group for Key phone ............................................................................................................................. 87
04. Dial 9 trunk group/ SLT Port as MOH Source ...................................................................................................... 88
05. Toll plan - Day ...................................................................................................................................................... 88
06. Toll plan - Night .................................................................................................................................................... 88
07. Port Number ...................................................................................................................................................... 88
Program 42-stn-IP : Register Memory Blocks for Individual Speed Dial ............................................................... 89
Program 43-cn-IP : Port Specifications .................................................................................................................... 90
01. Station Number .................................................................................................................................................... 90
02. Equipment Type .................................................................................................................................................. 90
03. Flexible DSS Key Group Assignments for DSS Console ..................................................................................... 91
05. Voice Mail Box Capacity-Virtual Mail Box ............................................................................................................. 91
06. Maximum Message Length: ................................................................................................................................. 92
Extension Name Entry ............................................................................................................................................... 92
Program 44-stn-IP : Station Class of Service – 2 ..................................................................................................... 93
01. System Alarm ...................................................................................................................................................... 93
02. Hold Feature ........................................................................................................................................................ 93
04. Manual Line ......................................................................................................................................................... 94
08. Station Alarm Signal ............................................................................................................................................ 94
Program 45-stn-IP : Station Class of Service – 3 ..................................................................................................... 95
02. ACP Hear BGM at idle state .............................................................................................................................. 95
05. Intercom Calls to Different Station Groups ........................................................................................................... 96
08. Record Station's SMDR Data ............................................................................................................................... 96
Program 46-stn-IP : Station Class of Service – 4 ..................................................................................................... 97
01. Dial [87] Trunk Group .......................................................................................................................................... 97
04. DISA/ISDN In Dial Recall Capability .................................................................................................................... 98
05. Maximum Re-Transferred Times ......................................................................................................................... 98
06. Door Unlock / DND / CFWD Access .................................................................................................................... 98
07. ACP Door Phone Hunt Group / Permanent Call Forward Group – No Answer .................................................... 99
08. SLT Ring Cadence Settings ................................................................................................................................. 99
Program 47-stn-IP : Hot Line Assignment .............................................................................................................. 100
Program 48-stn-IP : Station Class of Service – 5 ................................................................................................... 101
01. Voice Mail Automatically Record Incoming Trunk Calls ..................................................................................... 101
02. Voice Mail Automatically Record Outgoing Trunk Calls ..................................................................................... 101
03. Group Listen Feature ......................................................................................................................................... 101
Program 50-stn-IP : Station Class of Service – 6 ................................................................................................... 102
04. CTI-Extension Status Report ............................................................................................................................. 103
05. VMS Leading Digits For Intercom Calls ............................................................................................................. 103
06. ACP Door Unlock Relay ..................................................................................................................................... 103
07. ACP Door Open Control .................................................................................................................................... 103
08. ACP Phone Operation / Hotel Alarm Type ......................................................................................................... 104
Program (51 to 59)-code-IP : Toll Plans – Allowed Digits – Class 1 to 9 .............................................................. 105
Program (61 to 66)-code-IP : Toll Plans – Restricted Digits – Class 1 to 6 .......................................................... 106
Program 67-gp-IP : Hunt Group Pilot Number ....................................................................................................... 107
01. Hunting Group Pilot Number .............................................................................................................................. 107
02. Hunting Group Ringing Method ......................................................................................................................... 107
Program 68-gp-IP : Hunt Group Assignment – Day ............................................................................................... 108
Program 69-gp-IP : Station Hunt Group Assignment – Night ............................................................................. 109
Program 70-Cd-IP : ISDN Interface Specifications Program – G1E ..................................................................... 110
Program 71-Cd-IP : Calling Line Identification Presentation .............................................................................. 111
Program 72-St : ISDN Called Party Extension Number Assignment ................................................................ 112
Program 73-St : ISDN Extension Sub-Address Assignment ............................................................................ 112
Program 75-Num-IP : LCR - Analysis Table ........................................................................................................... 114
Program 76-Num-Tm : LCR – Routing Table .......................................................................................................... 115
G1E Plus Programming Manual Rev 2.2dPage 9
Program 77-Num : LCR – Modifying Table ............................................................................................................. 116
Program 78-stn-IP : Station Class of Service – 6 ................................................................................................... 117
02. LCR – Direct Access a Trunk ............................................................................................................................. 117
04. Call Forward Busy Transfer Group .................................................................................................................... 118
Program 83-st-IP : Register Memory Block for CLI history buffer ....................................................................... 119
Program 84-IP : Home Area Code ........................................................................................................................... 120
Program 85-nn-IP : Overlay Area Code ................................................................................................................... 120
Program 86-nnn-IP : Office Code Redial Pattern ................................................................................................... 121
Program 87-CN-IP : ASSIGN DOOR PHONE FOR KEY CARD ............................................................................... 122
Program 88-DP : REGISTER KEY CARD ................................................................................................................. 123
Program 89-CN-IP : DELETE KEY CARD ................................................................................................................ 124
Program 91-TM : ACP TIME LOCK – Assign Time ................................................................................................. 125
Program 92-CN : ACP TIME LOCK – Assign Card ................................................................................................. 125
Program 93 : Not Used in North America ............................................................................................................... 126
Program 94-tk-IP : Lunchtime Ringing And Ringing Line Preference Assignment ............................................ 127
Program 95-tk-IP : Trunk Specifications – 3 .......................................................................................................... 128
01. Detect Fax signal .............................................................................................................................................. 128
04. DISA & ECF Lunch Time Enable ....................................................................................................................... 129
Dial Tone Pattern ................................................................................................................................................. 132
Single Digit Intercom ........................................................................................................................................... 132
Direct Station Select ............................................................................................................................................. 132
Hold and Hold Recall ............................................................................................................................................ 133
Transfer ................................................................................................................................................................ 133
DISA – Auto Attendant ............................................................................................................................................. 133
Night Service ........................................................................................................................................................... 134
Group Assignments ................................................................................................................................................. 134
Flexible Key Group Assignments ......................................................................................................................... 134
Dial ‘9/0' Trunk Groups ......................................................................................................................................... 134
Dial ‘87' Trunk Groups .......................................................................................................................................... 134
Group Assignment for stations (Page Zone, Pick up, Single digit) ....................................................................... 134
Call Control .............................................................................................................................................................. 135
Station Lock/Unlock ............................................................................................................................................. 135
Busy out a trunk ................................................................................................................................................... 135
System Clock ........................................................................................................................................................... 136
Date and Time Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 136
System Alarm ....................................................................................................................................................... 136
Wake Up calls ...................................................................................................................................................... 136
Station Numbering ................................................................................................................................................... 136
Single Line Telephone ............................................................................................................................................. 136
Call Forward No Answer Transfer Time ............................................................................................................... 136
Hot Line ................................................................................................................................................................ 137
Door phone & Door switch ................................................................................................................................... 137
Voice Mail Integration ........................................................................................................................................... 137
Clear down of unanswered calls. .......................................................................................................................... 138
DISA and Auto Attendant operation ......................................................................................................................... 139
Clear down of unanswered calls. .......................................................................................................................... 139
Recording DISA Messages ...................................................................................................................................... 140
DISA No Digits Dialed (End of Message) Transfer Location .................................................................................... 140
Programming Single Digit DISA ........................................................................................................................... 141
About security ..................................................................................................................................................... 141
How can I use an ACP? ....................................................................................................................................... 142
G1E Plus Programming Manual Rev 2.2dPage 11
How to set up as a door phone. ............................................................................................................................ 143
How to unlock the door from the ACP using Forced Account Codes ................................................................. 143
Page 12G1E Plus Programming Manual Rev 2.2d
The manual contains all the parameters that are programmable inside the G1E+ Hybrid IP Telephone System.
New Systems
We recommend that all new systems have the system memory reset before system programming takes place. This
ensures that any extraneous information that may be present in system memory is erased and that the system
database will not be subject to existing corrupt data.
To reset the database in G1E+, from a LCD display phone, enter programming by pressing [PRG], [2], Enter Password
if programmed (new systems will not have a system password). Press [SAVE] key. The LCD display will show as
(01 – 95)
Then enter [2] [5] and press [SAVE]. You will be in Program Mode 25-01. The display will show:
25- Reset Data
0-9 Default
Enter [2] to reset all data. The phone will beep and return to the previous screen.
You may begin database entry at this point or exit system programming by pressing [SPK] key or by lifting and
replacing the handset.
A station can access a CO trunk and talk on a phone while entering system programming mode. This allows a
technician to guide a customer into program mode and make minor changes by programming the system data during
the conversation.
Basic Programming Commands
Note:Keys listed between [ ] indicate the physical location on a telephone set. Keys listed between { }
indicate key functions when in programming.
These commands are active while in the system programming mode
[DSS 36]{PRG}: Moves to the Top Level Programming Mode Display (does not save information
entered into any field unless [SAVE] is pressed first).
[DSS 35]{SAVE}: Commits the data that is shown on the LCD display into the system database.
[DSS 1]{PREV}: Moves to the previous section of any multiple part form.
[DSS 2]{NEXT}: Moves to the next section in any multiple part form.
[DSS 3]{LEFT}: Moves the programming cursor to the left position.
[DSS 4]{RIGHT}: Moves the programming cursor to the right position.
[DSS 34]{DND/CN}: Enters a Wild Card (don't care) into Account Codes or Toll control entries. LCD
will display d (lower case letter "d") to indicate don't care entry.
[HOLD]{PAUSE}: Inserts a Pause when programming a Speed Dial Entry or for Voice Mail
Programming. LCD will display p (lower case "p") to indicate a Pause entry.
[TRF/FL]{FLASH}: Enters a FLASH command as part of a Speed Dial Entry. LCD will display F
(upper case "F") to indicate a Flash command. This key also means clears a digit during other entries
(Passwords, etc).
[DSS 31]{MSG}: (Pulse to Tone) Enters a command to convert from pulse dialing to DTMF dialing into
a Speed Dial Entry. LCD will display T (upper case "T") to indicate a tone conversion command.
[DSS39]{MIC/AT}: CHANGE key. Depending on the form, it will toggle through available
Programming parameters.
[TRF/FL]{CLR DIGIT}: Enters a FLASH command as part of a speed dial number. This key also
means clears a digit during other entries (Passwords, etc).
[SPK]{EXIT}: Exits Programming. Returns telephone to normal idle mode.
[DSS 37]{REDIAL}: Clears all digits on an entry such as speed dial or account codes.
Alphanumeric Entry:
The following table indicates the capabilities of the name programming functions if they are selected on the system.
System Speed Dial, Personal Speed Dial, Stations, CO Lines and Sensors may be programmed with names.
Key 1 =(Blank Space) – 1Key 2 =A - B - C – 2
Key 3 =D - E - F – 3Key 4 = G - H - I – 4
Key 5 =J – K - L – 5Key 6 =M - N - O – 6
Key 7 = P - Q - R - S – 7Key 8 =T - U - V – 8
Key 9 =W - X - Y - Z – 9Key 0 =(Period). : & – 0
Key # = ( ) $ #Key * = (Dash) / ! *
DSS Key 1 = Backspace Cursor (Left)DSS Key 2 = Cursor Forward
If an entry is made that is not within valid system parameters, the system will not accept the entry when [SAVE] is
pressed. The Speaker on the programming set will return a busy tone and the LCD Display will place the
programming cursor under the invalid entry. You may make corrections and press [SAVE] again. If multiple errors are
made, the system will continue to return you to the illegal entries until they are corrected.
It is not necessary to re-enter existing information on a multi-item form. You need enter only the information that is to
be changed. You may move the cursor to the left or right in order to access only the specific entry that you want to
change. You may press [SAVE] without regarding for the placement of the cursor on the LCD display.
DK6 Key Telephone – Key Layout (36 Button)
DK6 Key Telephone – Key Layout (18 Button)
Program 01-tk-IP : Day Ringing And Ringing Line Preference Assignment
01-tk-IP FLX DAY
111 000 000 000
This program assigns each incoming line to ring the programmed stations during Day Service. Program Mode 35-tk-07
assigns ringing type for each trunk.The ringing methods can be:
LINEAR (ring the first available station),
CIRCULAR (Ring the next station following the last station who just answered an incoming call),
HUNT (Ring the first assigned station for a set period of time (program mode 05-08-01) then if no answer ring the next
ring assigned station then the next etc.) or
COMMON AUDIBLE (All stations will ring simultaneously).
An overflow Ring Hunt Group can be assigned to make additional stations ring after a time interval in addition to this
ring assignment. See program Mode 29-07/08.
1. This program sets Day Time ringing.
2. The station number length 2,3,4 digits will be set by system programming (Mode 05-03-06).
3. A total of 26 stations can be assigned to ring for each trunk.
4. If the location not assigned to a station, the location value is set to " 0 ".
5. To clear all entries press [REDIAL].
6. Lunch ringing is programmed in Mode 94.
tk=Trunk No. (01-12), IP=Item Pointer (01-26)
Assigned station number
Program 02-tk-IP : Night Ringing And Ringing Line Preference Assignment
02-tk-IP FLX NIG
111 000 000 000
This program assigns each incoming line to ring the programmed stations during Night Service. Program Mode 35-tk08 assigns ringing type for each trunk. The ringing methods can be:
LINEAR (ring the first available station),
CIRCULAR (Ring the next station following the last station who answered an incoming call),
HUNT (Ring the first assigned station for a set period of time (program mode 05-08-01) then if no answer ring the next
ring assigned station then the next etc.) or
COMMON AUDIBLE (All stations will ring simultaneously).
An overflow Ring Hunt Group can be assigned to make additional stations ring after a time interval in addition to this
ring assignment. See program Mode 29-07/08.
1. This program sets Night Time ringing.
2. The station number length 2,3,4 digits will be set by system programming (Mode 05-03-06).
3. A total of 26 stations can be assigned to ring for each trunk.
4. If the location is to be assigned to no station, the location value is set to 0.
5. To clear all entries press [REDIAL].
6. Lunch ringing is programmed in Mode 94.
tk=Trunk No. (01-12), IP=Item Pointer (01-26)
Assigned station number
Program 03-01-IP : Door Phone Ringing Assignment
03-01-IP Door
111 112 113 114
This program assigns the Door Phone/s to ring the programmed stations.
1. To assign an ACP or digital door phone to follow Mode 03 it must be set to “d” in mode 46-st-07. Otherwise it will
ring the stations assigned in the Hunt Group allocated in mode 46-st-07
2. Twenty six stations can be assigned to ring for the door phone.
3. To clear all entries press [REDIAL].
4. Door phone ringing time is set in Mode 05-11-07.
5. Door Relay Unlock Time is set in Mode 05-12-04.
6. Door phone Ringing frequency is set in Mode 05-03-08.
IP= Item Pointer (01-26)
Assigned station number
Program 04-gp-IP : Console Operator Assignment
04-gp-IP Console
111 000 000 000
gp = Station group (01-08) IP = (Item Pointer) 01-04
Assigned station number (2 to 4 digits)
This program permits the selection of the consoles in each station group. Consoles are stations that can program
System speed dials, Record system Voice messages, receive hold recalls and ring when callers dial 9/0 for the
operator. For DISA calls only the ring type is Common Audible otherwise Linear is standard
1. There are 8 console groups available. Four stations can be set in each group
2. Assign either a station or the pilot number of a hunting group as the console(s).
4. The first assigned station is the master console if a pilot number is assigned here.
5. Only the Console can operate some special Voice Mail features.
6. To clear all entries press [REDIAL]. Do this in ALL unused groups.
Program 05-01-IP : System Timing Parameters – 01
05-01-IP SYS PAR
1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1
IP=Item Pointer (01-08)
Value for each Item
IPValueDefaultItem Description
010-91= 60 sec.Hold Recall Time
020-91= 60 sec.Exclusive Hold Recall Time
030-91= 60 sec.Hold Recall Timeout
040-91= 2 sec.DISA & ECF Access Delay Time - Day
050-94= 8 sec.Busy Remind Cycle Time
060-92= 800 msPause Time
070-92= 83 msDTMF Generation Time
080-91= 20 sec.Call Forward No Answer Transfer Time
01. Hold Recall Time
This parameter sets the duration from the time the line is put on Hold until the held call recalls the station.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
02. Exclusive Hold Recall Time
This parameter sets the time duration from the line is put on Exclusive Hold to the held call recalls the station.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
03. Hold Recall Timeout
This parameter sets the timer between a held call recalling to a holding or transferring station (i.e., 05-01-01 or 05-0102 expires) and then recalling to the console if unanswered.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
04. DISA & ECF Access Delay Time - Day
This parameter sets the timer that a DISA/ECF (External Call Forwarding) trunk will ring assigned stations (set by
Program 01-tk-IP, 02-tk-IP) prior to be connected to Auto Attendant (DISA) or another Trunk (ECF) in Day mode.
Stations can answer the incoming trunk before it is connected to Auto Attendant or another Trunk.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
0 = Incoming trunk immediately connects to Auto Attendant or another trunk without ringing assigned stations.
1-9 =Incoming trunk connects to Auto Attendant or another trunk after 2-254 seconds ringing.
Also see Program 05-11-04 for Night delay and Program 05-17-4 for Lunch delay.
05. Busy Remind Cycle Time (Off-Hook Ringing)
This parameter sets the timer an incoming trunk periodically rings a busy station. It is used to remind the busy station
that another trunk is waiting on the line. A muted, one-second ring will be given to the station through the speaker to
indicate the waiting call. The ring will be repeated at intervals defined by this busy remind cycle time.
This parameter also sets the timing for the SLT Camp-On feature (see Mode 05-08-03 SLT Camp On Time) and the
camp on tone for key stations.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
06. Pause Time
This parameter sets the system pause time duration for speed dial entry, trunk access time and voice mail call
forwarding tone delay.
This parameter sets DTMF generation time. It may need to be lengthened to access some Voice Mail or answering
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
08. Call Forward No Answer Transfer Time
This parameter sets the amount of time a call is ringing a station (set Call Forward No Answer) before it is transferred
to another station.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
Program 05-02-IP : System Timing Parameters – 02
05-02-IP SYS PAR
5 5 1 6 4 1 2 6
IPValueDefaultItem Description
010-95= 15 Sec.SLT Dial Tone Timeout
020-95= 15 Sec.SLT Inter-Digit Timeout
031-91= 10 Sec.Auto Redial Access Time – PSTN Lines
040-96= 1000 ms.SLT Release Signal Time
050-94= 400 ms.PSTN Lines Flash Time - Key Phone & Analog Phone
060-91= 80 ms.SLT Hold Signal Time
070-92= 240 ms.Ring On Time
080-96= 6 Sec.Ring Off Time
01. SLT Dial Tone Timeout
This parameter is for SLT (Single Line Telephone). If a key of SLT is not pressed before this assigned timer expires
when Dial Tone is given, a Busy Tone will be heard.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
02. SLT Inter-Digit Timeout
This parameter is for SLT (Single Line Telephone). If the interval between digits dialed exceeds this assigned timer, a
Busy Tone will be given.
IP=Item Pointer (01-08)
Value for each item
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
03. Auto Redial Access Time – PSTN Lines
This parameter sets the waiting timer after system redial the telephone number in Auto Redial feature. If the call is not
answered before this timer expires, system will hang up and wait for the Auto Redial Pause Time – Program 05-0508, and then try to redial again. ISDN lines will hang up immediately if the called number is busy. Refer to Program 0505-07 Auto Redial Trials for number of redial attempts
IP \ Value123456789Unit
04. SLT Release Signal Time
The time duration of depressing the hook switch of an SLT longer than this timer and then system will recognize it as a
Release Signal. Please note that the system will take it as a Hold signal if less than this timer but longer than the SLT
Hold Signal Timer (Program 05-02-06).
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
05-02-041002003004006008001000 1200 1400 1600ms.
05. PSTN Line Flash Time - Key Phone & Analog Phone
This parameter sets the Flash timer at PSTN trunk line when Key Phones pressing the [TRF/FL] key or an analog
phone makes a flash and then dials 800 while accessing an outside line. After dialing 800 the flash signal will be sent
to the PSTN line and the analog phone will be reconnected to the PSTN line again.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
05-02-0540801602404006008001000 1200 1400ms.
UK, Italy, Aust6080100120140160180200300600ms.
06. SLT Hold Signal Time
This parameter permits the selection of the Flash time from a single line telephone that the system will recognize as a
Hold signal if the time is greater than this hold signal time but less than the SLT release time (Program 05-02-04)
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
07. Ring On Time
This parameter allows the system to identify a minimum ring signal time from the PSTN line. This parameter should
never be changed without a clear understanding of the operation of the feature.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
08. Ring Off Time
This parameter allows the system to identify when a ringing call has abandoned by the absence of any ring signal from
the PSTN. This parameter should never be changed without a clear understanding of the operation of the feature.
This parameter permits the selection of a Make/Break Ratio for Dial Pulse signalling.
IP \ Value01
02. Automatic Trunk Search
This parameter allows the system to search for an available trunk according to the assigned dial 9 trunk group when
automatic dialing features are used; i.e., Speed Dial, Save Redial, Redial, etc.
IP=Item Pointer (01-08)
Value for each Item
IP \ Value01
05-03-02AllowedNot Allowed
03. Intercom Call Signalling Method
This parameter selects the Intercom calling method. The user can still override this selection by dialing 3 after initiating
an intercom call. Individual stations can be set to automatic microphone switch-on in mode 46-st-03 and thus override
the system-wide ring method.
IP \ Value01
05-03-03Voice SignallingRing Signalling
04. PABX (Centrex) Outgoing Code: (Refer to Program 35-TK-01)
This parameter assigns the PABX outgoing call access code for Redial and Save Redial when the system is installed
behind a PABX. It is used when Trunk Lines are set to be PABX lines in Mode 35-TK-01.
This assignment also enables the system to identify whether the user's dialing is a PABX's Intercom call or an
Outgoing call for toll restrictions. This Outgoing Code can be any one digit (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
05. Toll Access Code
It is the first dialing digit that will be checked as an effective Toll Call or not. This has no effect on toll control within the
system. It is only used to notify SMDR that a call is Toll Call or not. Refer to Program 14-01-03. Record Local Calls.
The Toll Access Code can be any one digit (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
06. Station Numbering Plan
This parameter assigns the number of digits used for the station numbering plan. 2, 3, or 4 digits may be used.
IP \ Value
05-03-062 Digits3 Digits4 digits
07. Internal Dial Tone Pattern
System will provide different Dial tone to Analog phone when it is off hook to notifying its status. There are four
different situations which can be identified as follows:
Intercom: Normal situation without setting to DND, CFW or MW.
DND: Do Not Disturb.
CFWD: Call Forwarding
MW: Message Waiting (Some left message on the phone).
There are three different Dial Tone patterns:
Steady: Continuous Dial Tone
2-Burst: (Stutter Dial Tone): 250ms on / 250ms off / 250ms on / 1250ms off
3-Burst: 250ms on / 250ms off / 250ms on /250ms off / 250ms on / 750ms off
1) If the parameter is set to 0 or 1 then the analog phone will receive the 2-Burst tone if call forward or DND has been
set for that extension.
2) Value 2 (and 6) is particularly designed for use when there is an external Voice Mail system connected to the
system, as some Voice mail units have problems with interrupted dial tone.
3) Value 6 will also provide what is known as Stutter dial tone to extensions when they are left a message. This is
useful where phones do not have a message light. When this is enabled as well as MW light to handsets by other
methods the phones with messages will receive both Message light and stutter dial tone.
This parameter allows for different ring patterns when the Door Phone button is pressed. This Parameter will also
affect the ACP phone. If this mode is set to = 0 then the ACP will follow the extension ringing frequency otherwise it
will follow settings in this Mode. This allows stations that to distinguish a call from an ACP/Doorphone from other calls.
IP \ Value
05-03-08Continuous ringSame Ringing - 1 to 8 as DK handset
This parameter sets if a station can access an outgoing line by dialing 9. If this parameter is disabled the station can
still access an outgoing line by pressing a line key on a Key phone or dial 8xx (xx is the trunk number).
IP \ Value01
05-04-02Dial 9 feature is enabledDial 9 feature is disabled
03. Action for Call Duration Limiting
This parameter decides what action will be taken if a station has limit call duration enabled in Mode 40-nnnn-03.
Settings 0 to 3 are for outgoing calls only. The outside party will also hear the warning tone.
IP \ Value
05-04-031 & 61 second Warning Tone for each cycle of Limit Call Duration
05-04-032 & 7
05-04-033 & 8
ValueValue Description
0 & 5Continuous Warning Tone after Timeout
At 10 seconds before Timeout, 1 second Warning Tone
At 5 seconds before timeout, continuous Warning Tone,
At timeout the line is released.
At 1 minute before timeout, 1 second warning tone,
At 30 seconds before timeout, continuous warning tone
At timeout the line is released.
Related System Program: 40-st-03
04. 12/24 Hours Clock
This parameter determines the clock display method on the LCD display of key phones.
IP \ Value01
05-04-0412 Hour Clock AM/PM24 Hour Clock
05. SLT Hook Flash Answer Delay
This timer provides a guard time to prevent an SLT user from making an un-intended Hook Flash, such as lifting the
handset but dropping on hook again, when it tries to answer a call. The Hook Flash detection will be delayed this time
interval before activating.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
06. Speed Dialing Distribution
This parameter sets the number of speed dial numbers allocated to the system or personal. The total number is 1000
sets with 100 allocated to system and 900 to personal. If name feature is enable the total number of speed dial will be
reduced to half its total. For example: if personal has 900 speed dial, when name feature is enable, its total number
will be dropped to 450. Please note that the personal speed dials are shared between all extensions. To assign the
number of personal speed for each extension refer to Mode 42-nnn-DP
IP \ ValueValueSpeed Dial NumberPersonal Total / Name Feature
0100 (100 to 199)
1200 (100 to 299)
2300 (100 to 399)
3400 (100 to 499)
4500 (100 to 599)
5600 (100 to 699)
6700 (100 to 799)
7800 (100 to 899)
8900 (100 to 999)
Note: Numbers after backslash at Personal is the total available with name feature enabled.
07. Single Digit Intercom
Single digit intercom allows the stations to call up to 5 other stations by dialing one digit only (1 to 5). This feature is for
the Hotel / Motel Environment. Up to eight different groups may be programmed. If a group is not programmed with
any entries then stations which are in the same number station group will be able to make intercom calls without
dialing the room to room dialing prefix (6).
IP \ Value01
08. SLT Message Waiting Method
IP \ Value013
05-04-0890V DCRingTwo 250 ms. Ring Burst
0=90V Message light
90 Volts DC will operate industry standard neon light message waiting phones.
1=Auto Ring
If the setting is Ring, the single line phone will receive 30 seconds intercom ringing every 5 minutes until the station
3=Special Ring 250 ms
If the setting is 250 ms. Ring, the single line phone will receive two 250-ms. ring burst every 5 minutes. This is for use
with the special telephones to turn on message lamp.
Program 05-05-IP : System Timing Parameters – 05
05-05-IP SYS PAR
0 0 0 0 7 1 1 0
IPValueDefaultItem Description
010-30=Morning Call Type
020-10=Reserved (for Meter Pulse Detection)
030-50=0Speed Dial Unrestricted-1
040-90=0Speed dial Unrestricted-2
050-77=enable allName Feature For Extensions, Trunks, Speed dials
070-91=2 TimesAuto Redial Trials
080-90=10 Sec.Auto Redial Pause Time
01. Wake Up Call
This parameter is used for the Hotel/Motel manager to decide which kind of Wake-up call is used to notify guests for
wake-up service.
IPValueValue Description
05-05-010Voice Prompt of Morning Call
05-05-011Background Music or DND Tone
05-05-012Voice Prompt of Wakeup Call + Wakeup Call History Output via SMDR Port
05-05-013Background Music or DND Tone + Wakeup Call History Output via SMDR Port
IP = Item Pointer (01-08)
Value for each Item
Each station can be set by Program 44-st-08 to decide whether to hear Background Music or DND tone.
To record Voice Prompt of Wakeup call: Dial [8901],[Password (Default=1234)],[2][3][3] from the console.
02. Reserved
03, 04. Speed Dial Unrestricted - 1, 2
If 03, 04 settings are A and B, then the speed dial codes from 100 to AB0 are Not Toll Restricted. For example if the
settings are 1 and 1 then Speed dials from 100 up to 110 can be used by stations to bypass the Toll Restrictions.
Individual stations can be restricted from using this feature in Mode 45-st-07.
If 03, 04 settings are set to 0 and 0, then all speed dial codes are toll restricted if the station using the speed dial will
be restricted.
05. Name Function
This parameter enables the naming feature for trunks, extensions and speed dials.
Features \ Values012357
Display Name instead of number for ExtensionVVVV
Directory Dial for Speed DialVVV
Directory Dial for Extension VV
V: The feature is enabled.
Note 1: When any of the above features are enabled the total number of speed dial sets will be reduced. See
Program 05-04-06.
Note 2: For setting name for Extension/Speed dial/Trunk, Please refer to the Program 43 press [MIC]
Note 3: For setting “Directory Dial” key, Please refer to Program 07.
06. Reserved
07. Auto Redial Attempts
This parameter is to set the number of Auto Redial attempts that the system will try.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
08. Auto Redial Pause Time
This timer defines the length of time a system will remain on hook (between attempts) between Auto Redial attempts.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
Program 05-06-IP : System Timing Parameters – 06
05-06-IP SYS PAR
4 4 1 1 0 3 0 0
IPValueDefaultItem Description
010-94=30 Sec.Transfer Busy Recall Time
020-94=30 SecTransfer Idle Recall Time
040-91=enablePolarity Reversal
050-10=0Operator Code
060-93=3 Min.Unsupervised Conference & ECF Time Setting
070-10=FlashHold Method for SLT
080-20=CommonStation Hunting Group Ring Method
01. Transfer Busy Recall Time
This timer defines the time duration for transferring a call to a busy party and then transfer back to the original
transferring party when the called party is busy.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
Note: ∞ = Infinite. It means never Recall.
IP =Item Pointer (01-08)
Value for each Item
ISDN Audio Coding (a-law orμ- law)
02. Transfer Idle Recall Time
This timer defines the time duration for transferring a call to a idle station and then transfer back to the original
transferring party when the called party does not answer.
IP \ Value0123456789Unit
Note: ∞ = Infinite. It means never Recall.
03. ISDN Audio Coding (a-law or μ- law)
This parameter sets the ISDN Audio companding algorithm. It is not necessary to change this parameter as the
software defaults will be set for each market. North America uses μlaw.
IP \ Value01
μ- law
04. Polarity Reversal
This parameter is to enable the Polarity Reversal detection feature for incoming caller hang up detection in Australia
and some European countries. See Mode 14-01-08 for SMDR setting. Telecom provider needs to enable its polarity
reversal feature at the central office. When this reversal is enabled the system will hang up the CO line when the
incoming caller hangs up and the CO sends a Polarity Reversal signal to the system.
IP \ Value012 to 9
05-06-04DisableEnableEnable after 1 to 8 seconds delay
Note: 2-9 =Delay for 1-8 Seconds after accessing the line and then detect Polarity Reverse Signal
05. Operator Code
This parameter is to set whether to dial "0" or "9" for calling the operator or accessing a CO. line.
IP \ Value01
05-06-05 Dial "0" for operator, "9" for C.O. line.Dial "9" for operator, "0" for C.O. line.
06. Unsupervised Conference & ECF Time Setting
This timer defines the allows time duration on Unsupervised Conference or ECF (External Call Forward) calls. The
system will send a warning tone prior to disconnecting the call. If either party sends a DTMF digit (0-9) to the system
the timer will reset and allow the call to continue for this time setting. If reversal supervision is used, system will
release the line when reversal signal is detected.
IP \ Value01234~9Unit
05-06-06No Limit1234Min.
07. Hold Feature for SLT
This parameter is to set whether Single Line Telephones use [FLASH] or [FLASH, 7] to place a call on Hold.
IP \ Value01
Use [FLASH] to place a call on Hold.
Use [FLASH, 7] to place a call on Hold.
08. Station Hunting Group - Ring Method:
This parameter sets the ring method used in the station hunting groups. Pilot numbers for hunt groups are set in
Program 67, Day/Night ring stations are set in Program 68 & 69, Individual Hunt Group Ring type can be set in
Program 67-gp-02 and will over ride the system wide setting made here.
IP \ Value012
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