User’s Guide
External Power Supply
18-60 VDC and 24-30 VRMS
SPS-1872-CC (Conversion Center™)
SPS-1872-DPS (Dual PointSystem™)
SPS-1872-PS (PointSystem™)
SPS-1872-SA (Stand-Alone)
The Transition Networks SPS-1872-xx external power supply provides a wide range
of input power (18-60 VDC and 24-30 VRMS) to accommodate most industrial,
telecom, and commercial applications. The SPS-1872-xx can deliver 12 watts of
power, enough to power all Transition Networks stand-alone media converters as
well as the single-slot (p/n CPSMC0100-20x) and the dual-slot (p/n CPSMC0200-2xx)
The 18-60 VDC input allows for the installation of the SPS-1872-xx external power
supply in all popular telecom, commercial, and industrial applications. The 24-30
VRMS input allows for installation of the SPS-1872-xx in remaining industrial
applications as well as HVAC and building control environments.
The 'piggy-back' feature of the SPS-1872-CC, SPS-1872-PS, and SPS-1872-DPS
allows it to physically attach to the media converter chassis and eliminate the power
cable between the power supply and the media converter.
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Technical Specifications . . . . . . . .8
Compliance Information . . . . . . .10
Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Installation and Service
All Installation and service must be performed by qualified service personnel.
Read and follow all warning notices and instructions marked on the product or
included in the manual.
Required Grounding
This product is intended to be used in a restricted access location Connect the
device to a 48 VDC SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) supply that is electrically
isolated from the DC Source. The 48 VDC source is to be reliably connected to
earth (ground). Equipment grounding is vital to ensure safe operation.
Prior to installation, use a voltmeter/ohmmeter to check the wiring for the
presence of earth ground.
Required Disconnect
A readily accessible disconnect device as part of the building installation shall be
incorporated into the fixed wiring. The disconnect device (a 48 VDC, 15 or 20A
circuit breaker or switch) must be included in the ungrounded supply conductor.
Overcurrent protection must be a 15 or 20A, 48 VDC fuse or circuit breaker.
CAUTION: Ensure that the power source is NOT powered when connecting it to
the SPS-1872-xx external power supply. Failure to observe this caution could
result in damage to, and subsequent failure of, the SPS-1872-xx.
Installation -- Continued
SPS-1872-SA (Stand Alone)
NOTE: The SPS-1872-SA external power supply is shipped with four (4)
attached feet.
1. Place on any well-ventilated table-top or shelf with access to a power
source with a range between 18-60 VDC or 24-30 VRMS.
2. Connect the barrel connector on the SPS-1872-SA to the power port of
the media converter or similar device
SPS-1872-CC / SPS-1872-PS / SPS-1872-DPS
The SPS-1872-CC, SPS-1872-PS, and SPS-1872-DPS are designed for three
different types of media converters. Each has slightly different dimensions and
each has the barrel connector in a different location to ensure that each power
supply is used for the proper application.
Note the differences between the three devices below:
3.125 in.
The SPS-1872-CC is designed for the
Transition Networks Conversion
Center™ media converter.
Note that this device is slightly narrower
than the other two devices.
CAUTION: Wear a grounding device and observe electrostatic discharge
precautions when installing or servicing the power supply module. Failure to
observe this caution could result in damage to, and subsequent failure of, the
power supply module.
WARNING: The SPS1872 must be attached to a limited current circuit with a
non-hazardous energy level of less than 240VA and be located in a restricted
access area. Failure to observe this warning could result in an electrical shock.
24-Hour Technical Support: 800-260-1312 -- International: 952-941-7600
3.375 in.
The SPS-1872-PS is designed for the
Transition Networks PointSystem™
media converter.
3.375 in.
The SPS-1872-DPS is designed for the
Transition Networks Dual
PointSystem™ media converter.
Note that this device is taller than the
other two devices.
techsupport@transition.com -- Click the “Transition Now” link for a live Web chat.

Installation -- Continued
SPS-1872-CC (Conversion Center™)
1. Remove the left-rear and right-rear screws from the Conversion Center™
media converter.
2. Connect the barrel connector on the SPS-1872-CC to the power port of
the media converter The flange of the SPS-1872-CC should slide over
the rear of the media converter as the two devices are connected. The
screw holes on the left and right sides should align.
3. Secure the two devices together by replacing the two screws on either
side of the SPS-1872-CC.
TN Conversion Center
media converter
SPS-1872-PS (PointSystem™)
1. Remove the left-rear and right-rear screws from the PointSystem™ media
2. Connect the barrel connector on the SPS-1872-PS to the power port of
the media converter. The flange of the SPS-1872-PS should slide over the
rear of the media converter as the two devices are connected. The screw
holes on the left and right sides should align.
3. Secure the two devices together by replacing the two screws on either
side of the SPS-1872-PS.
Installation -- Continued
SPS-1872-DPS (Dual PointSystem™)
1. Remove the left-rear and right-rear screws from the Dual PointSystem™
media converter.
2. Connect the barrel connector on the SPS-1872-DPS to the power port of
the media converter. The flange of the SPS-1872-DPS should slide over
the rear of the media converter as the two devices are connected. The
screw holes on the left and right sides should align.
3. Secure the two devices together by replacing the two screws on either
side of the SPS-1872-DPS.
TN Dual PointSystem
media converter
TN PointSystem
media converter
24-Hour Technical Support: 800-260-1312 -- International: 952-941-7600
techsupport@transition.com -- Click the “Transition Now” link for a live Web chat.