2003 TC IP, Ltd. All rights reserved. TRANSCORE is a trademark and Amtech is a register ed trademark of
TC IP, Ltd. and is used under license. All other trademarks liste d are the property of their respective owners.
Contents subject to change. Printed in the U.S.A.
For further inf ormation, contact:
19111 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300
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Fax:(972) 733-6699
TransCore Action Center (TrAC)
19111 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300
Dallas, Texas 75287-3106 USA
Phone:(800) 755-0378
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47 CFR §15.105(a)
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply wit h the limits f or a Class A digital device
pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communicati ons Commission (FCC) rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial envi ronment. This e quipmen t gener ates, us es, a nd can radia te radio frequenc y (RF) e ner gy a nd
may cause harmful interference to radio communications if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction man ual. Oper ating th is equipm ent in a r esidentia l area is like ly to cause harmfu l interf erence, in
which case, depending on the laws in effect, the users may be required to correc t the int erference at their
own expense.
47 CFR §15.21
CAUTION: This equipment may not be modified, altered, or changed in any way without permission
from TransC ore, Inc. Unauthorized modification may void the equipment a uthorization from the FCC and
will void the Tr ansCore warranty.
47 CFR §15.27(a)
Shielded cables must be used with this equipment to comply with FCC regulations.
A license issued by the FCC is required to operate this RF identification device in the United States.
Contact Tr ansCore, Inc. for additional information concerning licensing requirements for specific devices.
This chapter describes this guide’s purpose and intended audience. It
provides a list of topics covered in each section, a list of related
documents, and the symbols and typographical conventions used.
This guide provides the information necessary for TransCore-certified personnel to
successfully install and test the AR2200 RF Module.
Intended Audience
This guide was written for TransCore-certified personnel who design, configure,
install, test, and maintain TransCore systems in the field.
Guide Topics
Chapter 1
Before You Begin
Table 1-1 lists the information found in this user guide.
Table 1-1 AR2200 RF Module User Guide Information
Chapter 1–Before You
Chapter 2–AR2200 RF
Module Overview
Chapter 3–Installing the
AR2200 RF Module
Chapter 4–Testing the
AR200 RF Module
Chapter 5–Indicator
Chapter 6–Adjusting RF
Chapter 7–Sensitivity
Range Adjustment
Describes the purpose, intended audience, guide topics, related
documentation, and document conventions.
Provides an ove rview of the AR2200 RF Module’s features, options, and
Provides detailed installation instructions for installing a stand-alone RF
module, or connecting one or two RF modules to an AI12xx or AI1301
Provides instructions for testing the installed RF module.
Describes the locations and features of the RF module’s indicator lights.
Explains how to adjust the RF power, if needed.
Explains how to adjust the range sensitivity to screen unwanted tag signals.
Appendix A–Technical
Presents reference information on the AR2200 RF Module.
AR2200 RF Module User Guide
Typographical Conventions
Table 1-2 lists the conventions used in this manual:
Table 1-2 Typographical Conventions
This procedure might cause harm to the equipment and/or
the user.
Concerns about a procedure.
Dialog Box Title
Menu Item
NULZero-value ASCII character or a zero-value byte.
NULLZero-value pointers. Null-terminated string refers to strings
Code, including keywords and variables within text and as
separate paragraphs, and user-defined program elements
within text appear in courier typeface.
Title of a dialog box as it appears on screen.
Start with the characters G4, and are in mixed case with no
underscores, and include parentheses after the name, as in
Appears on a menu. Capitalization follows the interface.
Auxiliary information that further clar ifies the current
discussion. These important points require the user’s
attention. The paragraph is in italics and the word Note is
of printable ASCII characters with a zero-value byte placed
in memory directly after the last printable character of the
Health Limits
Before You Begin
Within the United States, environmental guidelines regulating safe exposure levels are
issued by the Occupational Safety and health Administration (OSHA).
Section 1910.97 of OSHA Safety and Health Standards 2206 legislates a maximum
safe exposure limit of 10 milliwatts per square centimeter (mW/cm
minutes at both 915 and 2450 MHz.
Although not binding, other organizations such as the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) have issued similar guidelines that are more restrictive than the
OSHA limits (ANSI C95.1). ANSI guidelines recommend a maximum safe power
Thus, the maximum permissible exposure for general population/uncontrolled
exposure at 915 MHz is 0.61 mW/cm2. The power limit is a 6-minute average.
The RF power density generated by Amtech® equipment was calculated using a maximum antenna gain of 14 dBi that is equivalent to that typically used in an AR2200
The antenna gain should not exceed 14 dBi. The antennas used for this transmitter
must not be collocated or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
At 1.6 W transmitted power and a distance of 22 inches (55 cm) from the antenna, the
maximum power density calculated was 0.6 mW/cm2. Install the antennas at least 22
inches (55 cm) from the general public. Maintenance personnel must remain at least
9.7 inches (24.5 cm) from antennas when system is operating.
The data confirms that the Amtech®system effectively meets OSHA requirements
and thus does not represent an operating hazard to either the general public or maintenance personnel.
(in MHz)
AR2200 RF Module User Guide
Over view of AR2200 RF Module
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