User’s Manual
SSD Firmware Update Utility
Version 1.0

need to be updated at the same
Supported Operating Systems
Supported on Windows XP/Vista/7 and Fedora Core 14 32-bit.
1. Microsoft AHCI driver is required and Microsoft AHCI mode must be enabled on your computer.
2. You must have Administrator privileges on your computer to run this utility.
Before Use
1. Updating your device may result in data loss. Therefore, we strongly recommend
data before proceeding.
Please DO NOT unplug the device or the power source during firmware update. This may
unpredictable damage.
Getting Started
1. Connect the Transcend SSD to your PC or laptop.
2. Double click the icon “SSD FirmwareUpdateUtility_V10.exe” to launch the utility.
3. SSD Firmware Update Utility will automatically scan for all devices and list them in
4. Select one or more desired drives to update. If two or more drives
time, please ensure that the last five digits of each selected drive in the Signature column are
identical to each other or the update will fail.