TransAct Epic 3000 Programmer's Manual

Epic 3000
Programmers Guide
PN 100-14362, Rev A Dec 2015
Programming Codes Epic 3000 Programmer’s Guide
Page 2 Rev A 100-14362
Epic 3000 Programmer’s Guide Programming Codes
Description of Change
Initial Draft
Dec 2015
Initial Release
Dec 2015
Change History
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Programming Codes Epic 3000 Programmer’s Guide
Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement The EPIC 3000 Printer complies with the limits for a Class A computing device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. These regulations are designed to minimize radio frequency interference during installation; however, there is no guarantee that radio or television interference will not occur during any particular installation. Interference can be determined by turning the equipment off and on while the radio or television is on. If the printer causes interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient the radio or television receiving antenna
2. Relocate the printer with respect to the receiver
3. Plug the printer and receiver into different circuits
If necessary, the user should consult their dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: How to Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems. This booklet is available from the US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Ask for stock number 004-000-00345-4.
Canadian Department of Communications Radio Interference Statement
The EPIC 3000 Printer does not exceed Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class A ULc CE Mark UL 1950 TUV
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Epic 3000 Programmer’s Guide Programming Codes
NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS RECEIVING THIS DOCUMENT: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of TransAct Technologies, Inc. ("TransAct"). This document is the property of and contains information that is both confidential and proprietary to TransAct. Recipient shall not disclose any portion of this document to any third party.
TransAct cannot guarantee that changes in software and equipment made by other manufacturers, and referred to in this publication, do not affect the applicability of information in this publication.
© 2015 TransAct Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Revision Level A Dec 2015 Printed in USA
Some of the product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
BANKjet, 50Plus, Insta-Load, Ithaca, "Made to Order. Built to Last", Magnetec, PcOS, POSjet, PowerPocket, iTherm", "PRINT IT. STICK IT.", POWEROLL, "RECEIPTS
THAT REGISTER", and TransAct are registered trademarks and Epic 950, Epicenteral,
Flex-Zone, imPort, ithaColor, KITCHENjet, Momentum, QDT and TicketBurst are trademarks of TransAct Technologies, Inc.
QR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in JAPAN and other countries. EPSON and ESC/POS are registered trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation in Japan and other countries.
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Programming Codes Epic 3000 Programmer’s Guide
Table of Contents
Change History .................................................................................. 3
Canadian Department of Communications Radio Interference
Statement .......................................................................................... 4
Regulatory Compliance ...................................................................... 4
Disclaimer ......................................................................................... 5
Copyright ......................................................................................................................... 5
Trademarks ..................................................................................................................... 5
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ 6
Figures .......................................................................................................................... 12
Tables ........................................................................................................................... 14
About the EPIC 3000 Printer ........................................................... 15
Who Should Read This Guide? ..................................................................................... 15
What Is Included in This Guide? .................................................................................... 15
Warranty Options .......................................................................................................... 15
Technical and Sales support ......................................................................................... 16
On-line Technical Support ..................................................................................... 16
Telephone Technical Support ................................................................................ 16
Return Materials Authorization and Return Policies ............................................... 16
Service Programs .................................................................................................. 16
Sales Support ........................................................................................................ 17
Contact Information ............................................................................................... 17
EPIC 3000 Specifications and Requirements ................................................................ 18
Standard Features ........................................................................................................ 18
General Specifications .................................................................................................. 20
Printing Specifications ........................................................................................... 20
Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................... 20
Internal AC Powered ............................................................................................. 20
Thermal Print Head ....................................................................................................... 20
Media Specifications ..................................................................................................... 21
Receipt Paper ........................................................................................................ 21
Monochrome ...................................................................................................... 21
Paper Low ......................................................................................................... 21
Paper Out .......................................................................................................... 21
Receipt Printing, Auto Cutter Position ................................................................ 21
Buzzer ........................................................................................................................... 22
Cover Interlock .............................................................................................................. 22
Communications Interface ............................................................................................. 22
USB Interface ........................................................................................................ 22
Setup ............................................................................................... 22
Verifying the Configuration ............................................................................................ 22
Connecting Communications Cables ..................................................................... 22
Verify the Firmware Configuration ......................................................................... 23
Installing Paper ............................................................................................................. 23
Indicator Light................................................................................................................ 24
Error Indication and Blink Patterns ..................................................................... 24
Power Saving Modes .................................................................................................... 25
Sleep ................................ ..................................................................................... 25
Green/Standby ...................................................................................................... 25
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Testing the Printer Overview ......................................................................................... 26
Using Self-Test, Configuration, and Hex Dump Mode ............................................ 26
Entering Self-Test, and Configuration mode ...................................................... 26
Testing the printer .............................................................................................. 26
TEST-Receipt ................................................................................................ 26
TEST-Head Test ............................................................................................ 26
Configuring Options ........................................................................................... 26
TEST- Configuration ...................................................................................... 27
Factory Test ................................ ....................................................................... 27
Level 0 Diagnostics ............................................................................................... 27
Cold Power On .............................................................................................. 27
Boot Loader Maintenance Mode ............................................................................ 28
Configuring Your EPIC 3000 Printer ................................................ 28
Configuration Mode Overview ....................................................................................... 28
How to Change Configuration Settings .......................................................................... 28
Entering into Configuration Mode ................................ .......................................... 28
Using Configuration Mode ............................................................................................. 29
Remote Configuration ................................................................ ................................... 29
Programming Codes ........................................................................ 30
Control Codes Overview ............................................................................................... 30
Nomenclature ................................................................................................................ 30
Standard Emulation ............................................................................................... 30
IPCL Codes ........................................................................................................... 31
EPOS Emulation.................................................................................................... 31
Application Development ............................................................................................... 31
Ithaca Control Codes and Commands ........................................................................... 31
PcOS Printer Control Codes .................................................................................. 31
Quick PcOS Reference Chart ................................................................................ 32
Low Level Paper Motion Control ............................................................................ 37
Print/Paper Motion ............................................................................................. 37
Horizontal Motion Control ...................................................................................... 37
Vertical Motion Control .......................................................................................... 39
Feed to Black Dot .................................................................................................. 45
Character Pitch ...................................................................................................... 46
Character Font ...................................................................................................... 49
Character Sets and Code Pages ........................................................................... 50
Codepage description files ................................................................................. 50
Double-Byte and Multi-Byte Code Page Description Files ..................................... 52
Code page selection .............................................................................................. 52
Print Control Characters ........................................................................................ 57
User Defined characters ........................................................................................ 58
Character Attributes ............................................................................................... 59
Page Mode ............................................................................................................ 65
How to use page mode ...................................................................................... 65
Page Definition .............................................................................................. 65
Auto-cutter and page mode ................................ ............................................... 66
Mechanism commands in page mode ................................................................ 66
Stopping page mode definition........................................................................... 66
Printing the page ............................................................................................... 66
Page mode commands .......................................................................................... 66
Graphic Modes ...................................................................................................... 74
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Standard APA Graphics ..................................................................................... 74
Extended APA Graphics .................................................................................... 75
Horizontal Graphics ............................................................................................... 77
Graphics Compression ...................................................................................... 78
Bitmap Graphics File Support ................................................................................ 80
User Store (Graphic Save) .................................................................................... 82
Defining Macros ................................................................................................. 83
User-Store Commands ...................................................................................... 85
User Macros ................................................................ .......................................... 88
Programming Considerations ............................................................................ 88
Bar Codes ................................ ............................................................................. 91
Barcodes and Code Pages ................................................................................ 93
Barcodes and Unicode ...................................................................................... 93
Linear Barcodes ................................................................................................ 94
Code-39 and Code-39 Extended.................................................................... 94
Code 128 (Code-128(A,B, and C)) ..................................................................... 96
Code 128 Auto Encoding ................................................................................... 99
Interleaved 2 of 5 (Code 2 of 5) ....................................................................... 100
UPC A ............................................................................................................. 100
UPC E ............................................................................................................. 101
EAN-13 ............................................................................................................ 102
EAN-8 .............................................................................................................. 103
EAN-14 ............................................................................................................ 103
ITF-14 .............................................................................................................. 104
EAN 2 and EAN 5 Addenda barcodes ............................................................. 104
Code 93 ........................................................................................................... 105
Codabar ........................................................................................................... 105
DataBar (RSS) GS-1 barcodes ........................................................................ 106
GS1-Databar-14 (GS1-Databar-Omni-directional) ....................................... 107
GS1-Databar-Truncated .............................................................................. 108
GS1-Databar-14 Stacked and GS1-Databar-14 Stacked-Omni .................... 108
GS1-Databar-Limited ................................................................................... 109
GS1-Databar-Expanded .............................................................................. 110
GS1-Databar-Expanded Stacked ................................................................. 110
EAN-128 (GS1-128) ..................................................................................... 111
2D Barcodes ........................................................................................................ 112
Code 49 ........................................................................................................... 112
Code 16K ........................................................................................................ 113
PDF 417, Truncated PDF417 and Micro PDF 417 ........................................... 114
PDF 417 ...................................................................................................... 114
Truncated PDF 417...................................................................................... 115
Micro PDF 417 ............................................................................................. 116
Data Matrix Bar Code ...................................................................................... 117
Data Matrix Encoding ................................................................................... 117
Data Matrix ECC200 .................................................................................... 117
Data Matrix Commands ............................................................................... 118
Testing Data Matrix barcodes ...................................................................... 118
Maxicode ......................................................................................................... 119
Maxicode Commands .................................................................................. 120
MaxiCode Mode 2 and 3 Structured Carrier Message .................................. 120
QRCode .......................................................................................................... 122
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QRCode Commands .................................................................................... 123
Micro QRCode ................................................................................................. 124
Micro QRCode Commands .......................................................................... 124
Aztec ............................................................................................................... 125
Aztec Commands ........................................................................................ 126
Code One ........................................................................................................ 127
Composite Barcodes ........................................................................................... 128
Composite data ............................................................................................ 129
UPC A Composite ........................................................................................ 129
UPC E Composite ........................................................................................ 130
EANX Composite ......................................................................................... 130
EAN GS1-128 Composite ............................................................................ 131
GS1-Databar-14 Composite ......................................................................... 131
GS1-Databar-Truncated Composite ............................................................. 132
GS1-Databar-Limited Composite ................................................................. 132
GS1-Databar-Expanded Composite ............................................................. 133
GS1-Databar-14 Stacked Composite ........................................................... 133
GS1-Databar-Stacked Omni Composite ...................................................... 134
GS1-Databar-Expanded Stacked Composite ............................................... 134
GS-1 Barcodes .................................................................................................... 135
GS-1 AI definitions ........................................................................................... 136
Mandatory AI Associations .............................................................................. 140
Invalid AI associations ..................................................................................... 142
GS-1 AI fields with a Check Digit ..................................................................... 143
Controlling Barcodes ........................................................................................... 144
Unified Commands .......................................................................................... 144
Barcode Control Summery Chart ................................................................. 146
PDF417 Print Options ...................................................................................... 147
Data Matrix Print Options ................................................................................. 150
Code 49 Print Options ..................................................................................... 151
Code 16K Print Options ................................................................................... 152
QRCode Print Options ..................................................................................... 153
Maxicode Print Options .................................................................................... 154
Aztec Print Options .......................................................................................... 155
Code One Print Options ................................................................................... 156
Databar (RSS) Print Options ............................................................................ 157
Composite Barcode Print Options .................................................................... 158
Legacy Commands .......................................................................................... 159
Identifying Barcode Processing Errors ................................................................. 161
Miscellaneous Printer Control .............................................................................. 163
Printer Status ....................................................................................................... 170
Status Inquire .................................................................................................. 170
Serial and USB Mode Inquire .......................................................................... 170
IEEE 1284 Mode Inquire .................................................................................. 170
Inquire Commands .............................................................................................. 171
ESC/POSTM Codes ...................................................................................................... 186
Differences between Epson TM Printers and EPIC 3000 ................................ ..... 186
Page Mode ...................................................................................................... 186
Undocumented Epson Commands .................................................................. 186
Barcodes ......................................................................................................... 186
Real-time Status .............................................................................................. 186
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Epson Licensed Firmware ............................................................................... 186
EPIC 3000 Graphics ....................................................................... 187
Printing Graphics ......................................................................................................... 187
Character Graphics ............................................................................................. 187
APA Graphics ...................................................................................................... 189
Procedure for APA graphics: ........................................................................... 189
Color Graphics ................................................................................................. 189
Procedure for color horizontal graphics: ........................................................... 190
EPIC 3000 Universal Color Graphics ................................ .......................................... 192
Print File Graphics ............................................................................................... 192
To generate a print file. .................................................................................... 192
Store Graphics in the printer: ............................................................................... 193
To Store a graphic in the printer ....................................................................... 193
Print a stored graphic. ...................................................................................... 193
Generate a file to store graphics into a printer ................................................. 193
How universal graphics is done ........................................................................... 195
How to use IPCL commands in text strings .......................................................... 195
Load and store named graphic image .............................................................. 195
Recall and print stored named graphic image .................................................. 196
Cautions .............................................................................................................. 196
Universal Graphic Command Descriptions .......................................................... 196
Scalable Fonts ............................................................................... 199
Character Generation .................................................................................................. 199
Outline characters ............................................................................................... 199
Stroke-based characters ...................................................................................... 199
Character Definition..................................................................................................... 200
Character Size ..................................................................................................... 201
Selecting Character Size ..................................................................................... 201
Legacy or Classic Method ................................................................................... 201
Line spacing ........................................................................................................ 202
Selecting character size by points. ...................................................................... 202
Diacritical Marks .................................................................................................. 202
Character Cache ................................................................ ......................................... 203
Stacked or Linked fonts ................................ ............................................................... 203
Bitmap Fonts ............................................................................................................... 204
Custom Fonts .............................................................................................................. 205
Internal Fonts .............................................................................................................. 205
Font Storage ............................................................................................................... 205
Font Control Commands ............................................................................................. 207
Font Size and Spacing......................................................................................... 207
Font Size and Spacing command interactions ..................................................... 209
Unicode ......................................................................................... 217
Unicode Encoding ....................................................................................................... 217
UTF-32 ................................................................................................................ 217
UTF-16 ................................................................................................................ 218
Unicode Extended UTF16 Encoding Example ................................................ 218
UTF-16 ................................................................................................................ 218
UTF-8 .................................................................................................................. 219
Unicode UTF8 Encoding Example ................................................................... 219
Unicode Encoding Control Commands ........................................................................ 220
Legacy Printer Features that Have Changed .................................. 224
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Dynamic code page definition ..................................................................................... 224
File System .................................................................................... 225
File System Interface ................................................................................................... 225
File System commands ....................................................................................... 225
POR.INI file ................................................................................................................. 231
File system Support..................................................................................................... 234
EPIC 3000 Extended Printer Control .............................................. 235
EPIC 3000 Internal Logs ............................................................................................. 235
EPIC 3000 Green and Sleep Power Control ................................................................ 238
Communications ............................................................................ 240
Protocol and Print Buffers ........................................................................................... 240
USB ............................................................................................................................ 243
USB Support ....................................................................................................... 243
Remote Printer Reset .................................................................................................. 244
Miscellaneous Communication Features ..................................................................... 245
Power-cycle Recovery ......................................................................................... 245
Off-line Active ...................................................................................................... 245
Recovery from Mechanical Errors ............................................................................... 246
Programmer’s Notes ................................................................................................... 247
Appendix A: CRC16 ........................................................................ 248
Appendix B: USB Printer Class Specification .................................. 249
Appendix C: Internal Code Pages .................................................. 251
Appendix D: ASCII Code Table ....................................................... 252
Appendix E: Unicode Character Addresses ..................................... 253
Appendix F: WGL4.0 Character Addresses ..................................... 255
Appendix G: GB18030 Character Addresses .................................. 259
Appendix H Windows 1252 Latin 1 ................................................ 267
Index ............................................................................................. 269
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Figure 1 Page Mode Entry Orientations......................................................................... 65
Figure 2 Page mode set printable area ......................................................................... 69
Figure 3 Default Page mode printed area ...................................................................... 69
Figure 4 Defined Page mode printed area ..................................................................... 70
Figure 5 Code 39 Example ............................................................................................ 94
Figure 6 Code 39 Extended Example ............................................................................ 94
Figure 7 Code 39 full 128 character encoding ............................................................... 95
Figure 8 Code 128 Manual Encoding Example .............................................................. 96
Figure 9 Code 128 encoding values .............................................................................. 98
Figure 10 Automatic Encoding Example ........................................................................ 99
Figure 11 Code 128 FNC encoding ............................................................................... 99
Figure 12 Interleaved 2 of 5 Example .......................................................................... 100
Figure 13 UPC A Examples ......................................................................................... 100
Figure 14 UPC E Zero Suppression Formats .............................................................. 101
Figure 15 UPC E Examples ......................................................................................... 101
Figure 16 EAN 13 Examples ....................................................................................... 102
Figure 17 EAN 8 Examples ......................................................................................... 103
Figure 18 EAN 14 Example ......................................................................................... 103
Figure 19 ITF-14 Example ........................................................................................... 104
Figure 20 EAN 2 and EAN 5 Addendas ....................................................................... 104
Figure 21 Code 93 Example ........................................................................................ 105
Figure 22 Codabar Example ........................................................................................ 105
Figure 23 RSS-14 symbol representing (01)20012345678909 .................................... 107
Figure 24 GS1-Databar 14 Example ........................................................................... 107
Figure 25 GS1-Databar 14 Truncated Example ........................................................... 108
Figure 26 GS1-Databar 14 Stacked Example .............................................................. 108
Figure 27 GS1-Databar 14 Stacked Omni Example ................................ ................... 109
Figure 28 GS1-Databar Limited Example .................................................................... 109
Figure 29 GS1-Databar Expanded Example ............................................................... 110
Figure 30 GS1-Databar Expanded Stacked Example .................................................. 110
Figure 31 GS1-128 Example ....................................................................................... 111
Figure 32 Code 49 Example ........................................................................................ 112
Figure 33 Code 16K Example ..................................................................................... 113
Figure 34 PDF 417 Example ....................................................................................... 114
Figure 35 Truncated PDF 417 Example ...................................................................... 115
Figure 36 Micro PDF 417 Example .............................................................................. 116
Figure 37 Data Matrix Example ................................................................................... 118
Figure 38 ECC 200 reference symbol encoding "30Q324343430794<OQQ" .............. 118
Figure 39 Maxicode Symbol ........................................................................................ 119
Figure 40 Data Maxicode Example .............................................................................. 120
Figure 41 QRCode Symbol ......................................................................................... 122
Figure 42 QRCode Symbol for a URL ......................................................................... 123
Figure 43 Data QRCode Example ............................................................................... 123
Figure 44 Data Micro QRCode Example ..................................................................... 124
Figure 45 Aztec Symbol .............................................................................................. 125
Figure 46 Data Aztec Example ................................................................ .................... 126
Figure 47 Aztec Rune Example ................................................................................... 126
Figure 48 Code One Example ..................................................................................... 127
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Figure 49 UPC A Composite Example ........................................................................ 129
Figure 50 UPC E Composite Example ........................................................................ 130
Figure 51 EAN-13 Composite Example ....................................................................... 130
Figure 52 EAN GS1-128 Composite Example ............................................................. 131
Figure 53 GS1-Databar 14 Composite Example .......................................................... 131
Figure 54 GS1-Databar Truncated 14 Composite Example ......................................... 132
Figure 55 GS1-Databar Limited Composite Example .................................................. 132
Figure 56 GS1-Databar Expanded Composite Example .............................................. 133
Figure 57 GS1-Databar Stacked Composite Example ................................................. 133
Figure 58 GS1-Databar Stacked Omni Composite Example ....................................... 134
Figure 59 GS1-Databar Expanded Stacked Composite Example ................................ 134
Figure 60 ECC – 200 Size options .............................................................................. 150
Figure 61 Example of Character Graphics ................................................................... 187
Figure 62 Example Commands for a Sample Receipt ................................................. 188
Figure 63 Sample Receipt ........................................................................................... 189
Figure 64 Receipt with graphics .................................................................................. 191
Figure 65 Typical POS System ................................................................................... 240
Figure 66 Host to Printer Link ...................................................................................... 241
Figure 67 Printer Communications Buffer Flow ........................................................... 242
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Table 1 Standard Power Input Requirements ................................................................ 20
Table 3 Character Pitch ................................................................................................. 47
Table 4 Inter-character Spacing .................................................................................... 48
Table 5 Language Table ID’s ........................................................................................ 54
Table 6 Euro Character Substitution Matrix ................................................................... 55
Table 7 Encoding schemes for ECC 200 ..................................................................... 117
Table 8 RSS Characteristics Summary ....................................................................... 136
Table 9 RSS GS1 AI Codes ........................................................................................ 139
Table 10 Mandatory AI Code Associations .................................................................. 141
Table 11 Invalid AI Code Associations ........................................................................ 142
Table 12 AI’s supported by automatic check digit generation ...................................... 143
Table 13 Barcode Control Commands ........................................................................ 146
Table 14 Paper Sensor Commands ............................................................................ 167
Table 15 Paper Sensor Commands ............................................................................ 168
Table 16 Character Pitch ............................................................................................. 216
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About the EPIC 3000 Printer
The Ithaca EPIC 3000 printer represents the very latest technology for use for thermal receipt printing for point-of-sale and retail environments. It builds upon the architecture of Ithaca’s proven thermal printers, together with a host of features specifically designed to improve the performance of your receipt-printing applications, including:
Crisp, clear receipt printing in either one or two colors Fast 11 inches per second print speed Rugged spill-resistant cover Large 4-inch paper roll capacity with drop-in loading Protected internal power supply Application-controllable buzzer
The EPIC 3000 also offers a wide range of programmable features, including color and font control, APA graphics support, bar codes, and support for multiple language character sets. These features let you quickly and easily integrate more layout and printing options than ever – while giving you the reliability, durability and uptime you have come to expect from Ithaca printers.
Who Should Read This Guide?
This document provides information and programming specifications for programmers and/or operators who will integrate the EPIC 3000 printer into their operations.
What Is Included in This Guide?
This Programmers Guide includes information on the features and programming interface of the EPIC 3000 printer. It provides the following information to support your programming and implementation efforts:
Warranty and technical support information. Specifications and functionality description. Programming information, including documentation of low-level and high-level
command interfaces, as well as sample scripts to guide your own implementation
We want you to have a trouble-free implementation with your Transact printer. For any issues not covered in this guide, quality technical support is available on-line at, or by telephone at (607) 257-8901 or (877) 7ithaca. Consult the following pages for more details about our support services.
Warranty Options
All EPIC 3000 printers come with a standard 24-month standard warranty covering both parts and labor that starts upon shipment from the factory. An optional extended warranty, covering both parts and labor for an additional 12 months, may be purchased separately. For more information concerning the warranty options, please contact the
Sales Department at TransAct’s Ithaca facility. You are responsible for insuring any
product returned for service, and you assume the risk of loss during shipment to Ithaca. C.O.D. packages are not accepted and warranty repairs are subject to the terms and conditions as stated on the Ithaca warranty policy.
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Technical and Sales support
Your Ithaca printer is backed by the resources of TransAct Technologies, a global technology firm with dedicated technical support and sales assistance. Here is how we can help you:
On-line Technical Support
Our web site at is your on-line portal to obtaining technical assistance with your Ithaca printer. Click on Ithaca link and then the Technical Support link to find documentation for your EPIC 3000 printer, including a current copy of this Programmer’s Guide.
Our on-line support site also includes a convenient e-mail assistance request form, where you can submit support requests 24 hours a day, and receive a return contact from a TransAct support technician during regular business hours.
Telephone Technical Support
Live telephone support is available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM Eastern US time, excluding holidays. We can provide general information about programming for your EPIC 3000 printer, technical support, documentation, or assistance in sending a printer for service. To obtain telephone support, call TransAct's Ithaca Facility at (607) 257-8901 and ask for Technical Support. To help us serve you faster, please have the following information ready when you call:
The Model Number and Serial Number of the printer. A list of any other peripheral devices attached to the same port as the printer. What application software, operating system, and network (if any) you are using. What happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred. How you tried to solve the problem.
Return Materials Authorization and Return Policies
If the technical support person determines that the printer should be serviced at our facility, and you want to return the printer for repair, we will issue you the Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) number that is required before returning the printer. Repairs are warranted for 90 days from the date of repair or for the balance of the original warranty period, whichever is greater. Please prepare the printer being returned for repair as follows:
Pack the printer to be returned in the original packing material. Packing material may be purchased from TransAct's Ithaca Facility. Do not return any accessories unless asked to do so by a support technician. Write the RMA number clearly on the outside of the box.
Service Programs
TransAct Technologies Incorporated has a full service organization to meet your printer service and repair requirements. If your printer needs service, please contact your service provider first. If any problems still persist, you can directly contact the Ithaca facility’s Technical Support Department at (607) 257-8901 or (877) 7ithaca for a return
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Epic 3000 Programmer’s Guide Programming Codes
authorization. International customers should contact your distributor for services. TransAct offers the following service programs to meet your needs.
Extended Warranty. Depot Repair. Maintenance Contract. Internet Support.
Sales Support
To order supplies, receive information about other Ithaca products, or obtain information about your warranty, contact our Sales Department at the contact telephone or fax numbers listed below. To receive information on International distribution, visit our web site at
Contact Information
TransAct Technologies Incorporated Ithaca Facility 20 Bomax Drive Ithaca, NY 14850 USA
Telephone (877) 7ithaca or (607) 257-8901 Main fax (607) 257-8922 Sales fax (607) 257-3868 Technical Support fax (607) 257-3911 Web site
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EPIC 3000 Specifications and Requirements
Standard Features
The following features are common to the entire family of thermal printers:
Print Speed for text is 11 inches per second (279 mm/sec)1
12.0 inches per second paper feed speed
Built-in self-ranging External Power supply
Clam-shell paper loading
USB interface.
Configurable receiver buffer
Self diagnostics
Set up and configuration utility program
CPI selections from 8 to 30 CPI2
Paper Out sensor
Multiple printer emulations: Ithaca PcOS, Star, Citizen, and Epson
APA and Epson graphics
Over 25 Bar Codes3 including 2D and Composite
Resident Bitmap and True Type Fonts.
UTF or ASCII with code page Character addressing
WGL4.0 Character set.
Metal receipt tear off
8 dots/mm. thermal print head resolution
Diagnostics button located under the printer
Cable routing strain relief
Multi-Color Status LED
Cover open button
Spill resistant design vertical main PCB mounting
82 mm. paper width
7.8 inch (190 mm.) Paper roll diameter
Portrait/landscape printing under Windows
Page mode printing
Cover Open sensor
Monochrome printing. In some cases depending on the print density the print speed may be
slower or faster. Print speed will be slower when using adhesive backed or color paper.
Character spacing is adjustable from 1 to 30 CPI. Typical values will be between 8 and 20 CPI
depending on the font selected. Values of 13.3, 14.86, or 17.3 are typical for each resident font.
Barcodes include: EAN 8, EAN 13, EAN 14, GS1-128 (EAN128), Codabar, Code 2 of 5, Code­39, Code-39 Extended, Code-93, Code-128(A,B, and C), UPC A, UPC E, Code49, Code16K, PDF417, MicroPDF417, Maxicode, QRCode, Datamatrix, GS1-Databar-14, GS1-Databar­Truncated, GS1-Databar-Limited, GS1-Databar-Expanded, GS1-Databar-14 Stacked, GS1­Databar-14 Stacked-Omni, GS1-Databar-Expanded Stacked, Aztec, EANX Composite, EAN128 Composite, GS1-Databar-14 Composite, GS1-Databar-Truncated Composite, GS1-Databar­Limited Composite, GS1-Databar-Expanded Composite, UPC A Composite, UP CE Composite, GS1-Databar-14 Stacked Composite, GS1-Databar-14 Omni Composite, GS1-Databar-Expanded Stacked Composite, and EAN 2 and EAN 5 Add on barcodes.
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Internal counters for hours on, cuts, print lines and errors 100 km print head life 60 million print line printer MCBF (excluding knife) Buzzer
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Note: This document is not the controlling document for print specifications, for print location, tolerances, or power requirements. The information specified here is to aid in program development.
Rated Power
Idle Current
Printing Current
47 – 63
.1A @ 120VAC
.05 A @ 240VAC
1.4 A @ 120VAC .7 A @ 240VAC
Number of heat elements:
Heat element pitch:
0.125 mm (8 dots/mm.)
Print width (Max):
80 mm. +/- 0.2 mm. (640 dots)
Print width (80mm paper):
72 mm. +/- 0.2 mm. (576 dots)
Print width (58mm paper):
56 mm. +/- 0.2 mm. (448 dots)
Print width (40mm paper):
36 mm. +/- 0.2 mm. (288 dots)
Pulse Life:
100 million pulses
Abrasion Life:
100 km.
Vertical dot pitch
0.125 mm (0.0049 inch) or 203 DPI
Operating Temperature
5-45 degrees C
10-90 % RH (non-condensing)
General Specifications
Printing Specifications
Printing method: Thermal Sensitive Line Dot System Vertical/Horizontal dot pitch: 0.125 mm. Resolution: 8 dots per mm (203 DPI) Line feed pitch: 3.2 mm. (.125 inches) Print zone (maximum) 80 mm (3.15 inch) Print Speed (monochrome): 11 inches per second Print Speed (two color): 4-6 inches per second4 Number of print elements: 640 dots in-line
Electrical Characteristics
Internal AC Powered
The EPIC 3000 Printer is designed to be AC self-powered in domestic and international markets. The printer is equipped with a universal input power supply that is designed to operate worldwide without modification.
Table 1 Standard Power Input Requirements
Thermal Print Head
Thermal Print Head Overview:
Operation Precautions:
Color paper print speed is paper dependent.
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Do not print without paper. Clean the head with ethyl-alcohol after power is removed from the printer. This will
remove foreign particles or paper dust which may degrade print quality.
Media Specifications
Receipt Paper
Paper feed method Friction feed Paper feed pitch Default - 1/8 inch
Monochrome roll diameter 190 mm. (7.5 inches) Max. paper thickness 0.05 to 0.09 mm. (.002 to .0035 inches) Paper Width 81.5 +/- .5 mm (3.19 +/- .02 inches) wide
Paper Usage Precautions:
The life of the thermal head, when two-color paper is used, is reduced to about half
of the life when single-color thermal paper is used.
Use only specified thermal paper. If other paper is used, print quality, head life, and
cutter life may deteriorate.
Paper Low
Paper low is not supported by this printer.
Paper Out
A paper out sensor is provided as a standard feature. It senses when there is approximately .5 inches length of paper left on the paper roll.
Receipt Printing, Auto Cutter Position
A receipt auto-cutter is a standard feature with all EPIC 3000 Printers. Cutter type Rotary Media width 3.19 +/- .02 inches (81.5 +/- .5 mm) Media thickness range 0.0025 to 0.0035 inch Cut to line of print 0.70 inch Cutter life 1,000,000 cuts Cut time: Less than 350 milliseconds
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Note: The +5 power on the standard USB interface does not have enough power to run the printer.
A buzzer is provided as a standard feature. It is triggered upon command from the host terminal to make a sound loud enough to be heard under noisy conditions. It will produce a sound pressure level of at least 90 dBA, 1 foot from the front of the printer.
Cover Interlock
A paper cover interlock switch is provided as a standard feature. When the paper cover is open, the printer is off-line, and will not print.
Communications Interface
All EPIC 3000’s are equipped with a USB 2.0 interface.
USB Interface
The USB interface is a Version 2.0 High or Full Speed implementation. The USB interface is standard on all printers and implemented through a Standard Series "B" Receptacle as defined in the USB Specification. The printer is self-powered and does not draw power from the standard type B USB interface cable.
The Standard USB Type B connector has the following pin functions:
Pin Signal
1 Vbus (+5 V dc) 2 Minus data 3 Plus data 4 Ground
Verifying the Configuration
Before you install an EPIC 3000 Printer into your system, you should verify that the printer is configured as required by your system. There are four parts to this verification process.
1. Verify that the power connection is correct.
2. Verify that the firmware in the printer is configured correctly.
Connecting Communications Cables
The EPIC 3000is USB only.
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Verify the Firmware Configuration
An example receipt is Included in the box your printer shipped in that will show how the printer was configured before it shipped from our Ithaca facility. Compare this information to your system requirements. Pay attention to the emulation and the communications link. If they are wrong, the printer may appear inoperative. If the configuration is not correct, refer to the section on changing the EPIC 3000 configuration. If there are a number of printers to be installed and you want the identical configuration in each, you can use the universal configuration program to record the configuration on one printer, and replicate it over a group. The configuration program is available from Transact technical support.
Installing Paper
It is easy to install paper in the EPIC 3000.
1. Open the paper cover by grasping the cover release between your thumb and forefinger, and squeeze the release. This will pop the cover up.
2. Open the cover and install a roll of paper with the paper coming off of the bottom of the roll.
3. Lay the paper tail over the front of the printer and center it over the paper path.
4. Close the cover. When the cover is closed, the printer will feed several inches of paper to make sure the paper is aligned in the printer. If equipped with a cutter, the printer will automatically cut the paper tail and the printer is now ready to print. If the printer is not equipped with a cutter, the operator should remove the paper tail.
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No fonts
1 Blink
EEPROM read fault
2 Blinks
EEPROM write fault
3 Blinks
Error State
Powering Down
Fast Blink
Cover Open
Print Head Over Temp
4 Blinks.
Slow Blink
Power Bad
2 Blinks.
Slow Blink
Out of Paper
Fast blink
Indicator Light
Error Indication and Blink Patterns
The EPIC 3000 printer will blink the LED indicator to indicate various modes or faults. The printer may be in normal operation, self test or in recovery modes. The multicolor
Indicator LED will indicate which mode by a unique color and or blink pattern.
Maintenance Mode
In Transact boot load mode, the power LED will blink two or more times and then delay. It will repeat this cycle about every 2 seconds. If in an error condition, the indicator will be read and blink green an error code.
Self Test Mode
When the printer is in self test, the power indicator will blink slowly with a 50% duty cycle at a 2 second rate.
Normal Operation
During Normal operation, the Power LED will remain on unless an error is being indicated. There are two classes of errors, soft errors and hard errors. Soft errors are recoverable without power cycling the printer. Hard errors cannot be recovered from without removing the power from the printer, correcting the problem, and reapplying power.
o Three colored Error Indicators
Power -> Green Error -> Red Paper -> Yellow
o Soft Errors
Soft errors may be recovered by the host, or by opening and closing the printers cover. All of these errors are indicated by a 5 second repeating blink patterns.
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o Hard Errors
Hard errors have a similar pattern to Soft errors only they are slower and repeat every 10 seconds. In general they occur during level 0 diagnostics and are not recoverable.
Epic 3000 Programmer’s Guide Programming Codes
Error Vector Taken
4 Blinks
Knife Error
5 Blinks
Flash File system Error
6 Blinks
User Store Fault
7 Blinks
Configuration Fault
8 Blinks
Flash Read/Write Error
9 Blinks
Dynamic Memory Allocation
10 Blinks
Font system Fault
11 Blinks
Static Memory Allocation
12 Blinks
Communications Fault
14 Blinks
Kernel Fault
15 Blinks
Head Connection Fault
16 Blinks
USB Fault
17 Blinks
Power Saving Modes
In Sleep mode, the EPIC 3000 printer enters a low power state where everything but the communications is disabled. In this mode, the printer may be reactivated by command or by pressing the Power Button. As the print head preheat is turned off, it may take a few seconds for the EPIC 3000 to warm up the print head in preparation for printing. This mode is activated by command only. (See page 238)
In Green mode, the EPIC 3000 printer enters a lower power state where everything including the communications is disabled. The printer will enter and leave Green mode based on the Vbus signal on the USB link. This allows the printer to enter a low power state whenever the USB link is placed in a low power state.
The operational state of the EPIC 3000 can be determined by looking at the Power Indicator Light (LED). When the printer enters ON mode, the green power indicator light will be activated. When in Sleep mode, the Power Indicator Light (LED) will blink about every 3 seconds. In Green mode, the Power Indicator Light (LED) will blink about every 5 seconds.
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Testing the Printer Overview
Using Self-Test, Configuration, and Hex Dump Mode
Self-Test Mode allows you to perform a series of tests to show if the printer is functioning correctly. Self-Test Mode also allows you to print a summary of how your EPIC 3000 is
currently configured. Use this printout to compare your printer’s settings to your system’s
requirements. Specific attention should be given to emulation and communications settings. For serial printers, the baud rate and other RS-232 interface settings are important. If there is a configuration problem, you should use Configuration Mode to make any changes necessary.
Entering Self-Test, and Configuration mode
To enter self test and or configuration mode, perform the following sequence of operations:
1. Press and release the Diagnostics button to enter self test
2. Press and release the Diagnostics button to run the indicated test.
3. Press and hold the Diagnostics button until the green paper LED is illuminated to select the next test.
4. Press and hold the Diagnostics button until the red error LED is l illuminated to exit self test mode.
The EPIC 3000 has a total of seven Self-Test and or configuration options. Two are designed to be useful when performing on-site print evaluations. One option allows the printers electronic journal to be maintained, one allows the printers configuration to be changed, and two are designed for factory setup by TransAct.
Testing the printer
Use the following two TEST options when verifying basic printer operation.
The receipt test is the primary test option to use when determining if the printer is functioning correctly.
The receipt test is mostly used during the early stages of troubleshooting, to eliminate the possibility that the problem is occurring with the printer. If the printer experiences a failure, and the error indicator light is activated, call TransAct’s Ithaca Facility’s Technical Support Department.
TEST-Head Test
This test performs a test pattern that will print all the head print elements and verify that the drive roll is free from defects. The print head has two heating elements per dot position. A print element is not considered bad unless both elements are missing. If the head test shows that there is an inconsistency in the drive roll it may be debris or a void. If debris is indicated, cleaning the drive roll should correct the problem. If this does not correct the problem, contact TransAct’s Ithaca Facility’s Technical Support Department.
Configuring Options
The configuration option allows the configuration of the printer to be printed and, if necessary, changed. When configuration mode is entered, the current configuration, the
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1. Basic System Integrity
2. Vector Integrity
3. RAM Test
4. Flash Boot Loader Integrity
5. Flash Firmware Integrity (NOTE: If the firmware is corrupted, the printer will remain in boot load.)
6. Start Normal Firmware
7. Verify Configuration Integrity
8. Interface Card Configuration
9. User-store Integrity
10. Start Kernel, Verify Multitasking, Start Tasks Once the kernel is running, the following tests must pass to allow operation. However, if any test
Current User store status, and the current totals are printed. If any printer errors have occurred, a hardware and software error log may also be printed. At the end of the print out are instructions on how to use configuration mode. Please read these instructions carefully, as they are not the same as Self-Test. You may exit configuration mode at any time, without affecting the printer configuration, by pressing the power button.
TEST- Configuration
The content of the configurable features will alter based on the hardware installed. There will be at least three groups of options:
1. Emulation
2. Communications
3. General Options
Under emulation the instruction set or emulation of the printer may be changed. Available options will depend on the model of printer, however Ithaca PcOS is always available. Other options may be Epson TM88, TM90, Microline, and Ithaca M50.
Under Communications, the way the printer deals with the communications port can be adjusted. The printer will only show communications options that deal with the communications adapter installed.
Under General Options, all other configurable features of the printer can be adjusted. The default language, paper options, electronic Journal features, and print defaults may be set.
Details of all printer options and features will de discussed later in this manual.
Factory Test
The printer is equipped with several factory test modes. These test options are only used for factory burn-in and testing.
TEST-Burn-in TEST-Rolling ASCII
Level 0 Diagnostics
Level 0 diagnostics always and only run at power up, e.g. power being applied. These diagnostics perform the following tasks:
Cold Power On
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fails (except the knife home test), the remaining tests will generate recoverable faults and normal operation will start as soon as the fault is cleared. These tests are also run when operation is resumed from OFF.
11. Cover Closed Check
12. Knife Home (if installed)
13. Paper Present
14. Place Printer On-line, Start Normal Operation
The printer does not need to be functional for maintenance mode to function.
The first phase of testing consists of step 1-5, and determines that the boot loader is accurate and the printer firmware is correct. Tests 1 through 4 produce non-recoverable errors if they fail, in which case the power must be removed from the printer and the printer returned for service. If the boot loader is intact, but the main firmware is corrupted, the printer automatically enters boot loader mode, where the firmware can then be reloaded into the printer.
Boot Loader Maintenance Mode
Maintenance mode supports firmware updates and other maintenance and configuration operations.
Maintenance mode may be entered by a series of host commands or it may be entered manually.
To manually enter the maintenance, hold the paper sensor down while the paper cover is open and turn the power switch on. Level 0 diagnostics will be run and the power indicator will display a very slow double blink pattern. If the error Indicator comes on, some type of level 0 error was detected. In maintenance mode, the firmware may be loaded or reconfigured and fonts added or changed. For a complete list of operations available refer to the maintenance mode programmers guide.
Configuring Your EPIC 3000 Printer
Configuration Mode Overview
There are two ways to configure the EPIC 3000 printer: the first is to use the manual configuration sequence by using the keypad controls, and the second is to use TransAct’s remote configuration software. TransAct Technologies offers the use of a remote CONFIG program as a fast, easy way for system integrators to configure or reconfigure your EPIC 3000 printer. To obtain more information, or the latest version of the CONFIG program, call our Sales Department or Technical Support.
How to Change Configuration Settings
Entering into Configuration Mode
1) Press and release the Diagnostics button.
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Note: There are a number of features that may be configurable. It is intended that if you need to change them, you will contact TransAct Technical support for assistance.
2) Press and hold the Diagnostics button until the Paper (Green) LED lights. Then release the Diagnostics button. Repeat this process until the “Operation – Configuration” Prompt.
3) Press and Release the Diagnostics button to enter Configuration mode.
4) You are now in Configuration Mode.
After you enter Configuration Mode, the printer will print the current configuration, the current totals and the error logs, if any. Save this printout as a guide to changing the configuration, and in case you wish to return the printer to the previous configuration.
Each emulation can have different configurable features. If you are changing the emulation, note that the printout that was printed at the beginning of the configuration process may be incorrect for the new emulation, and the configurable features may be different. If you are using this print out as a configuration guide, and you are changing the emulation, you may wish to save the new emulation and then re-enter Configuration Mode to change other options. This will print all the available features for the new emulation.
Using Configuration Mode
The Feed button is used to select and change configuration setting. By pressing and releasing the Feed button, the parameter to be changed can be selected. By pressing and holding the Feed button, the value of the selected parameter will change.
Remote Configuration
Remote configuration is provided for all printers, and is accessed through a series of extended diagnostic and configuration commands. The TransAct universal configuration program will allow the configuration to be read, edited, and written back to the printer. It will also allow the configuration of one printer to be recorded and replicated over a number of printers. The program is available from TransAct Technical Support or by downloading it from the Internet – consult the section On-line Technical Support for further details.
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Programming Codes
Control Codes Overview
This Programmer's Guide is designed to help users of the EPIC 3000 printer develop applications. EPIC 3000 Printers are specialized point-of-sale printers that have several features not normally found on general-purpose printers. Because of these special features, EPIC 3000 Printers have unique control codes. This programmer's guide documents the control codes that are unique to the EPIC 3000 Printer.
When describing control codes, confusion often occurs as to whether the description is decimal, hexadecimal, or ASCII. To minimize the problem, this programmer’s guide uses the following nomenclature when describing control code sequences.
[ ] Encloses a control character. [ ] represents a single, 8-bit value as
defined in the standard ASCII tables. The ASCII Code Table in Appendix B lists the control codes. An example would be [ESC], which would represent a 1BH or 27 decimal.
< > Encloses an 8-bit value in decimal format. The value is from zero to 255.
An example is <2>, which represents 02H or 2 decimal.
<n> Indicates a variable parameter. The variable parameter, <n>, can have a
value from zero to 255. The meaning of <n> is described and defined in the description of the command.
<n1> <n2> Indicates that there are two parameters, <n1> and <n2>, where both can
have values from zero to 255.
<m1> <m2> Is an Ithaca® Printer Control Language (IPCL) parameter consisting of
two digits where <m1> and <m2> are ASCII characters from zero to nine. The parameter is combined to form a value from zero to 99. If <m3> is included, the parameter is combined to be from zero to 999. If two values are specified, there must be two bytes added to the IPCL code. That is, if the command specifies <m1> <m2> and the desired value is five, it must be specified as 05.
x All other characters in control strings represent ASCII characters. For
example, [ESC] 1 represents 1BH followed by 31H.
In many cases, applications require that control sequences be specified in hexadecimal or decimal codes. In most cases, commands are specified in ASCII, hexadecimal, and decimal. The ASCII Code Table in Appendix B (page 252) lists ASCII, hexadecimal, and decimal equivalents.
Standard Emulation
The standard control codes for the EPIC 3000 Printer are extensions and subsets of the PcOS IBM emulation provided on other Ithaca® products. In some cases, an application
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