One copy of this document ships inside
the control panel of each unit and is
customer property. It must be retained
by the unit’s maintenance personnel.
This booklet describes proper installation, operation, and maintenance procedures for air cooled systems. By
carefully reviewing the information
within this manual and following the instructions, the risk of improper operation and/or component damage will be
It is important that periodic maintenance be performed to help assure
trouble free operation. A maintenance
schedule is provided at the end of this
manual. Should equipment failure occur, contact a qualified service organization with qualified, experienced
HVAC technicians to properly diagnose
and repair this equipment.
Do Not release refrigerant to the
atmosphere! If adding or removing
refrigerant is required, the service
technician must comply with all federal,
state, and local laws.
Model Number Description
All products are identified by a multiplecharacter model number that precisely
identifies a particular type of unit. An
explanation of the alphanumeric identification code is provided below. Its use
will enable the owner/operator, installing contractors, and service engineers
to define the operation, specific components, and other options for any specific unit.
When ordering replacement parts or requesting service, be sure to refer to the
specific model number and serial number printed on the unit nameplate.
Equipment Damage From
Ultraviolet (UV) Lights!
The manufacturer does not recommend field installation of ultraviolet
lights in its equipment for the intended purpose of improving indoor
air quality. High intensity C-band
ultraviolet light is known to severely
damage polymer (plastic) materials
and poses a personal safety risk to
anyone exposed to the light without
proper personal protective equipment. Polymer materials commonly
found in HVAC equipment that may be
susceptible include insulation on
electrical wiring, fan belts, thermal
insulation, various fasteners and
bushings. Degradation of these
materials can result in serious
damage to the equipment.
The manufacturer accepts no
responsibility for the performance or
operation of our equipment in which
ultraviolet devices were installed
outside of the manufacturer’s factory
or its approved suppliers.
Literature Change History ................. 2
Overview of Manual .......................... 2
Model Number Description ............... 2
Unit Nomenclature ............................ 4
General Information
Unit Nameplate ................................. 5
Compressor Nameplate .................... 5
Unit Description................................. 5
0 = No Fresh Air
A = Manual OA, 0 - 25%
B = Motorized OA, 0 - 50%
C = Economizer Dry Bulb
D = Economizer with
Barometric Relief
E = Economizer, Reference Enthalpy
F = Economizer, Reference Enthalpy,
with Barometric Relief
G = Economizer Comparative Enthalpy
H = Economizer, Comparative Enthalpy,
with Barometric Relief
0 = Without Monitoring Controls
1 = Clogged Filter Switch
2 = Fan Failure Switch
3 = Discharge Air Sensing Tube
4 = Clogged Filter Switch and Fan
Failure Switch
5 = Clogged Filter Switch and
Discharge Air Sensing Tube
6 = Fan Failure Switch and
Discharge Air Sensing Tube
7 = Clogged Filter Switch, Fan Failure
Switch and
Discharge Air Sensing Tube
General Information
Unit Nameplate
A Mylar unit nameplate is located on
the unit’s corner support next to the filter access panel. It includes the unit
model number, serial number, electrical
characteristics, refrigerant charge, as
well as other pertinent unit data.
Compressor Nameplate
The nameplate for the compressors are
located on the side of the compressor.
Hazard Identification
Warnings are provided throughout
this manual to indicate to installing
contractors, operators, and service
personnel of potentially hazardous
situations which, if not avoided,
COULD result in death or serious injury.
Cautions are provided throughout
this manual to indicate to installing
contractors, operators, and service
personnel of potentially hazardous
situations which, if not avoided, MAY
result in minor or moderate injury.
Unit Description
Before shipment, each unit is leak
tested, dehydrated, charged with refrigerant and compressor oil, and run
tested for proper control operation.
The condenser coils are aluminum fin,
mechanically bonded to copper tubing.
Direct-drive, vertical discharge condenser fans are provided with built-in
thermal overload protection.
The ReliaTel™ Control Module is a microelectronic control system that is referred to as “Refrigeration Module”
(RTRM). The acronym RTRM is used
extensively throughout this document
when referring to the control system
These modules through Proportional/Integral control algorithms perform specific unit functions that governs unit operation in response to; zone temperature, supply air temperature, and/or humidity conditions depending on the application. The stages of capacity control
for these units are achieved by starting
and stopping the compressors.
The RTRM is mounted in the control
panel and is factory wired to the respective internal components. The
RTRM receives and interprets information from other unit modules, sensors,
remote panels, and customer binary
contacts to satisfy the applicable request for cooling.
Economizer Control Actuator
ReliaTel™ Control
The ECA monitors the mixed air temperature, return air temperature, minimum position setpoint (local or remote),
power exhaust setpoint, CO2 setpoint,
CO2, and ambient dry bulb/enthalpy
sensor or comparative humidity (return
air humidity against ambient humidity)
sensors, if selected, to control dampers
to an accuracy of +/- 5% of stroke. The
actuator is spring returned to the closed
position any time that power is lost to
the unit. It is capable of delivering up to
25 inch pounds (2.82 N-m) of torque
and is powered by 24 VAC.
RTCI - ReliaTel™ Trane
Communication Interface
This module is used when the application calls for an ICS
ment type control system. It allows the
control and monitoring of the system
through an ICS panel. The module can
be ordered from the factory or ordered
as a kit to be field installed. Follow the
installation instruction that ships with
each kit when field installation is necessary.
building manage-
RLCI - ReliaTel™ LonTalk
Communication Interface
This module is used when the application calls for an ICS
ment type control system that is
LonTalk. It allows the control and monitoring of the system through an ICS
panel. The module can be ordered from
the factory or ordered as a kit to be field
installed. Follow the installation instruction that ships with each kit when field
installation is necessary.
building manage-
RTOM - ReliaTel™ Options
Module (Optional)
The RTOM monitors the supply fan
proving, clogged filter, supply air temperature, exhaust fan setpoint, supply
air tempering, Frostat™ and smoke detector. Refer to system input devices
and functions for operation.
General Information
System Input Devices &
The RTRM must have a zone sensor or
thermostat input in order to operate the
unit. The flexibility of having several
mode capabilities depends upon the
type of zone sensor or thermostat selected to interface with the RTRM.
The descriptions of the following basic
Input Devices used within the RTRM
network are to acquaint the operator
with their function as they interface with
the various modules. Refer to the unit’s
electrical schematic for the specific
module connections.
The following controls are available
from the factory for field installation.
Supply Fan Failure Input (Optional)
The Fan Failure Switch can be connected to sense indoor fan operation:
FFS (Fan Failure Switch) If air flow
through the unit is not proven by the differential pressure switch connected to
the RTOM (factory set point 0.07 “
w.c.(17.4 Pa)) within 40 seconds nominally, the RTRM will shut off all mechanical operations, lock the system
out, send a diagnostic to ICS, and the
SERVICE output will flash. The system
will remain locked out until a reset is initiated either manually or through ICS.
Clogged Filter Switch (Optional)
The unit mounted clogged filter switch
monitors the pressure differential
across the return air filters. It is
mounted in the filter section and is connected to the RTOM. A diagnostic SERVICE signal is sent to the remote panel
if the pressure differential across the filters is at least 0.5" w.c. (124.5 Pa). The
contacts will automatically open when
the pressure differential across the filters decreases to approximately 0.4"
w.c. (99.6 Pa). The clogged filter output
is energized when the supply fan is operating and the clogged filter switch has
been closed for at least 2 minutes. The
system will continue to operate regardless of the status of the filter switch.
Compressor Disable (CPR1/2)
This input incorporates the low pressure
control (LPC) of each refrigeration circuit
and can be activated by opening a field
supplied contact installed on the LTB.
If this circuit is open before the compressor is started, the compressor will
not be allowed to operate. Anytime
this circuit is opened for 1 continuous
second during compressor operation,
the compressor for that circuit is immediately turned “Off”. The compressor will not be allowed to restart for a
minimum of 3 minutes should the contacts close.
If four consecutive open conditions
occur during the first three minutes of
operation, the compressor for that circuit will be locked out, a diagnostic
communicated to the remote panel (if
installed), and a manual reset will be
required to restart the compressor.
Low Pressure Control
ReliaTel Control
When the LPC is opened for 1 continuous second, the compressor for
that circuit is turned off immediately.
The compressor will not be allowed to
restart for a minimum of 3 minutes.
If four consecutive open conditions
occur during the first three minutes of
operation, the compressor will be
locked out, a diagnostic communicated to ICS
manual reset will be required to restart
the compressor.
High Pressure Control (Optional)
ReliaTel Control
The high pressure controls are wired
in series between the compressor outputs on the RTRM and the compressor contactor coils. If the high pressure control switch opens, the RTRM
senses a lack of current while calling
for cooling and locks the compressor
On dual circuit units, if the high pressure
control opens, the compressor on the
if applicable, and a
affected circuit is locked out. A manual reset for the affected circuit is required.
ReliaTel Control
The power exhaust fan is started whenever the position of the economizer
dampers meets or exceed the power
exhaust setpoint when the indoor fan is
The setpoint panel is located in the return air section and is factory set at
Lead/Lag Control (Dual Circuit Only)
ReliaTel Control Only
Lead/Lag is a selectable input located
on the RTRM. The RTRM is configured
from the factory with the Lead/Lag
control disabled. To activate the Lead/
Lag function, simply cut the wire
connected to J3-8 at the RTRM. When it
is activated, each time the designated
lead compressor is shut off due to the
load being satisfied, the lead compressor or refrigeration circuit switches.
When the RTRM is powered up, i.e.
after a power failure, the control will
default to the number one circuit
Zone Sensor Module (ZSM)
This electronic sensor features three
system switch settings (Heat, Cool, and
Off) and two fan settings (On
and Auto). It is a manual changeover
control with single setpoint. (Cooling
Setpoint Only)
Zone Sensor Module (ZSM)
This electronic sensor features four
system switch settings (Heat, Cool,
Auto, and Off) and two fan settings (On
and Auto). It is a manual or auto
changeover control with dual setpoint
capability. It can be used with a remote
zone temperature sensor
General Information
Zone Sensor (BAYSENS010B)
This electronic sensor features four system switch settings (Heat, Cool, Auto,
and Off) and two fan settings (On and
Auto) with four system status LED’s. It is
a manual or auto changeover control with
dual setpoint capability. It can be used
with a remote zone temperature sensor
Programmable Zone Sensor (BAYSENS019B)
This 7 day programmable sensor features 2, 3 or 4 periods for Occupied or
Unoccupied programming per day. If
the power is interrupted, the program is
retained in permanent memory. If power
is off for an extended period of time,
only the clock and day may have to be
The Zone Sensor allows selection of 2,
3 or 4 system modes (Heat, Cool, Auto,
and Off), two fan modes (On and Auto).
It has dual temperature selection with
programmable start time capability.
The occupied cooling set point ranges
between 45 F (7.2 C)and 98 F (35.6 C)
degrees. The heating set point ranges
between 43 F (6.1 C) and 96 F ( 35.6
C) degrees.
A liquid crystal display (LCD) displays
zone temperature, temperature set
points, day of the week, time, and operational mode symbols.
The Option Menu is used to enable or
disable applicable functions, i.e.; Morning Warm-up, Economizer minimum position override during unoccupied status, Fahrenheit or Centigrade, Supply
air tempering, Remote zone temperature sensor, 12/24 hour time display,
Smart fan, and Computed recovery.
During an occupied period, an auxiliary
relay rated for 1.25 amps @ 30 volts
AC with one set of single pole double
throw contacts is activated.
Status Inputs (4 Wires Optional)
The ZSM can be wired to receive four
(4) operating status
signals from the RTRM (HEAT, COOL,
Four (4) wires from the RTRM should be
connected to
the appropriate terminals (7, 8, 9 & 10)
on the ZSM.
Remote Zone Sensor
This electronic sensor features remote
zone sensing and timed override with
override cancellation. It is used with a
Trane Integrated Comfort
management system.
Remote Zone Sensor
This electronic sensor features single
setpoint capability and timed override
with override cancellation. It is used
with a Trane Integrated ComfortTM building management system.
Remote Zone Sensor
This bullet type temperature sensor can
be used for; outside air (ambient) sensing, return air temperature sensing,
supply air temperature sensing, remote
temperature sensing (uncovered. Wiring procedures vary according to the
particular application and equipment involved. Refer to the unit’s wiring diagrams for proper connections.
Remote Zone Sensor
This electronic sensor can be used with
BAYSENS006B, 008B, 010B, 019B Remote Panels. When this sensor is wired
to a BAYSENS019B Remote Panel,
wiring must be 18 AWG (.75mm
Shielded Twisted Pair (Belden 8760 or
equivalent). Refer to The specific Remote Panel for wiring details.
Single Stage - 1 Heat/1 Cool
Multi Stage - 2 Heat/2 Cool - Can be
Used for Economizer Operation
Remote sensor for BAYSTAT036A and
Phase Monitor (Optional)
ReliaTel Control Only
This sensor monitors voltage between
the 3 conductors of the 3 phase power
supply. Two LED lights are provided.
The green light indicates that a balanced 3 phase supply circuit is properly connected. The red light indicates
that unit operation has been prevented. There are two conditions that
will prevent unit operation.The power
supply circuit is not balanced with the
proper phase sequence of L1,L2,L3 for
the 3 conductors of a 3 phase circuit.
The line to line voltage is not between
180 volts and 633 volts.
Unit Inspection
General Information
As soon as the unit arrives at the job
[ ] Verify that the nameplate data
matches the data on the sales order
and bill of lading (including electrical
[ ] Verify that the power supply complies
with the unit nameplate specifications.
[ ] Visually inspect the exterior of the
unit, including the roof, for signs of
shipping damage.
If the job site inspection of the unit reveals damage or material shortages,
file a claim with the carrier immediately.
Specify the type and extent of the damage on the “bill of lading” before signing.
[ ] Visually inspect the internal compo-
nents for shipping damage as soon
as possible after delivery and before
it is stored. Do
metal base pans.
not walk on the sheet
Take precautions to prevent condensate from forming inside the unit’s
electrical compartments and motors if:
a. the unit is stored before it is in-
stalled; or,
b. the unit is set on the roof curb, and
temporary heat is provided in the
building. Isolate all side panel service entrances and base pan openings (e.g., conduit holes, S/A and R/
A openings, and flue openings) from
the ambient air until the unit is
ready for start-up.
Do not use the unit’s heater for
temporary heat without first completing
the start-up procedure detailed under
“Starting the Unit”.
The manufacturer will not assume any
responsibility for equipment damage
resulting from condensate accumulation on the unit’s electrical and/or mechanical components.
Unit Clearances
Figure 1 illustrates the minimum operating and service clearances for either a single or multiple unit installation. These clearances are the minimum distances necessary to assure
adequate serviceability, cataloged
unit capacity, and peak operating efficiency.
Providing less than the recommended clearances may result in
condenser coil starvation, “short-circuiting” of exhaust and economizer
airflows, or recirculation of hot condenser air.
[ ] If concealed damage is discovered,
notify the carrier’s terminal of damage immediately by phone and by
mail. Concealed damage must be reported within 15 days.
Request an immediate joint inspection of the damage by the carrier and
the consignee. Do not remove damaged material from the receiving location. Take photos of the damage, if
possible. The owner must provide
reasonable evidence that the damage did not occur after delivery.
[ ] Notify the appropriate sales repre-
sentative before installing or repairing a damaged unit.
Pre - Installation
Figure 1
Typical Installation Clearances for Single & Multiple Unit Applications
Barometric Relief710Barometric Relief35
Motorized Outside Air Damper2030Motorized Outside Air Damper914
Manual Outside Air Damper1626Manual Outside Air Damper712
Roof Curb70115Roof Curb3252
Oversized Motor58Oversized Motor24
Coil Guards1220Coil Guards59
Hinged Doors1012Hinged Doors55
(1) Net weight should be added to unit weight when ordering factory-installed accessories.
Net Weights (kg)
Figure 3
Rigging and Center-of-Gravity Data
Horizontal Units
If the unit is installed at ground level, elevate it above the snow line. Provide
concrete footings at each support location with a “full perimeter” support structure or a slab foundation for support. Refer to Table 1 for the unit’s operating
and point loading weights when constructing a footing foundation.
If anchoring is required, anchor the unit to the slab using hold down bolts or isolators. Isolators should be installed to minimize the transmission of vibrations
into the building.
For rooftop applications, ensure the roof is strong enough to support the combined unit and support structural weight. Refer to Table 1 for the unit operating
weights. If anchoring is required, anchor the unit to the roof with hold-down bolts
or isolators.
Check with a roofing contractor for proper waterproofing procedures.
Figure 4-1
Horizontal Unit Supply & Return Air Opening
YSC072AD - 120AD
Horizontal Unit Supply & Return Air Opening
Figure 4-1
Downflow Unit Supply & Return Air Openings
YSC072AD - 120AD
Downflow Unit Supply & Return Air Openings
Figure 4-1 illustrates the supply and return air openings as viewed from the
rear of the unit.
Elbows with turning vanes or splitters
are recommended to minimize air noise
due to turbulence and to reduce static
When attaching the ductwork to the
unit, provide a water tight flexible connector at the unit to prevent operating
sounds from transmitting through the
All outdoor ductwork between the unit
and the structure should be weather
proofed after installation is completed.
Roof Curb
All Gas/Electric units shall be installed
on a roof curb that is a minimum height
of 5.0 inches ( 127 mm ), or in any other
manner such that the distance between
the bottom of the intake vents of the gas
section and grade of the surface that the
unit is installed on is no less than 19.7
inches ( 500 mm ).
The roof curbs for these units consists
of a “full perimeter” enclosure to support the unit.
Before installing any roof curb, verify;
1. That it is the correct curb for the unit,
2. That it includes the necessary gaskets and hardware,
3. That the purposed installation location provides the required clearance
for proper operation.
4. Insure that the curb is level and
square. The top surface of the curb
must be true to assure an adequate
curb-to-unit seal.
Step-by-step curb assembly and installation instructions ship with each accessory roof curb kit. Follow the instructions carefully to assure proper fit-up
when the unit is set into place.
To assure proper condensate flow
during operation, the unit (and curb)
must be level.
If the unit is elevated, a field constructed catwalk around the unit is
strongly recommended to provide easy
access for unit maintenance and service.
Recommendations for installing the
Supply Air and Return Air ductwork joining the roof curb are included in the
curb instruction booklet. Curb ductwork
must be fabricated and installed by the
installing contractor before the unit is
set into place.
For sound consideration, cut only the
holes in the roof deck for the ductwork
penetrations. Do not cut out the entire
roof deck within the curb perimeter.
If a Curb Accessory Kit is not used:
a. The ductwork can be attached
directly to the factory-provided
flanges around the unit’s supply
and return air openings. Be sure
to use flexible duct connections
at the unit.
b. For “built-up” curbs supplied by
others, gaskets must be installed
around the curb perimeter flange
and the supply and return air
opening flanges.
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