Note: Some options are dependent on the system settings and may not appear during setup.
Installation Options (see configure on front side of page)
0210 Temperature
sensor selection
0 0 Internal for H/C; display can showonly local temperature
and setpoint.
1 Internal for H/C, remote (connected to S1 & S2) for display; display
can show local and remote temperature, and setpoint.
2 Internal for H/C, remote (connected to S1 & S2) for compressor and
auxiliary lockout; display can show local and remote temperature,
and setpoint. (Disabled for conventional systems.)
3 Remote (connected to S1 & S2) for H/C, internal disabled; display
can show remote indoor temperature and setpoint.
0220 Heat pump
lockout point
0 0 None
15 15° F (–9.5° C)
20 20° F (–6.5° C)
25 25° F (–4.0° C)
30 30° F (–1.0° C)
35 35° F (1.5° C)
40 40° F
(4.5° C)
45 45° F (7.0° C)
Only available for heat pump systems with more heat than cool stages and
remote outdoor sensor. A 5 °F (2.5 °C) dead band between options #0220
and #0221 will be enforced automatically.
0221 Heat pump aux
lockout point
0 0 None
40 40° F (4.5° C)
45 45° F (7.0° C)
50 50° F (10.0° C)
55 55° F (13.0° C)
60 60° F (15.5° C)
0230 Temp occupied
duration limit
3 0 0 hours
1 1 hour
2 2 hours
3 3 hours
4 4 hours
For TOV override. When Setting 0 Hours, TOV Function Still Available.
0231 Number of periods 2 2 Two scheduling periods
per day
4 Four scheduling periods
per day
0232 Period occupied/
4 If option #0231 is set to 2
Day Night
0 UnOcc UnOcc
1 UnOcc Occ
2 UnOcc UnOcc
3 UnOcc Occ
4 Occ UnOcc
5 Occ Occ
6 Occ UnOcc
7 Occ Occ
8 UnOcc UnOcc
9 UnOcc Occ
10 UnOcc UnOcc
11 UnOcc Occ
12 Occ UnOcc
13 Occ Occ
14 Occ UnOcc
15 Occ Occ
If option #0231 is set to 4
Morn, Day, Evening, Night
0 UnOcc, UnOcc, UnOcc, Unocc
1 UnOcc, UnOcc, Unocc, Occ
2 UnOcc, UnOcc, Occ, UnOcc
3 UnOcc, Unocc, Occ, Occ
4 UnOcc, Occ, UnOcc, UnOcc
5 UnOcc, Occ, UnOcc, Occ
6 UnOcc, Occ, Occ, UnOcc
7 UnOcc, Occ, Occ, Occ
8 Occ, UnOcc, UnOcc, UnOcc
9 Occ, UnOcc, UnOcc, Occ
10 Occ, UnOcc, Occ, UnOcc
11 Occ, UnOcc, Occ, Occ
12 Occ, Occ, UnOcc, UnOcc
13 Occ, Occ, UnOcc, Occ
14 Occ, Occ, Occ, UnOcc
15 Occ, Occ, Occ, Occ
0233 Scheduling mode
day options
0 0 1 day. Mo-Su all days share the same schedule.
1 5+1+1 days. Mo-Fr share a schedule. Sa and Su each have an
independent schedule.
2 5+2 days. Mo-Fr
a schedule. Sa-Su share a schedule.
3 7 days. Each day has an independent schedule.
0240 Heat temperature
range stops
90 40 - 90 40° F to 90° F
4 - 32 4° C to 32° C
(Only applies to systems with
heat stages)
0241 Cool temperature
range stops
50 50 - 99 40° F to 90° F
10 - 37 4° C to 32° C
(Only applies to systems with cool
0260 Temperature
display offset
0 –3 –3° F (–1.5° C)
–2 –2° F (–1.0° C)
–1 –1° F (–0.5° C)
0 None
1 1° F (0.5° C)
2 2° F (1.0° C)
3 3° F (1.5° C)
Applies only to control temperature and display temperature for internal
and indoor remote sensor.
Does not apply to outdoor temperature for
0270 Extended fan-on
time heat
0 0 Off
90 90 seconds
(Only available when option #0151
is set to 1)
0271 Extended fan-on
time cool
0 0 Off
40 40 seconds
(Only available on systems with
cool stages, see option #0130)
0300 Restore factory
0 0 No - do not restore
1 Yes - reset all installer options to default except calendar, and system
selection. (Options 0120, 0121, 0122, 0130 do not reset.)
No. Name Default Values/Descriptions
No. Name Default Values/Descriptions
0100 Temperature
0 0 °F, 1 degree resolution
1 °F, 0.5 degree resolution
2 °C, 1 degree resolution
3 °C with 0.5 degree resolution
4 °C with 0.1 degree resolution
0110 Clock format 12 12 12 hour clock
09 09-99 2009-2099
24 24 hour clock
0121 Month 1 1 - 12
0122 Day 1 1 - 31
0125 Daylight savings 2 0 Disabled
1 US (1987), changeover
at 2:00am
2 US (2007), changeover
at 2:00am
3 Europe, changeover at
4 Manual, changeover at
Spring month
Spring day
Fall month
ll day
Spring and fall daylight savings
months and days.
(These options are available if
option #0125 is set to 4).
0130 System selection 8 1 1H/1C (conv) 1st Stage Heat (W), 1st Stage Comp (Y), Fan (G)
2 1H/1C (HP) 1st Stage Comp (Y), Changeover (O/B), Fan (G)
3 1H (Conv) 1st Stage Heat (W), without fan
4 1H (Conv) 1st Stage Heat (W), Fan (G)
5 1C (Conv) 1st Stage Comp (Y), Fan (G)
6 2H/1C (HP) 1st Stage Comp (Y), Changeover (O/B), Auxiliary Heat
(W1), Fan (G)
7 2H/2C (Conv) 1st & 2nd Stage Heat (W,W2),
& 2nd Stage
Comp (Y,Y2), Fan (G)
8 2H/1C (Conv) 1st & 2nd Stage Heat (W,W2), 1st Stage Comp (Y), Fan
9 1H/2C (Conv) 1st Stage Hea t (W), 1st & 2nd Stage Comp (Y,Y2), Fan
10 2H/2C (HP) 1st & 2nd Stage Comp (Y,Y2), Changeover (O/B), Fan (G)
11 3H/2C (HP) 1st & 2nd Stage Comp (Y,Y2), Changeover (O/B),
Auxiliary Heat (W1), Fan (G)
0140 Schedule options 1 0 Non-programmable 1 Programmable
0150 TOD/Economizer
output (terminal A)
0 0 Unused
1 TOD energizes terminal A during occupied period, not during
unoccupied period.
2 Economizer energizes terminal A duri
ng a call f
or cool.
0151 Heat fan operation 0 0 System controls fan 1 Ther mostat controls fan
0153 Reversing value O/B0 0 O/B terminal energized in
1 O/B terminal energized in
0160 CPH 1st stage
3 1-5 Cycles per hour for 1st stage compressor. Only for
systems with cool or heat pump stage. Also changes
2nd stage cool default CPH.
0161 CPH 2nd stage
3 1-5 Cycles per hour for 2nd stage compressor. Only for
systems with 2 cool or heat pump stages.
0162 CPH 1st stage
conventional heat
5 1-10 Cycles per hour for 1st stage conventional heat. Only for
with heat stages. Changes 2nd stage heat
default CPH.
0163 CPH 2nd stage
conventional heat
9 1-10 Cycles per hour for 2nd stage conventional heat. Only for
systems with two conventional heat stages.
0164 CPH for auxiliary
9 1-10 Cycles per hour for auxiliary heat. Only for heat pump
systems with more heat than cool stages.
0165 CPH for emergency
9 1-10 Cycles per hour for emergency heat. Only for heat pump
systems with more heat than cool stages.
0170 Continuous
0 0 Backlight turns off after 8
1 Backlight does not turn off
0180 Changeo
ver 1 0 Manual changeover
0 0 60Hz
1 Automatic changeover
0181 Deadband 3 2 2° F (1° C)
3 3° F (1.5° C)
4 4° F (2.0° C)
5 5° F (2.5° C)
6 6° F (3.0° C)
7 7° F (3.5° C)
8 8° F (4.0° C)
9 9° F (4.5° C)
0182 Minimum comp off
time (for systems
with cool stage)
5 0 Off (no minimum)
1 1 minute
2 2 minutes
3 3 minutes
4 4 minutes
5 5 minutes
1 50Hz
0190 Power supply
0120 Year
© 2012 Trane. All rights reserved.
X39641161-01B 19 Mar 2012
Supersedes X39641161-01A 03 Dec 2009
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