This LonMark™ certified controller
uses the Space Comfort Controller
(SCC) profile to exchange information
over a LonTalk™ network. Networks
with LonMark certified controllers
provide the latest open protocol
technology. Being LonMark certified
guarantees that owners and end-users
have the capability of adding Trane
products to other “open” systems and
relieves owners of the pressure and
expense of being locked into a single
DDC supplier. The Trane VV550 VAV
controller with VariTrane VAV units can
be applied to more than just Trane
systems. When a customer buys a
Trane VAV unit with Trane DDC
controller, they take advantage of:
y Factory-commissioned quality
y Knowing they have selected the most
reliable VAV controllers in the industry
y Trane as a single source to solve any
VAV equipment, or system-related
y The most educated and thorough
factory service technicians in the
controls industry
y Over 150 local parts centers
throughout North America that can
provide what you need, when you
need it.
Don’t let your existing controls supplier
lock you out of the most recognized
name in VAV system control in the
industry. Specify Trane open-protocol
What are the new features of this
controller? Read on to find out more.
Don’t let your existing controls
supplier lock you out of the most
recognized name in VAV system
control in the industry. Specify
Trane open-protocol systems.
C 26
LonMark DDC
VAV Controller
VV550—Trane DDC LonMark Controller
Single-Duct Terminal Unit (VCCF, VCWF, and VCEF)
Unit HeatControlDescriptionPage #
DD11Space Temp Control without ReheatC 35
Cooling OnlyDD13Space Temp Control with Remote Proportional Hot Water Valve with Optional Spare On/Off OutputC 35
(VCCF model)DD14Space Temp Control with Remote Staged Electric HeatC 35
Hot WaterDD12Space Temp Control with Normally-Closed On/Off Hot Water Valve (Normally-Open Outputs)C 35
(VCWF model)DD13Space Temp Control with Proportional Hot Water Valve with Optional Spare On/Off OutputC 35
ElectricDD14Space Temp Control with Staged Electric HeatC 35
(VCEF model)DD15Space Temp Control with Pulse-Width Modulation Electric HeatC 35
Dual-Duct Terminal Unit (VDDF)
Unit HeatControlDescriptionPage #
(VDDF model)DD11Space Temp Control (No Remote Heat) and Heating ControlC 36
DD12Space Temp Control with Remote Normally-Closed On/Off Hot Water Valve (Normally-Open Outputs)C 35
DD15Space Temp Control with Remote Pulse-Width Modulation Electric HeatC 35
DD17Space Temp Control with Remote Normally-Open On/Off Hot Water Valve (Normally-Closed Output)C 35
DD17Space Temp Control with Normally-Open On/Off Hot Water Valve (Normally-Closed Output)C 35
DD18Space Temp Control (No Remote Heat) and Heating—Constant-Volume ControlC 36
Fan-Powered Terminal Units
Low-Height Fan-Powered Terminal Units
Unit HeatControlDescriptionPage #
Cooling OnlyDD12Space Temp Control with Remote Normally-Closed On/Off Hot Water Valve with Normally-Open OutputsC 37
(VPCF, VSCF,DD13Space Temp Control with Remote Proportional Hot Water ValveC 37
LPCF, LSCFDD14Space Temp Control with Remote Staged On/Off Electric HeatC 37
models)DD15Space Temp Control with Remote Pulse-Width Modulation Electric HeatC 37
Hot WaterDD12Space Temp Control with Normally-Closed On/Off Hot Water Valve with Normally-Open OutputsC 37
(VPWF, VSWFDD13Space Temp Control with Proportional Hot Water ValveC 37
LPWF, LSWF)DD17Space Temp Control with Normally-Open On/Off Hot Water Valve with Normally-Closed OutputsC 37
ElectricDD14Space Temp Control with Staged On/Off Electric HeatC 37
(VPEF, VSEFDD15Space Temp Control with Pulse-Width Modulation Electric HeatC 37
Fan-Powered Terminal Units
Unit HeatControlDescriptionPage #
Cooling OnlyDD13Space Temp Control with Remote Proportional Hot Water ValveC 38
(VPCF, VSCFDD14Space Temp Control with Remote Staged On/Off Electric HeatC 38
models)DD15Space Temp Control with Remote Pulse-Width Modulation Electric HeatC 38
Hot WaterDD12Space Temp Control with Normally-Closed On/Off Hot Water Valve with Normally-Open OutputsC 38
(VPWF, VSWFDD13Space Temp Control with Proportional Hot Water ValveC 38
models)DD17Space Temp Control with Normally-Open On/Off Hot Water Valve with Normally-Closed OutputsC 38
ElectricDD14Space Temp Control with Staged On/Off Electric HeatC 38
(VPEF, VSEFDD15Space Temp Control with Pulse-Width Modulation Electric HeatC 38
models)C 38
DD11Space Temp Control without ReheatC 37
DD17Space Temp Control with Remote Normally-Open On/Off Hot Water Valve with Normally-Closed OutputsC 37
DD11Space Temp Control without ReheatC 38
DD12Space Temp Control with Remote Normally-Closed On/Off Hot Water Valve with Normally-Open OutputsC 38
DD17Space Temp Control with Remote Normally-Open On/Off Hot Water Valve with Normally-Closed OutputsC 38
with PSC Motor
with PSC Motor
with ECM
General Features and
Assured Accuracy
y Proportional-plus-integral control loop
algorithm for determining required
airflow needed to control room
temperature. Airflow is limited by
active minimum and maximum
airflow setpoints.
y Pressure-independent (PI) operation
that automatically adjusts valve
position to maintain required airflow.
In certain low-flow situations or in
cases where the flow measurement
has failed, the DDC controller will
operate in a pressure-dependent (PD)
mode of operation.
y When combined with the patented
Trane Flow ring and pressure
transducer, flow is repeatable to +/- 5%
accuracy across the Pressure
Independent (PI) flow range. (See
Valve/Controller Airflow Guidelines
y Improved 2-Point Air Balancing is
available – Assures optimized flowsensing accuracy across the operating
range. This provides a more accurate
airflow balancing method when
compared to typical single-point flow
correction air balancing.
y Analog input resolution of +/- 1/8°F
within the comfort range maximizes
zone temperature control yielding
excellent comfort control.
LonMark DDC
VAV Controller
Reliable Operation
y Built for life – Trane products are
designed to stand the test of time, with
a proven design life that exceeds 20
y Fully factory tested – fully screened
and configured at the factory. All
features are tested including fan and
reheat stage energization, air valve
modulation, and controller inputs and
Safe Operation
y All components, including the
controller, pressure transducer,
transformer, etc. are mounted in a
NEMA 1 sheet metal enclosure and are
tested as an assembly to UL1995
standards. The result is a rugged and
safe VAV, controller, and thus, overall
y When in PI-mode, EH is disabled when
the sensed flow is below the minimum
y HW coil VAV units in ventilation flow
control (VFC) have a Freeze protection
algorithm to protect the water coil and
the internal space from water damage.
This is accomplished by driving the
water valve to maximum position on
alarm conditions.
Factory-commissioning of unit
System-Level Optimization
Trane controllers are designed to
integrate into Trane Tracer Summit
Systems and leverage clear and clean
unit-controller related data for system
level control decisions. Integrating a
Trane VV550 controller into a Tracer
Summit Control System provides the
next step in building system control.
Specifically, system-level decisions on
how to operate all components can be
made. Energy efficient optimization
strategies like Static Pressure
Optimization, Ventilation Reset, and
Demand-controlled Ventilation can
be employed with the simple press of a
button. The end-result is the most
efficient and reliable building control
system available.
Simplified Installation
Factory Commissioned Quality
Trane DDC VAV controllers are factorycommissioned. This means that the
DDC boards are powered and runtested with your specific sequence
parameters. They are connected to a
communication link to make sure that
information and diagnostic data
function properly. Before any VariTrane
VAV unit ships they must pass a
rigorous quality control procedure. You
can be assured that a Trane VAV unit
with Trane DDC VAV controls will work
right out of the crate.
– All
LonMark VV550 DDC VAV Controller
C 28
Zone sensor air balance
applied to a Trane zone sensor with
thumbwheel and on/cancel buttons, a
balancing contractor can drive the
primary air valve to maximum or
minimum airflow from the sensor to
determine the point of calibration to be
used (maximum will result in optimum
performance). The flow reading can
then be calibrated from the sensor,
without the use of additional service
tools. (Non-LCD versions)
DDC Sensor with Thumbwheel & NSB
– When
LonMark DDC
VAV Controller
Tenant-Finish Heat Mode
office projects, the building is being
constructed as tenants are being
identified. Tenant-finish heat mode is
designed for applications when a
given floor has not been occupied. The
main AHU system is used for heat and
because the internal furnishings are
not complete, the sensors have not
been installed. In this case, the primary
valve drives open using the heat of the
main AHU to keep plumbing lines
from freezing. When available, the
operation of the VAV unit fan (series or
parallel) remains unaffected.
Controller Flexibility
y 24 VAC binary input that can be
configured as a generic input or as
occupancy input. When the DDC
controller is operating with Tracer
Summit, the status of the input is
provided to Tracer Summit for its
action. In stand-alone operation and
when configured for an occupancy
input, the input will control occupancy
status of the DDC controller.
y Auxiliary temperature analog input
configured for an auxiliary
temperature sensor. The value of the
input is used as status-only by Tracer
Summit if Tracer Summit is providing a
supply air temperature to the DDC
controller. Otherwise, the input will be
used for determining heating/cooling
– In some
control action of the VAV unit. When
the auxiliary temperature sensor is
located in the discharge of the unit,
and attached to a Trane Tracer Summit
BAS, additional test sequencing and
reporting is available to maximize VAV
system capabilities and simplify
system commissioning.
y Dual-duct support with two DDC
controllers. One DDC controller
controls the cooling air valve and the
other controller controls the heating air
valve. With constant-volume
sequences, the discharge air volume is
held constant by controlling discharge
air volume with the heating Controller.
y LonMark certified performance
ensures that a Trane VAV with
controller will provide state-of-the-art,
consistent open communication
protocol for integration with the
industry’s latest (Non-Trane) building
automation control systems, including
Johnson Control, Andover, Siemans,
Honeywell, etc.
y CO2 demand controlled ventilation
enables a HVAC system to adjust
ventilation flow based on critical zone,
average CO
Trane demand controlled ventilation
strategies are pre-defined for simplifed
application and can be easily
customized to meet the needs of a
specific system.
of specified zones, etc.
LonMark DDC
VAV Controller
Controller Logic
Control Logic
Direct Digital Control (DDC) controllers
are today’s industry standard. DDC
controllers share system-level data to
optimize system performance
(including changing ventilation
requirements, system static pressures,
supply air temperatures, etc.). Variables
available via a simple twisted-shielded
wire pair include occupied/unoccupied
status, minimum and maximum
airflow setpoints, zone temperature
and temperature setpoints, air valve
position, airflow cfm, fan status (on or
off), fan operation mode (parallel or
series), reheat status (on or off), VAV
unit type, air valve size, temperature
correction offsets, flow correction
values, ventilation fraction, etc.
With the advent of LonMark open
protocol, the most reliable VAV
controller is now available for ANY
system. Gone are the days of being
locked into a single supplier. Trane DDC
controllers provide Trane-designed
solid-state electronics intended
specifically for VAV applications
1. Space Temperature Control
2. Ventilation Flow Control (100%
outside air applications)
3. Flow Tracking Space Pressurization
Control (New feature)
Flow Sensor Signal vs. Airflow Delivery
Space Temperature Control
Space temperature control
applications are where Trane emerged
as an industry leader in quality and
reliability. This did not occur overnight
and has continued to improve as our
controller and control logic has
improved over time. STC employs
controller logic designed to modulate
the supply airstream and associated
reheat (either local or remote) to
exactly match the load requirements of
the space.
Additionally, minimum and maximum
airflow and specific controller
sequence requirements are preprogrammed to ensure that
appropriate ventilation standards are
consistently maintained. When
connected to a Trane Tracer Summit
control system, trend logging, remote
alarming, etc. are available to fully
utilize the power and capabilities of
your systems.
General Operation-Cooling
In cooling control action, the DDC
controller matches primary airflow to
cooling load. The DDC controller will
automatically change over to heating
control action if the supply air
temperature is above a configured/
editable setpoint. When the supply air
temperature is less than 10 degrees
below this setpoint, the controller will
automatically switch to cooling control
action. The DDC controller first chooses
the Tracer Summit-provided supply air
temperature value to use for auto
changeover. If this is not available, it
uses the temperature provided by the
optional auxiliary temperature sensor
(must be installed for inlet temperature
monitoring). If this is also not available,
it uses the heating/cooling mode
assigned by Tracer Summit or the DDC
controller’s service tool.
General Operation-Reheat
In heating control action, the DDC
controller matches primary airflow to
heating load. The DDC controller will
automatically change over to heating
control action if the supply air
temperature is above a configured/
editable setpoint. When the supply air
temperature is less than 10 degrees
below this setpoint, the controller will
automatically switch to cooling control
action. The DDC controller first
chooses the Tracer Summit-provided
supply air temperature value to use for
auto changeover. If this is not available,
it uses the temperature provided by
the optional auxiliary temperature
sensor (must be installed for inlet
temperature monitoring). If this is also
not available, it uses the heating/
cooling mode assigned by Tracer
Summit or the DDC controller’s service
When heat is added to the primary air,
the air is considered reheated. Reheat
can be either
unit in the form of an electric coil or hot
water coil) or
existing wall fin radiation, convector,
etc.) or any combination of local and
remote. The operating characteristics of
the four basic types of VariTrane DDC
terminal reheat are discussed.
(integral to the VAV
Flow Sensor DP (In. wg)
Note: Flow sensor DP (in. wg) is measured at the flow ring to aid in system balancing and commissioning. See
"Valve/Controller Airflow Guidelines" in each section for unit performance.
C 30
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