Trane CGWN 206, CGWN 212, CGWN 210, CGWN 211, CGWN 213 Installation Operation & Maintenance

Indoor liquid chiller with integrated hydraulic module
Water-cooled: CGWN 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 ­209 - 210 - 211 - 212 -213 - 214 - 215 Condenserless: CCUN 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 ­209 - 210 - 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 - 215
Installation Operation Maintenance
Trane Air Conditioning and Refrigeration equipment
Environmental Protection / Compliance with F-Gas regulation
This equipment contains a fluorinated gas covered by the Kyoto Protocol [or an ozone depleting substance covered by Montreal Protocol].
The type and quantity of refrigerant per circuit is indicated on the product nameplate
Global Warming Potential of the refrigerant implemented in Trane Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment
The operator (contractor or end user) must check local environmental regulations impacting installation, operation and disposal of the equipment; in particular need to recover environmentally harmful substances (refrigerant, oil, antifreeze agents, etc.)
Do not vent into the atmosphere any refrigerant. The handling of refrigerant shall be fulfilled by a qualified service engineer.
(1) GWP = global warming potential
(2) Covered by Montreal Protocol
Refrigerant type GWP (1) value
R407C 1 653
R22 (2) 1 780
R410A 1 975
General information
These instructions are given as a guide to good practice in the installation, start-up, operation, and maintenance by the user, of Trane CGWN/CCUN chillers. They do not contain full service procedures necessary for the continued successful operation of this equipment. The services of a qualified technician should be employed through the medium of a maintenance contract with a reputable service company.
Warranty is based on the general terms and conditions of the manufacturer. The warranty is void if the equipment is repaired or modified without the written approval of the manufacturer, if the operating limits are exceeded or if the control system or the electrical wiring is modified. Damage due to misuse, lack of maintenance or failure to comply with the manufacturer's instructions or recommendations is not covered by the warranty obligation. If the user does not conform to the rules of this manual, it may entail cancellation of warranty and liabilities by the manufacturer.
On arrival, inspect the unit before signing the delivery note.
Reception in France only:
In case of visible damage: The consignee (or the site representative) must specify any damage on the delivery note, legibly sign and date the delivery note, and the truck driver must countersign it. The consignee (or the site representative) must notify Trane Epinal Operations - Claims team and send a copy of the delivery note. The customer (or the site representative) should send a
registered letter to the last carrier within 3 days of delivery.
Reception in all countries except France:
In case of concealed damage: The consignee (or the site representative) must send a registered letter to the last carrier within 7 days of delivery, claiming for the described damage. A copy of this letter must be sent to Trane Epinal Operations - Claims team.
Note: for deliveries in France, even concealed damage must be looked for at delivery
and immediately
treated as visible damage.
About this manual
Warnings and cautions appear at appropriate places in this instruction manual. Your personal safety and the proper operation of this machine require that you follow them carefully. The constructor assumes no liability for installations or servicing performed by unqualified personnel.
About the unit
These CGWN/CCUN units are assembled, pressure tested, dehydrated, charged and run tested before shipment. The information contained in this manual applies to units designated CGWN and CCUN.
The refrigerant provided by the manufacturer meets all the requirements of our units. When using recycled or reprocessed refrigerant, it is advisable to ensure its quality is equivalent to that of a new refrigerant. For this, it is necessary to have a precise analysis made by a specialized laboratory. If this condition is not respected, the manufacturer warranty could be cancelled.
Trane Air Conditioning and Refrigeration equipment 2
Environmental protection ­Compliance with F-Gas regulation 2
General information 3
Foreword 3 Warranty 3 Reception 3 About this manual 3 About the unit 3 Refrigerant 3
General data 6
Installation 13
Unit nameplate 13 Installation instructions 13 Handling 14 Minimal installation water content 17 Water treatment 17 Water connections 18 Refrigerant line connections 26 Winter freeze protection 33 Electrical connections 34 Interconnection between CCUN and Remote Condenser 38
General start-up 40
Preparation 40 Start-up 41
Operation 53
Installation checklist 53 Control and unit operation 54 Weekly start up 54 Weekend shutdown 54 Seasonal shutdown 54 Seasonal start-up 55
Maintenance 56
Maintenance instructions 56 Troubleshooting guide 58 Safety recommendations 60 Maintenance contract 60 Training 60
General Data
Table 1 - Water Cooled units: CGWN standard - R410A
205 206 207 208 209 210 211
Eurovent Performances (1)
Net Cooling Capacity (kW) 182.5 217.0 251.7 283.1 312.1 341.9 373.7 Total Power input in cooling (kW) 42.5 50.2 57.7 61.5 70.1 78.2 85.9 Evaporator water pressure drop (kPa) 57 59 55 42 42 50 54 Evaporator head pressure available (4) (kPa) 161 141 142 149 143 188 176 Condenser water pressure drop (kPa) 59 64 60 47 52 63 65 Condenser head pressure available (kPa) 151 134 138 162 150 132 117 Main Power supply 400/3/50 Sound Power Level (4) (dBA) 82 82 83 83 84 84 84 Sound Power Level (4) w/ sound attenuation jacket (dBA) 79 79 80 80 81 81 81
Units Amps
Nominal (3) (A) 144 163 187 210 233 250 263 Start-up Amps
Standard unit (A) 274 338 395 418 441 512 525
With soft starter option (A) 210 252 291 314 337 384 397 Short circuit unit capacity (kA) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Max supply cable size ( mm2) 150 150 150 150 150 240 240 Min supply cable size ( mm2)35355050707070
Number 4 Type Scroll Model (15T+15T) (15T+20T) (20T+20T) (20T+25T) (25T+25T) (25T+30T) (30T+30T) Speeds number 1 Motors Number 1 Rated Amps (compA/CompB) (3) (A) 31/31 31/40 40/40 40/52 52/52 52/58 58/58 Locked rotor Amps (compA/CompB) (A) 160/160 160/215 215/215 215/260 260/260 260/320 320/320 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900 Power factor (compA/CompB) 0.82/0.82 0.82/0.87 0.87/0.87 0.87/0.84 0.84/0.84 0.84/0.88 0.88/0.88 Sump Heater (compA/CompB) (W) 160/160
Number 1 Type Brazed plate Model DP400-74 DP400-90 DP400-114 DP400-162 DP400-186 DP400-186 DP400-206 Water volume (total) (L) 15.6 18.9 24.0 34.1 39.2 39.2 43.4 Antifreeze Heater (W) - - - ---­Evaporator Water Connections Grooved pipe connection Diameter 3” 3” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” Max. water-side operating pressure
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000
with hydraulic module (kPa) 400
Number 1 Type Brazed plate Model DP400-90 DP400-114 DP400-134 DP400-186 DP400-206 DP400-206 DP400-222 Water volume (total) (L) 18.9 24.0 28.2 39.2 43.4 43.4 46.7 Antifreeze Heater (W) - - - ---­Condenser Water Connections Grooved pipe connection Diameter 3 or 4” 3 or 4” 3 or 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” Max. water-side operating pressure
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000
with hydraulic module suction/discharge (kPa) 400/640
Height (mm) 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 Length (mm) 2545 2545 2545 2545 2545 2545 2545 Width (mm) 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 Operating Weight
Base Unit (kg) 1360 1300 1420 1500 1650 1710 1790
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 1450 1390 1590 1670 1820 1880 1960
Evap + Cds Hyd Kit (kg) 1520 1460 1690 1770 1920 1980 2060 Shipping Weight
Base Unit (kg) 1290 1220 1320 1370 1510 1570 1650
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 1380 1310 1490 1540 1680 1740 1820
Evap + Cds Hyd Kit (kg) 1450 1380 1590 1640 1780 1840 1920
System Data
Refrigerant circuit 2 Capacity steps 4 4 4 4444 Minimum capacity % 25 21 25 22 25 23 25
Refrigerant Charge (2)
Circuit 1 & 2 (kg) 10 11 13 17 18 18 19
Oil Charge (2)
Circuit 1 & 2 (l) 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.9 14.4
(1) at Eurovent Conditions (Evap 12°C/7°C - Condenser. 30°C/35°C) (2) per circuit (3) Max rated conditions. (4) Dual Pump Option
General Data
Table 2 - Water Cooled units: CGWN standard - R407C
212 213 214 215
Eurovent Performances (1)
Net Cooling Capacity (kW) 398.6 431.3 466.0 506.4 Total Power input in cooling (kW) 97.0 106.4 117.3 125.5 Evaporator water pressure drop (kPa) 40 47 49 48 Evaporator head pressure available (4) (kPa) 236 218 200 187 Condenser water pressure drop (kPa) 66 64 59 56 Condenseur head pressure available (kPa) 159 151 147 136 Main Power supply 400/3/50 Sound Power Level (4) (dBA) 87 88 88 90 Sound Power Level w/ sound attenuation jacket (4) (dBA) 84 85 85 87
Units Amps
Nominal (3) (A) 311 337 370 400 Start-up Amps
Standard unit (A) 563 588 621 655
With soft starter option (A) 439 465 498 530 Short circuit unit capacity (kA) 15 15 15 15 Max supply cable size (mm2) 185 185 240 240 Min supply cable size (mm2) 240 240 240 240
Number 5666 Type Scroll Model (25T+30T) (25T) (25T+30T) (30T) Speeds number 1 Motors Number 1 Rated Amps (compA/CompB) (3) (A) 52/62.5 52/52 52/62.5 62.5/62.5 Locked rotor Amps (compA/CompB) (A) 272/310 272/272 272/310 310/310 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900 2900 2900 2900 Power factor (compA/CompB) 0.87/0.87 0.87/0.87 0.87/0.87 0.87/0.87 Sump Heater (compA/CompB) (W) 150 150 150 150
Number 1 Type Brazed plate Model AC350-190DQ AC350-190DQ AC350-210DQ AC350-230DQ Water volume (total) (L) 38 38 42 46 Antifreeze Heater (W) ---­Evaporator Water Connections Grooved pipe connections Diameter 4" Max. water-side operating pressure,
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000 1000 1000 1000
with hydraulic module (kPa) 400 400 400 400
Number 2 Type Brazed plate Model B400T- 94p / 114p B400T- 114p / 114p B400T- 114p / 144p B400T- 144p / 144p Water volume (total) (L) 19 / 23 23 / 23 23 / 29 29 / 29 Antifreeze Heater (W) ---­Condenser Water Connections Grooved pipe connections Diameter 5" Max. water-side operating pressure,
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000 1000 1000 1000
with hydraulic module (kPa) 400 400 400 400
Dimensions without Hydraulic Module
Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 Length (mm) 2808 2808 2808 2808 Width (mm) 878 878 878 878
Dimensions with Hydraulic Module
Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 Length (mm) 3498 3498 3498 3498 Width (mm) 878 878 878 878 Operating Weight
Base Unit w/o Hyd Kit (kg) 2232 2442 2525 2640
Base Unit with Hyd Kit (kg) 2128 2337 2420 2500
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 490 490 490 490
Cds Hyd Kit (kg) 374 374 374 374
Evap + Cds Hyd Kit (kg) 682 682 682 682 Shipping Weight
Base Unit w/o Hyd Kit (kg) 2109 2315 2387 2492
Base Unit with Hyd Kit (kg) 2048 2253 2326 2408
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 432 432 432 432
Cds Hyd Kit (kg) 317 317 317 317
Evap + Cds Hyd Kit (kg) 662 662 662 662
System Data
Number of Refrigerant circuit 2 Capacity steps 5666 Minimum capacity % 18 16 15 16
Refrigerant Charge (2)
Circuit A & B (kg) 22 / 21 22 / 22 25 / 23 26 / 26
Oil Charge (2)
Circuit A & B (l) 20.4 / 12.6 20.4 / 20.4 18.9 / 20.4 18.9 / 18.9
(1) at Eurovent Conditions (Evap 12°C/7°C - Condenser 30°C/35°C) (3) Max rated conditions. (2) per circuit (4) Dual Pump Option
General Data
Table 3 - Water Cooled units: CGWN High Efficiency (HE) - R410A
Eurovent Performances (1)
Net Cooling Capacity (kW) 193.3 227.4 262.4 Total Power input in cooling (kW) 40.1 47.9 55.7 Evaporator water pressure drop (kPa) 26 36 37 Evaporator head pressure available (4) (kPa) 188 156 160 Condenser water pressure drop (kPa) 31 42 41 Condenseur head pressure available (kPa) 177 154 173 Main Power supply Sound Power Level (4) (dBA) 82 82 83 Sound Power Level w/ sound attenuation jacket (4) (dBA) 79 79 80
Units Amps
Nominal (3) (A) 144 163 187 Start-up Amps
Standard unit (A) 274 338 395
With soft starter option (A) 210 252 291 Short circuit unit capacity (kA) 15 15 15 Max supply cable size (mm2) 150 150 150 Min supply cable size (mm2)353550
Number 4 Type Scroll Model (15T+15T) (15T+20T) (20T+20T) Speeds number 1 Motors Number 1 Rated Amps (compA/CompB) (3) (A) 31/31 31/40 40/40 Locked rotor Amps (compA/CompB) (A) 160/160 160/215 215/215 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900 2900 2900 Power factor (compA/CompB) 0.82/0.82 0.82/0.87 0.87/0.87 Sump Heater (compA/CompB) (W) 160/160 160/160 160/160
Number 1 Type Brazed plate Model DV58-138 DV58-154 DV58-170 Water volume (total) (l) 32.4 32.4 34.1 Antifreeze Heater (W) ­Evaporator Water Connections Grooved pipe connections Diameter 3" (80) 3" (80) 4" (100) Max. water-side operating pressure.
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000 1000 1000
with hydraulic module (kPa) 400 400 400
Number Type Brazed plate Model DP400-162 DP400-162 DP400-186 Water volume (total) (l) 34.1 34.1 39.2 Antifreeze Heater (W) ­Condenser Water Connections Grooved pipe connection Diameter 3” (80) Antifreeze heater (W) ­Max. water-side operating pressure
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000 1000 1000
with hydraulic module suction/discharge (kPa) 400/640 400/640 400/640
Height (mm) 1842 Length (mm) 2545 Width (mm) 880 Operating Weight
Base Unit (kg) 1460 1450 1470
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 1550 1540 1640
Evap + Cds Hyd Kit (kg) 1620 1610 1740 Shipping Weight
Base Unit (kg) 1360 1350 1340
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 1450 1440 1510
Evap + Cds Hyd Kit (kg) 1520 1510 1610
System Data
Refrigerant circuit 2 Capacity steps 444 Minimum capacity % 25 21 25
Refrigerant Charge (2)
Circuit A & B (kg) 15 15 17
Oil Charge (2)
Circuit A & B (l) 13.4 13.4 13.4
(1) at Eurovent Conditions (Evap 12°C/7°C - Condenser. 30°C/35°C) (2) per circuit (3) Max rated conditions. (4) Dual Pump Option
General Data
Table 4 - Condenserless units: CCUN standard - R410A
205 206 207 208 209 210 211
Eurovent Performances (1)
Net Cooling Capacity (kW) 166.3 198.1 230.4 257.7 281.9 311.4 343.8 Total Power input in cooling (kW) 45.6 53.8 62.0 69.8 77.7 86.4 95.1 Evaporator water pressure drop (kPa) 48 49 47 35 34 41 46 Evaporator head pressure available (4) (kPa) 178 161 153 160 157 200 189 Main Power supply 400/3/50 Sound Power Level (4) (dBA) 82 82 83 83 84 84 84 Sound Power Level (4) w/ sound attenuation jacket (dBA) 79 79 80 80 81 81 81
Units Amps
Nominal (3) (A) 132 151 172 195 218 236 249 Start-up Amps
Standard unit (A) 262 326 381 404 427 498 511
With soft starter option (A) 198 240 277 300 323 370 383 Short circuit unit capacity (kA) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Max supply cable size (mm2) 150 150 150 150 150 240 240 Min supply cable size ( mm2)35355050707070
Number 4 Type Scroll Model (15T+15T) (15T+20T) (20T+20T) (20T+25T) (25T+25T) (25T+30T) (30T+30T) Speeds number 1 Motors Number 1 Rated Amps (compA/CompB) (A) 31/31 31/40 40/40 40/52 52/52 52/58 58/58 Locked rotor Amps (compA/CompB) (A) 160/160 160/215 215/215 215/260 260/260 260/320 320/320 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900 Power factor (compA/CompB) 0.82/0.82 0.82/0.87 0.87/0.87 0.87/0.84 0.84/0.84 0.84/0.88 0.88/0.88 Sump Heater (compA/CompB) (W) 160/160
Number 1 Type Brazed plate Model DP400-74 DP400-90 DP400-114 DP400-162 DP400-186 DP400-186 DP400-206 Water volume (total) (L) 15.6 18.9 24.0 34.1 39.2 39.2 43.4 Antifreeze Heater (W) ------­Evaporator Water Connections Grooved pipe connections Diameter 3” 3” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” Max. water-side operating pressure
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000
with hydraulic module (kPa) 400
Remote condenser connections
Discharge line diameter circuit 1 & 2 1"3/8 1"3/8 1"3/8 1"5/8 1"5/8 1"5/8 1"5/8 Liquid line diameter circuit 1 & 2 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1"1/8 1"1/8
Height (mm) 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 Length (mm) 2545 2545 2545 2545 2545 2545 2545 Width (mm) 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 Operating Weight
Base Unit (kg) 1260 1170 1270 1280 1420 1480 1550
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 1350 1260 1440 1450 1590 1650 1720 Shipping Weight
Base Unit (kg) 1210 1120 1200 1190 1320 1380 1450
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 1300 1210 1370 1360 1490 1550 1620
System Data
Refrigerant circuit 2 Capacity steps 4444444 Minimum capacity % 25 21 25 22 25 23 25
Refrigerant Charge (2)
Circuit 1 & 2 (kg) 3333333
Oil Charge (2)
Circuit 1 & 2 (l) 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.9 14.4
(1) Conditions (Evap 12°C/7°C - Saturated discharge 45°C - 5°C subcooling) (2) per circuit (3) Max rated conditions. (4) Dual Pump Option
General Data
Table 5 - Condenserless units: CCUN standard - R407C
212 213 214 215
Eurovent Performances (1)
Net Cooling Capacity (kW) 385.6 417.3 450.4 486.9 Total Power input in cooling (kW) 99.0 108.5 120.5 131.1 Evaporator water pressure drop (kPa) 38 44 46 45 Evaporator head pressure available (4) (kPa) 242 227 211 197 Main Power supply 400/3/50 Sound Power Level (4) (dBA) 87 88 88 90 Sound Power Level w/ sound attenuation jacket (4) (dBA) 84 85 85 87
Units Amps
Nominal (3) (A) 280 306 339 369 Start-up Amps
Standard unit (A) 532 557 590 624
With soft starter option (A) 408 434 467 499 Short circuit unit capacity (kA) 15 15 15 15 Max supply cable size (mm2) 185 185 240 240 Min supply cable size (mm2) 240 240 240 240
Number 5666 Type Scroll Model (25T+30T) (25T) (25T+30T) (30T) Speeds number 1 Motors Number 1 Rated Amps (compA/CompB) (3) (A) 52/62.5 52/52 52/62.5 62.5/62.5 Locked rotor Amps (compA/CompB) (A) 272/310 272/272 272/310 310/310 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900 2900 2900 2900 Power factor (compA/CompB) 0.87/0.87 0.87/0.87 0.87/0.87 0.87/0.87 Sump Heater (compA/CompB) (W) 150 150 150 150
Number 1 Type Brazed plate Model AC350-190DQ AC350-190DQ AC350-210DQ AC350-230DQ Water volume (total) (l) 38 38 42 46 Antifreeze Heater (W) no no no no Evaporator Water Connections Grooved pipe connections Diameter 4" Max. water-side operating pressure,
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000 1000 1000 1000
with hydraulic module (kPa) 400 400 400 400
Remote condenser connections
Discharge line diameter circuit 1 & 2 2"1/8 2"1/8 2"1/8 2"1/8 Liquid line diameter circuit 1 & 2 1"3/8 1"3/8 1"3/8 1"3/8
Dimensions without Hydraulic Module
Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 Length (mm) 2808 2808 2808 2808 Width (mm) 878 878 878 878
Dimensions with Hydraulic Module
Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 Length (mm) 3498 3498 3498 3498 Width (mm) 878 878 878 878 Operating Weight
Base Unit w/o Hyd Kit (kg) 1879 2070 2120 2180
Base Unit with Hyd Kit (kg) 1880 2071 2122 2182
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 490 490 490 490 Shipping Weight
Base Unit w/o Hyd Kit (kg) 1832 2023 2070 2130
Base Unit with Hyd Kit (kg) 1842 2033 2080 2136
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 432 432 432 432
System Data
Refrigerant circuit 2 Capacity steps 4444 Minimum capacity % 22 33 30 33
Refrigerant Charge (2)
Circuit A & B (kg) Holding charge
Oil Charge (2)
Circuit A & B (l) 20.4 / 12.6 20.4 / 20.4 18.9 / 20.4 18.9 / 18.9
(1) Conditions (Evap 12°C/7°C - Saturated discharge 45°C - 5°C subcooling) (3) Max rated conditions. (2) per circuit (4) Dual Pump Option
General Data
Table 6 - Condenserless units: CCUN High Efficiency (HE) - R410A
205 HE 206 HE 207 HE
Eurovent Performances (1)
Net Cooling Capacity (kW) 175.0 206.7 239.1 Total Power input in cooling (kW) 45.6 53.8 62.0 Evaporator water pressure drop (kPa) 22 29 30 Evaporator head pressure available (4) (kPa) 190 170 170 Main Power supply 400/3/50 Sound Power Level (4) (dBA) 82 82 83 Sound Power Level w/ sound attenuation jacket (4) (dBA) 79 79 80
Units Amps
Nominal (3) (A) 132 151 172 Start-up Amps
Standard unit (A) 262 326 381
With soft starter option (A) 198 240 277 Short circuit unit capacity (kA) 15 15 15 Max supply cable size (mm2) 150 150 150 Min supply cable size (mm2)353550
Number 4 Type Scroll Model (15T+15T) (15T+20T) (20T+20T) Speeds number 1 Motors Number 1 Rated Amps (compA/CompB) (3) (A) 31/31 31/40 40/40 Locked rotor Amps (compA/CompB) (A) 160/160 160/215 215/215 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900 2900 2900 Power factor (compA/CompB) 0.82/0.82 0.82/0.87 0.87/0.87 Sump Heater(compA/CompB) (W) 160/160 160/160 160/160
Number 1 Type Brazed plate Model DP400-154 DP400-154 DP400-162 Water volume (total) (L) 32.4 32.4 34.1 Antifreeze Heater (W) ­Evaporator Water Connections Grooved pipe connections Diameter 3" Max. water-side operating pressure
without hydraulic module (kPa) 1000 1000 1000 with hydraulic module (kPa) 400 400 400
Remote condenser connections
Discharge line diameter circuit 1 & 2 1"3/8 Liquid line diameter circuit 1 & 2 7/8 7/8 7/8
Height (mm) 1842 Length (mm) 2545 Width (mm) 880 Operating Weight
Base Unit (kg) 1330 1240 1250
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 1420 1330 1420 Shipping Weight
Base Unit (kg) 1270 1170 1160
Evap Hyd Kit (kg) 1360 1260 1330
System Data
Refrigerant circuit 2 Capacity steps 4 Minimum capacity % 25 21 25
Refrigerant Charge (2)
Circuit 1 & 2 (kg) Holding charge
Oil Charge (2)
Circuit 1 & 2 (l) 13.4 13.4 13.4
(1) Conditions (Evap 12°C/7°C - Saturated discharge 45°C - 5°C subcooling) (3) Max rated conditions. (2) per circuit (4) Dual Pump Option
General Data
Table 7 - Evaporator hydraulic module
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
High head pressure option
Nb Pump set 1 Motor (1)(2) (kW) 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 Rated Amps (1)(2) (A) 7.5 7.5 11.1 11.1 11.1 14.7 14.7 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900
Low head pressure option
Nb Pump set 1 Motor (1)(2) (kW) 2.2 2.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 Rated Amps (1)(2) (A) 4.0 4.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 11.1 11.1 7.8 7.8 10.3 10.3 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900
Expansion tank volume (l) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 35 User volume expansion capacity (3) (l) 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 5100 5100 5100 5100 Water strainer diameter 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Piping Steel
Table 8 - Condenser hydraulic module
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
High head pressure option
Nb Pump set 2 (in parallel) Motor (1)(2) (kW) 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Rated Amps (1)(2) (A) 6.1 6.1 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900
Low head pressure option
Nb Pump set 2 (in parallel) Motor (1)(2) (kW) 2.2 2.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 Rated Amps (1)(2) (A) 4.2 4.2 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 7.8 7.8 10.3 10.3 Motor RPM (rpm) 2900
Water strainer Diameter 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Piping Steel
(1) Per motor (2) Dual Pump Option (3) Hydrostatic pressure 3 bar at 25°C with 7°C mini
Unit nameplate
The unit nameplate gives the complete model reference numbers. The unit power rating is shown, and power supplies should not deviate by more than 5% from the rated power. Compressor motor amperage is shown in box I.MAX. The customer's electrical installation must be able to withstand this current.
Installation instructions
No special foundations are required, provided the supporting surface is flat and level, and can withstand the weight or the unit.
Isolating rubber pads
6 pads are supplied as standard with the machine (55x150mm). They should be placed between the supporting floor and the unit to isolate from the ground. Trane does not recommend to install spring isolators.
Water drain hole
Install a drain hole wide enough to drain away water from the unit in the event of shut-down or repair.
Respect recommended clearance around the unit to allow maintenance operation to take place without obstruction. For minimum clearance, consult the certified submittals, which are available on request from your Trane Agency.
A specific lifting method is recommended as follows:
1. 4 lifting points are built into the unit.
2. Slings and spreader bar to be provided by rigger and attached to the 4 lifting points.
3. Minimum rated lifting capacity (vertical) of each sling and spreader bar shall be no less than the tabulated unit shipping weight. Refer to Figures 1 and 2
CAUTION: This unit must be lifted with the outmost care. Avoid shock load by lifting slowly and evenly. To prevent any damage, position the lifting bar so that the slings do not touch the unit.
Figure 1 - Rigging the unit - CGWN - CCUN (205-211)
Figure 2 - Rigging the unit - CGWN - CCUN (212-215)
Table 9 - Dimensions of recommended slings and swing-bar
A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm)
CGWN 205
1100 600 500 2400
CGWN 206 CGWN 207 CGWN 208 CGWN 209 CGWN 210 CGWN 211 CGWN 212 CGWN 213 CGWN 214 CGWN 215 CGWN 205 HE CGWN 206 HE CGWN 207 HE CCUN 205 CCUN 206 CCUN 207 CCUN 208 CCUN 209 CCUN 210 CCUN 211 CCUN 212 CCUN 213 CCUN 214 CCUN 215 CCUN 205 HE CCUN 206 HE CCUN 207 HE
Minimal installation water content
The water volume is an important parameter because it allows a stable chilled water temperature and avoids short cycle operation of the compressors.
Parameters which influence the water temperature stability
• Water loop volume
• Load fluctuation
• Number of capacity steps
• Compressors rotation
• Dead band
• Minimum time between 2 starts of a compressor
The following table gives the minimal installation water content recommended according to all these parameters for both comfort and process cooling application.
Water treatment
Untreated or insufficiently treated water, if used in this unit, may cause scale, slime or algae to accumulate or cause erosion and corrosion. As Trane does not know the components used in the hydraulic network and the quality of the water used, we recommend the services of a qualified water treatment specialist. The following materials are used in Trane chillers heat exchangers:
• Stainless steel plates AISI 316,
1.4401 with copper brazing
• Water piping: steel
• Water connections: brass Trane will not accept any liability in
regards of damage due to the use of untreated or improperly treated water or from the use of saline or brackish water. If water treatment is required, contact your local Trane sales office.
Table 10 - Minimal water content
Notes (1) Minimum water loop volume in order to obtain maximum +/- 1°C chilled water temperature fluctuation vs. Chilled
water set-point
(2) Minimum water loop volume in order to obtain maximum +/- 1.5°C chilled water temperature fluctuation vs.
Chilled water set-point
(3) Minimum water loop volume in order to obtain maximum +/- 2°C chilled water temperature fluctuation vs. Chilled
water set-point
This table is estimated with
- Condenser : Water 30°/35°C
- Evaporator : Water 12°/7°C
Confort Application Process cooling Application
2°C Dead
band (1)
3°C Dead
band (2)
4°C Dead
band (3)
2°C Dead
band (1)
3°C Dead
band (2)
4°C Dead
band (3)
CGWN - CCUN 205 660 l 440 l 330 l 1160 l 730 l 530 l CGWN - CCUN 206 670 l 450 l 340 l 1160 l 740 l 540 l CGWN - CCUN 207 650 l 440 l 330 l 1100 l 710 l 520 l CGWN - CCUN 208 880 l 580 l 440 l 1520 l 960 l 710 l CGWN - CCUN 209 1060 l 700 l 530 l 1860 l 1170 l 860 l CGWN - CCUN 210 1080 l 720 l 540 l 1870 l 1190 l 870 l CGWN - CCUN 211 1260 l 840 l 630 l 2220 l 1400 l 1020 l CGWN - CCUN 212 1260 l 840 l 630 l 2170 l 1380 l 1010 l CGWN - CCUN 213 1050 l 700 l 530 l 1760 l 1130 l 830 l CGWN - CCUN 214 1270 l 850 l 640 l 2150 l 1370 l 1010 l CGWN - CCUN 215 1240 l 820 l 620 l 2060 l 1330 l 980 l
Figure 3 - CGWN hydraulic flow chart - without hydraulic module (205-211)
Water connections
Before making any connections, make sure the labeling for entering and leaving water corresponds to the submittals. CGWN water-cooled chillers and CCUN condenserless units are available in several versions:
1) Evaporator side options
• No hydraulic control
• With pump contactors to control a remote pump (single or dual)
• With pump integrated hydraulic module, single or dual pump, low or high pressure head
2) Condenser side options
• No hydraulic control
• With pump contactors to control a remote pump (single or dual)
• With pump integrated hydraulic module, consisting of two single pumps in parallel to adjust condenser waterflow as a function of unit capacity, low or high pressure head
Typical water circuits are given in the following figures.
1. Insulated evaporator
2. Valve for air vent
3. ¼ SAE Male pressure tab
4. ¼ SAE Male drain tab
5. Condenser
CW: Chilled water loop HW: Condensation water loop TT: Temperature sensor FT: Water flow switch
For sizes 205 to 207 standard
head 3"
For sizes 208 to 215
Figure 4 - CGWN hydraulic flow chart - without hydraulic module (212-215)
1. Insulated evaporator
2. Valve for air vent
3. ¼ SAE Male pressure tab
4. ¼ SAE Male drain tab
5. Condenser
CW: Chilled water loop HW: Condensation water loop TT: Temperature sensor FT: Water flow switch
For sizes 205 to 207 standard
head 3"
For sizes 208 to 215
Figure 5 - CCUN hydraulic flow chart - without hydraulic module (205-211)
Figure 6 - CCUN hydraulic flow chart - without hydraulic module (212-215)
1. Insulated evaporator
2. Valve for air vent
3. ¼ SAE Male pressure tab
4. ¼ SAE Male drain tab
CW: Chilled water loop TT: Temperature sensor FT: Water flow switch
For sizes 205 to 207 standard
head 3"
For sizes 208 to 215
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