Step 1. Install
SIM Card
If your T21 did not come with a pre-installed SIM card
follow the instructions located on page 5 of this guide
to install one or ask your dealer for assistance. T21
requires a working SIM card to function.
Mounting T21
You have 2 main options for installation, quick install
using the cigarette lighter adapter or full install that
connects to vehicle power and ignition.
Quick Install
The T21 has a SOS Button with an indicator light. The button is also used for controlling certain
modes of the T21 so it’s preferable to install the T21 so that this button is visible and accessible.
Your T21 must be placed with the Tramigo Logo on top facing to the sky. This is to allow
your T21 to determine its location from the signal made by GPS satellites orbiting the ear th.
Materials such as metal, metallic window tinting, and rear window defoggers must be avoided
because they can block these signals.
In general, you can expect that a mounting situation on the dashboard of your vehicle will
be satisfactory. You can use the Velcro fasteners to secure your T21 to the dashboard. In some
vehicles T21 will work in the glove box.
Your T21 will work with Ceramic tinting available from companies
such as 3M.
Power Connection
Plug the power cable into a cigarette lighter plug, preferably one that is also powered when the
ignition is turned off. You can also purchase the battery backup option if you can’t find a
permanent power source. Permanent power allows you to know the location of your vehicle even
when the ignition is turned off.
The SOS button should flash every 3 seconds to indicate your T21 has power, and will flash
twice every 3 seconds to indicate it has determined its location.
Full Installation
Your T21 can be installed directly to the vehicle power using the 3 wire cable option. This allows
your T21 to be completely hidden from view. Any car accessory dealer can install your T21 in
30 minutes or less. Have them follow the Installation Guide located on the Tramigo CD.
T21 SOS Button
Step 2: Setup
After T21 has been installed into the vehicle you are ready to become the ‘Owner’ of T21.
1) Call your T21 from your phone and hang up after 1 or 2 rings. If the T21 does not answer go
to the troubleshooting section.
2) After about 20 seconds the T21 unit will respond with a text message: “Initialization success,
<Your phone number> has been added to phone book entry 1, your PIN is 0000”
This means that you are now the Owner of T21 and it will accept any commands that you
send to it from your phone. After about 5-15 minutes your T21 will determine its position and
you are ready to track your vehicle. The SOS button will flash twice every 3 seconds to indicate
your T21 has determined it's position.
3) If you have a Nokia Series 60 Smart phone you
can install Tramigo M1 software that makes your T21
even easier to use. M1 is included on your Tramigo
CD and the M1 User Manual provides installation
Step 3: Connect
Now your T21 is ready to use. From your mobile phone try sending a text message containing
WHERE to the phone number of your T21 to find the current location of your vehicle. Read the
T21 commands section of this guide to learn how to use your T21.
You should change your PIN number (default 0000) to prevent unauthorized access to your T21.
Send the command SETPIN,newpin to your T21. Your new PIN must be 4 digits long, numbers
only. Keep this PIN number private.
T21 Commands
This is a list of the most common commands that you will use. For a full list see the T21 User
Manual located on your Tramigo CD.
Note: The T21 owner has authority to send all commands but other users must add “,PIN” to
each command. Example assuming a PIN of 5555 the user would send the command WHER E,5555
to the T21.
Upper or lower case can be used in the commands.
Nokia Series 60 phone
SMS Command
ADDPLACE,place, – Add your own location to the
Tramigo location directory that is displayed with the
WHERE command. You must have a GPS fix for this
command to work.
DELPLACE,place – Deletes the place from the unit
JOURNEY,ON – Sends a journey report after the car
has been stopped for 30 minutes.
JOURNEY,OFF – Turns off journey reporting
Example Report – Journey S:0.1 kms W of Glorietta 9:40
14/4/2005 E:0.2 kms N of RCBC Plaza 10:15 14/4/2005
T:0:35 D:2.2 kms S:15kmh I:0:11 Q:75
When in a Journey the SOS button will stop flashing and
be on until the journey ends.
WHERE – Shows the location of your car. The Owner
can also call the T21 and hang up after 1 or 3 rings
Safety and Security
IGN,ON – Will tell you when your car’s engine has started.
IGN,OFF– Turns off the monitor.
This feature requires the Full Installation option to function.
SOS – Pressing the SOS button for more than 2 seconds
will send a personal assistance report.
– Monitors acceleration and reports
when vehicle is accelerating too quickly. Factor can be between
1 for softest acceleration to 30 for hardest acceleration. If no
factor has been set then 5 will be used as a default.
ACCEL,OFF – Turns off the monitor
Reports if car travels above x km/h.
OVERSPEED,O FF turns off reporting
NAME,name – Sets the name of your car (up to 15
TEXT,<entry 1 to 4>, <phone number> – Adds or
deletes an entry in the user text list. Phone numbers
entered here will receive all automatic text reports for
events such as Journey, SOS, Accel, Overspeed, etc.
Using phone number 0 deletes the current entry.
Entry 1 is for the owner of the T21.
CALL,<entry 1 to 4>, <phone number> – Adds or
deletes an entry in the caller list. Phone numbers entered
here can be called by pressing the SOS button. Press
the SOS button 1 time (less than 2 seconds to call the
number in entry 1, press 2 times for entry 2.
Using phone number 0 deletes the current entry.
This feature requires the hands free option to function.
Example Command/Report
Name can be up to 15 digits.
Journey will detect the end after the car has been stopped
for 30 min.
S: = Start. Shows location, time, date.
E: = End in same format as start.
T: = time in hours and minutes
D:= Distance traveled
S: = Maximum speed
I: = Idle time (car not moving ex: traffic, lights)
Q:= GP S position quality
T21 is in transit 0.8 Km E of Central Mall at 13:45:53
29/4/2005 travelling S at 18 kph - 14.55244,121.01308 (3D)
Note: The Tramigo must be attached to your ignition line
during installation.
T21: IGNITION ON: 0.4 km NW of Buendia-Filmore at
06:21:07 14/4/2005
T21: PERSONAL AS SISTANCE: 0.8 km E of Edison
Avenue/A at 20:14:17: 26/4/2005
T21: EXCESSIVE AC CELERATION: 0.3 km W of Sunshine
Plz Ma at 06:09:20 14/4/2005
T21: OVERSPEE D: 0.2 km NE of Buendia-Filmore at
06:21:07 14/4/2005
NAME,Gavin’s Car
Adds the number to entry 2
Deletes the phone number in entry 2
Reports all the numbers in the text list.
Never change or delete entry 1 unless the owner's
phone number has changed.
Adds the number to entry 1
Deletes the phone number in entry 2
Reports all the numbers in the call list.