Train-Tech SC100 Instructions Manual

Tools etc
Train Tech overview - ask for free catalogue
Signal kits - OO/HO low cost easy to make signals for DC
Sensor Signals - easy automatic block signalling - DCC or DC
Smart Lights - small effects built in - DC/DCC - just 2 wires:
Arc welding • Emergency vehicle • TV • Fire effect •!Party disco
Automatic Coach Lights - motion - no pickups or wiring:
Older Warm White • Modern Cool White • Tail Light • Spark Arc
Automatic Tail Lights - motion - easy, no wires - lantern LED:
Flickering flame oil lamp • Modern Flashing • Constant light
Track Tester - quickly tests DC polarity or DCC - N-TT-HO-OO
SFX+ Sound capsules - no wires! - real trains - DC or DCC
Steam •!Diesel • DMU • Passenger coach • Shunted stock
Buffer Light - clip in lights for buffer stops - N or OO - DC/DCC
LFX Lighting effects - DC/DCC - screw terminals - with LEDs:
Home & Shop lighting • Welding •!Flashing Effects •!Fire
Traffic Lights - fully assembled - just connect to DC or DCC
Level Crossings - assembled - N & OO versions - DC / DCC
DCC fitted signals - slide in the track - easy one touch setup:
2 aspect • 3 aspect • 4 aspect • Dual head • Feathers • Theatre
Smart Screen animated sign - for Trains, Stations etc
DCC Signal & Point Controllers
SC100 - Auto Controller
©DCP Microdevelopments Limited 2018 V1.0 151118
DCP Microdevelopments, Bryon Court, Bow Street, Great Ellingham, NR17 1JB, UK
Telephone 01953 457800 • email •
See our website, your local model shop or contact us for a free colour brochure
• Works with DCC or 12-16v smooth DC
Slides into OO track slots on DCC
Or 2 power wires for DCC or DC
Links to others for block signalling
Built in sensor to detect train
SC100 Automatic Signal Controller
Enables standard LED colour light
signals to change automatically
SC100 Auto Signal Controller
Please read carefully and always connect up with the power switched OFF!
Connecting LED colour light signals to the signal controller
The SC100 has a built-in train sensor and can directly control LED colour light signals automatically. Although originally designed for OO gauge it can also be used on N, TT and HO gauge layouts. It is part of the Train-Tech Sensor Signal system and can interconnect with Sensor Signals, but instead of a
built-in signal you can wire to almost any type of LED colour light signal or signal heads on gantries etc. The drawings below show the wiring for each type of signal and this requires careful soldering using fine wires to the connection pads (optionally you can fit CON8 SIL sockets - contact Train-Tech for details).
Signals have a common - negative (eg Train-Tech signal kits) or common + positive but the SC100 detects the polarity as it is switched on and also senses whether there are 2, 3 or 4 aspect LEDs connected.
Note that resistors are built in so you do not need to use additional resistors in series with your LEDs signals.
2 aspect Red-Green Signal
Common +
Red Common -
Connect to Common - or + depending on signal
4 aspect Red-Yellow-Green-Yellow
3 aspect Red-Yellow-Green Signal
Common +
Green Yello w Red Common -
Connect to Common - or + depending on signal
Connecting a Feather or Theatre
Signals can also have a Feather or Theatre route indicator and this can be controlled
by the SC100 using DCC - see page 6 for details.
Common +
Yello w 2 Green Yello w 1 Red Common -
Connect to Common - or + depending on signal
Common + Route
Common -
Use the same - or + common as the main signal
•!Locating the SC100 & signal " " Switch off power first!
Choose an appropriate location for your SC100 and signal. The SC100 and signal is usually located at the same position on the track because the signal should change just after the train has passed it, ideally not on a sharp bend because the optical sensor needs to ‘see’ the train above it. Then you are ready to connect power to the SC100:
• Sliding SC100 into OO track suitable for DCC layouts only
DCC layouts have power on the tracks all of the time and so the SC100 and Sensor Signals can take their power straight from the track by sliding contact fingers into the slots which some track has for power clips. Note this is only suitable for some OO track such as Hornby and Bachmann fixed track and a very good connection must be made at all times for reliable operation. Some Peco track also has slots but they are wider and will need a little packing to make a solid reliable connection. If in any doubt we recommend wiring power directly to the SC100 - see below.
To fit SC100 into the track, find the power clip slots in the track between the rails and the sleepers and, holding the base, carefully align and slide the contact fingers
into the slots all the way until they stop ­the sensor should be close to but not touching the rail!
This may be a tight fit so take great care!
Power indicator LED
Lights red to indicate the SC100 is powered. Light hole may be blocked off with blue tack or similar if desired.
Sensor - careful never to let the sensor pins to touch the rail or SC100 will be damaged!
Power clip slots
provided at regular intervals on some track types
• Wiring the SC100 suitable for both DC and DCC layouts
If your layout is conventional DC or you have DCC but do not like the slide in fingers or do not have suitable OO gauge track with power clip slots as above, you can wire your SC100 to the layout power by cutting off the track fingers and soldering two wires - see below.
Signals can be powered by DCC or smooth DC and require a voltage of 12-16 Volts max and current of approx 0.05A each (they should not be powered by an AC or unsmoothed DC supply). Recommended supply for DC use is Gaugemaster Model GMC-WM4 12 V 1.25A Power Supply
Using a sharp pair of wire side cutters or modelling cutters, carefully trim off the fingers exactly along the
dotted lines marked - - - - - - on the signal circuit base, taking great care not to touch or damage the
small black sensor or any of its wires as this will cause permanent damage!
Carefully solder 2 thin pretinned wires into the holes marked P P on the drawing, making sure that any
loose strands or whiskers of wire do not touch any other contacts or component!
On DC layouts connect these wires to a 12-16V smooth DC supply, on DCC layouts connect them to
the nearest rails, DCC Bus bar or direct to the DCC controller output.
Locating SC100 with N, TT or OO/HO track
Locate SC100 with the sensor close to but not actually touching the rail. If using with N or TT gauge track you may need to cut away some of the sleeper. (This picture shows it with N gauge track)
Signal Connections
Power indicator LED
+ 5 hidden pages