Trail Master TM104N User Manual

400 W. Artesia Blvd. Fax: (310) 747-3912
Compton, CA 90220 Ph: (877) 695-7812
‘99- ’06 KIT# TM104N
Installation of a Trail Master suspension lift kit will change the vehicle’s center of gravity and handling char­acteristics both on- and off-road. You must drive the ve­hicle safely! Extreme care must be taken to prevent vehi­cle rollover or loss of control, which could result in seri­ous injury or death. Avoid sudden sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers and always make sure all vehicle occupants have their seat belts fas tened.
Before you install this kit, read and understand all in­structions, warnings, cautions, and notes in this instruc­tion sheet and in the vehicl e owner’s manual.
Proper installation of this kit requires knowledge of the factory recommended procedures for removal and instal­lation of original equipment compo nents. We recommend that the factory shop manual and any special tools needed to service your vehicle be on hand during the installation. Installation of this kit without proper knowl­edge of the factory recommended procedures may affect the performance of these components and the safety of the vehicle. We strongly recommend that a certified me­chanic familiar with the installation of similar components install this kit.
Many states and municipalities have laws restricting bumper heights and vehicle lifts. Consult state and local laws to det ermine if the ch anges you intend to make to the vehicle comply w i th the law.
The installation of larger tires may reduce the effective­ness of the braking system.
Always wear eye protect i on when operating power tools.
Before you install this kit, block the vehicle tires to pre­vent the vehicle from roll ing.
DO NOT combine suspension, body, or other lift devices. Use of vehicle with combined lifts may result in unsafe and/or unexpected handling characterist ics.
This kit should only be installed on a vehicle that is in good working condition. Before you install the kit, thor­oughly inspect the vehicle for corrosion or deformation of the sheet metal. If th e veh icle is susp ected to ha ve been in a collision or misused, do not install this kit. Off- road use of your vehicle with this kit installed may increase the stress applied to the fac tory components. Failure to observe this warning may result in serious personal in­jury and/or severe damage to your vehicle.
Lift height may vary depending on vehicle configuration, engine size, additional accessories, the factory suspen­sion package, and vehicle’s condition.
Trail Master recommends using thread locking com­pound on the threads of all kit nuts and bolts unless specified otherwise in these instructio ns.
Before Starting Installation
Kit parts are prefaced by the word kit and appear in bold print.
1. Carefully read all warnings and instructions completely before beginning.
2. Verify all parts have been received in this kit by checking the parts list at the end of this docu­ment.
3. Only install this kit on the vehicle for which it is specified. If anytime during the installation you encounter something different from what is outlined in the instructions, call technical support at (877) 695-7812.
4. Park vehicle on a clean, dry, flat, level surface and block tires so vehicle cannot roll in either di­rection.
5. Measure ride height with the vehicle supporting its own weight on level ground. To settle the sus-
Wheel & Tire Requirements
Tire & Wheel Information:
Due to differences in manufacturing, dimensions and inflated measurements, tire and wheel combi­nations should be test fit prior to installation. Tire and wheel choice is crucial in assuring proper fit, performance, and the safety of your T r a ilmaster equipped vehicle. For this application, a wheel not to exceed 9” in width with a maximum backspacing of 5 1/4” must be used. Addit io nally, a quality tire of radial design, not exceeding 35” tall X 12.5” wide is recommended. Please note that the use of a 35” X 12.5” tire may require fender modification. Violation of these recommendations will not be en­dorsed as acceptable by Trailmaster Suspension and will void any and all warranties either written or implied. 2005 trucks require a 17” wheels to clear the calipers. If your truck has a tire pressure sensors on the fac­tory wheels please contact the wheel manufactures for proper installation and removal. Factory rims can be used.
pension, the vehicle should be driven forward at least 10 feet immediately prior to taking these measurements. Ride height is the measurement from the center of the axle straight up (vertical) to the fender lip. Record this measurement for all four wheels.
Adhere to recommendations when replacement fas­teners, retainers and keepers are called out in the factory service manual. When re-assembling the ve­hicle it is recommended by the vehicle manufacturer that certain fasteners are replaced in order to main­tain proper retention characteristics. This system may not include all replacement hardware as recom­mended by the factory service manual. Additional replacement hardware should be obtained prior to installation of this system to meet the requirements of the factory service manual.
Engine Compartment
1. Disconnect both battery cables. Disconnect negative cable first, then positive cable.
Torque Specifications:
See factory service manual for torque values when reusing OE fasteners.
See factory serv ice manual for torque value s when re-using
OE fasteners.
Bolt Size Grade 5 (ft.-lbs.) Grade 8 (ft.-lbs.)
1/4”-20 10 10 1/4”-28 10 12.5 5/16”-18 17 22.5 5/16”-24 20 25 3/8”-16 30 40 3/8”-24 35 45 7/16”-14 50 65 7/16”-20 55 70 1/2”-13 75 100 1/2”-20 80 115 9/16”-12 105 135 9/16”-18 115 150 5/8”-11 150 195 5/8”-18 160 210
3/4”-16 175 225
Important Note
A replacement CV style front drive shaft is recommended for owners who use 4 x 4 Hi range for
extended periods of time.
Vehicles equipped with a 246 transfer case (Auto-trac) will require a replacement CV style front
drive shaft.
Part Number 51256, Standard duty shaft with the slip shaft installed on the drive shaft.
2004 models with traction control and Borg Warner transfer case 4482 may require
Trailmaster driveshaft 51257.
Please note that while every effort is made to ensure tha t the installation of your Trailmas ter lift kit is a positive experience, variations in construction and assembly in the vehicle manufacturing process will virtually ensure that some parts may seem difficult to install. Add itionally, the current trend in manufac­turing of vehicles results in a frame that is highly flexible and may shift slightly on disas sembly prior to installation. The use of pr y bars and tapered punches for alignment is considered normal and usually does not indicate a faulty product. However, if you are uncertain about some aspect of the installation process, please feel free to call our tech support department at the number listed on the cover page. We do not recommend that you modify the Trailm aster parts in any way as this will void any war ranty ex­pressed or implied by the Trailmaster Suspension company.
Prepare to In st a ll Front Suspe n si on
1. If there are factory skid plates installed, remove them.
2. Measure torsion bar adjusting screw depth and record this dimension for later use when replacing the torsion adjuster arm on reassembly. Remove the torsion bar adjusting screw. Apply a small amount of lubrication grease to the puller threads and the puller shaft-to-adjuster arm contact point. Lo ad puller and torsion adjuster arm until the adjuster nut can be removed from the cross member. Release the pull er to unload the torsion bar . With the bar unloaded, slide it forward into the lower control arm until the adjuster arm falls free. If the bar seems stuck, use a hammer and punch through the hole in the rear of the cross member to dislodge it. Repeat this procedure on the other side of the vehicle.
3. Remove the torsion bar cross member by removing the through bolts on each side of the vehicle. With the cross member out of the way, the torsion bars can be pulled from the lower control arms and removed. Mark the torsion bars as to their orientation (left side, right side, and front). They must
be reinstalled exactly as removed! Save these
nuts and bolts for reuse on reassembly.
4. Disconnect the ABS sensor wire and position it out of the way to prevent damage to the wiring or connector ends. Rem ove brake caliper assembly and securely fasten it awa y from the wor k area.
Steps 5 through 12 are performed one side at a time:
5. Remove the 6 bolts that attach the CV axle to the differential. Save these for reuse.
6. Detach the outer end of the tie rod from the spindl e ass em bl y . Special to ols are available to safely remove these without damage to the joint or the protective boot. Your GM servic e manual has de ta ils on this proc edure
7. Remove the anti-sway bar links that connect the sway bar to the lower A-arm. Save this hardware for reuse on reassembly.
8. Remove the shock absorber mounting bolts from the lower A-arm. Save this hardware for reuse.
9. Remove the upper and lower A-arm pivot nuts. Save this hardware for reuse on reassembly.
10. Support the A-arm assembly and carefully remove the pivot bolts. Lower the assembly to the floor and set aside. This assembly is relatively heavy and not a rigid assembly. Be very careful when removing. Save the pivot bolts for reuse.
11. Remove the upper shock nuts and remove the stock shock absorbers. Discard these parts.
12. Detach the front driv e shaf t from the diff eren tial yolk and secu re it out of the way. Disconnect the electro nic sensor and vent line from the differential and secure them out of the way.
13. Remove the factory bump stops by using a large channel lock type of pliers and discard the stops.
14. Remove drag link from the pitman arm and idler arm. It may be easier to remove the Idler arm from the frame with the drag link. Set this assembly aside. Save the nuts for reuse.
15. Remove the front differential lower mounting bolt. Save this nut and bolt for reuse.
16. Remove the passenger side differential mounting bolts. Save this hardware for reuse.
17. Remove the differential cross member and discard this hardware.
18. While suppor ti ng the diffe re ntial , re mov e th e upper mo un t bolt an d carefully lower the differential to the ground. Retain this nut and bolt for reuse on reassembly.
19. Using a 2” hole saw without
the pilot drill, r emove the bump s top mount from the frame on each side of the vehicle. It is important that you do NOT remove any more material than you have to. Do NOT drill through this pad with the hole saw!
20. Using an angle grinder or equivalent, remove any remaining weld from this area to achieve a smooth surface.
21. Using a re c ip rocating saw or other sui table saw, on the driver side A-arm pocket / differential mount, cut the rear section out as shown in Illustration A and to the dimensions shown in Illustration 1.
Illustration A
Drivers Side
PN 96-1505
Front of vehicle
Illustration 1
Drivers side.
Front of vehicle
Illustration 2
Passenger side.
Front of vehicle
Remove to
22. On the passenger side mount, cut a 45º section from the pocket as per Illustration 2.
23. On the OEM bump stop flanges on both sides of the truck, cut the front corners to allow for shock clearance. See Illustration 3.
24. On the front upper A-arm mount pockets, knock the existing alignment cam pins off with a hammer and grind the surface smooth.
Install Front Suspension
1. Install the provided replacement bump stops (PN 15-11018) to the main cross member as indicated in Illustration 4. It is important that this is done now as it is not possible to install these stops after installation of the cross member.
2. With the differential out of the vehicle, temporarily mount the main cross member (PN 82-1459) to the frame using the existing lower A-arm pockets and OEM bolts. Make sure that the cross member is located with the inside face of the rear flange even with the rear edge of the OEM bump stop flange as indicated in Illustration 3 (the driver side should look the same as the passenger side when properly located). When the location is set, clamp the cross member to the flanges to prevent movement and drill the 2 upper mount holes throug h the OEM flange on both sides of the truck. The bottom hole is not accessible with a drill at this time, it must be marked for later drilling. Install provided 3/8” X 1 1/4” NC bolts, washers and Stover nuts and tighten to prevent movement. Repeat this step on the
Front of vehicle
See note 3.
3/8” X 1 1/4”
3 places per side
PN 82-1459
Illustration 3
Passenger side.
See note 24.
This hole must be
drilled with the cross
member removed.
See note 4
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