Trail Master TM103N User Manual

400 W. Artesia Blvd. Fax: (310) 747-3912
Compton, CA 90220 Ph: (877) 695-7812
‘07- ’13 KIT# TM103N
Installation of a Trail Master suspension lift kit will change the vehicle’s center of gravity and handling char­acteristics both on- and off-road. You must drive the ve­hicle safely! Extreme care must be taken to prevent vehi­cle rollover or loss of control, which could result in seri­ous injury or death. Avoid sudden sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers and always make sure all vehicle occupants have their seat belts fas tened.
Before you install this kit, read and understand all in­structions, warnings, cautions, and notes in this instruc­tion sheet and in the vehicle ow ner’ s ma nu al.
Proper installation of this kit requires knowledge of the factor y reco mme nded proc edur es f or r emo val an d i nsta l­lation of original equipment components. We recommend that the factory shop manual and any special tools needed to service your vehicle be on hand during the installation. Installation of this kit without proper knowl­edge of th e fac tor y rec omme nded proc edur es ma y af fect the performance of these components and the safety of the vehicle. We strongly recommend that a certified me­chanic familiar with the installation of similar components install this kit.
Many states and municipalities have laws restricting bumper heights and vehicle lifts. Consult state and local laws to determine if the changes you intend to make to the vehicle comply wit h the law .
The installation of larger tires may reduce the effective­ness of the braking system.
Always wear eye protection when operating power tools.
Before you install this kit, block the vehicle tires to pre­vent the vehicle from rolling.
DO NOT combine suspension, body, or other lift devices. Use of vehicle with combined lifts may result in unsafe and/or unexpected han dling characteristic s.
This kit should only be installed on a vehicle that is in good working condition. Before you install the kit, thor­oughly inspect the vehicle for corrosion or deformation of the sheet metal. If the vehicle is suspected to have been in a collision or misused, do not install this kit. Off-road use of your vehicle with this kit installed may increase the stress applied to the factor y components. Failure to observe this warning may result in serious personal in­jury and/or severe damage to your vehicle.
Lift height may vary depending on vehicle configuration, engine size, additional accessories, the factory suspen­sion package, and vehi c l e’s condition.
Trail Master recommends using thread locking com­pound on the threads of all kit nuts and bolts unless specified otherwise in these instructions.
Before Starting Installation
Kit parts are prefaced by the word kit and appear in bold print.
1. Carefully read all warnings and instructions com­pletely before beginning.
2. Verify all parts have been received in this kit by checking the parts list at the end of this document.
3. Only install this kit on the vehicle for which it is specified. If anytime during the installation you en­counter something different from what is outlined in the instructions, call technical support at (877) 695-
4. Park vehicle on a clean, dry, flat, level surface and block tires so vehicle cannot roll in either direction.
5. Measure ride height with the vehicle supporting its own weight on level ground. To settle the suspension, the vehicle should be driven forward at least 10 feet immediately prior to taking these measurements. Ride height is the measurement from the center of the axle straight up (vertical) to the fender lip. Record this measurement for all four wheels.
Tire & Wheel Information:
Due to differences in manufacturing, dimensions and inflated measurements, tire and wheel combinations should be test fit prior to installation. Tire and wheel choice is crucial in assuring proper fit, per­formance, and the safety of your Trail Master equipped vehicle. For this application, we recom­mend a 17” or larger wheel not to exceed 8” in width with a maximum backspacing of 4.5” must be used. Additionally, a quality tire of radial design, not ex­ceeding 35” tall X 12.5” wide is also recommended. Please note that the use of a 35” X 12.5” tire may re­quire modification to the front valance. Violation of these recommendations will not be endorsed as ac­ceptable by Trail Master Suspension and will void any and all warranties either written or implied.
On some vehicles the driver’s side OE chassis wire harness that connects to the ABS wire may be shorter, from the factory, than others. If the line needs to be ex­tended GM #19149296 (ACD#PT2232) can be installed into the chassis wire harness.
Torque Specifications:
See factory service manual for torque values when reusing OE fasteners.
Adhere to recommendations when replacement fas­teners, retainers and keepers are called out in the factory service manual. When re-assembling the ve­hicle it is recommended by the vehicle manufacturer that certain fasteners are replaced in order to main­tain proper retention characteristics. This system may not include all replacement hardware as recom­mended by the factory service manual. Additional replacement hardware should be obtained prior to installation of this system to meet the requirements of the factory service manual.
Engine Compartment
1. Disconnect both battery cables. Disconnect negative cable first, then positive cable.
Wheel & Tire Requirements
The factory wheel and tire combination will not fit once this kit is installed.
See factory serv ice manual for torque value s when re-using
OE fasteners.
Bolt Size Grade 5 (ft.-lbs.) Grade 8 (ft.-lbs.)
1/4”-20 10 10 1/4”-28 10 12.5 5/16”-18 17 22.5 5/16”-24 20 25 3/8”-16 30 40 3/8”-24 35 45 7/16”-14 50 65 7/16”-20 55 70 1/2”-13 75 100 1/2”-20 80 115 9/16”-12 105 135 9/16”-18 115 150 5/8”-11 150 195 5/8”-18 160 210 3/4”-16 175 225
Prepare to Install Front Suspension
1. Position your vehicle on a smooth, flat, hard sur­face (i.e. concrete or asphalt). Block the rear tires and set the emergency brake.
2. Measure and record the distance from the center of each wheel to the top of its fender opening.
Record below.
3. Place the vehicle in neutral. Place your floor jack under the front axle and raise the vehicle. Place jack stands under the frame rails and lower the frame onto the stands. Remove the jack and place the vehicle back in gear, set the emergency brake, and place blocks both in front and behind the rear wheels.
4. Remove the front wheels from the vehicle.
5. Unclip the ABS bracket from coil bucket and A­arm. Unplug the ABS connector.
13. Unbolt the CV axle from the differential.
14. Using the proper tool carefully separate the up-
per ball joint from the knuckle. Loosen but DO NOT remove the retaining nut from the upper ball joint.
15. Support the lower control arm with a jack and unbolt the lower strut mounting bolts from the lower control arm mount.
16. Unbolt the lower control arm retai ning bolts
17. Unbolt the previously loosened upper ball joint retaining nut and remove the lower control arm, knuckle and CV axle assembly from the vehicle.
18. Remove the clips that hold the ABS wire to the upper strut mounting studs.
19. Unbolt the nuts on the upper strut mounting studs. Carefully remove the strut from the vehi­cle.
20. Unbolt the front driveshaft from the differential and secure it out of the way of the work area. Save the hardware for reuse.
6. Unbolt the ABS strap from the steering knuckle. Secure the ABS wire out of the work area. Dis­card the bracket.
7. Using pliers carefully open the a-arm brake line retaining bracket. Remove the rubber brake hose from the bracket. Using a cut off wheel, cut the bracket at the bend. NOTE: Be very careful to not damage the
rubber line in any way during it’s removal from the bracket.
8. Unbolt the brake line bracket from the upper A­arm.
9. Using the proper tool ca refully separate the outer tie rod end from the knuckle.
10. Remove the brake caliper and caliper bracket assembly and the rotor. Secure them clear from the work area. DO NOT the brake line or damage may result.
11. Mark the orientation of the sway bar and remove it from the vehicle.
let the caliper hang by
21. Unplug the differential wiring harness clips and vent tube.
22. Remove the factory rear crossmember support
OE Crossmember Brace
Illustration 1
Crossmember Removal
12. Unbolt and remove the sway bar end links from the vehicle.
Illustration 2
Frame Cut Picture
Driver Side Rear Lower Control Arm Mounting Pocket
Illustration 3
Front Differential
Support Bracket Install
Cut Line
7/16” X 3”
Cut Piece
Driver Side Rear Lower Control Arm Mounting Pocket
Front Differential
Support Bracket
Front Differential
10mm X 60mm Bolt
Illustration 4
82-3701 Driver Diff Drop Bracket
OE Hardware
brace from the vehicle and discard. See ILLUS­TRATION 1.
23. Support the differential with a jack and unbolt the driver and passenger side mounts (2 per side). Carefully remove the differential from the
Drvr Side Differential Drop
Bracket Install
Illustration 5
4wd Pass Side
Differential Drop Bracket
82-3704 Pass Diff Drop Bracket
24. On the driver side ONLY, measure out from the
edge of the rear factory crossmember brace mount approximately 3” and scribe a line. See ILLUSTRATION 2.
25. Using a suitable cutting tool, (abrasive cutoff wheel, Sawz-all, etc.) cut the frame along the previously marked lines as shown in ILLUS­TRATION 2.
Install Front Suspension
1. Assemble the front differential support bracket
(82-3692) using the supplied bushings (15-
11148) and sleeves (90-2108) from hardware
pack (90-6515). See ILLUSTRATION 3.
2. Rotate the front differential until the case bolt
heads are oriented up. Carefully remove the fac­tory bolts from the diff erential as shown in IL­LUSTRATION 3. NOTE: You will probably notice some dif-
ferential oil seeping from the area where the bolts are removed. This is normal and not something to worry about. If you do not stand the differential as di­rected, you will see a LOT more oil on your floor.
3. Place front differential support bracket (82-
3692) on the front differentia l as shown in IL-
LUSTRATION 3. Secure support bracket using the supplied 10mm X 60mm bolts and washers,
7/16” X 3” bolt and hardware from pack 90-
6251. Torque these fasteners to 32 ft. lbs. See
OE Hardware
4. Install the driver side differential drop (82-
3701) into the factory frame location using the OE bolts and hardware. Hand tighten only.
5. Using the OE hardware, install the passenger side differential drop (82-3704) to the factory frame location as shown in ILLUSTRATION 5.
IMPORTANT: The bracket is slightly ta-
pered. The short end of the taper is oriented to­ward the rear of the vehicle.
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