User’s Guide
MIU1500 / CompuCount
Data Manager
MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide Page 1
Introduction/Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Models .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Hardware Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Changing Your PC’s Default IP Address ................................................................................................................ 5
Changing the Manager’s Default IP Address .......................................................................................................... 6
Changing the MIU’s Name .................................................................................................................................... 7
Adding Sensors ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Viewing Counts ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
MIU Setup Options ................................................................................................................................................ 9
The Status Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Sensor Setup ................................................................................................................................ ........................ 10
The MIU Setup Screen ........................................................................................................................................ 10
The Communications Setup Screen ...................................................................................................................... 11
Set Count Manager’s Clock ................................................................................................................................. 11
Passwords ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Reset Options ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Export Options..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Alternate Format .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Status of Sensors .................................................................................................................................................. 18
FTP Scripts .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Common Software Tools ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Specifications ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Resetting the MIU-1500 to Factory Defaults ........................................................................................................ 22
Glossary of Terms ................................................................ ................................................................................ 23
MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide Page 2
The new MIU-1500 is available with either an internal 418 Mhz receiver for smaller areas or an internal 900
Mhz receiver which will allow for greater distances. Additionally, the all new MIU-1500 unit also includes an
external RS232 serial port to add an optional external receiver.
The MIU-1500 Count Manager is designed to collect data from wireless counter sensors and display that data
through reports that can be viewed with an ordinary Web browser application.
The MIU-1500 gives reports of counts by half hour, hour, day, week and month. The MIU-1500 also makes this
same data available as text files downloadable using an FTP client program.
The MIU-1500 can manage up to 16 sensors. It can hold data for those 16 sensors for 3 months at 30
minute intervals, and for 1.5 years at day intervals.
The new MIU-1500 is designed to work in conjunction with the following
Wireless counters:
Traf-Sys Directional Beam Sensors
Traf-Sys Single Beam Sensors
Traf-Sys Pulse Transmitters, used with Surround Sensor Sensors and Thermal Cameras
The MIU-1500 with at least one counting sensor.
computer with an Ethernet card or network connection for TCP/IP communications.
Web browser application, such as Internet Explorer.
MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide Page 3
Getting Started
Hardware Setup
Plug the power supply into the MIU-1500 and make sure it is connected to a working outlet. The red power light will
come on when the
MIU is
plugged in.
The red light indicates that the MIU-1500 is functioning. The MIU-1500 also uses the red light to indicate
reception of a packet from a transmitter. The MIU-1500 will blink the red light momentarily indicating a packet
has been received and processed.
A crossover cable is included with the MIU-1500 setup. Plug the crossover cable into the Ethernet port on the
back of your computer and plug the other end into the Ethernet port on the MIU-1500. The Ethernet Link light
(green light) will turn on indicating a valid Ethernet physical connection.
Alternatively you can connect the Manager to your Local Area Network. Your network administrator can help you
decide which IP address to assign to the Manager.
To check to see if you have made a connection, open your browser and type
The browser should display the MIU-1500 count
The screen will not show sensors until they are configured.
MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide Page 4
Changing Your PC’s Default IP Address
If you have been unable to see the Manager's web page when connecting
directly to your PC, you may need to make changes to your computer's IP
First, connect the
directly to the Ethernet port on the back of your
computer. Next, change the IP settings on your computer.
To change the IP settings on a computer running the Windows
95/98/ME/2000, select the following: „Control Panel -> Network -> TCP/IP‟;
select the TCP/IP service for your network card; choose „Properties->IP
Address‟; choose „Specify an IP Address‟ (example:; and fill in the initial values for IP address and subnet mask.
With Windows 98 and ME you will need to restart the PC.
To change the IP settings on a computer running Windows XP, select the
following: „Control Panel (if not already presented, you will find it easier to
„Switch to Classic View‟) -> Network Connections. Right-click on Local Area
Connection (or Network Bridge if installed) and select Properties. Highlight
„Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)‟ and click the Properties button. Select „Use the
following IP address‟ (example: and fill in the
initial values for IP address and subnet mask.
Run WINIPCFG or IPCONFIG to verify changes.
When finished changing the IP address and connecting the
computer to the MIU-1500, use the Ping utility on your computer
(see the following section) and ping the MIU-1500 to verify your
settings and connection. A successful ping will receive a reply.
MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide Page 5
Changing the Manager’s Default IP Address
In order for the MIU-1500 to communicate TCP/IP, it needs an IP address, network mask, and possibly a
gateway address. If you are connecting the Manager to your LAN, you should change the MIU-1500‟s defaults
(IP address; network mask; no gateway address and port 1000).
To change the IP address on the MIU-1500 go to the "Setup" link and then click on "Communications." There
you can enter a new IP address for the MIU-1500.
Before you change the IP address you should ping the new IP address to make sure that no computers on your
network have the IP address already. To ping, go to the
PC's "Start" menu, choose "Run" and in the "Open:" box
type "Command."
An MS-DOS window will appear. Type "Ping" and the IP
address you are trying to ping. If you want to change your
Manager's IP address to, say, you would
type "Ping" and wait for a response. If the
result of the ping is "Request timed out" then there is no
other device on that IP address and you can safely change
the IP address of the MIU-1500.
Once you know the IP address you want, enter it into the "IP Address" box on the Communications Setup screen.
Enter the subnet mask also. You may need to
ask your network administrator for a subnet
mask. When you are ready, click the "Submit"
button at the bottom of the page. The program
will attempt to change the IP Address of the
MIU-1500. If successful, the browser will
redirect to the new IP address and at the
bottom of the screen, in green letters, it will say,
"Submission accepted. Parameters updated!"
Click on the link "Setup Menu" at the bottom of
the page to return to the Setup menu.
MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide Page 6
Click on the "Manager" link of the setup menu.
From this page you can enter a name for the MIU-1500 Count Manager. You
can set the maximum amount of time that may pass between sensor
transmissions before the sensor is declared offline. You may set the
"Auto Add" mode for the MIU-1500.
The default "Auto Add" mode is "Service Mode."
"Service Mode" means the MIU-1500 will only add sensors to its list if it
receives a sensor packet that has been sent by pressing the Smart Switch on
the receiver (Traf-Sys
Wireless Beams) or
holding the magnetic wand at top
right facing corner of the unit (Pulse Transmitter).
"All" means that the MIU-1500 will add a new sensor any time it
receives a transmission from a sensor that is not already in its list.
"Off" means that the MIU-1500 will never add new sensors to its sensor
The MIU-1500 Count Manager by default adds sensors to its configuration list when it receives a packet that has
been transmitted in "Service Mode." You can send a transmiss ion in service mode by pressing the Smart Switch on
the receiver (the unit with the LCD display - you will need to press this switch twice within 20 seconds)
of the counter sensor (Traf-Sys
Wireless Beams) or
holding the magnetic wand at top right facing corner of the
unit (Pulse Transmitter).
CAUTION: If you are adding a MIU-1500 to an existing counter setup, this will erase all counts.
The MIU-1500 will add counters to its configuration and you may view their data from the main browser screen.
You may need to refresh the screen a couple of times before the counter shows up.
Once you are finished adding counters, return to the Manager‟s Setup screen and turn the „Automatically add
sensors‟ selection to “Off.”
MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide Page 7
To view the current sensors and their
data, start your browser and enter the
Manager's IP address in the "Address:"
The user can view the count total at
different time granularities. The user can
view counts summed per Half Hour, per
Hour, per Day, per Week, or Per Month.
Clicking on the links at the top of the
screen will change the time granularity.
The user can also navigate through count
history by using the "Prev" and "Next"
buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Clicking the "Now" button will take you to
the current date and time. If counts have
been recorded for the current view, they
will be displayed. Otherwise (for example,
if the requested view is in the future, or a
time earlier than the first sensor
transmission) the cell for that time period
will display "n.a." (for "not applicable").
Each configured sensor has a row in the table. Directional counters show counts on two lines for Count A and
Count B. The total of all counts for all sensors for that time period will be displayed on the bottom row of the table
and the right hand column.
For all time intervals greater than Half Hour, the top row of the table contains links to focus in on a smaller time
interval. For example from the "Per Month" view you can click on a specific month, like January, in order to see
the weekly breakdown of counts for January.
To get the latest data, click the "Now" button or click the "Refresh" button on the browser.
The date and time on the display show the time the report was generated.
You can make the table appear smaller if you want it to fit on the screen better by (in Internet Explorer) going to:
View | Text Size | Smaller.
MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide Page 8