tPSC-1 FC-11, FC-33, FC-R1, FC-T1, FC-ISO-C Datasheet

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FC Series Signal Conditioners

DC Selectable Signal Conditioner with
4-20 mA Isolated Signal Conditioner
3-way isolation
• 3-way 1500 V isolation
• Push button calibration
Thermocouple/mV Isolated Signal Conditioner
Field configurable input for type J, K, E, T, R, S, B, N and C thermocouples or ±156.25 mV inputs with 1500 VDC isolation between input and the 4-20 mA output. Cold junction compensa­tion and burnout detection. Alarm/run LED.
• 1500 V isolation
• Cold junction compensation (CJC)
• Internal diagnostics (burnout detection or calibration errors)
Loop powered 4-20 mA input/output signal with 1500 VDC isolation between input and output.
• 1500 V isolation • Loop powered
RTD Input Signal Conditioner
Loop powered, non-isolated, 3-wire unit converts an RTD input to a linear 4-20 mA signal. User selectable CU10, PT100 or PT1000 input.
Potentiometer Input, Analog Output Signal Conditioner
Field configurable input and output, input ranges of 3-wire potentiometer 0 to 100 ohms through 0 to 100 kilohms, and output ranges of 0-5V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA. Field calibrated to 10% of potentiometer full range.
Unipolar Voltage or Current to Bipolar Voltage Signal Conditioner
Field configurable input and output, unipolar input ranges of 0-5V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA, and bipolar output ranges of ±100 mV, ±50 mV, ±5V, ±10V, ±15V. Field calibrated with offset and span adjustments.
Field configurable input and output, bipolar input ranges of ±100 mV, ±50 mV, ±5V, ±10V, ±15V, and unipolar output ranges of 0-5V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA. Field calibrated
Bipolar Voltage to Unipolar Voltage or Current Signal Conditioner
with offset and span adjustments.
Analog Input, 2-Relay, Limit Alarm
Field configurable analog to relay limit alarm powered by 24VAC/ VDC and Input signal ranges of 0-15V, 0-30V or 0-20mA. Trip/ Release Point programmed via DIP switches. LED’s indicate operating status.
Encoder Signal Conditioner and Optical Isolator - Differential Line Driver Output
Ideal for use with single-ended (open collector, NPN, pull-up, push-pull, totem pole) or differential line driver encoders. Three complementary inputs (A, B, Z, A-not, B-not, Z-not) are rated for 4.5-7.5 and 12-26 VDC and frequency response up to 1 MHz.
Optical isolation separates the input signals from three differential line driver outputs (A, B, Z, A-not, B-not, Z-not) rated for 5VDC.
Signal Conditioners
Analog Input, 4-Relay, Limit Alarm
Field configurable analog to relay limit alarm powered by 24VAC/ VDC and Input signal ranges of 0-15V, 0-30V or 0-20mA. Trip/ Release Point programmed via DIP switches. LED’s indicate operating status.
Encoder Signal Conditioner and Optical Isolator - Open Collector Output
Ideal for use with single-ended (open collector, NPN, pull-up, push-pull, totem pole) or differential line driver encoders. Three complementary inputs (A, B, Z, A-not, B-not, Z-not) are rated for 4.5-7.5 and 12-26 VDC and frequency response up to 1 MHz.
Optical isolation separates the input signals from three complementary open collector outputs (A, B, Z, A-not, B-not, Z-not) rated for 5-36 VDC that can be used in single-ended configurations.
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FC-33 DC Selectable Signal Conditioner
UL file E200031
The FC-33 is a DIN-rail or side-mount, selectable input/output signal conditioner with 1500 VDC isolation between input and output, and 1500 VDC isolation between 24-volt power and input/ output. The field configurable input/output types allow a wide ranging capability for 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20 mA and 4-20 mA signals.
The FC-33 has built-in self-calibration, but also has OFFSET (zero) and SPAN (full scale) adjustments of the output signal. The OFFSET has an adjustment range of 0 to 25% of full scale input and the SPAN has an adjustment of 80% to 102%.
Level LED: The LED is a powerful tool when setting up the signal conditioner. During normal operation the LED will blink at a propor­tional rate to the selected input signal level. When performing field calibration the LED is used for indication of the internal calibration process.
CAL-Pushbutton: This pushbutton, along with various switch settings, allows you to calibrate the OFFSET and/or SPAN for your application or to restore factory default calibration.
Input Ranges
Input Impedance
Output Ranges
Load Impedance
Maximum Load / Current Sample Duration Time Filter Characteristic Linearity Error Stability Accuracy vs. Temperature Input Power Recommended Fuse
Maximum Inaccuracy of Output
Output Current
Approx. Field Cal. Range
Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity Vibration Shock
Noise Immunity
0-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
250 q, ±0.1% current input 200 Kq / 400 Kh Voltage input
0-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
2 Kq minimum, voltage output 0 q minimum, current output
550 q @ 24 VDC (sink/source)
10 mS
-3 dB @ 3 Hz, -6 dB/octave
0.05% FSO maximum
0.05% FSO maximum
0.005%/ °C, (50ppm/°C)
24 VDC, ±10% @ 50 mA
0.032 mA, Series 217, current inputs
1500 VDC input - output* 1500 VDC power - input* 1500 VDC power - output* *applied for 1 second
0.05% @ 25°C, FSO maximum
0.25% @ 0-60°C, FSO maximum
21 mA maximum (for mA output)
0 - 25% (0 - 1.5 V / 5 V mode) 80% - 102% (4 - 5.1 V / 5 V mode)
0-60°C (32 to 140°F)
-20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F)
5 to 90% (non-condensing)
ML STD 810C 514.2
ML STD 810C 516.2
The FC-33, field configurable isolated input/output signal conditioner, is useful in eliminating ground loops and inter­facing sensors to PLC analog input modules. The FC-33 has 3-way isolation; this feature solves many types of configura­tion problems. For example, the signal conditioner can be configured for a sinking input and a sourcing output. It also allows signal translation from current input to voltage output or voltage input to current output.
This feature would be useful in a system design with a limited type and number of channels – for example: eight channels of 0-10 VDC, seven of which are used, and one 4-20 mA input transmitter.
Signal Conditioners
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FC-11 4-20mA Isolated Signal Conditioner
UL file E200031
The FC-11 is a DIN-rail or side-mount, 4-20 mA Input/Output loop powered signal conditioner with 1500 VDC isolation between input and output.
The FC-11 has a user-selectable factory calibration. The output can also be calibrated with OFFSET (zero) and SPAN (full scale) adjustments. The OFFSET has an adjustment range of 0 to 25% of full scale input and the SPAN has an adjustment of 80% to 102%.
The FC-11 isolated input/output signal conditioner is useful in eliminating ground loops and sinking/sourcing issues when inter­facing to PLC analog input modules. The FC-11 design feature solves many types of configuration problems. For example, the signal conditioner can solve the problem of connecting a sinking input transmitter to a sinking analog input module.
Input Ranges Extended Input range
Input Burden Voltage
Maximum Input Current Output Burden Voltage
Output Range Extended Output Range
Maximum Load Impedance Maximum Output Current Sample Duration Time Linearity Error
Max Inaccuracy of Output
Filter Characteristics Stability Accuracy vs. Temperature Isolation Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity Vibration Shock
Noise Immunity
1. When adjusting SPAN and OFFSET potentiometer
2. Voltage required to power internal circuitry
3. Formula, [(output load) x 20 mA] + 8.5 V,.i.e.: 13.5 VDC @ 250 q
4. Internal analog converter resolution is 12-bit
4-20 ma
3.5 mA to 20.6 mA, ± 1%
6.8 VDC
34 mA @ 9.7 VDC
8.5 VDC minimum
4-20 mA
3.5 mA to 20.6 mA, ± 1%
650 q @ 24 VDC, 1000 q 29 VDC
23 mA @ 29 VDC
18 mS maximum
0.1% FSO maximum
0.05% @ 25°C, FSO maximum,
0.3% @ 0-60°C, FSO maximum
-3 dB @ 200 Hz, -6 dB / octave
0.1% FSO maximum
± 0.0065% / °C (65ppm / °C)
1500 VDC Input - Output
0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
-20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F)
5 to 90% (non-condensing)
ML STD 810C 514.2
ML STD 810C 516.2
Signal Conditioners
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