User gUideUser gUide
Features and presentations liable to changes without notice. Version C-1, 2018/12 edition.
This not ice incl udes all t he advic e and warn ings that e nables a co rrect set u p and a safe u se of the pro duct.
TPLVisi on can not b e responsi ble for th e bad use of th e notice. I f so, TPL Vis ion canc els the gua rantee’s ef fects.
Produc ts are packed i n our fact ory, using s uitabl e materia ls for a safe t ranspo rt thro ugh the usua l means of t ransportatio n, in France an d abroad. H owever, a damaged p ackage mus t be repor ted to the c arrier o n delive ry. Hand -writ ten
reserv ations m ust be ind icated o n the deli very ord er. Moreover, pleas e send a let ter or an e mail to TPL V ision as so on
as possib le (up to 24 hours afte r the delivery). I f the transpor tation damage h as not been stipu lated on the del ivery order
and repor ted to TPL Vision i n time, th e package wi ll not be ta ken back nor e xchanged. To open t he package , do not use
any cut ting bla de so as to avo id damages o n the prod uct. Plea se use the d elivered a ccessor ies, if ne eded (do not us e
any othe r produc ts or equi valent s to replac e the deli vered acce ssorie s).
User secUrity
Do respe ct the po wer supp ly volt ages and t he conn ectio n termi nals.
Do not mod ify or d isman tle al l or part o f the pro duct.
Do not con nect or c lean whe n power is o n.
Do not wat ch the li ghtin g source d irect ly, and fol low the a dvice b elow :
• If the wo rkstat ion enab les it, in terpose a lter tha t will st op the ligh ting rad iation u nder xed o r adjust able
frame be tween t he source a nd the ope rator.
• When th ese measu res cannot be impl emented, suppl y the operators w ith glass es (class 4) available f or sale at
TPLVisi on, or wit h a dedica ted prote ctive mas k, that wi ll stop t he light ing radia tion.
• Forbid or l imit th e direct acc ess to the l ightin g source (exp osure int o the radia tion ax is).
• Estab lish a secur ity pe rimeter s o as to preven t the oper ators fro m approac hing the l ightin g source bey ond
therecommendations of the manufacturer, as for eye irritation is concerned.
• In any case , ensure tha t the chos en means pr operly re duce the e xposit ion quan titie s (feature s of screens o r
glasses t o be chosen, a ccording t o the wavel ength s that the o perato rs are expos ed to).
eqUiPment maintenance
CLEANING (when the product is switched off)
Please us e a soft an d dry clot h. Do not use a ny abrasi ve materi al.
Do not use an y cleani ng solven t or aggres sive chem ical pro duct.
TPL Visi on recomm ends to use is opropyl a lcohol.
risk class
The EN- 62471 norm about l ightin g uxes ena bles the cl assica tion of l ed lighti ngs in 4 dist inct gro ups, accord ing to the ir
hazardo usness deg ree. Please nd belo w an indic ative t able, reca pitul ating th e classes of r isk for our standa rd products.
Colour Class Risk
White W HI, Green 525 n m, Red 630 nm 0 none
UV 405 nm, B lue 470 nm, IR 850 nm 1 low
UV 365 nm 2 moderate
UV 385 nm 3 high
In all cas es, TPL Vis ion recom mends
the use of t he protection glasses
that are l isted in i ts catal og.
For more information about photobiologi cal risks, d o not hesi tate to
contact us.