TP Link WA855RE User Manual

REV 1.0.0
No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright ©2015 TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.
All rights reserved.
C ontents
Appearance ....................................................................... 1
LED Explanation ...................................................................... 1
Button and Port Explanation .................................................... 2
Positioning the Extender .......................................................... 2
Connect the Extender to the Internet ................................. 3
Before You Begin ..................................................................... 3
Quick Setup .............................................................................. 4
Option One: Using WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) ............... 4
Option Two: Using Web Browser ......................................... 5
Using the extender as an USB Adapter ................................... 9
Using the extender as an AP ................................................... 9
Set the extender as an AP ................................................... 9
Connect your devices to the AP by WPS ........................... 11
View the Information of the Extender .............................. 14
Current Status of the Extender .............................................. 14
Information about the Host Network, the Extender and the
Clients .................................................................................... 15
Manage the Extended Network and Security Settings .... 16
Extend another Network ........................................................ 16
Customize the Extended SSID .............................................. 18
Secure the Extended Network ............................................... 18
Change your Admin Account ............................................. 18
Block / Allow Network Access from Specific Clients .......... 19
Change Wi-Fi Coverage ......................................................... 21
Change the Extender’s IP Address ........................................ 22
DHCP Server .......................................................................... 23
Set the DHCP Server .......................................................... 23
DHCP Client List ................................................................. 23
Manage the Extender ..................................................... 25
Power Schedule ...................................................................... 25
Time Settings .......................................................................... 26
Daylight Saving Time .............................................................. 26
LED Control ............................................................................ 26
Firmware Upgrade .................................................................. 27
Backup & Restore ................................................................... 27
Backup Configurations ........................................................ 27
Restore configurations ........................................................ 28
Factory Default Restore .......................................................... 28
System Log ............................................................................. 28
Reboot .................................................................................... 29
Logout ..................................................................................... 29
Appendix ......................................................................... 30
Factory Default Settings ......................................................... 30
Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 30
Specifications .......................................................................... 32
Glossary .................................................................................. 33

LED Explanation Button and Port Explanation Positioning the Extender

The extender is connected to the router, and is in a good location.
The extender is connected to the router, but is too far away from the router.
No active connection.
WPS connection is in progress, or the extender is initializing.
The extender is powered off.
RE Button
Ethernet Port
This chapter covers the following topics:


(Range Extender/WPS) Button: If your Wireless router supports WPS
function, you can press the WPS button and then press the RE button of the extender to establish a secure connection between the wireless router and the extender.
RESET: This button is used to restore the extenders factory default settings.
There are two ways to reset the extender:
Option One: While the extender is powered on, use a pin to press the
RESET button, the LED should turn off momentarily, then release the button and wait the extender to reboot to its factory default settings.
Option Two: Log in to the extender’s web management page, and go to
Settings > System Tools > Backup & Restore page, click Factory Restore.
Ethernet Port: One 10/100Mbps RJ45 Ethernet ports used to add wireless
connectivity to an Ethernet-enabled device such as Internet TV, DVR, Gaming console and so on. Please note that this port is not allowed to be connected with router.
For safety consideration, we suggest you plug the extender right way up or upside down, as the pictures shown below.
Right way up Upside down

Before You Begin

Quick Setup Using the extender as an USB Adapter Using the extender as an AP
Please read this chapter carefully before using the device. The operating distance range of your wireless connection can vary significantly depending on the physical position of the wireless devices. Factors that can weaken signals
by getting in the way of your network’s radio waves are metal appliances or
obstructions, and walls. Typical ranges vary based on the types of materials and background RF (radio frequency) noise in your home or office.
In order to optimize the performance of the extender, please follow the instructions below to achieve an ideal location (please make sure it is always within the wireless coverage of the wireless router).
Half-way Between Generally, the ideal location for the extender is half-
way between the wireless router and Wi-Fi dead zone. If the wireless signal
This chapter covers the following topics:
is not satisfactory, you may place the extender somewhat nearer to the wireless router.
No Obstacles and Spacious - Clear obstacles in the way between the
extender and the wireless router. It’s better to locate it in a spacious place.
No Interference - Choose a location away from Bluetooth devices and
other household electronics, such as cordless phone, microwave, and baby monitor, etc., to minimize signal interference.

Connect the Extender to the Internet

Place your extender in a well-ventilated place far from direct sunlight, any
Your router should support WPS. Otherwise, please use Option
Two: Using Web Browser.
For more information about using WPS on your router, please refer to the router manufacturer's user guide.
heater or heating vent.
Leave at least 2 inches (5cm) space around the device for heat dissipation. Unplug your extender in a lighting storm to avoid damage. Use Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or above,
Netscape Navigator 6.0 or above.
Operating temperature of the extender should be 0~40 (32~104). Operating humidity of the extender should be 10%~90%RH (Non-
Press the WPS buttonon your router.
Power On
Plug in next to your router.
Connect the Extender to the Internet
Immediately press the button on your extender. The LED starts
If the LED does not turn solid green (or orange), please
use Option Two: Using Web Browser.
Some ISP gateways disable the WPS function by
default, if the WPS method fails, please use Option
Two: Using Web Browser.
Plug the extender into an electrical outlet about halfway between your
router (Host Network) and the Wi-Fi dead zone.
Wait about 1 minute until the LED is lit with a solid green. If not,
relocate it closer to the router to achieve a good (or better) signal quality.
The extender shares the same wireless network name (SSID) and wireless password as your router.
Power On
Plug in next to your router.
Connect the Extender to the Internet
Connect to the Extender
Via Ethernet Cable
Disable the Wi-Fi on your computer. Connect the extender to your computer via an Ethernet cable.
Via Wireless
Disconnect the Ethernet (wired) connection to your computer. Click the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar and connect to the extender's
network (e.g. TP-LINK_Extender_XXXXXX).
Launch a web browser on your computer and type into the URL field, and use admin (all lowercase) for both username and password to log in.
Connect the Extender to the Internet
Create a new username and password to log in the web management
Per FCC regulations, all Wi-Fi products marketed in the U.S. are fixed to the U.S. region.
page, then click Confirm.
Select your region and time zone, then click Next
Connect the Extender to the Internet
Select your router's 2.4GHz host network and enter the password, then
click Next.
Either copy the host’s SSID or customize it for the extended 2.4GHz
network, then click Next.
Verify your wireless settings and click Save. The LED should turn
solid green, indicating successful connection.
Plug the extender into an electrical outlet about halfway between
your router (Host Network) and the Wi-Fi dead zone.
Wait about 1 minute until the LED is lit with a solid green. If not,
relocate the extender closer to the router to achieve a good (or better) signal quality.
Connect the Extender to the Internet
The extended network shares the same Wi-Fi password as your host network, but may have different wireless network name if you customize the name during the configuration.
The extender can be used as a wireless adapter to connect any Ethernet­enabled device, such as a Blu-ray player, game console, DVR, or smart TV, to your wireless network.
After the extender connected to the Internet, you can connect an Ethernet-only device to the extender using an Ethernet cable.
The extender can be used as an access point, thus to transform your existing wired network to a wireless network.
Connect the extender to your router
Power on the extender, and connect it to your router’s Ethernet port with an Ethernet cable.
Set the extender to AP mode
Connect your computer to your extender’s wireless network. Launch a web browser and log into, click
Mode in the top right corner, select Access Point and click Save. The extender will switch to AP mode and reboot automatically.
Connect the Extender to the Internet
Change the SSID and Password (Optional)
Go to Settings > Wireless > Wireless Settings page, configure the extender as the picture shows below, and click Save.
Network Name (SSID): Set a SSID for your AP’s wireless network. Security: Select the security type. WPA/WPA2 - Personal is
recommended. If WPA/WPA2 – Personal is selected,
Select the security version. WPA2-PSK is recommended.
Connect the Extender to the Internet
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