TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Note Dialog
Ensure you select a correct country to comply with local laws. Incorrect settings may cause
Figure 5-18 AP List
interference. Limited to local law of the United States, selecting country code and channel
function was disabled.
Transmission Power - The available options of transmission power are determined by the
region selected.
Enable Wireless Radio - The wireless radio of the Device can be enabled or disabled to
allow wireless stations access. If enabled, the wireless stations will be able to access the
Device; otherwise, wireless stations will not be able to access the Device.
Enable SSID Broadcast - If you select the Enable SSID Broadcast checkbox,
the AP Router will broadcast its name (SSID) on the air.
WirelessAccess checkbox, the wireless Device will disable local wireless access; other
stations will not be able to access the Device by wireless.
Click Survey button on the Wireless page shown as Figure 5-17, and then AP List
pagewill appear, as shown in Figure 5-18. Find the SSID of the Access Point you want to
access, and click Connectinthecorrespondingrow.Forexample,thedesired
itemisselected.Thetarget network’s SSID will be automatically filled into the
corresponding box which is shown as the Figure
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-19
If you know the SSID of the desired AP, you can also input it to the field "Wireless Name of WISP
Station" manually.
Be sure to click the Save button to save your settings on this page.
The operating distance or range of your wireless connection varies significantly based
on the physical placement of the Device. For best results, place your Device:
Near the center of the area in which your wireless stations will operate;
In an elevated location such as a high shelf;
Away from the potential sources of interference, such as PCs, microwaves, and
cordless phones;
With the Antenna in the upright position;
Away from large metal surfaces.
Failure to follow these guidelines can result in significant performance degradation or inability to
wirelessly connect to the Device.
5.7.2Wireless Security
Selecting Wireless > Wireless Security will enable you to configure the security of the wireless
network for your device on the page as shown in Figure 4-8.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-20 Wireless Security
WPA2-Personal - Pre-shared key of WPA2.
Disable Security - The wireless security function can be enabled or disabled. If disabled, the
wireless stations will be able to connect the device without encryption. It is recommended
strongly that you choose one of following options to enable security.
WPA/WPA2-Personal - Select WPA based on Radius Server.
WPA/WPA2-Enterprise - Select WPA based on pre-shared passphrase.
WEP - Select 802.11 WEP security.
Each security option has its own settings as described below:
WPA/WPA2 – Personal (Recommended)
WEP - Select 802.11 WEP security.
Version - You can select one of following versions:
WEP Key Format - You can select ASCII or Hexadecimal format. ASCII Format stands for
any combination of keyboard characters in the specified length. Hexadecimal format stands
for any combination of hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) in the specified length.
WEP Key settings - Select which of the four keys will be used and enter the matching WEP
key information for your network in the selected key radio button. These values
must be identical on all wireless stations in your network.
Key Type - You can select the WEP key length (64-bit, or 128-bit, or 152-bit.) for encryption.
"Disabled" means this WEP key entry is invalid.
For 64-bit encryption - You can enter 10 hexadecimal digits (any combination of 0-9, a-f,
A-F, and null key is not permitted) or 5 ASCII characters.
A-F, and null key is not permitted) or 13 ASCII characters.
A-F, and null key is not permitted) or 16 ASCII characters.
If you do not set the key, the wireless security function is still disabled even if you have selected
Shared Key as Authentication Type.
Be sure to click the Save button to save your settings on this page.
5.7.3MAC Filtering
filteringrulesto control wireless stations accessing the device, which depend on the station’s
MAC address on the following screen as shown Figure 4-9.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-21 Wireless MAC address Filtering
Figure 5-22 Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry
The Wireless MAC Address Filtering feature allows you to control wireless stations accessing the
AP, which depend on the station's MAC addresses.
MAC Address - The wireless station's MAC address that you want to access.
Status - The status of this entry either Enabled or Disabled.
Description - A simple description of the wireless station.
Modify - Here you can modify or delete an existing rule.
To disable the Wireless MAC Address Filters feature, keep the default setting, Disable.
To set up an entry, click Enable, and follow these instructions:
First, you must decide whether the specified wireless stations can or cannot access the AP. If you
desire that the specified wireless stations can access the AP, please select the radio button Allowthe stations specified by any enabled entries in the list to access, otherwise, select the radio
button Deny the stations specified by any enabled entries in the list to access.
To Add a Wireless MAC Address filtering entry, clicking the Add New... button, and following
page will appear, shown in Figure 5-22.
1.Enter the appropriate MAC Address into the MAC Address field. The format of the MAC
2.Enter a simple description of the wireless station in the Description field. For example,
Wireless station A.
3.Status - Select Enabled or Disabled for this entry on the Status pull-down list.
4.Click the Save button to save this entry.
To add another entries, repeat steps 1~4.
To modify or delete an existing entry:
3.Click the Modify or Delete button in the modify column in the MAC Address
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
to access the router, while all other wireless stations cannot access the router, you should configure
4.Enter the value as desired in the Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry
page, and click the Save button.
You can click the Enable All button to make all the Entries enabled, click the Disable All button to
make all the Entries disabled, click the Delete All button to delete all the entries.
Click the Next button to go to the next page and click the Previous button to
return to the previous page.
Note: If you enable the function and select the Allow the stations specified by any enabled
entries in the list to access for Filtering Rules, and there are not any enable entries in the list,
thus, no wireless stations can access the AP.
For example: If you desire that the wireless station A with MAC address 00-0A-EB-00- 07-BE be
able to access the router. The wireless station B with MAC address 00-0A-EB- 00-07-5F not be able
the Wireless MAC Address Filtering list by following these steps:
1.Click the Enable button to enable this function.
2.Select the radio button: Allow the stations specified by any enabled entries in the list toaccess for Filtering Rules.
3.Delete all or disable all entries if there are any entries already.
4.Click the Add New... button and enter the MAC address 00-0A-EB-00-07-BE in
theMAC Addressfield,enterwireless station AintheDescriptionfieldand
select Enabled in the Status pull-down list. Click the Save button.
5.Click the Add New... button and enter the MAC address 00-0A-EB-00-07-5F in
theMAC Address field, enter wireless station B in the Description field and select
Disabled in the Status pull-down list. Click the Save button.
The filtering rules that configured should be similar to the following list:
1)If you select the radio button Deny the stations specified by any enabled entries in the list
to access for Filtering Rules, the wireless station B will still not be able to access the router,
however, other wireless stations that are not in the list will be able to access the router.
2)If you enable the function and select the Allow the stations specified by any enabled entries
in the list to access for Filtering Rules, and there are not any enable entries in the list, thus,
no wireless stations can access the router.
5.7.4Wireless Advanced
Selecting Wireless > Wireless Advanced will allow you to do some advanced settings for the
device in the following screen as shown in Figure 5-23. As the configuration for each operation
mode is almost the same, we take Access Point mode for example here.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-23 Wireless Advanced
a value between 40-1000 milliseconds. The default value is 100.
Beacon Interval - The beacons are the packets sent by the Device to synchronize a wireless
network. Beacon Interval value determines the time interval of the beacons. You can specify
RTS Threshold - Here you can specify the RTS (Request to Send) Threshold. If the packet
is larger than the specified RTS Threshold size, the Device will send RTS
frames to a particular receiving station and negotiate the sending of a data frame. The
default value is
Fragmentation Threshold - This value is the maximum size determining whether packets
will be fragmented. Setting the Fragmentation Threshold too low may result in poor network
performance since excessive packets. 2346 is the default setting and is recommended.
DTIM Interval - This value determines the interval of the Delivery Traffic Indication Message
(DTIM). You can specify the value between 1-255 Beacon Intervals. The default value is 1,
which indicates the DTIM Interval is the same as Beacon Interval.
Enable WMM - WMM function can guarantee the packets with high-priority messages being
transmitted preferentially. It is strongly recommended enabled.
Enable Short GI - This function is recommended, for it will increase the data capacity by
reducing the guard interval time.
Enable AP Isolation - Isolate all connected wireless stations so that wireless stations cannot
access each other through WLAN. This function will be disabled if WDS/Bridge is enabled.
If you are not familiar with the setting items in this page, it's strongly recommended to keep the
provided default values; otherwise it may result in lower wireless network performance.
5.7.5Distance Setting
Selecting Wireless > Distance Setting will allow you to adjust the wireless range
in outdoor conditions as shown in Figure 5-24. This is a critical feature required for stabilizing
outdoor links. Enter the distance of your wireless link and the software will optimize
the frame ACK timeout value automatically.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-24 Distance Setting
Figure 5-25 Wireless Throughput
Distance - Specify the distance value in kilometers, accurate to the first decimal place. If the
distance is set too short or too long, it will result poor connection and throughput performance,
it is best to set the value at 110% of the real distance. If the AP is being used in an indoor
setting, please use the indoor option.
One hundred-meter is the smallest unit of this setting.
Mode - You can select manual or indoor for the mode.
Click Save to keep your settings.
5.7.6Throughput Monitor
Selecting Wireless > Throughput Monitor will helps to watch wireless throughput information in
the following screen shown in Figure 5-25.
Rate - The Throughput unit.
Run Time - How long this function is running.
Transmit- Wireless transmit rate information.
Receive- Wireless receive rate information.
Click the Start button to start wireless throughput monitor.
Click the Stop button to stop wireless throughput monitor.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-26 The router attached wireless stations
5.7.7Wireless Statistics
transmission information in the following screen shown in Figure 5-26.
MAC Address - The connected wireless station's MAC address
Current Status - Theconnected wireless station's running status, one ofSTA-
Received Packets - Packets received by the station
Sent Packets - Packets sent by the station
You cannot change any of the values on this page. To update this page and to show the current
connected wireless stations, click on the Refresh button.
If the numbers of connected wireless stations go beyond one page, click the Next button to go to
the next page and click the Previous button to return the previous page.
This page will be refreshed automatically every 5 seconds.
automatically assign dynamic IP addresses to the computers on the network. This protocol
simplifies network management and allows new wireless devices to receive IP addresses
automatically without the need to manually assign new IP addresses.
There are three submenus under the DHCP menu (shown as Figure 5-27): DHCPSettings, DHCP Clients List and Address Reservation. Clicking any of them will enable you to
configure the corresponding function. The detailed explanations for each submenu are provided
Figure 5-27 The DHCP menu
5.8.1DHCP Settings
Selecting DHCP > DHCP Settings will enable you to set up the AP as a DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) server, which provides the TCP/IP configuration for all the PCs that are
connected to the system on the LAN. The DHCP Server can be configured on the page (shown as
Figure 5-28).
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
disable/enable the DHCP server on your AP. The default setting is Disable. If you disable
the Server, you must have another DHCP server within your network or else you
must manually configure the computer.
Start IP Address - This field specifies the first address in the IP Address pool.
is the default start IP address.
End IP Address - This field specifies the last address in the IP Address pool.
is the default end IP address.
Address Lease Time - Enter the amount of time for the PC to connect to the AP with its
current assigned dynamic IP address. The time is measured in minutes. After the time is up,
the PC will be automatically assigned a new dynamic IP address. The range of the time is 1 ~
Default Gateway (optional) - Enter the IP address of the gateway for your LAN. The factory
default setting is
Default Domain (optional) - Enter the domain name of the your DHCP server.
You can leave the field blank.
Primary DNS (optional) - Enter the DNS IP address provided by your ISP. Consult your ISP
if you don’t know the DNS value. The factory default setting is
Secondary DNS (optional) - Enter the IPaddress of another DNSserver if
your ISP
provides two DNS servers. The factory default setting is
Click Save to save the changes.
To use the DHCP server function of the device, you should configure all computers in the LAN as
"Obtain an IP Address automatically" mode. This function will not take effect until
the device reboots.
5.8.2DHCP Clients List
Selecting DHCP > DHCP Clients List will enable you to view the Client Name, MAC Address,
Assigned IP and Lease Time for each DHCP Client attached to the device (Figure 5-29).
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-29 DHCP Clients List
Figure 5-30 Address Reservation
ID - Here displays the index of the DHCP client.
Client Name - Here displays the name of the DHCP client.
MAC Address - Here displays the MAC address of the DHCP client.
Assigned IP - Here displays the IP address that the AP has allocated to the DHCP client.
Lease Time - Here displays the time of the DHCP client leased. Before the time is up, DHCP
client will request to renew the lease automatically.
You cannot change any of the values on this page. To update this page and to show the current
attached devices, click on the Refresh button.
5.8.3Address Reservation
Selecting DHCP > Address Reservation will enable you to specify a reserved IP address for a
PC on the LAN, so the PC will always obtain the same IP address each time when it accesses the
AP. Reserved IP addresses should be assigned to servers that require permanent IP settings.
The screen below is used for address reservation (shown in Figure 5-30).
MAC Address - Here displays the MAC address of the PC for which you want to reserve an
IP address.
Reserved IP Address - Here displays the IP address that the AP is reserved.
Status - Here shows whether the entry is enabled or not
Modify - To modify or delete an existing entry.
To Reserve IP addresses:
1.Click the Add New button in the page of Address Reservation, the following page (Figure
5-31) will display.
2.Enter the MAC address (the format for the MAC Address is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX) and IP
address in dotted-decimal notation of the computer you want to add.
3.Click the Save button after finish configuring.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-31 Add or Modify an Address Reservation Entry
Click Next to go to the next page and Click Previous to return the previous page.
To modify A Reserved IP address:
1.Select the reserved address entry to your needs and click Modify. If you wish to delete the
entry, click Delete.
2.Click Save to keep your changes.
To delete all Reserved IP addresses:
Click Clear All.
The changes won't take effect until the device reboots.
There are four submenus under the Forwarding menu (shown in Figure 5-32): Virtual Servers,
Port Triggering, DMZand UPnP.Click anyof them,and youwill be ableto
configure the corresponding function. The detailed explanations for each submenu are provided
Virtual servers can be used for setting up public services on your LAN, such as DNS, Email and
FTP. A virtual server is defined as a service port, and all requests from the Internet to this service
port will be redirected to the computer specified by the server IP. Any PC that was used for a
virtual server must have a static or reserved IP Address because its IP Address
maychange when using the DHCP function. Port Triggering is used for some applications
that cannot work with a pure NAT router, like Internet games, video conferencing, Internet calling
and so on, which require multiple connections. The DMZ host feature allows one local host to
be exposed to the Internet for a special-purpose service such as Internet gaming or
videoconferencing. DMZ host forwards all the portsat the same time.Any PCwhose
port is being forwarded must have its DHCP client function disabled and should have a new
static IP Address assigned to it because its
IP Address may change when using the DHCP function. The Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
feature allowsthe devices, suchas Internet computers, to access the local host
resources or devicesasneeded.UPnPdevicescanbeautomaticallydiscovered
bytheUPnPservice application on the LAN.
Figure 5-32 The Forwarding menu
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-33 Virtual Servers
5.9.1Virtual Servers
Selecting Forwarding > Virtual Servers will allow you to set up virtual servers on the page as
shown in Figure 5-33.
Service Port - The numbers of External Ports. You can type a service port or a range of
service ports (the format is XXX – YYY, XXX is the start port, YYY is the end port).
Internal Port - The Internal Service Port number of the PC running the service application.
You can leave it blank if the Internal Port is the same as the Service Port, or enter a specific
port number when Service Port is a single one.
IP Address - The IP Address of the PC providing the service application.
Protocol - The protocol used for this application, either TCP, UDP, or All (all
protocols supported by the router).
Status - The status of this entry is either Enabled or Disabled.
Modify - To modify or delete an existing entry.
To setup a virtual server entry, please take the following steps:
1.Click the Add New… in virtual servers page. (pop-up Figure 5-34)
the Common Service Port list does not have the service that you want to use, type the
number of the service port or service port range in the Service Port box.
3.Type the IP Address of the computer in the Server IP Address box.
4.Select the protocol used for this application.
5.Select the Enable option to enable the virtual server.
6.Click the Save button.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-34 Add or Modify a Virtual Server Entry
System Tools →Remote Management page to be any value except 80 such as 8080. Or else
there will be a conflict to disable the virtual server.
Figure 5-35 Port Triggering
Common Service Port - Some common services already exist in the pull-down list.
It is possible that you have a computer or server that has more than one type of available service.
If so, select another service, and enter the same IP Address for that computer or server.
To modify or delete an existing entry:
1.Click the Modify in the entry you want to modify. If you want to delete the entry, click the
2.Modify the information.
3.Click the Save button.
Click the Enable All button to make all entries enabled
Click the Disabled All button to make all entries disabled.
Click the Delete All button to delete all entries.
Click the Next button to go to the next page and Click the Previous button to return the previous
If you set the virtual server of service port as 80, you must set the Web management port on
5.9.2Port Triggering
Selecting Forwarding > Port Triggering will enable you to set up Port Triggering entries on the
page as shown in Figure 5-35.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
1.Click the Add New… in Port Triggering page. (pop-up Figure 5-36)
Figure 5-36 Add or Modify a Triggering Entry
Once configured, operation is as follows:
1.A local host makes an outgoing connection to an external host using a
destination port number defined in the Trigger Port field.
2.The router records this connection, opens the incoming port or ports associated
with this entry in the Port Triggering table, and associates them with the local host.
3.When necessary the external host will be able to connect to the local host using one of the
ports defined in the Incoming Ports field.
Trigger Port - The port for outgoing traffic. An outgoing connection using this
port will
"Trigger" this rule.
Trigger Protocol - The protocol used for Trigger Ports, TCP, UDP, or All (all
protocols supported by the router).
Incoming Ports Range - The port or port range used by the remote system when it responds
to the outgoing request. A response using one of these ports will be forwarded to the PC that
triggered this rule. You can input at most 5 groups of ports (or port section). Every group of
ports must be set apart with ",". For example, 2000-2038, 2050-2051, 2085, 3010-3030.
Incoming Protocol - The protocol used for Incoming Ports Range, TCP , UDP, or ALL (all
protocols supported by the router).
Status - The status of this entry is either Enabled or Disabled.
To add a new rule, please take the following steps:
theport parameters will be automatically filled in the corresponding field. If the CommonApplicatins list does not have the application you want, type the port parameters manually.
3.Select the protocol used for Trigger Port and Incoming Ports from the
corresponding pull-down list.
4.Select the Enable option in the Status pull-down list..
5.Click the Save button to save the new rule.
To modify or delete an existing entry, please take the following steps:
1.Click the Modify in the entry you want to modify. If you want to delete the entry, click the
2.Modify the information.
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Figure 5-37 DMZ
Figure 5-38 UPnP Settings
3.Click the Save button.
Click Enable All to make all entries enabled.
Click Disabled All to make all entries disabled.
Click Delete All to delete all entries
1)When the trigger connection is released, the corresponding opening ports will be closed.
2)Each rule can only be used by one host on the LAN at a time. The trigger connection of other
hosts on the LAN will be refused.
3)Incoming Port Range enabled cannot overlap each other at the same time.
Selecting Forwarding > DMZ will allow you to set up an DMZ host on the page as
shown in
Figure 5-37.
To assign a computer or server to be a DMZ server:
1.Click the Enable radio button
2.Enter the IP address of a local PC that is desired to be set as the DMZ host in the DMZ Host
IP Address field.
3.Click the Save button.
After you set the DMZ host, the firewall related to the host will not work.
Selecting Forwarding > UPnP will enable you to configure the UPnP function on the page as
shown in Figure 5-38:
TL-WA7110ND150Mbps High Power Wireless Access Point User Guide
Click Refresh to update the Current UPnP Settings List.
Current UPnP Status - UPnP can be enabled or disabled by clicking the Enable or Disable
button. As enabling UPnP may present a risk to security, this feature is disabled by default.
Current UPnP Settings List - This table displays the current UPnP information.
App Description – The description provided by the application in the UPnP request
External Port - External port, which the router opened for the application.
Protocol - Shows which type of protocol is opened.
Internal Port - Internal port, which the router opened for local host.
IP Address - The IP address of the local host which initiates the UPnP request.
Status - Either Enabled or Disabled, “Enabled” means that port is still active. Otherwise,
the port is inactive.
Click Enable to enable UPnP.
Click Disable to disable UPnP
Figure 5-39 The Security menu
There are four submenus under the Security menu as shown in Figure 5-39: BasicSecurity, Advanced Security, Local Management and Remote Management. Click any of
them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
5.10.1 Basic Security
Choose menu Security > Basic Security, and then you can configure the basic security in the
screen as shown in Figure 5-40.
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