TP Link C8V2 User Manual

Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Specifications are subject to change without notice. is a registered trademark of TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © 2015 TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1 This device may not cause harmful interference.
2 This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
“To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this grant is applicable to only Mobile Configurations. The antennas used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 25 cm from all persons and must not be co conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”
It is restricted in indoor Part 15E, Section 15.407
environment only. This device meets all the other requirements specified in
of the FCC Rules.
located or operating in
CE Mark Warning
This is a class B product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
National Restrictions
This device is intended for home and office use in all EU countries (and other countries following the EU directive 1999/5/EC) without any limitation except for the countries mentioned below:
Country Restriction Reason/remark
Bulgaria None
Outdoor use limited to
Italy None
Luxembourg None
Norway Implemented
Russian Federation None Only for indoor applications
mW e.i.r.p. within
the band 2454-2483.5
General authorization required for outdoor use and
public service
Military Radiolocation use. Refarming of the 2.4 GHz
band has been ongoing in recent years to allow current
relaxed regulation. Full implementation planned 2012
If used outside of own premises, general authorization is
General authorization required for network and service
supply(not for spectrum)
This subsection does not apply for the geographical area
within a radius of 20 km from the centre of Ny-Ålesund
5150-5250 MHz
Country Restriction Reason/remark
Bulgaria Not implemented Planned
Croatia License required
General authorization required if used outside own
Luxembourg None
Russian Federation No info
General authorization required for network and service
supply (not for spectrum)
5250-5350 MHz
Country Restriction Reason/remark
Croatia License required
General authorization required if used outside own
Luxembourg None
Russian Federation No info
General authorization required for network and service
supply (not for spectrum)
5470-5725 MHz
Country Restriction Reason/remark
General authorization required if used outside own
Luxembourg None
Russian Federation No info
Turkey Not implemented Defence systems
Relevant+ provisions for the implementation of DFS
mechanism described in ETSI standard EN 301 893
V1.3.1 and subsequent versions
General authorization required for network and service
supply (not for spectrum)
Note: Please don’t use the product outdoors in France.
Canadian Compliance Statement
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause interference, and (2)This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of
the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; (
2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, meme si le brouillage est
susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
This radio transmitter (IC: 8853A-C8 / Model: Archer C8) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device. Le présent émetteur radio (IC: 8853A-C8 / Model: Archer C8) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, et dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.
ANTENNA TYPE - 2.4GHz:Omni Directional antenna with 2.1dBi gain
5.0GHz: Omni Directional antenna with 1.7dBi gain
To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.
(i) the device for operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for
harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems;
(ii) the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the band 5725-5850 MHz shall be such that the
equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limits specified for point-to-point and non-point-to-point operation
as appropriate; and
(iii) Users should also be advised that high-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users)
of the bands 5650-5850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN
(i) les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux; (ii) le gain maximal d'antenne permis (pour les dispositifs utilisant la bande de 5725 à 5 850 MHz) doit être conforme à la limite de la p.i.r.e. spécifiée pour l'exploitation point à point et l’exploitation non point à point, selon le cas; (iii) De plus, les utilisateurs devraient aussi être avisés que les utilisateurs de radars de haute puissance sont désignés utilisateurs principaux (c.-à-d., qu’ils ont la priorité) pour les bandes 5650-5850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer du brouillage et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN-EL.
Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 25cm between the radiator & your body.
Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 25cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.
Industry Canada Statement
Korea Warning Statements
당해 무선설비는 운용중 전파혼신 가능성이 있음.
NCC Notice & BSMI Notice
依據 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法
第十二條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、
第十四條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通行;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即
Продукт сертифіковано згідно с правилами системи УкрСЕПРО на відповідність вимогам
нормативних документів та вимогам, що передбачені чинними законодавчими актами України.
Safety Information
When product has power button, the power button is one of the way to shut off the product;
when there is no power button, the only way to completely shut off power is to disconnect the product or the power adapter from the power source.
Don’t disassemble the product, or make repairs yourself. You run the risk of electric shock and
voiding the limited warranty. If you need service, please contact us.
Avoid water and wet locations.
This product can be used in the following countries:
For the following equipment:
Product Description: AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Model No.: Archer C8
Trademark: TP-LINK
We declare under our own responsibility that the above products satisfy all the technical regulations applicable to the product within the scope of Council Directives: Directives 1999/5/EC, Directives 2004/108/EC, Directives 2006/95/EC, Directives 1999/519/EC, Directives 2011/65/EU The above product is in conformity with the following standards or other normative documents
EN 300 328 V1.7.1: 2006
EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2:2011& EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1:2012
EN 55022:2010
EN 55024:2010
EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009
EN 61000-3-3:2008
EN 60950-1:2006+A11
EN 62311:2008
EN 301 893
The product carries the CE Mark:
Person responsible for making this declaration:
Yang Hongliang Product Manager of International Business
Date of issue: 2015
Building 24 (floors 1, 3, 4, 5), and 28 (floors 1-4) Central Science and Technology Park, Shennan Rd,
Nanshan, Shenzhen, China
Package Contents ..................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1. Introduction ......................................................................................... 2
1.1 Overview of the router .................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Conventions .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Main Features ............................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Panel Layout ................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 The Front Panel ................................................................................................ 4
1.4.2 The Rear Panel ................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 2. Connecting the router ........................................................................ 7
2.1 System Requirements .................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Installation Environment Requirements ........................................................................ 7
2.3 Connecting the router ................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3. Quick Setup ......................................................................................... 9
Chapter 4. Basic .................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Network Map ............................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Internet ........................................................................................................................ 15
4.3 Wireless ...................................................................................................................... 20
4.4 USB Settings ............................................................................................................... 20
4.4.1 File Sharing ..................................................................................................... 20
4.4.2 Print Server ..................................................................................................... 23
4.5 Guest Network ............................................................................................................ 23
Chapter 5. Advanced .......................................................................................... 25
5.1 Status .......................................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Network ....................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.1 WAN ................................................................................................................ 26
5.2.2 MAC Clone ...................................................................................................... 34
5.2.3 LAN ................................................................................................................. 35
5.3 Dual Band Selection ................................................................................................... 36
5.4 Wireless 2.4GHz ......................................................................................................... 36
5.4.1 Wireless Settings ............................................................................................ 36
5.4.2 WPS ................................................................................................................ 38
5.4.3 Wireless Security ............................................................................................ 40
5.4.4 Wireless MAC Filtering ................................................................................... 44
5.4.5 Wireless Advanced ......................................................................................... 46
5.4.6 Wireless Statistics ........................................................................................... 47
5.5 Wireless 5GHz ............................................................................................................ 48
5.5.1 Wireless Settings ............................................................................................ 48
5.5.2 WPS ................................................................................................................ 50
5.5.3 Wireless Security ............................................................................................ 51
5.5.4 Wireless MAC Filtering ................................................................................... 55
5.5.5 Wireless Advanced ......................................................................................... 57
5.5.6 Wireless Statistics ........................................................................................... 58
5.6 Guest Network ............................................................................................................ 59
5.7 DHCP .......................................................................................................................... 60
5.7.1 DHCP Settings ................................................................................................ 61
5.7.2 DHCP Clients List ........................................................................................... 62
5.7.3 Address Reservation ...................................................................................... 62
5.8 USB Settings ............................................................................................................... 64
5.8.1 Device Settings ............................................................................................... 64
5.8.2 File Sharing ..................................................................................................... 64
5.8.3 Print Server ..................................................................................................... 67
5.9 NAT Boost ................................................................................................................... 67
5.10 Forwarding .................................................................................................................. 68
5.10.1 Virtual Servers ................................................................................................ 68
5.10.2 Port Triggering ................................................................................................ 70
5.10.3 DMZ ................................................................................................................ 72
5.10.4 UPnP ............................................................................................................... 73
5.11 Security ....................................................................................................................... 74
5.11.1 Basic Security ................................................................................................. 74
5.11.2 Advanced Security .......................................................................................... 75
5.11.3 Local Management ......................................................................................... 77
5.11.4 Remote Management ..................................................................................... 78
5.12 Parental Control .......................................................................................................... 79
5.13 Access Control ............................................................................................................ 81
5.13.1 Rule ................................................................................................................. 82
5.13.2 Host ................................................................................................................. 87
5.13.3 Target .............................................................................................................. 89
5.13.4 Schedule ......................................................................................................... 90
5.14 Advanced Routing ...................................................................................................... 92
5.14.1 Static Routing List ........................................................................................... 93
5.14.2 System Routing Table ..................................................................................... 94
5.15 Bandwidth Control ...................................................................................................... 94
5.15.1 Control Settings .............................................................................................. 95
5.15.2 Rules List ........................................................................................................ 95
5.16 IP & MAC Binding ....................................................................................................... 96
5.16.1 Binding Settings .............................................................................................. 96
5.16.2 ARP List .......................................................................................................... 98
5.17 Dynamic DNS ............................................................................................................. 99
5.17.1 DDNS........................................................................................... 99
5.17.2 DDNS ........................................................................................ 100
5.17.3 DDNS .......................................................................................... 100
5.18 IPv6 Support ............................................................................................................. 101
5.18.1 IPv6 Status .................................................................................................... 102
5.18.2 IPv6 Setup .................................................................................................... 103
5.19 System Tools ............................................................................................................. 110
5.19.1 Time Settings ................................................................................................ 111
5.19.2 Diagnostic ..................................................................................................... 112
5.19.3 Firmware Upgrade ........................................................................................ 114
5.19.4 Factory Defaults ............................................................................................ 115
5.19.5 Backup & Restore ......................................................................................... 115
5.19.6 Reboot ........................................................................................................... 116
5.19.7 Password ...................................................................................................... 117
5.19.8 System Log ................................................................................................... 117
5.19.9 Statistics ........................................................................................................ 119
Appendix A: FAQ .................................................................................................. 122
Appendix B: Configuring the PC ......................................................................... 127
Appendix C: Specifications ................................................................................. 130
Appendix D: Glossary .......................................................................................... 131
Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

Package Contents

The following items should be found in your package:
Archer C8 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
DC Power Adapter for Archer C8 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Quick Installation Guide
Resource CD for Archer C8 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router, including:
This Guide
Other Helpful Information
Make sure that the package contains the above items. If any of the listed items are damaged or missing, please contact your distributor.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Simple Installation
Flexible Access Control
Multiple Security Protections
Incredible Speed

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of the router

The Archer C8 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router integrates 4-port Switch, Firewall, NAT-router and Wireless AP. Powered by 3x3 MIMO technology, the AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router delivers exceptional range and speed, which can fully meet the need of Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) networks and the users demanding higher networking performance. Your wireless connections are radio band selectable to avoid interference in your area, and the four built-in Gigabit ports supply high-speed connection to your wired devices.
The Archer C8 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router provides up to 1750Mbps wireless connection with other wireless clients. The incredible speed makes it ideal for handling multiple data streams at the same time, which ensures your network stable and smooth. The performance of this
802.11ac wireless router will give you the unexpected networking experience at speed much faster than 802.11n. It is also compatible with all IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b and IEEE
802.11g products.
With multiple protection measures, including SSID broadcast control and wireless LAN 64/128/152-bit WEP encryption, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2- PSK, WPA- PSK), as well as advanced Firewall protections, the Archer C8 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router provides complete data privacy.
The Archer C8 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router provides flexible access control, so that parents or network administrators can establish restricted access policies for children or staff. It also supports Virtual Server and DMZ host for Port Triggering, and then the network administrators can manage and monitor the network in real time with the remote management function.
Since the router is compatible with virtually all the major operating systems, it is very easy to manage. Quick Setup Wizard is supported and detailed instructions are provided step by step in this user guide. Before installing the router, please look through this guide to know all the router’s functions.

1.2 Conventions

The router or Archer C8 mentioned in this guide stands for Archer C8 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router without any explanation.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

1.3 Main Features

Complies with IEEE 802.11ac.
One 10/100/1000M Auto-Negotiation RJ45 Internet port, four 10/100/1000M Auto-Negotiation
RJ45 Ethernet ports, supporting Auto MDI/MDIX.
Provides a USB 3.0 port and a USB 2.0 port supporting file sharing and print server.
Provides WPA/WPA2, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK authentication, TKIP/AES encryption security.
Shares data and Internet access for users, supporting Dynamic IP/Static IP/PPPoE/PPTP/
L2TP Internet access.
Supports simultaneous 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections for 1750Mbps of total available
Supports Virtual Server, Special Application and DMZ host.
Supports UPnP, Dynamic DNS, Static Routing.
Provides Automatic-connection and Scheduled Connection on certain time to the Internet.
Built-in NAT and DHCP server supporting static IP address distributing.
Supports Parental Control and Access Control.
Connects Internet on demand and disconnects from the Internet when idle for PPPoE.
Provides WEP encryption security and wireless LAN ACL (Access Control List).
Supports Flow Statistics.
Supports IPv6.
Supports firmware upgrade and Web management.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
The router is identifying the connected storage device or

1.4 Panel Layout

1.4.1 The Front Panel

The router’s LEDs are located on the front panel (View from left to right).
Name Status Indication
On The router has finished booting.
(Ethernet) (Internet)
Flashing The router is booting or upgrading.
Off Power is off. On The wireless function is enabled. Off The wireless function is disabled. On A device is connected to the corresponding port.
Off No device is connected to the corresponding port.
Off No device or printer is connected to the router.
The router has identified the connected storage device or printer.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
A wireless device is trying to connect to the network via
It turns on when a wireless device has been
successfully connected to the network via WPS. After about 5 minutes, the WPS LED will turn off.
After a device is successfully added to the network by WPS function, the WPS LED will keep on for about 5 minutes and then turn off.
Slow Flash
Quick Flash
WPS. This process may take up to 2 minutes. A wireless device failed to connect to the network via

1.4.2 The Rear Panel

Figure 1-1 Rear Panel sketch
The following parts are located on the rear panel (View from left to right).
USB 2.0: The USB 2.0 port connects to a USB 2.0 storage device or a USB 2.0 printer.
Pressing this button for less than 5 seconds enables the WPS function. If your client devices, such as wireless adapters, that support Wi-Fi Protected Setup, then you can press this button to quickly establish a connection between the router and client devices and automatically configure wireless security for your wireless network.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Pressing this button for more than 5 seconds enables the Reset function. With the router powered on, press and hold the WPS/Reset button for approximately 8 seconds. And then release the button and wait the router to reboot to its factory default settings.
Internet: This port is where you will connect the DSL/cable Modem, or Ethernet.
Ethernet (1, 2, 3, 4): These ports (1, 2, 3, 4) connect the router to the local PC(s).
On/Off: The switch for the power.
Power: The Power socket is where you will connect the power adapter. Please use the
power adapter provided.
The following parts are located on the side panel (View from top to bottom).
Wireless On/Off: The switch for the wireless function.
USB 3.0: The USB 3.0 port connects to a USB 3.0 storage device or a USB 3.0 printer.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

Chapter 2. Connecting the router

2.1 System Requirements

Broadband Internet Access Service (DSL/Cable/Ethernet)
One DSL/Cable Modem that has an RJ45 connector (which is not necessary if the router is
connected directly to the Ethernet)
PCs with a working Ethernet Adapter and an Ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors
TCP/IP protocol on each PC
Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari

2.2 Installation Environment Requirements

Place the router in a well-ventilated place far from any heater or heating vent
Avoid direct irradiation of any strong light (such as sunlight)
Keep at least 2 inches (5 cm) of clear space around the router
Operating Temperature: 0~40℃ (32℉~104℉)
Operating Humidity: 10%~90%RH, Non-condensing

2.3 Connecting the router

Before installing the router, make sure your PC is connected to the Internet through the broadband service successfully. If there is any problem, please contact your ISP. After that, please install the router according to the following steps. Don't forget to pull out the power plug and keep your hands dry.
1. Power off your modem (if the modem has a backup battery, please remove it too.), and disconnect your existing router if you have one.
2. Connect the Internet port on your router to the Modem’s LAN port with an Ethernet cable.
3. Connect your computer to one of the Ethernet ports labeled 1~4 on the router with an Ethernet cable.
4. Power on the modem and wait for 2 minutes.
5. Make sure the Wireless On/Off switch is ON. Then plug the provided power adapter into the Power jack and the other end to a standard electrical wall socket. Press the On/Off button to power on the router. (Before you power on the router, please make sure your computer is NOT connected to any other wireless network.)
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Figure 2-1 Hardware Installation
If you want to use the router to share files or printer, plug the USB storage device to the USB port or connect the printer to the router with a matching cable.
Figure 2-2 USB Installation
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

Chapter 3. Quick Setup

1. Set up the TCP/IP Protocol in "Obtain an IP address automatically" mode on your PC. If you need instructions as to how to do this, please refer to Appendix B: Configuring the PC.
2. Open a web-browser (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari), and type in the default IP address in the address field.
Figure 3-1 Log in the router
After a moment, a login window will appear. Enter admin for the User Name and Password, both in lower case letters. Then click the Login button or press the Enter key.
Figure 3-2 Login Windows
If the above screen does not pop up, it means that your Web-browser has been set to a proxy. Go to Tools menu>Internet Options>Connections>LAN Settings, in the screen that appears, cancel the Using Proxy checkbox, and click OK to finish it.
3. After successful login, the Quick Setup page will appear for you to select your Region and
Time zone. After finishing the selection, click Next.
Per FCC regulations, all Wi-Fi products marketed in the U.S. must be fixed to the U.S. region only.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Figure 3-3 Quick Setup
4. Then WAN Connection Type page will appear as shown below. Select your connection type if you know what it is or click Auto Detect button; then follow the instructions to continue.
1) It's likely that you will skip Step 3 and jump to Step 4 in some situations, which is normal.
2) Make sure the cable is securely plugged into the Internet port before using Auto-Detect.
3) Auto-Detect supports only three popular connection types, PPPoE, Dynamic IP, and
Static IP. If your connection type is L2TP or PPTP, you need to manually select the very type and click Next to go on configuring.
Figure 3-4 WAN Connection Type
Dynamic IP
Choose to clone MAC address or not and then click Next to continue.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Static IP
Figure 3-5 WAN Connection Type
Figure 3-6 WAN Connection Type
IP Address - Enter the IP address into this field.
Subnet Mask - Enter the subnet mask into this field. It is usually
Default Gateway - Enter the gateway IP address into this field.
Primary DNS - Enter the DNS Server IP address into this field.
Secondary DNS (Optional) - If your ISP provides another DNS server IP address, enter it
into this field.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
PPPoE/Russian PPPoE
Figure 3-7 WAN Connection Type
Username - Enter the username provided by your ISP. This field is case-sensitive.
Password - Enter the password provided by your ISP. This field is case-sensitive.
Figure 3-8 WAN Connection Type
Server IP Address/Name - Enter the server IP address/name provided by your ISP.
User Name - Enter the username provided by your ISP. This field is case-sensitive.
Password - Enter the Password provided by your ISP. This field is case-sensitive.
Dynamic IP/Static IP - Select Static IP if the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway,
and Primary DNS server address have been provided by your ISP. Otherwise, please select Dynamic IP.
IP Address - Enter the IP address provided by your ISP.
Subnet Mask - Enter the subnet mask provided by your ISP.
Default Gateway- Enter the default gateway provided by your ISP.
Primary DNS - Enter the primary DNS provided by your ISP.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Figure 3-9 WAN Connection Type
Server IP Address/Name - Enter the server IP address/name provided by your ISP.
User Name - Enter the username provided by your ISP. This field is case-sensitive.
Password - Enter the Password provided by your ISP. This field is case-sensitive.
Dynamic IP/Static IP - Select Static IP if the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway,
and Primary DNS server address have been provided by your ISP. Otherwise, please select Dynamic IP.
IP Address - Enter the IP address provided by your ISP.
Subnet Mask - Enter the subnet mask provided by your ISP.
Default Gateway- Enter the default gateway provided by your ISP.
Primary DNS - Enter the primary DNS provided by your ISP.
5. After finishing WAN Connection Type selection, you need to configure the basic parameters for your wireless network, including 2.4GHz and 5GHz, and then click Next.
Figure 3-10 WAN Connection Type
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Wireless 2.4GHz/5GHz - Displays whether the wireless function is enabled or not.
Network Name (SSID) - Also called the SSID (Service Set Identification). Enter a value of up
to 32 characters. The same name must be assigned to all wireless devices in your network. This value is case-sensitive. For example, TEST is NOT the same as test.
Password - Create a password for your 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless network.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

Chapter 4. Basic

4.1 Network Map

Network Map provides a router-centered dashboard that lets you see the status of your
Internet connection and network at a glance. You can click any of the six sections of the dashboard to view the detail information. All the information is read-only.
Figure 4-1 Network Map
Internet - View Check the ISP settings of your router.
Wireless Clients - Click to view the wireless devices connected to your network.
Wired Clients - Click to view the wired devices connected to your network.
Wireless - Click to view or change the wireless settings for your router.
Printer - Click to view the information of the printer connected to your network.
USB Disk - Click to view the information of the USB storage device connected to your

4.2 Internet

Choose menu “Basic→Internet”, and you can view or change the basic ISP information for your router.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Figure 4-2 Internet
1. If your ISP provides the DHCP service, please choose Dynamic IP type, and the router will automatically get IP parameters from your ISP. You can see the page as shown below.
Figure 4-3 Dynamic IP
IP Address - Assigned dynamically by your ISP.
Subnet Mask - Assigned dynamically by your ISP.
Default Gateway - Assigned dynamically by your ISP.
Click the Renew button to renew the IP parameters from your ISP. Click the Release button to release the IP parameters.
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Archer C8
AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Primary/Secondary DNS - If your ISP gives you one or two DNS addresses, select Use
These DNS Servers and enter the primary and secondary addresses into the correct fields. Otherwise, the DNS servers will be assigned dynamically from your ISP.
If you find error when you go to a website after entering the DNS addresses, it is likely that your DNS servers are set up improperly. You should contact your ISP to get DNS server addresses.
Click the Save button to save your settings.
2. If your ISP provides a static or fixed IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS setting, select Static IP. The Static IP settings page will appear as shown below.
Figure 4-4 Static IP
IP Address - Enter the IP address in dotted-decimal notation provided by your ISP.
Subnet Mask - Enter the subnet Mask in dotted-decimal notation provided by your ISP,
usually is
Default Gateway - Enter the gateway IP address in dotted-decimal notation provided by your
Primary/Secondary DNS - Enter one or two DNS addresses in dotted-decimal notation
provided by your ISP.
Click the Save button to save your settings.
3. If your ISP provides a PPPoE connection, select PPPoE/Russia PPPoE option. And you should enter the following parameters in the screen below.
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