TP-LINK Groovi Ripple Portable Bluetooth Speaker
User Manual
Cauti on: 1) Phot os are for re ference o nly, actual product may vary! 2)
TP-LI NK is commi tted to imp roving pr oduct qua lity and pe rforman ce,
but pro duct tech nology an d design ar e subject t o change wi thout pri or notice .

1. BS1001: 2.USB charging cable
TP-LI NK Groo vi Ripp le Port able Bl uetoo th Spea ker
BS10 01
Use r Manua l
Cautio n: 1) Pho tos are f or refe rence o nly, actu al prod uct may v ary! 2)
TP-LIN K is comm itted t o impro ving pr oduct q ualit y and per forma nce,
but prod uct tec hnolo gy and de sign ar e subje ct to cha nge wit hout pr ior not ice .
3. Manual 4. Guarantee card
Important safety instructions:
1. Ple ase car efull y read an d follo w the saf ety ins truct ions be fore us ing the p rod uc t.
2. Ple ase avo id leav ing the p roduc t in a damp e nviro nment , expos ing i t to s unl ig ht,
or pla cing it n ear re .
3. Ple ase do no t use the p roduc t near wa ter.
4. Ple ase do no t place t he prod uct nea r heat- gener ating a pplia nce s su ch as a r ad iat or,
air co nditi oner, or s tove.
5. Ple ase use t he reco mmend ed powe r volta ge.
6. Ple ase do no t disas sembl e the pro duct wi thout a uthor izati on.
7. Exp losio n may occ ur if bat tery is r eplac ed inco rrect ly. Please r eplac e bat te ry on ly w ith
the sa me or equ ivale nt type .
8. Ple ase avo id leav ing the p roduc t expos ed to sun light , rain, w ate r dr opl et s, or a h ot o r
mois t envir onmen t.
9. Ple ase enj oy the mu sic at an a pprop riate v olume t o prote ct your h ealth a nd so un d equ ip men t.
10. Pl ease un plug th e charg ing cab le when i t is not in u se.