Product brief
Connected Home
Intel® Home Wi-Fi Chipset WAV600 Series
Wi-Fi 6 Solution for Home Networks
Intel’s 6th Generation Wi-Fi Chipset based on the 802.11ax standard
Wi-Fi 6, based on the 802.11ax standard, is the next
major advancement in Wi-Fi technology and will increase
network eciency, deliver faster throughput, and improve
coverage in dense environments. Intel is oering Wi-Fi 6
chipsets for home Wi-Fi routers, gateways, and intelligent
range extenders in cable, xDSL, ber, and consumer retail
infrastructure, which are designed to deliver both fast and
consistent connectivity.
The Intel® Home Wi-Fi Chipset WAV600 Series is designed
to Draft 3.0 of the IEEE 802.11ax standard, supports Gigabit
Wi-Fi, is future proofed for Wi-Fi 6 clients, and provides the
ability to connect up to 256 clients simultaneously, enabling
a high-quality user experience for a growing number of
connected devices in the home. The Wi-Fi chipsets are
optimized for the Intel® AnyWAN™ SoCs and the Intel® Puma™
7 Family to fully ooad the wireless trac with zero CPU
utilization. This frees up the CPU performance for advanced
services such as security, analytics, photo/video hosting, and
parental controls while delivering a consistent user experience.
Speed: Gigabit Wi-Fi
Gigabit Wi-Fi makes it possible to connect, stream, and
download faster. Routers and gateways based on the Intel
Home Wi-Fi Chipset WAV600 Series can deliver Gigabit
Wi-Fi speeds today to PCs based on 8th Generation Intel®
Core™ processors with integrated Gigabit Wi-Fi. They are
also future proofed for PCs with Intel® Wi-Fi 6 (Gig+) for
the next generation of Gigabit Wi-Fi that will enable
high-quality user experiences.
MU-MIMO, Target Wake Time (TWT), 4x Symbol Duration,
spatial reuse/BSS Coloring, and higher modulation (1024
QAM), thereby improving network performance and eciency.
The WAV600 Series is also engineered to deliver enhanced
throughput rates for a mix of small and large packet sizes. This
helps ensure optimal performance for devices and low latency
for applications like gaming, video, and voice calls.
Scalability: More bandwidth for clients
Consumers are connecting a growing number of devices in
the home. The WAV600 Series can handle this increase, with
the ability to support up to 256 clients simultaneously and
optimize each transmission to enhance the total network
eciency. The combination of wireless functionality ooad,
robust interference rejection through the use of advanced
radio frequency technology, and various algorithms for
airtime fairness, intelligent band steering technologies, and
intelligent queue management enable high-quality user
experiences when there are simultaneous video and data
transmissions to and from clients.
Performance: Improved speed and network
eciency in dense environments
Designed to Draft 3.0 of the IEEE 802.11ax standard, the
WAV600 Series delivers speeds up to 4.8 Gbps in the 5 GHz
band and 1.14 Gbps in 2.4 GHz band. It oers support for
key features, such as 160Mhz, OFDMA (uplink and downlink),

Technical Specications
Dimensions (WxD) 15 mm x 16 mm MRQFN 244 package
Digital Technology Enhanced maximum likelihood, LDPC, STBC (2x1), Beamforming, OFDMA, 1024 QAM
(MCS 10-11), MU-MIMO, Target Wake Time (TWT), BSS Coloring, and Spatial Reuse
Full CPU Ooading Supported for Intel® AnyWAN™ SoC GRX350 and GRX550; Intel® Puma™ 7 Family
Connectivity Supports up to 256 clients and 32 virtual access points per radio, WDS 4 address
mode access point-client support, and multiple client modes (WDS, L2NAT, WISP)
Interface PCIe* Gen3/Gen2 (support for both 1 and 2 lines)
Operating Temperature 0° to +70° C
(Adapter Shield)
Operating Systems Supports Linux Kernels 3.X and 4.X. Software packages enabling both Open-WRT (UCI)
and RDK-B alignment
Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi Alliance CERTIFIED a/b/g/n/ac, with plans for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 6
IEEE WLAN Standard IEEE 802.11abgn, 802.11ac, 802.11d, 802.11e, 802.11i, 802.11h, 802.11w, 802.11ax
Roaming Roaming software support for 802.11k/v/r/ai and band steering
Dynamic Bandwidth Supported on per-packet basis
Zero Wait Dynamic Frequency Supports ZWDFS
Selection (ZWDFS)
Authentication WPA2 & WPA3 including support for Wi-Fi Easy Connect™, 802.1x (EAP-TLS, TTLS, PEAP,
Encryption 64-bit and 128-bit WEP, TKIP, CCMP-128, CCMP-256, GCMP-128, GCMP-256
Management Frame Protection 802.11w (WFA-Protected Management Frames)
Government FCC Section 15 relevant chapters, latest ETSI EN 300 328, and EN 301 893
Product Description Package
WAV654 802.11ax concurrent dual-band 2+2 (5 GHz + 2.4 GHz) up to 3 Gbps PHY rate at 160 MHz MRQFN 15 mm x 16 mm
Both 2x2 (2 spatial stream) and 3x3 (3 spatial stream) variants are available.
802.11ax 5 GHz 4x4 up to 4.8 Gbps PHY rate MRQFN 15 mm x 16 mm
802.11ax 2.4 GHz 4x4 up to 1.14 Gbps PHY rate MRQFN 15 mm x 16 mm
For more information on Wi-Fi 6, visit intel.com/wiax.
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*Othe r names and brands may be claimed as th e propert y of others. 1218/LS/OCG/ PDF 336895 -002US