TP-Link AC50, AC500 Configuration Guide

Configuration Guide
Wireless Controller
1910012437 REV1.0.2
June 2018
About This Guide .................................................................................................................. 1
1 Quick Start ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Determine the Network Topology ............................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Log In to the AC ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Preparations ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Status ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 System Status .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Client Status ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 AP Status ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.4 Authentication Status ................................................................................................................................. 10
3 Network ..........................................................................................................................12
3.1 Interface........................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 DHCP Server .................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.3 VLAN ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.3.1 VLAN ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
3.3.2 Ports .........................................................................................................................................................................18
3.3.3 Relations ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
3.4 Switch ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.1 Statistics ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
3.4.2 Mirror .......................................................................................................................................................................21
4 AP Control ......................................................................................................................24
4.1 AP Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 AP Firmware Upgrade ................................................................................................................................. 27
4.3 AP Database ................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Load Balancing .............................................................................................................................................. 29
5 Radio ................................................................................................................................ 31
5.1 Radio Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Rate Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 34
5.3 Band Steering ................................................................................................................................................ 36
5.4 Wi-Fi Roaming ............................................................................................................................................... 37
6 Wireless .......................................................................................................................... 39
6.1 Wireless Service ........................................................................................................................................... 39
7 Authentication ..............................................................................................................43
7.1 MAC Authentication .................................................................................................................................... 43
7.2 Portal Authentication .................................................................................................................................. 46
7.2.4 Voucher..................................................................................................................................................................54
7.2.5 SMS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 56
7.2.6 Facebook ..............................................................................................................................................................58
7.3 Local User Management ........................................................................................................................... 64
7.4 Voucher Management ................................................................................................................................ 68
7.5 Authentication Server ................................................................................................................................ 69
7.6 Authentication Config ................................................................................................................................ 72
7.7 Applications ................................................................................................................................................... 75
8 Link Backup ................................................................................................................... 94
8.1 Dual-link Backup ........................................................................................................................................... 94
8.2 Application ...................................................................................................................................................... 95
9 System Tools ................................................................................................................ 98
9.1 Account ............................................................................................................................................................ 98
9.2 Administration .............................................................................................................................................100
9.2.1 Factory Default Restore ............................................................................................................................. 100
9.2.2 Backup & Restore .......................................................................................................................................... 100
9.2.3 Reboot ................................................................................................................................................................. 101
9.2.4 Firmware Upgrade ......................................................................................................................................... 102
9.3 Traffic Statistics ..........................................................................................................................................102
9.4 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................................................103
9.5 Time Settings ...............................................................................................................................................104
9.6 System Log...................................................................................................................................................107

About This Guide

This Configuration Guide provides information for managing AC500/AC50 Series Wireless Controller. Please read this guide carefully before operation.
Intended Readers
This Guide is intended for network managers familiar with IT concepts and network terminologies.
When using this guide, please notice that features of the device may vary slightly depending on the model and software version you have. All screenshots, images, parameters and descriptions documented in this guide are used for demonstration only.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. Users must take full responsibility for their application of any products.
In this Guide, the following conventions are used:
Notes contains suggestions or references that helps you make better use of your device.
For GUI, Menu Name > Submenu Name > Tab page indicates the menu structure. Network > DHCP Server > DHCP Client List means the DHCP Client List page under the DHCP Server menu option that is located under the Network menu.
Bold font indicates a button, a toolbar icon, menu or menu item.
More Information
The latest software and documentations can be found at Download Center at https://
The Installation Guide (IG) can be found where you find this guide or inside the package of the wireless controller.
Specifications can be found on the product page at
A Technical Support Forum is provided for you to discuss our products at https://forum.
Our Technical Support contact information can be found at the Contact Technical Support page at
Wireless Controller

Quick Start

The wireless controller (AC) is a device used for centralized management of access points (APs). At present, the supported APs are TP-Link’s CAPs. The AC can configure CAPs in batches using a web browser and conduct a real-time monitoring of each CAP in the network. This AC supports AP automatic discovery, AP status monitoring, AP centralized control, MAC filtering, radio management, load balance, dual-link backup and various authentication types.
This wireless controller makes it easier to configure and manage dozens or hundreds of CAPs in a large public environment, such as markets, hotels, companies and campuses,etc. AC500 wireless controller supports to manage 500 CAPs at the same time and AC50 wireless controller supports 50 CAPs.

1.1 Determine the Network Topology

You can use the AC to centrally manage the CAPs in the same or different network segment.

1.1.1 Manage CAPs in the LAN

If you want to manage the CAPs in the LAN, refer to the following network topology.
Router (DHCP Server)
Host A

1.1.2 Manage CAPs in Different Network Segment

If the AC needs to manage CAPs in a different network segment, refer to the following topology.
Wireless Controller
Host A
In this situation, the router acting as the CAPs' DHCP server should support option 60 and option138 in DHCP settings.

1.2 Log In to the AC

1.2.1 Preparations

Before login, you should verify the following items:
The AC is powered on and correctly connected. The management host is accessible to the AC.
Specify the management host with a static IP address on the 192.168.0.x subnet (for example, IP address and subnet mask
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox 32 (or above), Google Chrome 37 (or above), Opera 24 (or above), or Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (or above).

1.2.2 Log In

1 Open a web browser and enter in the address field, then press Enter key.
Figure 1-1 Enter the IP Address
2 Create a username and a password for subsequent login attempts.
Figure 1-2 Create an account
3 Use the username and password set above to log in to the webpage.
Figure 1-3 Log in to the webpage
4 After a successful login, the main page will appear as in the figure below, and you can
configure the function by clicking the setup menu on the left side of the screen.
Figure 1-4 Main Page
The wireless controller’s configuration files fall into two types: the running configuration file and the start-up configuration file. After you perform configurations on the sub-interfaces and click Save, the modifications will be saved in the running configuration file. However, the configurations will be lost when the device reboots.
If you need to keep the configurations even if the device reboots, please use the function to save the configurations in the start-up configuration file. Click Save Config on the top­right of the interface, especially before you power off or reboot the device.


2.1 System Status

Choose the menu Status > System Status > System Status to load the following page.
Figure 2-1 System Status
In the Resource Utilization section, you can monitor the utilization of the memory and CPU. It is recommended that the CPU utilization should be no more than 50%. The CPU utilization above 85% indicates that the AC is under a high load and above 95% means AC is completely loaded. When the CPU utilization keeps at high loads, some functions of the AC may be abnormal. Please check to find the real reason.
In the Quick Display section, click the button basic information such as interface name, type and IP address will be shown in this section.
to select the desired interface and its

2.2 Client Status

Choose the menu Status > Client Status > Client Status to load the following page.
Figure 2-2 Client Status
You can check the information of the connected clients on this page. Select the desired clients by checking the boxes in front of the entries. Click the buttons above the list for additional operations.
Select the Group Select the group from the drop-down list to see the clients' information in the
corresponding group.
Global Search
Auto Refresh Check the box to enable the Auto Refresh function. With it enabled, the list will
Disconnect one or more clients from the AP(s).
Search the specified clients in the list.
Search the specified clients globally.
Refresh the list manually.
refresh every few seconds automatically.
Disconnect the client from the AP in this corresponding entry.

2.3 AP Status

Choose the menu Status > AP Status > AP Status to load the following page.
Figure 2-3 AP Status
The information of the connected CAPs will be displayed in this section.
Select the desired
CAPs by checking the boxes in front of the entries. Click the buttons above the list for additional operations.
Select the Group Select the group from the drop-down list to see the CAPs' information in the
corresponding group.
Global Search
Auto Refresh Check the box to enable the Auto Refresh function. With it enabled, the list will
Select the corresponding CAPs and click this button to turn on their LEDs.
Select the corresponding CAPs and click this button to turn off their LEDs. For example, if the CAP's LED disturbs you at night, you can turn off it.
Select the corresponding CAPs and click this button to reboot them.
Search the specified clients in the list.
Search the specified clients globally.
Refresh the list manually.
refresh every few seconds automatically.
It indicates the LED is on. you can click the icon to turn off it.
It indicates the LED is off. you can click the icon to turn on it.
Click this icon to reboot the CAP.
Detail Click Detail to check the information of the radio list and SSID and click
to return.

2.4 Authentication Status

2.4.1 Authentication Status

Choose the menu Status > Authentication Status > Authentication Status to load the following page.
Figure 2-4 Authentication Status
You can check the information of the authentication status on this page. Select the desired users by checking the boxes in front of the entries. Click the buttons above the list for additional operations.
Global Search
Auto Refresh Check the box to enable the Auto Refresh function. With it enabled, the list will
Delete the users from the authentication list.
Search the specified users in the list.
Search the specified users globally.
Refresh the list manually.
refresh every few seconds automatically.
Disconnect the client from the AP in this corresponding entry.

2.4.2 Non-sense Authenticated User

A non-sense authenticated user who has passed the authentication can leave the wireless network and then join the wireless network again without any re-authentication operation.
Choose the menu Status > Authentication Status > Non-sense Authenticated User to load the following page.
Figure 2-5 Non-sense Authenticated User
You can check the information of the non-sense authenticated users on this page. Select the desired users by checking the box in the front of the entries. Click the buttons above the list for additional operations.
Global Search
Auto Refresh Check the box to enable the Auto Refresh function. With it enabled, the list will
Delete the users from the authentication list.
Search the specified users in the list.
Search the specified users globally.
Refresh the list manually.
refresh every few seconds automatically.
Disconnect the client from the AP in this corresponding entry.


3.1 Interface

Choose the menu Network > Interface > Interface to load the following page. On this page you can create a logical interface and specify it to a specified VLAN. Please refer to
to set VLANs first.
Figure 3-1 Interface
Click to create a new interface. The page will be shown as below.
Figure 3-2 Add an Interface
Interface Name Specify a name for the interface to make it easier to search for and manage.
VLAN Specify a VLAN for the interface.
Connection Type Select the connection type for the interface. Only static IP is supported at
IP Address Specify an IP address for the interface.
Subnet Mask Specify a subnet mask for the interface.
Default Gateway (Optional) Specify a default gateway for the interface.
MTU Specify the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) for the interface. Its value is
between 576 to 1500 and 1500 by default.
Primary DNS (Optional) Specify the primary DNS server for the interface.
Secondary DNS (Optional) Specify the secondary DNS server for the interface.
MAC Address The MAC address is filled automatically. You can modify it manually.
Description Specify a description for the entry to make it easier to search for and manage.
Click OK to finish the settings.

3.2 DHCP Server

3.2.1 DHCP Server

Choose the menu Network > DHCP Server > DHCP Server to load the following page.
Figure 3-3 DHCP Server
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows the wireless controller to assign IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways and other IP parameters to CAPs and clients that request this information. In the global settings you can select that the DHCP server assigns IP parameters to AP only or both AP and client.
Click to create a DHCP server. The page will be shown as below.
Figure 3-4 Add a DHCP Server
Interface Select the interface which you want to create the DHCP server for. Refer to
Starting/Ending IP Address
Lease Time Enter the time duration of the IP address assigned by the DHCP server between
Default Gateway Optional: Specify the IP address of gateway for the server.
Default Domain Optional: Specify the domain of for the server.
Primary DNS Optional: Specify the primary DNS server for the server.
Secondary DNS Optional: Specify the secondary DNS server for the server.
Status Check the box to enable the DHCP service.
Specify the starting IP address and ending IP address of the DHCP server IP pool. The IP pool should be in the same segment with the interface IP address.
2 and 2880 minutes. The default is 120 minutes. Before the time is up, DHCP server would not assign this IP address to other APs or clients.
to set the interface first.
Click OK to finish the settings.

3.2.2 DHCP Client List

Choose the menu Network > DHCP Server > DHCP Client List to load the following page. The list displays the information such as the IP address, MAC address and lease time of the connected clients.
Figure 3-5 DHCP Client List

3.2.3 Address Reservation

Choose the menu Network > DHCP Server > Address Reservation to load the following page.
Figure 3-6 Address Reservation
If the CAP or client requires a static IP address, you can manually reserve an IP address for it. Once reserved, the IP address will only be assigned to the same client by the DHCP server.
Click to create an IP address reservation.
Figure 3-7 Create an IP Address Reservation
Interface Select the interface which the CAP or client requiring the static IP address
belongs to. Refer to
MAC Address Enter the MAC address of the specified AP or client to which you want to assign
the static IP address.
IP Address Specify a static IP address to the specified AP or client. The IP address should
be in the same segment as the interface.
3.1 Interface
to set the interface first.
Description Specify a description for the entry to make it easier to search for and manage.
Status Check the box to enable the address reservation.
Click OK to finish the settings.

3.3 VLAN

3.3.1 VLAN

Choose the menu Network > VLAN > VLAN to load the following page.
Figure 3-8 VLAN
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a network technique that solves broadcasting issues in local area networks. A local area network is partitioned into several VLANs, and all VLAN traffic remains within its VLAN. Therefore, you can group and isolate APs and clients to enhance network security. VLANs group devices logically instead of physically, so devices in the same VLAN can be located in different places.
Figure 3-9 Create a VLAN
VLAN ID Specify a VLAN ID between 2 to 4094.
to create a VLAN.
Name Specify an easy-to-remember name for the VLAN.
Ports Select the ports that belong to the VLAN.
Description Specify a description for the entry to make it easier to search for and manage.
Click OK to finish the settings.

3.3.2 Ports

Choose the menu Network > VLAN > Ports to load the following page. Specify the link type and PVLD for each port. The link type and PVID can not be modified at the same time.
Figure 3-10 Ports
Link Type The ports can be divided into three link types:
Access: The access port can be added in a single VLAN, and the egress rule of the port is UNTAG. The PVID is same as the current VLAN ID. If the current VLAN is deleted, the PVID will be set to 1 by default. Trunk: The trunk port can be added in multiple VLANs. The egress rule of the port is UNTAG if the arriving packet’s VLAN tag is the same as the port’s PVID, otherwise the egress rule is TAG. The PVID can be set as the VID number of any valid VLAN. General: The general port can be added in multiple VLANs and set various egress rules according to the different VLANs. The default egress rule is UNTAG. The PVID can be set as the VID number of any valid VLAN.
PVID Enter the VLAN ID of the port.
AC50 doesn't include a General port link type.

3.3.3 Relations

Choose the menu Network > VLAN > Relations to load the following page. This list displays the relations among ports, link types and VLANs.
Figure 3-11 Relations

3.4 Switch

3.4.1 Statistics

Choose the menu Network > Switch > Statistics to load the following page. The statistics list displays the information of data packets received or transmitted by each port.
Figure 3-12 Statistics

3.4.2 Mirror

Choose the menu Network > Switch > Mirror to load the following page.
Figure 3-13 Mirror
Check the box to enable the Port Mirror function. There are three port mirror modes as follows.
Ingress and egress: When this mode is selected, both the incoming and outgoing packets through the mirrored port will be copied to the mirroring port.
Ingress: When this mode is selected, the incoming packets received by the mirrored port will be copied to the mirroring port.
Egress: When this mode is selected, the outgoing packets sent by the mirrored port will be copied to the mirroring port.
A port cannot be set as the mirrored port and the mirroring port simultaneously. Only one mirroring port can be set.

3.4.3 Rate Control

Choose the menu Network > Switch > Rate Control to load the following page. Here you can control the data transfer rate for each port. Check boxes to manually enter the corresponding rates.
The data transfer rate ranges from 1 to 100Mpbs for AC50, and from 1 to 1000Mpbs for AC500.
Figure 3-14 Rate Control
Click Save to finish the settings.

3.4.4 Port Config

Choose the menu Network > Switch > Port Config to load the following page.
Figure 3-15 Port Cofig
Flow Control With this option enabled, the device synchronizes the data transmission speed
with the peer device, thus avoiding the packet loss caused by congestion. By default, it is disabled.
Negotiation Mode Select the Negotiation Mode for the port including auto and duplex mode.
Duplex mode includes 10M Half-duplex, 10M Full-duplex, 100M Half-duplex, 100M Full-duplex and 1000M Full-duplex.
The AC50 doesn't support 1000M Full-duplex.

3.4.5 Port Status

Choose the menu Network > Switch > Port Status to load the following page.
Figure 3-16 Port Status
This page displays the connection status, speed, duplex mode and flow control status of each port.
Disabled: The port is disabled.
Link down: The port is enabled but with physical connection.
Link up: The Port is enabled and connected normally.
The data transfer rate ranges from 1 to 100Mpbs for AC50, and from 1 to 1000Mpbs for AC500. AC50 doesn't support 1000M Full-duplex.

AP Control

4.1 AP Settings

Choose the menu AP Control > AP Settings > AP Settings to load the following page.
Figure 4-1 AP Settings
In the global settings, check the Reboot Schedule box and then the Lock to AC Automatically box to enable the corresponding function. Click Save to complete.
Reboot Schedule With the reboot schedule enabled, all connected APs will reboot at the
specified time.
Reboot Date Select the date to reboot the APs. If you want to reboot the APs everyday,
please select everyday in the list.
Reboot Time Specify the reboot time to reboot the APs in the format of HH/MM/SS.
Lock to AC Automatically
Click to create a new group. The following figure will be shown. Specify a group name in the field and click OK.
With the lock to AC automatically enabled, all the APs entries will be locked to AC automatically once APs connect to the AC. The unlocked AP entries will disappear when the AC reboots.
Figure 4-2 Add a group
In the group list, click the numbers at the Group Statistics Information row. The group information will be shown as below. Click the buttons above the list for additional operations.
Figure 4-3 Group statistics information
Back to Group List
Move to Other
Lock to AC
Bulk Edit
Intra Group Search
Click this button to return to the group list.
Select the corresponding entries and click this button to move them to your desired group.
Select the corresponding entries and click this button to lock the APs to the AC.
Select the corresponding entries and click this button to bulk edit the APs' AP keep-alive time, client keep-alive time and client idle time. Refer to the following introduction below the table for details.
Click this button to search the specified AP(s) on the current page.
Click this button to search the specified AP(s) in all the AP entries without the limitation of groups.
Click at the Operation row of the list. The following figure will be shown.
Figure 4-4 AP Settings
Name Specify the AP's name.
AP Keep-alive Time Specify the time interval for the AP sending echo packets to the AC. AC can
detect whether the AP is online or not by receiving the echo packets.
Client Keep-alive Time Specify the time interval for the client sending heartbeat packets to the AP. APs
can detect whether the client is online or not by receiving heartbeat packets.
Client Idle Time Specify a time interval for the client idle time. The clients will be disconnected
from the AP if there is no data transmission between AP and clients for the specific time interval.
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