Copyright © 2012 Test Products International, Inc. 9070 Vibration Analysis
DISCLAIMER .................................................... 2
1 OVERVIEW ................................................... 3
1.1 Control buttons................................................ 3
1.2 Batteries .......................................................... 3
1.3 Service ............................................................ 3
2 OPERATION ................................................. 4
2.1 Changing the probe tip.................................... 4
2.2 Taking a reading.............................................. 4
2.2.1 Vibration readings ....................................... 4
2.2.2 Vibration Analysis......................................... 6
2.2.3 Frequency spectrum..................................... 8
2.3 Settings menu ................................................. 9
2.3.1 Setup Wizard................................................ 9
2.3.2 Load & Save Readings ................................ 11
2.3.3 Advanced Settings........................................ 12 BDU settings ............................................. 12 Units .......................................................... 13 Device Settings ......................................... 13
3 SPECIFICATIONS.......................................... 15
4 REVISION HISTORY...................................... 15
5 OPERATION................................................... 16
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described herein; neither does it convey any licence under its patent rights nor
the rights of others. TPI products are not authorised for use as components in
life support services or systems. TPI should be informed of any such intended
use to determine suitability of the products.