Toyota Corolla 2002 Owner's Manual

’02 Corolla U (L/O 0105)


Welcome to the growing group of value–conscious people who drive Toyotas. We are proud of the advanced engineering and quality construction of each vehicle we build.
This Owner’s Manual explains the operation of your new Toyota. Please read it thoroughly and have all the occupants follow the instructions carefully. Doing so will help you enjoy many years of safe and trouble–free motoring. For important information about this manual and your Toyota, read the following pages carefully.
When it comes to service, remember that your Toyota dealer knows your vehicle best and is interested in your complete satisfaction. He will provide quality maintenance and any other assistance you may require.
If there is not a Toyota dealer near you, or you need emergency assistance for any reason, please call the following number:
U.S. OWNERS: Toyota Customer A ssistance Center Toll–free:1–800–331–4331CANADIAN OWNERS: Toyota Canada Customer Interaction Centre Toll–free:1–888–TOYOTA–8 (1–888–869–6828)
Please leave this Owner’s Manual in this vehicle at the time of resale. The next owner will need this information also.
All information and specifications in this manual are current at the time of printing. However, because of Toyota’s policy of continual product improvement, we reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice.
Please note that this manual applies to all models and explains all equipment, including options. Therefore, you may find some explanations for equipment not installed on your vehicle.
All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Toyota Motor Corporation.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Corolla U (L/O 0105)
Important information about this manual
Safety and vehicle damage warnings
Throughout this manual, you will see safety and vehicle dam­age warnings. You must follow these warnings carefully to avoid possible injury or damage.
The types of warnings, what they look like, and how they are used in this manual are explained as follows:
This is a warning against something which may cause injury to people if the warning is ignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to avoid or reduce the risk to yourself and other people.
This is a warning against something which may cause damage to the vehicle or its equipment if the warning is ignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to avoid or reduce the risk of damage to your vehicle and its equipment.
Safety symbol
When you see the safety symbol shown above, it means: “Do not...”; “Do not do this”; or “Do not let this happen”.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Corolla U (L/O 0105)


Break–in per iod 148. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fuel 148. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fuel pump shut off system 150. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Operation in foreign count ries 150. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Three–way catalytic converter 151. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Engine exhaust cautions 152. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Facts about engine oil consumptionon 152. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iridium–tipped spark plugs 153. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brake system 154. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brake pad wear limit indicators 157. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luggage stowage precautions 157. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Your Toyota’s identification 158. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Theft prevention labels 159. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Suspension and chassis 159. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Types of tires 159. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Break–in period Fuel
Drive gently and avoid high speeds.
Your vehicle does not need an elaborate break–in. But following a few simple tips for the first 1600 km (1000 miles) can add to the future economy and long life of your vehicle:
Do not drive over 88 km/h (55 mph).Run the engine at moderate speed be-
tween 2000 and 4000 rpm.
Avoid full–throttle starts.Try to avoid hard stops during the first
300 km (200 miles).
FUEL TYPE Your new vehicle must use only un-
leaded gasoline.
To help prevent gas station mix–ups, your Toyota has a smaller fuel tank opening. The special nozzle on pumps with un­leaded fuel will fit it, but the larger stan­dard nozzle on pumps with leaded gas will not.
At a minimum, the gasoline you use should meet specifications of ASTM D4814 in the U.S.A. and CGSB 3.5–M93 in Canada.
Do not drive slowly with the manual
transmission in a high gear.
Do not drive for a long time at any
single speed, either fast or slow.
Do not tow a trailer during the first 800
km (500 miles).
Do not use leaded gasoline. Use of leaded gasoline will cause the three– way catalytic converter to lose its ef­fectiveness and the emission control system to function improperly. Also, this can increase maintenance costs.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
OCTANE NUMBER Select Octane Rating 87 (Research Oc-
tane Number 91) or higher.
Use of unleaded fuel with an octane num­ber or rating lower than stated above will cause persistent heavy knocking. If se­vere, this will lead to engine damage.
If your engine knocks...
If you detect heavy knocking even when using the recommended fuel, or if you hear steady knocking while holding a steady speed on level roads, consult your Toyota dealer.
However, now and then, you may notice light knocking for a short time while accel­erating or driving up hills. This is no need of concern.
Toyota recommends the use of gasoline that contains detergent additives to avoid build–up of engine deposits.
However, all gasoline sold in the U.S. contains detergent additives to keep clean and/or clean intake systems.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
QUALITY GASOLINE Automotive manufacturers in the U.S.,
Europe and Japan have developed a specification for quality fuel named World–Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) that is expected to be applied world wide. The WWFC consists of three categories that depend on required emission lev­els. In the U.S., category 3 has been adopted. The WWFC improves air quali­ty by providing for better emissions in vehicle fleets, and customer satisfaction through better vehicle performance.
CLEAN BURNING GASOLINE Cleaner burning gasoline, including re-
formulated gasoline that contains oxy­genates such as ethanol or MTBE is available in many areas.
Toyota recommends the use of cleaner burning gasoline and appropriately blended reformulated gasoline. These types of gas­oline provide excellent vehicle perfor­mance, reduce vehicle emissions, and im­prove air quality.
OXYGENATES IN GASOLINE Toyota allows the use of oxygenate
blended gasoline where the oxygenate content is up to 10% ethanol or 15% MTBE. If you use gasohol in your Toyota, be sure that it has an octane rating no lower than 87.
Toyota does not recommend the use of gasoline containing methanol.
SULFUR IN GASOLINE If your vehicle is certified to California
Emission Regulations, the vehicle is de­signed to operate on California cleaner burning gasoline (CBG) that contains lower sulfur. If you cannot use Califor­nia CBG, your emission control system may suffer damage and turn on the Malfunction Indicator Lamp.
If the malfunction is caused by the type of fuel used, repairs may not be covered by your warranty.
GASOLINE CONTAINING MMT Some gasoline contain an octane en-
hancing additive called MMT (Methylcy­clopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl).
Toyota does not recommend the use of gasoline that contains MMT. If fuel con­taining MMT is used, your emission con­trol system may be adversely affected. The Malfunction Indicator Lamp on the in­strument cluster may come on. If this hap­pens, contact your Toyota dealer for ser­vice.
In a very few cases, you may experience driveability problems caused by the partic­ular gasoline that you are using. If you continue to have unacceptable driveability, try changing gasoline brands. If this does not rectify your problem, then consult your Toyota dealer.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Do not use gasohol other than stated above. It will cause fuel sys­tem damage or vehicle performance problems.
If driveability problems occur (poor hot starting, vaporizing, engine knock, etc.), discontinue the use.
Take care not to spill gasohol dur­ing refueling. Gasohol may cause paint damage.
50 L (13.2 gal., 11.0 lmp. gal.)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Fuel pump shut off system Operation in foreign countries
The fuel pump shut off system stops sup­plying fuel to the engine to minimize the risk of fuel leakage when the engine stalls or an airbag inflates upon collision. To restart the engine after the fuel pump shut off system activates, turn the ignition switch to “ACC” or “LOCK” once and start it.
Inspect the ground under the vehicle before restarting the engine. If you find that liquid has leaked onto the ground, it is the fuel system has been damaged and it is in need of repair. In this case, do not restart the engine.
If you plan to drive your Toyota in another country...
First, comply with the vehicle registration
laws. Second, confirm the availability of the cor-
rect fuel (unleaded and minimum octane number).
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Three–way catalytic converter
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
The three–way catalytic converter is an emission control device installed in the exhaust system.
The purpose is to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gas.
Keep people and combustible mate-
rials away from the exhaust pipe while the engine is running. The exhaust gas is very hot.
Do not drive, idle or park your ve-
hicle over anything that might burn easily such as grass, leaves, paper or rags.
A large amount of unburned gases flowing into the three–way catalytic converter may cause it to overheat and create a fire hazard. To prevent this and other damage, observe the following precautions:
Use only unleaded gasoline.
Do not drive with an extremely low fuel level; running out of fuel could cause the engine to misfire, creat­ing an excessive load on the three– way catalytic converter.
Do not allow the engine to run at idle speed for more than 20 min­utes.
Avoid racing the engine.
Do not push–start or pull–start your vehicle.
Do not turn off the ignition while the vehicle is moving.
Keep your engine in good running order. Malfunctions in the engine electrical system, electronic ignition system/distributor ignition system or fuel system could cause an ex­tremely high three–way catalytic converter temperature.
If the engine becomes difficult to start or stalls frequently, take your vehicle in for a check–up as soon as possible. Remember, your Toyota dealer knows your vehicle and its three–way catalytic converter sys­tem best.
To ensure that the three–way cata­lytic converter and the entire emis­sion control system operate proper­ly, your vehicle must receive the periodic inspections required by the Toyota Maintenance Schedule. For scheduled maintenance information, refer to the “Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supple­ment”.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Engine exhaust cautions
Avoid inhaling the engine exhaust.
It contains carbon monoxide, which is a colorless and odorless gas. It can cause unconsciousness or even death.
Make sure the exhaust system has
no holes or loose connections. The system should be checked from time to time. If you hit something, or notice a change in the sound of the exhaust, have the system checked immediately.
Do not run the engine in a garage
or enclosed area except for the time needed to drive the vehicle in or out. The exhaust gases cannot escape, making this a particularly dangerous situation.
Do not remain for a long time in a
parked vehicle with the engine run­ning. If it is unavoidable, however, do so only in an unconfined area and adjust the heating or cooling system to force outside air into the vehicle.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Keep the trunk lid closed while
driving. An open or unsealed trunk lid may cause exhaust gases to be drawn into the vehicle.
To allow proper operation of your
vehicle’s ventilation system, keep the inlet grilles in front of the wind­shield clear of snow, leaves, or oth­er obstructions.
If you smell exhaust fumes in the
vehicle, drive with the windows open and the trunk lid closed. Have the cause immediately located and corrected.
Facts about engine oil consumption
Engine oil has the primary functions of lubricating and cooling the inside of the engine, and plays a major role in main­taining the engine in proper working order.
ENGINE OIL CONSUMPTION It is normal that an engine should con-
sume some engine oil during normal engine operation. The causes of oil consumption in a normal engine are as follows.
Oil is used to lubricate pistons, piston
rings and cylinders. A thin film of oil is left on the cylinder wall when a pis­ton moves downwards in the cylinder. High negative pressure generated when the vehicle is decelerating sucks some of this oil into the combustion chamber. This oil as well as some part of the oil film left on the cylinder wall is burned by the high temperature combustion gases during the combustion process.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Oil is also used to lubricate the stems
of the intake valves. Some of this oil is sucked into the combustion chamber together with the intake air and is burned along with the fuel. High tem­perature exhaust gases also burn the oil used to lubricate the exhaust valve stems.
The amount of engine oil consumed de­pends on the viscosity of the oil, the quality of the oil and the conditions the vehicle is driven under.
More oil is consumed by high–speed driv­ing and frequent acceleration and decel­eration.
A new engine consumes more oil, since its pistons, piston rings and cylinder walls have not become conditioned.
When judging the amount of oil con­sumption, note that the oil may become diluted and make it difficult to judge the true level accurately.
As an example, if a vehicle is used for repeated short trips, and consumes a nor­mal amount of oil, the dipstick may not show any drop in the oil level at all, even after 1000 km (600 miles) or more. This is because the oil is gradually becoming diluted with fuel or moisture, making it appear that the oil level has not changed.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
The diluting ingredients evaporate out when the vehicle is then driven at high speeds, as on an express way, making it appear that oil is excessively consumed after driving at high speeds.
One of the most important points in prop­er vehicle maintenance is to keep the en­gine oil at the optimum level so that oil function will not be impaired. Therefore, it is essential that the oil level be checked regularly. Toyota recommends that the oil level be checked every time you refuel the vehicle.
Failure to check the oil level regularly could lead to serious engine trouble due to insufficient oil.
For detailed information on oil level check, see “Checking the engine oil level” in Sec­tion 7–2.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Iridium–tipped spark plugs
Your engine is fitted with iridium–tipped spark plugs.
Use only iridium–tipped spark plugs and do not adjust gaps for your en­gine performance and smooth drive­ability.
Brake system
The tandem master cylinder brake system is a hydraulic system with two separate sub–systems. If either sub–system should fail, the other will still work. However, the pedal will be harder to press, and your stopping distance will be longer. Also, the brake system warning light may come on.
Do not drive your vehicle with only a single brake system. Have your brakes fixed immediately.
The brake booster uses engine vacuum to power–assist the brakes. If the engine should quit while you are driving, you can bring the vehicle to a stop with normal pedal pressure. There is enough reserved vacuum for one or two stops—but no more!
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Do not pump the brake pedal if the
engine stalls. Each push on the pedal uses up your reserved vacu­um.
Even if the power assist is com-
pletely lost, the brakes will still work. But you will have to push the pedal hard, much harder than nor­mal. And your braking distance will be longer.
ANTI–LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (with “ABS” warning light)
The anti–lock brake system is designed to help prevent lock–up of the wheels during a sudden braking or braking on slippery road surfaces. This assists in providing directional stability and steer­ing performance of the vehicle under these circumstances.
Effective way to press the ABS brake pedal: When the anti–lock brake system
function is in action, you may feel the brake pedal pulsating and hear a noise. In this situation, to let the anti–lock brake system work for you, just hold the brake pedal down more firmly. Do not pump the brake in a panic stop. This will result in reduced braking performan­ce.
The anti–lock brake system becomes op­erative after the vehicle has accelerated to a speed in excess of approximately 10 km/h (6 mph). It stops operating when the vehicle decelerates to a speed below approximately 5 km/h (3 mph).
Depressing the brake pedal on slippery road surfaces such as on the manhole cover, the steel plate under the construc­tion, joints in the bridge, etc. on a rainy day tends to activate the anti–lock brake system.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
You may hear a click or motor sound in the engine compartment for a few seconds when the engine is started or just after the vehicle is started. This means that the anti–lock brake system is in the self check mode, and does not indicate a mal­function.
When the anti–lock brake system is ac­tivated, the following conditions may occur. They do not indicate a malfunc­tion of the system:
You may hear the anti–lock brake sys-
tem operating and feel the brake pedal pulsating and the vibrations of the ve­hicle body and steering wheel. You may also hear the motor sound in the engine compartment even after the ve­hicle is stopped.
At the end of the anti–lock brake sys-
tem activation, the brake pedal may move a little forward.
Do not overestimate the anti–lock brake system: Although the anti–lock brake system assists in providing ve­hicle control, it is still important to drive with all due care and maintain a moderate speed and safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, be­cause there are limits to the vehicle stability and effectiveness of steering wheel operation even with the anti– lock brake system on.
If tires grip performance exceeds its capability, or if hydroplaning occurs during high speed driving in the rain, the anti–lock brake system does not provide vehicle control.
Anti–lock brake system is not de­signed to shorten the stopping dis­tance: Always drive at the moderate speed and maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. Compared with vehicles without an anti–lock brake system, your vehicle may require a longer stopping dis­tance in the following cases:
Driving on rough, gravel or snow–
covered roads.
Driving with tire chains installed.Driving over the steps such as the
joints on the road.
Driving on roads where the road
surface is pitted or has other differ­ences in surface height.
Install all 4 tires of specified size at appropriate pressure: The anti–lock brake system detects vehicle speeds using the speed sensors for respec­tive wheels’ turning speeds. The use of tires other than specified may fail to detect the accurate turning speed resulting in a longer stopping dis­tance.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Type A
Type B
“ABS” warning light
The light comes on when the ignition key is turned to the “ON” position. If the anti– lock brake system works properly, the light turns off after a few seconds. There­after, if the system malfunctions, the light comes on again.
When the “ABS” warning light is on (and the brake system warning light is off), the anti–lock brake system does not operate, but the brake system still operates con­ventionally.
When the “ABS” warning light is on (and the brake system warning light is off), the anti–lock brake system does not operate so that the wheels could lock up during a sudden braking or braking on slippery road surfaces.
If either of the following conditions occurs, this indicates a malfunction somewhere in the parts monitored by the warning light system. Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible to service the vehicle.
The light does not come on when the
ignition key is turned to the “ON” posi­tion, or remains on.
The light comes on while you are driv-
A warning light turning on briefly during operation does not indicate a problem.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Brake pad wear limit indicators
The brake pad wear limit indicators on your disc brakes give a warning noise when the brake pads are worn to where replacement is required.
If you hear a squealing or scraping noise while driving, have the brake pads checked and replaced by your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Expensive ro­tor damage can result if the pads are not replaced when necessary.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Luggage stowage precautions
When stowing luggage or cargo in the vehicle, observe the following:
Put luggage or cargo in the trunk when
at all possible. Be sure all items are secured in place.
Be careful to keep the vehicle bal-
anced. Locating the weight as far for­ward as possible helps maintain bal­ance.
For better fuel economy, do not carry
unneeded weight.
To prevent luggage or packages
from sliding forward during braking, do not stack anything in the en­larged trunk. Keep luggage or pack­ages low, as close to the floor as possible.
Never allow anyone to ride in the
enlarged trunk. It is not designed for passengers. They should ride in their seats with their seat belts properly fastened. Otherwise, they are much more likely to suffer seri­ous bodily injury, in the event of sudden braking or a collision.
Do not place anything on the pack-
age tray behind the rear seatback. Such items may be thrown about and possibly injure people in the vehicle during sudden braking or an accident.
Do not drive with objects left on
top of the instrument panel. They may interfere with the driver’s field of view. Or they may move during sharp vehicle acceleration or turn­ing, and impair the driver’s control of the vehicle. In an accident they may injure the vehicle occupants.
Do not load the vehicle beyond the vehicle capacity weight specified in Section 8.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Your Toyota’s identification— —Vehicle identification number —Engine number
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the legal identifier for your vehicle. This number is on the left top of the instrument panel, and can be seen through the windshield from outside.
This is the primary identification number for your Toyota. It is used in registering the ownership of your vehicle.
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is also on the Certification Label.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
The engine number is stamped on the engine block as shown.
Theft preventio n labels (except for Canada)
Your new vehicle carries theft preven­tion labels which are approximately 56 mm (2.20 in.) by 16 mm (0.63 in.).
The purpose of these labels is to reduce the incidence of vehicle thefts by facilitat­ing the tracing and recovery of parts from stolen vehicles. The label is designed so that once it is applied to a surface, any attempt to remove it will result in destroy­ing the integrity of the label. Transferring these labels intact from one part to anoth­er, will be impossible.
You should not attempt to remove the theft prevention labels as it may vio­late certain state or federal laws.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Suspension and chassis Types of tires
Do not modify the suspension/chassis with lift kits, spacers, springs, etc. It can cause dangerous vehicle handling characteristics, resulting in loss of control.
Determine what kind of tires your ve­hicle is originally equipped with.
1. Summer tires
Summer tires are high–speed capability tires best suited to highway driving under dry conditions.
Since summer tires do not have the same traction performance as snow tires, sum­mer tires are inadequate for driving on snow–covered or icy roads. For driving on snow–covered or icy roads, we recom­mend using snow tires. If installing snow tires, be sure to replace all four tires.
2. All season tires
All season tires are designed to provide better traction in snow and to be adequate for driving in most winter conditions, as well as for use all year round.
All season tires, however, do not have adequate traction performance compared with snow tires in heavy or loose snow. Also, all season tires fall short in accel­eration and handling performance compared with summer tires in highway driving.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Do not mix summer and all season
tires on your vehicle as this can cause dangerous handling charac­teristics, resulting in loss of con­trol.
Do not use tires other than the
manufacturer’s designated tires, and do not mix tires or wheels of the sizes different from the originally equipped tires and wheels.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Corolla U (L/O 0105)
Important information about your Toyota
New vehicle warranty
Your new vehicle is covered by the following Toyota limited warranti es:
New vehicle warrantyEmission control systems warrantyOthers
For further information, please refer to the “Owner’s Warranty Information Booklet” or “Owner’s Manual Supplement”.
Your responsibility for
It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure that the speci­fied maintenance is performed. Section 6 gives details of these maintenance requirements. Also included in Section 6 is general maintenance. For scheduled maintenance in­formation, please refer to the “Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or “ Owner’s Manual Supplem ent”.
Accessories, spare parts and
modification of your Toyota
A wide variet y of non–genuine spare parts and access ories for Toyota vehicles are currently available in the market. You should know that Toyota does not warrant these prod­ucts and is not respons ible for their performanc e, repair, or replacement, or for any damage they may cause to, or advers e eff ect they may have on, y our Toyota vehi cle.
This vehicle should not be modified with non–genuine Toyota products. Modification with non–genuine Toyota products could affect its performance, safety or durability, and may even violate governmental regulations. In addi­tion, damage or performance problems resulting from the modific ation may not be cover ed under warranty.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Spark ignition system of
your Toyota
The spark igni tion system in your Toyota meets all require­ments of the Canadian Interference–Causing Equipment Standard.
Installation of a mobile
two–way radio system
As the installation of a mobile two–way radio system in your vehi cle could affect electronic systems suc h as multi­port fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, cruise control system, anti–lock brake system, SRS airbag system and seat belt pretensioner system, be sure to check with your Toyota dealer for precautionary measures or spec ial instructions regarding ins tallation.
Scrapping of your Toyota
The SRS airbag a nd seat belt pr etensioner dev ices in your Toyota contain explosive chemicals. If the vehicle is scrapped with the airbags and pretensioners left as they are, this may cause an accident such as fire. Be sure to have the systems of the SRS airbag and seat belt preten­sioner removed and disposed of by a qualified service shop or by your Toyota dealer before you dispose of your vehicle.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Corolla U (L/O 0105)


Before starting the engine 162. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to st art the engine 162. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tips f or driving in various conditionsns 163. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Winter driving tips 164. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dinghy towing 165. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trailer towing 166. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to save fuel and make your vehicle last longerer 171. . . . . . . . . . .
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Before starting the engine
1. Check the area around the vehicle be­fore entering it.
2. Adjust seat position, seatback angle, head restraint height and steering wheel angle.
3. Adjust the inside and outside rear view mirrors.
4. Lock all doors.
5. Fasten seat belts.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
How to start the engine— (a) Before cranking
1. Apply the parking brake firmly.
2. Turn off unnecessary lights and acces­sories.
3. Manual transmission: Press the clutch pedal to the floor and shift the trans­mission into neutral. Hold the clutch pedal to the floor until the engine is started. A starter safety device will pre­vent the starter from operating if the clutch pedal is not fully depressed.
Automatic transmission: Put the se­lector lever in “P”. If you need to re­start the engine while the vehicle is moving, put the selector lever in “N”. A starter safety device will prevent the starter from operating if the selector lever is in any drive position.
4. Automatic transmission only: De­press the brake pedal and hold it to the floor until driving off.
(b) Starting the engine
Before starting the engine, be sure to fol­low the instructions in “(a) Before crank­ing”.
Normal starting procedure
The multiport fuel injection system/sequen­tial multiport fuel injection system in your engine automatically controls the proper air–fuel mixture for starting. You can start a cold or hot engine as follows:
1. With your foot off the accelerator ped­al, crank the engine by turning the key to “START”. Release it when the en­gine starts.
2. After the engine runs for about 10 se­conds, you are ready to drive.
If the weather is below freezing, let the engine warm up for a few minutes before driving.
If the engine stalls...
Simply restart it, using the correct proce­dure given in normal starting.
If the engine will not start...
See “If your vehicle will not start” in Sec­tion 4.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Do not crank for more than 30 se­conds at a time. This may overheat the starter and wiring systems.
Do not race a cold engine.
If the engine becomes difficult to start or stalls frequently, have the engine checked immediately.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Tips for driving in various conditions
Always slow down in gusty crosswinds.
This will allow you much better control.
Drive slowly onto curbs and, if pos-
sible, at a right angle. Avoid driving onto high, sharp–edged objects and other road hazards. Failure to do so can lead to severe tire damage result­ing in tire bursts.
When parking on a hill, turn the front
wheels until they touch the curb so that the vehicle will not roll. Apply the parking brake, and place the transmis­sion in “P” (automatic) or in first or reverse (manual). If necessary, block the wheels.
Washing your vehicle or driving through
deep water may get the brakes wet. To see whether they are wet, check that there is no traffic near you, and then press the pedal lightly. If you do not feel a normal braking force, the brakes are probably wet. To dry them, drive the vehicle cautiously while lightly pressing the brake pedal with the park­ing brake applied. If they still do not work safely, pull to the side of the road and call a Toyota dealer for assistance.
Before driving off, make sure that
the parking brake is fully released and the parking brake reminder light is off.
Do not leave your vehicle unat-
tended while the engine is running.
Do not rest your foot on the brake
pedal while driving. It can cause dangerous overheating, needless wear, and poor fuel economy.
To drive down a long or steep hill,
reduce your speed and downshift. Remember, if you ride the brakes excessively, they may overheat and not work properly.
Be careful when accelerating, up-
shifting, downshifting or braking on a slippery surface. Sudden accelera­tion or engine braking could cause the vehicle to spin or skid.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Do not drive in excess of the speed
limit. Even if the legal speed limit permits it, do not drive over 140 km/h (85 mph) unless your vehicle has high–speed capability tires. Driving over 140 km/h (85 mph) may result in tire failure, loss of control and possible injury. Be sure to con­sult a tire dealer to determine whether the tires on your vehicle are high–speed capability tires or not before driving at such speeds.
Do not continue normal driving
when the brakes are wet. If they are wet, your vehicle will require a longer stopping distance, and it may pull to one side when the brakes are applied. Also, the park­ing brake will not hold the vehicle securely.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Winter driving tips
Make sure you have a proper freeze protection of engine coolant.
Your coolant must contain ethylene–glycol type coolant for a proper corrosion protection of aluminum components. Use “TOYOTA Long Life Coolant” or equivalent.
See Section 7–2 for details about coolant type selection.
Do not use alcohol type antifreeze or plain water alone.
When it is extremely cold, we recommend to use 60% solution for your Toyota, to provide protection down to about –50C (–58F). Do not use more than 70% solu­tion for better coolant performance.
Check the condition of the battery and cables.
Cold temperatures reduce the capacity of any battery, so it must be in top shape to provide enough power for winter start­ing. Section 7–3 tells you how to visually inspect the battery. Your Toyota dealer and most service stations will be pleased to check the level of charge.
Make sure the engine oil viscosity is suitable for the cold weather.
See Section 7–2 for recommended viscos­ity. Leaving a heavy summer oil in your vehicle during winter months may cause harder starting. If you are not sure about which oil to use, call your Toyota deal­er—he will be pleased to help.
Keep the door locks from freezing.
Squirt lock de–icer or glycerine into the locks to keep them from freezing. To open a frozen lock, try heating the key before inserting it.
Use a washer fluid containing an anti­freeze solution.
This product is available at your Toyota dealer and most auto parts stores. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for how much to mix with water.
Do not use engine antifreeze or any other substitute because it may dam­age your vehicle’s paint.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Do not use your parking brake when there is a possibility it could freeze.
When parking, put the transmission into “P” (automatic) or into first or reverse (manual) and block the rear wheels. Do not use the parking brake, or snow or water accumulated in and around the parking brake mechanism may freeze, making it hard to release.
Keep ice and snow from accumulating under the fenders.
Ice and snow built up under your fenders can make steering difficult. During bad winter driving, stop and check under the fenders occasionally.
Depending on where you are driving, we recommend you carry some emer­gency equipment.
Some of the things you might put in the vehicle are tire chains, window scraper, bag of sand or salt, flares, small shovel, jumper cables, etc.
Dinghy towing (with automatic transmission)
Your vehicle is not designed to be dinghy towed (with four wheels on the ground) behind a motorhome.
Do not tow your vehicle with four wheels on the ground. This may cause serious damage to your vehicle.
Dinghy towing (with manual transmission)
Your vehicle can be dinghy towed (with four wheels on the ground) from the front behind a motorhome.
Dinghy towing requires special equip­ment and accessories. Please refer to your service outlet of the motorhome manufacture for the recommended equipment.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Dinghy towing does not eliminate the possibility of damage to your vehicle.
DINGHY TOWING TIPS Before dinghy towing, be sure to ob-
serve the following in order to reduce the damage to your vehicle.
1. Put the shift lever in neutral.
2. Turn the ignition switch to the “ACC” position. Make sure the audio is turned off and any item is not plugged into the power outlet.
To avoid the locking of the steering wheel, turn the ignition switch to the “ACC” position.
3. Release the parking brake.
After dinghy towing, let the engine idle for more than 3 minutes before driving the vehicle.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Do not tow your vehicle from the rear. This may cause serious damage to your vehicle.
Trailer towing
Your vehicle is designed primarily as a passenger–carrying vehicle. Towing a trailer will have an adverse effect on handling, performance, braking, durability and driving economy (fuel consumption, etc.). Your safety and satisfaction depend on the proper use of correct equipment and cautious driving habits. For your safety and the safety of others, you must not overload your vehicle or trailer. Toyota warranties do not apply to damage or malfunction caused by towing a trailer for commercial purposes. Ask your local Toyota dealer for further details before towing.
WEIGHT LIMITS Before towing, make sure the total trail-
er weight, gross vehicle weight, gross axle weight and trailer tongue load are all within the limits.
The total trailer weight and tongue load can be measured with platform scales found at a highway weighing station, build­ing supply company, trucking company, junk yard, etc.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
The total trailer weight (trailer
weight plus its cargo load) must not exceed 680 kg (1500 lb.). Ex­ceeding this weight is dangerous.
Trailer hitch assemblies have differ-
ent weight capacities established by the hitch manufacturer. Even though the vehicle may be physically capa­ble of towing a higher weight, the operator must determine the maxi­mum weight rating of the particular hitch assembly and never exceed the maximum weight rating speci­fied for the trailer–hitch. Exceeding the maximum weight rating set by the trailer hitch manufacturer can cause an accident resulting in seri­ous personal injuries.
The gross vehicle weight must not
exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) indicated on the Certification Label. The gross ve­hicle weight is the sum of weights of the unloaded vehicle, driver, pas­sengers, luggage, hitch and trailer tongue load. It also includes the weight of any special equipment installed on your vehicle.
The load on either the front or rear
axle resulting from distribution of the gross vehicle weight on both axles must not exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) listed on the Certification Label.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Total trailer weight Tongue load
Tongue load
Tot al trailer w eight
1 00 = 9 to 11%
The trailer cargo load should be
distributed so that the tongue load is 9 to 11% of the total trailer weight, not exceeding the maximum of 68 kg (150 lb.). Never load the trailer with more weight in the back than in the front. About 60% of the trailer load should be in the front half of the trailer and the remaining 40% in the rear.
Use only a hitch which is recom-
mended by the hitch manufacturer and conforms to the total trailer weight re­quirement.
Follow the directions supplied by the
hitch manufacturer. Lubricate the hitch ball with a light coat of grease.
Toyota recommends removing the trail-
er hitch whenever you are not towing a trailer to reduce the possibility of additional damage caused by the hitch if your vehicle is struck from behind.
Do not use axle–mounted hitches as they can cause damage to the axle housing, wheel bearings, wheels or tires. Also, never install a hitch which may interfere with the normal function of an Energy Absorbing Bumper, if so equipped.
Toyota recommends trailers with
brakes that conform to any applica­ble federal and state/provincial regu­lations.
A safety chain must always be used
between the towing vehicle and the trailer. Leave sufficient slack in the chain for turns. The chain should cross under the trailer tongue to prevent the tongue from dropping to the ground in case it becomes dam­aged or separated. For correct safety chain procedures, follow the hitch or trailer manufacturer’s recommenda­tions.
If the total trailer weight exceeds
453 kg (1000 lb.), trailer brakes are required.
Never tap into your vehicle’s hy-
draulic system as it would lower its braking effectiveness.
Never tow a trailer without using a
safety chain securely attached to both the trailer and the vehicle. If damage occurs to the coupling unit or hitch ball, there is danger of the trailer wandering over into another lane.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Ensure that your vehicle’s tires are
properly inflated. See Section 7–2 for instructions.
The trailer tires should be inflated to
the pressure recommended by the trail­er manufacturer in respect to the total trailer weight.
Trailer lights must comply with federal,
state/provincial and local regulations. See your local recreational vehicle dealer or rental agency for the correct type of wiring and relays for your trail­er. Check for correct operation of the turn signals and stop lights each time you hitch up. Direct splicing may dam­age your vehicle’s electrical system and cause a malfunction of your lights.
Toyota recommends that you do not
tow a trailer with a new vehicle or a vehicle with any new power train com­ponent (engine, transmission, differen­tial, wheel bearing, etc.) for the first 800 km (500 miles) of driving.
If you tow a trailer, your vehicle will
require more frequent maintenance due to the additional load. For this informa­tion, please refer to the scheduled maintenance information in the “Sched­uled Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supplement”.
Retighten all fixing bolts of the towing
ball and bracket after approximately 1000 km (600 miles) of trailer driving.
Check that your vehicle remains level
when a loaded or unloaded trailer is hitched. Do not drive if the vehicle has an abnormal nose–up or nose–down condition, and check for improper tongue load, overload,worn suspension or other possible causes.
Make sure the trailer cargo is securely
loaded so that it can not shift.
Check that your rear view mirrors con-
form to any applicable federal, state/ provincial or local regulations. If not, install the rear view mirrors required for towing purpose.
TRAILER TOWING TIPS When towing a trailer, your vehicle will
handle differently than when not tow­ing. The three main causes of vehicle– trailer accidents are driver error, exces­sive speed and improper trailer loading. Keep these in mind when towing:
Before starting out, check operation of
the lights and all vehicle–trailer connec­tions. After driving a short distance, stop and recheck the lights and con­nections. Before actually towing a trail­er, practice turning, stopping and back­ing with a trailer in an area away from traffic until you learn the feel.
Backing with a trailer is difficult and
requires practice. Grip the bottom of the steering wheel and move your hand to the left to move the trailer to the left. Move your hand to the right to move the trailer to the right. (This pro­cedure is generally opposite to that when backing without a trailer). Also, just turn the steering wheel a little at a time, avoiding sharp or prolonged turning. Have someone guide you when backing to reduce the risk of an acci­dent.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Because stopping distance may be in-
creased, vehicle–to–vehicle distance should be increased when towing a trailer. For each 16 km/h (10 mph) of speed, allow at least one vehicle and trailer length between you and the ve­hicle ahead. Avoid sudden braking as you may skid, resulting in jackknifing and loss of control. This is especially true on wet or slippery surfaces.
Avoid jerky starts or sudden accelera-
tion. If your vehicle has a manual transmission, prevent excessive clutch slippage by keeping engine rpm low and not racing the engine. Always start out in first gear.
Avoid jerky steering and sharp turns.
The trailer could hit your vehicle in a tight turn. Slow down before making a turn to avoid the necessity of sudden braking.
Remember that when making a turn,
the trailer wheels will be closer than the vehicle wheels to the inside of the turn. Therefore, compensate for this by making a larger than normal turning radius with your vehicle.
Crosswinds and rough roads will ad-
versely affect handling of your vehicle and trailer, causing sway. Pay attention to the rear from time to time to pre­pare yourself for being passed by large trucks or buses, which may cause your vehicle and trailer to sway. If swaying happens, firmly grip the steering wheel and reduce speed immediately but gradually. Never increase speed. Steer straight ahead. If you make no extreme correction with the steering or brakes, the vehicle and trailer will stabilize.
Be careful when passing other ve-
hicles. Passing requires considerable distance. After passing a vehicle, do not forget the length of your trailer and be sure you have plenty of room be­fore changing lanes.
In order to maintain engine braking effi-
ciency do not use fifth gear (manual transmission) or overdrive (automatic transmission).
Because of the added load of the trail-
er, your vehicle’s engine may overheat on hot days (at temperatures over 30C [85F]) when going up a long or steep grade with a trailer. If the engine coolant temperature gauge indicates overheating, immediately turn off the air conditioning (if in use), pull off the road and stop in a safe spot. Refer to “If your vehicle overheats” in Section 4.
Always place wheel blocks under both
the vehicle and trailer wheels when parking. Apply the parking brake firmly. Put the transmission in “P” (automatic) or in first or reverse (manual). Avoid parking on a slope with a trailer, but if it cannot be avoided, do so only after performing the following:
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
1. Apply the brakes and hold.
2. Have someone place wheel blocks un­der both the vehicle and trailer wheels.
3. When the wheel blocks are in place, release your brakes slowly until the blocks absorb the load.
4. Apply the parking brake firmly.
5. Shift into first or reverse (manual) or “P” (automatic) and turn off the engine.
When restarting out after parking on a slope:
1. With the transmission in “P” position (automatic) or the clutch pedal de­pressed (manual), start the engine. (With an automatic transmission, be sure to keep the brake pedal de­pressed.)
2. Shift into gear.
3. Release the parking brake (also foot brake on automatic transmission ve­hicles) and slowly pull or back away from the wheel blocks. Stop and apply your brakes.
4. Have someone retrieve the blocks.
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Do not exceed 72 km/h (45 mph) or
the posted towing speed lim­it,whichever is lower. Because insta­bility (swaying) of a towing vehicle– trailer combination usually in­creases as the speed increases, ex­ceeding 72 km/h (45 mph) may cause loss of control.
Slow down and downshift before
descending steep or long downhill grades. Do not make sudden down­shifts.
Avoid holding the brake pedal down
too long or too frequently. This could cause the brakes to overheat and result in reduced braking effi­ciency.
How to save fuel and make your vehicle last longer
Improving fuel economy is easy—just take it easy. It will help make your vehicle last longer, too. Here are some specific tips on how to save money on both fuel and repairs:
Keep your tires inflated at the cor-
rect pressure. Underinflation causes tire wear and wastes fuel. See Section 7–2 for instructions.
Do not carry unneeded weight in
your vehicle. Excess weight puts a heavier load on the engine, causing greater fuel consumption.
Avoid lengthy warm–up idling. Once
the engine is running smoothly, begin driving—but gently. Remember, howev­er, that on cold winter days this may take a little longer.
Keep the automatic transmission
overdrive turned on when engine braking is not required. Driving with
the overdrive off will reduce the fuel economy. (For details, see “Automatic transmission” in Section 1–6.)
Accelerate slowly and smoothly.
Avoid jackrabbit starts. Get into high gear as quickly as possible.
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
’02 Coroll a U (L/O 0105)
Avoid long engine idling. If you have
a long wait and you are not in traffic, it is better to turn off the engine and start again later.
Avoid engine lugging or over–rev-
ving. Use a gear position suitable for the road on which you are travelling.
Avoid continuous speeding up and
slowing down. Stop–and–go driving wastes fuel.
Avoid unnecessary stopping and
braking. Maintain a steady pace. Try to time the traffic signals so you only need to stop as little as possible or take advantage of through streets to avoid traffic lights. Keep a proper dis­tance from other vehicles to avoid sud­den braking. This will also reduce wear on your brakes.
Avoid heavy traffic or traffic jams
whenever possible.
Do not rest your foot on the clutch
or brake pedal. This causes premature wear, overheating and poor fuel econo­my.
Maintain a moderate speed on high-
ways. The faster you drive,the greater the fuel consumption. By reducing your speed, you will cut down on fuel con­sumption.
Keep the front wheels in proper
alignment. Avoid hitting the curb and slow down on rough roads. Improper alignment not only causes faster tire wear but also puts an extra load on the engine, which, in turn, wastes fuel.
Keep the bottom of your vehicle free
from mud, etc. This not only lessens weight but also helps prevent corro­sion.
Keep your vehicle tuned–up and in
top shape. A dirty air cleaner, improp­er valve clearance, dirty plugs, dirty oil and grease,brakes not adjusted, etc. all lower engine performance and contrib­ute to poor fuel economy. For longer life of all parts and lower operating costs, keep all maintenance work on schedule, and if you often drive under severe conditions, see that your vehicle receives more frequent maintenance. (For scheduled maintenance informa­tion, please refer to the “Scheduled Maintenance Guide” or “Owner’s Manu­al Supplement”.)
2002 Corolla_U (OM12743U)
Never turn off the engine to coast down hills. Your power steering and brake booster will not function with­out the engine running. Also, the emission control system operates properly only when the engine is run­ning.
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