Factory Default Settings··················································· 3
Handing Information ······················································· 3
Important Notes ····························································· 4
Change Master Code······················································· 5
Add Credentials······························································ 5
Add a User Code
Add Multiple User Codes
Add User Keycards
Delete Credentials··························································· 7
Delete User Code
Delete User Keycard
Reset to Factory Default Settings
System Settings ····························································· 8
Dual Verification
Reset to Factory Default Settings w/o Master Code··············· 8
Low Battery ··································································· 9
TSB-190327-0366 1

Credential: The lock requires a valid credential to operate. A credential can be a Master Code, User Code, or
LED Indicator: The LED indicators are located around the keypad of the lock. Lock flashes green LED and/or red
LED dependent on inputs. While unlocking, a red LED followed by a green LED means the lock is not programmed
and can be unlocked with any 6-10 digit Code or Keycard/Fobs.
Master Code: The Master Code programs all User Codes, Keycards/Fobs (Credentials), and System Settings. The
Factory Default Settings Master Code is 123456. This must be changed before programming the lock. Each lock has
one Master Code. Master Code cannot be deleted.
User Code: User Codes are used to operate the lock. User Codes are programmed by the Master Code. The lock
can have a maximum of 447 User Codes (interchangeable with Keycards/Fobs).
User Keycard/Fob: Keycards or Fobs can be used to operate the lock. Master Code is used to program User
Keycards/Fobs. Swipe the touch keypad with a Keycard/Fob to operate the lock. The lock can have a maximum of
447 Keycards/Fobs (interchangeable with User Codes). Any standard Keycard/Fob can be programmed into the
Dual Verification Mode: Two valid credentials are needed to unlock the door.
Sound: Keypad sound is enabled by Factory Default Settings. Disabling the sound only affects general operation,
not during programming of the lock. During programming mode, lock will temporarily re-enable sound.
TSB-190327-0366 2

Factory Default Settings
Master Code: 123456
Penalty Time: 1 minute 30 seconds after 5 invalid entries
Dual Verification Mode: Disabled
Sound: Enabled
Handing Information - IMPORTANT
Handing must be set before programming lockset. It will not allow you to program lockset until handing is set.
1. Confirm lockset is in locked position, meaning deadbolt is extended.
2. Confirm handing indicator on battery tray is in correct position – RH (Right Hand) or LH (Left Hand).
3. Confirm lock spindle is in correct position – Horizonal Position for RH or Vertical Position for LH.
4. Wake up keypad by swiping or tapping surface, and press “0” key followed by “#” key.
After pressing “0” then “#”, deadbolt will retract then extend again. This means lockset handing is set.
If handing does not set, see Steps 1-3, then see Reset Lock without Master Code on page 9. Finally, see Step 4.
TSB-190327-0366 3