Parts List
Hardware (not pictured)
Tools and Items Needed for Assembly:
❍ Medium and Fine Sandpaper.
❍ Hobby Knife & #11 Blade (TOWR1010).
❍ Hobbico
Builders Triangle (HCAR0480).
❍ Drill with 1/8" [3mm] and 3/32" [2.4mm] drill bits.
❍ Fuelproof paint or finishing resin.
Choice of Adhesives:
We assembled our Easy Tote
field box using Thick Great
Planes®Pro™CA glue
(GPMR6015). You may use
this product or 30-Minute
Tower Hobbies BUILD-IT
Epoxy (TOWR3811), or
Great Planes Pro Wood Glue
(GPMR6160). Please note that if you are using epoxy or wood
glue you will need to tape the pieces into place with the proper alignment and wait for the glue to dry.
Specification & Description Changes:
All pictures, descriptions and specifications found in this
instruction manual are subject to change without notice.
Tower Hobbies maintains no responsibility for inadvertent
errors in this manual.
Rubber Feet (4)
3x12mm Wood
Screws (4)
Drawer Knob (1)
2.6x10mm Wood
Screws (2)
3mm Washers (5)
3x10mm Wood
Screw (1)
Part A (1)
Part B (1)
Part C (1)
Part D (1)
Part E (1)
Part F (2)
Part G (1)
Part H (1)
Part I (1)
Part J (2)
Part L (1)
Part M (1)
Wood Handle (1)
Decals (3)
Cradle Padding
Material (1)
Hook & Loop
Material (2)
Congratulations. You have made a wise choice in selecting
the Tower Easy Tote for your field box.
We have engineered this kit to be simple to assemble and
provide enough space to hold everything you need to go flying without being overly bulky.
The parts practically hold themselves together without glue, so
you can “dry fit” all the parts to make sure you have everything
in the proper place. Please note that the parts will only fit
together one way, eliminating the chance of error.
When properly assembled and fuel proofed, your Easy Tote
should provide many years of flight line service.
Cradle Padding
❍ 1. Start by locating Parts A, B, and C. Assemble them as
shown in the above photograph. Use a flat surface or a
Hobbico Builders Triangle (HCAR0480) to keep the parts
square. Glue parts A and C to part B.
❍ 2. Part D is the back of the shelf assembly. Align the tabs
and use a flat surface to hold everything straight while you
glue the shelf assembly into place as shown above.
❍ 3. Part E is the front of the shelf assembly. Again align the
tabs and use a flat surface to firmly hold the assembly in place
on part E as you glue the completed shelf assembly together.
Note the overhang as shown in the above photograph.
❍ 4. Glue both “F” uprights to, part G, the base of the box.
Use a Hobbico Builders Triangle (HCAR0480) to keep the
uprights 90-degrees to the base of the box, part G.
❍ 5. Test fit the shelf assembly into the base/upright assembly.
If everything in your shelf assembly was flat and straight, the
assembly should fit perfectly inside, if not use sandpaper to
make small alterations in the shelf assembly until it fits properly. Note that the overhang of part E fits flush against the outside of the base (part G) and one of the uprights (part F).
When you are completely satisfied with the fit and alignment,
glue the shelf assembly into place.
❍ 6. Part H is the backside of the Easy Tote. Test fit this part
into place; if everything is correct glue it into place as shown
in the above photograph.
Assembly Instructions