Toumaz Microsystems TZ207021V2, TZ207011V2 User Guide

Telran TDK Kit User Guide
connected freedom
Telran TDK TZ2070-IFU_v2.02
Sep 2011
Toumaz UK Limited Building 3, 115 Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RZ, UK Tel: +44 1235 438 950
Toumaz Asia 11F No. 285, Sec 2, Tiding Blvd. Neihu District, Taipei Tel: +886 2 2799 8108
connected freedom
Copyright  2011 Toumaz UK Limited
This document contains and refers to proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. Reproduction of any part of this document is prohibited without the prior written permission of Toumaz UK Limited.
Information contained in this publication regarding the Telran TZ1053 and the Telran TDK is provide as-is and may be superseded by updates. It is the Users responsibility to see that his/hers applications meets their own specifications.
Toumaz disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Toumaz’s products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Toumaz. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Toumaz intellectual property rights.
All information in this document is subject to change without notice. The products supplied may differ in appearance from that shown.
The Toumaz™ name and logo, and Telran™ are registered trademarks of Toumaz UK Limited.
The Microchip name and logo, KEELOQ, MPLAB, PIC, are the registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated.
UMI and the UMI logo are trademarks of Cambridge Consultants Ltd.
All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective companies
Document Revision History
Issue Description Author Date
1.00 First Version for Telran TDK AM 20-Jan-2011
2.00 Updated for Version 2 TDKs AM 06-Jul-2011
2.01 Updated for Version 2 TDKs AM 10-Aug-2011
2.02 Safety Information Updated AM 22-Sep-2011
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connected freedom
Copyright 2011 Toumaz UK Limited ............................................................................... 2
Notices ................................................................................................................................ 2
Trademarks ......................................................................................................................... 2
Document Revision History ................................................................................................ 2
Contents ............................................................................................................................. 3
Figures ................................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 6
Document Layout................................................................................................................ 6
Screen Displays .................................................................................................................. 7
Conventions Used in this Guide ......................................................................................... 7
Recommended Reading ..................................................................................................... 7
The Toumaz Web Site ........................................................................................................ 7
Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 8
Customer Support............................................................................................................... 8
Regulatory Approval ........................................................................................................... 9
USA .................................................................................................................................... 9
Canada ............................................................................................................................. 10
Radio Frequency Module ................................................................................................. 10
USB Dongle ...................................................................................................................... 10
Sensor Development Board ............................................................................................. 10
Europe .............................................................................................................................. 11
Helpful Web Sites: ............................................................................................................ 12
Telran TDK Kit Contents ................................................................................................... 13
Deliverables ...................................................................................................................... 13
Electrostatic Warning ........................................................................................................ 14
Safety Notice .................................................................................................................... 14
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)........................................................ 14
Telran TDK Hardware Features ....................................................................................... 15
Telran TDK RF Module (RFM). ........................................................................................ 15
RFM Assembly Details ..................................................................................................... 15
RFM Block Diagram ......................................................................................................... 16
RFM Board Dimensions ................................................................................................... 16
RFM Board Weights ......................................................................................................... 16
J1 U_FL Co-axial Antenna Connector .............................................................................. 16
J2 Telran TDK External Connector................................................................................... 17
Telran TDK USB Dongle .................................................................................................. 18
USB Assembly Details ...................................................................................................... 18
USB Board Dimensions .................................................................................................... 19
USB Board Weights .......................................................................................................... 19
USB Block Diagram. ......................................................................................................... 19
J1 U_FL Co-axial Antenna Connector .............................................................................. 20
J2 Telran TDK External Connector................................................................................... 20
J5 PIC ISP Connector ...................................................................................................... 20
LEDs ................................................................................................................................. 21
TDK USB Dongle & Connections to a PC ........................................................................ 22
USB UART Routing .......................................................................................................... 22
Telran TDK Sensor Development Board (SDB) ............................................................... 23
SDB Assembly Details ...................................................................................................... 23
SDB Board Dimensions .................................................................................................... 24
SDB Board Weights .......................................................................................................... 24
SDB Block Diagram .......................................................................................................... 24
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connected freedom
J5 PIC ISP Connector ...................................................................................................... 24
J6 UMI+ Connector ........................................................................................................... 25
J7 Telran TDK RF Board Connector ................................................................................ 25
J10 1.25V Jumper............................................................................................................. 25
J11 External Power Supply / Monitor Connector .............................................................. 26
J12 LED Enable/Disable Jumper...................................................................................... 26
J13 USART2 Connector ................................................................................................... 26
LEDs ................................................................................................................................. 27
RFM with SDB. ................................................................................................................. 27
Getting Started.................................................................................................................. 28
What’s On The CD............................................................................................................ 28
Software Tools .................................................................................................................. 28
Toumaz Wireless Tool ...................................................................................................... 29
Accelerometer Demo Program ......................................................................................... 30
Installation of the Accelerometer Demonstration Program. .............................................. 31
Operation of the Accelerometer Demonstration Program. ............................................... 31
Customisation ................................................................................................................... 34
The Scripter ...................................................................................................................... 34
What is a Script?............................................................................................................... 34
The Telran Demo .............................................................................................................. 34
Using the Bootstrap Loader. ............................................................................................. 36
Reference Design Schematic Diagrams .......................................................................... 41
TDK RF Board TZ207010 ................................................................................................. 41
TDK USB Board TZ207020 .............................................................................................. 42
TDK Sensor Board TZ207030 .......................................................................................... 47
Appendices ....................................................................................................................... 52
Installing the Bootstrap Loader. ........................................................................................ 52
Configuring the Toumaz GUI. ........................................................................................... 56
Configuring BareTail. ........................................................................................................ 57
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connected freedom
Figure 1. Telran TDK RF Assembly Views. .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 2. Telran TDK RFM Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 16
Figure 3. Telran TDK USB Board Assembly Details ............................................................................. 18
Figure 4. Telran TDK USB Board Block Diagram ................................................................................. 19
Figure 5. Location of LEDs on Telran TDK USB Board ........................................................................ 21
Figure 6. UART Routing as Controlled by PIC_UART_SEl. ................................................................. 22
Figure 7. Telran TDK Sensor Development Board ............................................................................... 23
Figure 8. Telran TDK SDB Block Diagram ............................................................................................ 24
Figure 9. Location of LEDs on Telran TDK Sensor Board. ................................................................... 27
Figure 10. RFM Plugged into SDB. ....................................................................................................... 27
Figure 11. Application in operation. ...................................................................................................... 30
Figure 12. File structure for Accelerometer Demonstration. ................................................................. 31
Figure 13. Application Screen opening and looking for target. ............................................................. 32
Figure 14 Logs showing Base station looking for target ....................................................................... 32
Figure 15 TELRAN RF Module and Sensor Development Board ........................................................ 32
Figure 16. Application running with linked target. ................................................................................. 33
Figure 17 Accelerometer demo application script loaded in TELRAN script compiler ........................ 34
Figure 18 Byte Code for Accelerometer demo application ................................................................... 35
Figure 19. Bootstrap Loader Opening Screen. ..................................................................................... 36
Figure 20. Finding the Bootstrap Loader Settings. ............................................................................... 37
Figure 21. Bootstrap Loader Settings Window. .................................................................................... 37
Figure 22. Bootstrap Loader Pause Application Program. ................................................................... 38
Figure 23 Bootstrap Connected. ........................................................................................................... 39
Figure 24. Locating the User Code. ...................................................................................................... 39
Figure 25. Programming Complete. ...................................................................................................... 40
Figure 26. PICkit™ 2 opening screen shot. .......................................................................................... 52
Figure 27. PICkit™ 2 connected to the PIC18LF25K22 on the TDK USB Board or TDK Sensor Board.
....................................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 28. Selecting an Import Hex File. ............................................................................................... 53
Figure 29. Locating the ‘PIC 18 Bootloader.HEX’ file. .......................................................................... 54
Figure 30. ‘PIC 18 Bootloader.HEX’ file Imported................................................................................. 54
Figure 31. Programming Complete. ...................................................................................................... 55
Figure 32. BareTails Opened. ............................................................................................................... 57
Figure 33. Highlighting Window. ............................................................................................................57
Figure 34. Set String to be Highlighted. ................................................................................................ 58
Figure 35. Highlighting Completed. ....................................................................................................... 58
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1. Introduction
The Telran TDK kit serves as a development and evaluation tool for the Telran TZ1053 RF device. The boards contained in this kit have sufficient features and expandability to allow the user to explore all of the features of the Telran TZ1053.
This document is applicable to the Telran TDK Version 2
This section of the User Guide contains general information that will be useful to know before using the Telran TDK Kit contents. Items discussed in this chapter include:
Document Layout
Conventions Used in this Guide
Recommended Reading
The Toumaz Web Site
Customer Support
Document Revision History
1.1 Document Layout
This document describes how to evaluate and use the Telran TZ1053 device by using the hardware within Telran TDK kit. The User guide layout is as follows:
Section: 1 Introduction This section of the User Guide contains general information that will be useful to know.
Section: 2. Regulatory Approval This section indicates the current Regulatory Approval Status.
Section: 3 Telran TDK Kit Contents This section describes features of the hardware in the Telran TDK Kit.
Section: 4. Getting Started This section goes through the basic step-by-step process for getting the Telran TDK Kit working
Section: 5. Accelerometer Demo Program This section describes the installation and operation of the Accelerometer Demo for the Telran TDK Kit.
Section: 6. Customisation This section details the processes required to customise the Telran TDK Demonstration program. his section also guides the User through the steps required to produce Script based program.
Section 7. Reference Design Schematic Diagrams This section presents the schematic diagrams of each of boards that go to make up the Telran TDK kit.
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Section to be
1.2 Screen Displays
The screen displays in this document are representative of what will be seen by the User when running the various programs described in this document. Actual screens may differ as program versions change or are updated.
1.3 Conventions Used in this Guide
Section to be completed.
Italic character
Emphasised text
TZ1053 Telran
datasheet V1_06 draft.doc.
Text in angle brackets <> A key on the keyboard Press <Enter> Underlined text in blue Hyper link to a website Toumaz
1.4 Recommended Reading
TZ1053 Telran datasheet
TZ1053 Software User Guide
UMI (Universal Metering Interface) Overview document: eSmart-M-004
For more information regarding the Telran TZ1053 device please refer to the Toumaz web site.
from Cambridge Consultants Ltd.
1.5 The Toumaz Web Site
Toumaz provides online support for registered customers / users through the ‘extranet’ at This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers.
The Toumaz web site is accessible by using an Internet browser and clicking on the ‘extranet’ menu item. The User can the either log on or register with the Toumaz website.
The web site contains the following information:
Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software.
General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests.
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1.6 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used within this document.
CE Conformité Européenne – conformance marking CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check FAE Field Application Engineer FCC Federal Communications Commission - US GPIO General Purpose Input Output ISM Industrial Scientific and Medical ISP In System Programming ITU International Telecommunications Union ITU-T ITU – Telecommunications MAC Media Access Controller NSP Network Service Protocol NSP Nanopower Sense Protocol OTA Over The Air PCB Printed Circuit Board RF Radio Frequency RFM Radio Frequency Module RX Receiver SDB Sensor Development Board SPI System Packet Interface TDK Telran development Kit TX Transmitter UMI Universal Metering Interface USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus
1.7 Customer Support
Users of Toumaz products can receive support through a number ways:
Distributor or Representative Local Sales Office Field Application Engineer (FAE) Technical Support
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2. Regulatory Approval
The Telran TDK RF module, TZ207010 and Telran TDK USB module, TZ20720 have undergone testing for regulatory approvals in Europe, the United States and other countries.
FCC modular approval will allow the end user to place the Telran TDK RF module, TZ207010 inside a finished product and not require regulatory testing for an intentional radiator (RF transmitter), provided no changes or modifications are made to the module circuitry. Changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. The end user must comply with all of the instructions provided by the Grantee, which indicate installation and/or operating conditions necessary for compliance.
The integrator may still be responsible for testing the end product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed (for example: digital device emission, PC peripheral requirements, etc.) in the specific country that the end device will be marketed.
2.1 USA
The Telran TDK RF module, TZ207011 has received Federal Communications Commission (FCC) CFR47 Telecommunications, Part 15 Subpart C “Intentional Radiators” 15.247 and modular approval in accordance with FCC Public Notice DA 00-1407 Released: June 26, 2000, Part 15 Unlicensed Modular Transmitter Approval. The Telran TDK RF module, TZ207011 module can be integrated into a finished product without obtaining subsequent and separate FCC approvals for intentional radiation.
The Telran TDK RF module, TZ207011 module has been labelled with its own FCC ID number, and if the FCC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the finished product into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. The following examples present terminology that could be used: A user’s manual for the product should include the following statement: Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: ZT9-TZ207011V2. or Contains FCC ID: ZT9-TZ207011V2. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
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2.2 Canada
2.2.1 Radio Frequency Module
Canada IC: 9809A-TZ207011V2
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Cet appareillage numérique de la classe [B] répond à toutes les exigences de l'interférence canadienne causant des règlements d'équipement. L'opération est sujette aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) ce dispositif peut ne pas causer l'interférence nocive, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter n'importe quelle interférence reçue, y compris l'interférence qui peut causer l'opération peu désirée.
2.2.2 USB Dongle
Canada IC: 9809A-TZ207021V2
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Cet appareillage numérique de la classe [B] répond à toutes les exigences de l'interférence canadienne causant des règlements d'équipement. L'opération est sujette aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) ce dispositif peut ne pas causer l'interférence nocive, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter n'importe quelle interférence reçue, y compris l'interférence qui peut causer l'opération peu désirée.
2.2.3 Sensor Development Board
Canada IC: 9809A-TZ207030V2
This is Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
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RTTE article
Relevant Standard
Chief Technology Officer
Regulatory and QA
2.3 Europe
The Telran TDK RF module, TZ207010 module has been certified for use in European countries. The following is Toumaz’s R&TTE Declaration of Conformity:
R&TTE Declaration of Conformity
Toumaz UK Ltd, Building 3, 115, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RZ, UK declares that
the following product:
TELRAN 868MHz TDK Kit TZ207000 (TZ1053TDK868), comprising of the following modules:
868MHz TDK RF Module TZ207010
868MHz TDK USB dongle TZ207020
868MHz TDK Sensor Dev. PCB TZ207030
is in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant requirements of the R&TTE Directive 95/5/EC.
The product has been assessed under annex IV by notified body TUV SUD Ltd (CE0168) and is in conformity with the following standards:
Article 3.1 (Safety) IEC 60950-1:2006/A1:2010 Article 3.1.b (EMC) EN 301489-1 v2.3.1 referencing EN 301489-3 v1.4.1 Article 3.2 (Spectrum) EN 300220-1 v2.3.1 referencing EN 300220-2
Signed on behalf of Toumaz UK Ltd
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ETSI does not provide a modular approval similar to the USA (FCC) and Canada (IC). However, the declaration of conformity above can be used as part of the customer’s application for certification. The test report data can be included in their test plan and can significantly the lower customer’s certification burden.
A helpful document that can be used as a starting point in understanding the use of Short Range Devices (SRD) in Europe is the European Radio Communications Committee (ERC) Recommendation “70-03 E”, downloadable from the European Radio Communications Office (ERO):
The end user is responsible for ensuring compliance with harmonized frequencies and labelling requirements for each country in which the end device is marketed and sold.
2.3.1 Helpful Web Sites:
Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE): ttp://
European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT):
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI):
European Radio Communications Office (ERO):
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3. Telran TDK Kit Contents
3.1 Deliverables
The Telran TDK kit contains the following items:
Telran TDK RF Module, TZ20701x. Telran TDK USB Dongle, TZ20702x. Telran TDK Senor Development Board, TZ207030. The Telran TDK Kit DVD, containing User Guide, Software application notes and the Windows Based Telran Wireless Tool.
The x above in the board number refers to the base frequency of operation of the unit. Thus:
Where x = 0, i.e. TZ207010 and TZ207020 the base frequency will be 868 MHz, (ITU Region 1), Where x = 1, i.e. TZ207011 and TZ207021 the base frequency will be 915 MHz, (ITU Region 2), Where x = 2, i.e. TZ207012 and TZ207022 the base frequency will be 950 MHz. Where x = 3, i.e. TZ207013 and TZ207023 the base frequency will be 779 MHz.
This document will refer to TZ207010 and TZ207030 throughout. It should be understood that where a kit is supplied at a different frequency for example 915 MHz comments made about TZ207010 and TZ207020 apply equally to TZ207011 and TZ207021, respectively. This applies equally for other frequency Telran TDK kits.
Note: Telran TDK Sensor Development Board, TZ207030, does not contain any radio frequency dependant parts and thus will be the same in each kit.
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3.2 Electrostatic Warning
The Telran TDK kit components are supplied in a protective anti-static package. The boards comprising the TDK Kit must not be subjected to high electrostatic potentials. A grounding strap or similar anti-static protective device should be worn when handling these items. Avoid touching the components on the TDK boards.
Static sensitive components are used on the Patch PCBA and therefore handling of this unit shall be in accordance with ESD Handling Procedures.
ESD Symbol
3.3 Safety Notice
The Telran TDK kit contains a USB Dongle this is supplied with power via the USB connector. The USB Dongle can be connected directly to a desktop or laptop PC, or via an USB extension cable of not more than 1 m in length. The USB Dongle can also be connected via a self-powered or powered USB Hub to a desktop or laptop PC.
To avoid the risk of electric shock or fire hazard ensure that any external power source used with the USB Dongle or the Sensor Development Board and RF Module Combination must meet the requirements of IEC 60950-1 clause, Limited Energy and source must also meet the requirements of IEC 60950-1 clause 2.5, Limited Power Sources. The PSU used with the USB should be voltage and current limited to 5V@50mA. The PSU used with the Sensor Development Board and RF Module Combination should be voltage and current limited to 3V@50mA
3.4 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
This symbol is placed on the product to remind users to dispose of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) appropriately, per Directive 2002-96-EC. In most areas, this product can be recycled, reclaimed and reused when properly discarded. Do not discard labelled units with general waste. For information about proper disposal, contact your Toumaz Distributor or representative, or visit
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3.5 Telran TDK Hardware Features
The layouts of each board in the Telran TDK Kit are shown in the following sections, with a list of the main features. More complex features are discussed later.
3.5.1 Telran TDK RF Module (RFM). RFM Assembly Details
1 2
4 5
View on Top of PCB
View on Underside of PCB
Figure 1. Telran TDK RF Assembly Views.
1. J2 Connector to Telran TDK Sensor Board.
2. Telran Reset.
3. Telran TZ1053.
4. J1 U FL RF Connector.
5. Antenna.
6. LR44 Battery Retainer (Not normally fitted).
7. Outline of RF Can (Fitted to 915MHz RF Modules)
8. Assembly Labels
TZ2070-IFU ver 2.02 Sep 2011 Page 15 of 58 RFM Block Diagram
Telran 1053
Figure 2. Telran TDK RFM Block Diagram RFM Board Dimensions
4 layer PCB 22 mm x 39 mm x 1.0 mm. Length overall, including connector 43.74 mm. RFM Board Weights
EU Version, TZ207010: Weight: 2.8 gms without battery or Battery Holder Weight: 3.7 gms with Battery Holder and no battery Weight: 5.1 gms with Battery Holder and battery
US Version, TZ207011: Weight: 5.9 gms with RF Can, Battery Holder and no battery fitted
Weight: 7.8 gms with RF Can and Battery Holder with battery fitted. J1 U_FL Co-axial Antenna Connector
A ‘Unique’ connector for connecting to external antennas. Note for full power to be delivered to an antenna attached to this connector C9 must be removed from the PCB.
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No. Function
Pin No.
Function J2 Telran TDK External Connector
1 VDDIO 2 MISO_TEL 3 F0 4 MOSI_TEL 5 GND 6 SPI_CLK 7 GND 8 SPI_CS_N 9 TEL_GPIO4 10 TEL_RESET 11 SLPTMR 12 TEL_GPIO0 13 TEL_GPIO1 14 TEL_GPIO2 15 TEL_GPIO3 16 Vchip 17 Reserved 18 Reserved 19 Reserved 20 Reserved
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3.5.2 Telran TDK USB Dongle USB Assembly Details
View on Top of PCB
View on Underside of PCB
Figure 3. Telran TDK USB Board Assembly Details
1. J3 USB Connector. 8. PIC Reset pushbutton.
2. FTDI USB Interface Chip. 9. LEDs
3. PIC18LF25K22. 10. Telran Reset pushbutton
4. J2 Telran TDK External Connector. 11. J1 U_FL co-axial antenna connector
5. Telran TZ1053. 12. Assembly Labels
6. Antenna. 13. SPI Memory (23K256)
7. J5 PIC ISP.
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