Projected Capacitive Touch Screen
Integration Guide
Document Number: 6500493 Rev. 1.1 Pg. 1

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Copyright © 2011 - Touch International - All Rights Reserved
Last Revision Date: 5/03/2011
Document Number: 6500493
Revision: 1.0
Document Number: 6500493 Rev. 1.1 Pg. 2

Document Revision History
Revision Page Content Revised By Date
1.0 1-13 Initial Release Mani Thangaraju 5/3/2011
1.1 1-13 Revision/Logo/Etc. Shaun Detmer 4/20/2014
Document Number: 6500493 Rev. 1.1 Pg. 3

1.0 Manual Introduction
1.1 Safety
This symbol indicates potential hazards that can harm personnel.
1.2 Terms
The following terms and abbreviations may be unfamiliar and may appear in the manual. As such, they are
defined in Table 1.
This symbol indicates potential hazards that can damage the product.
Viewing Area
Active Area
This is the area of the Touch Screen that is visible after a bezel is mounted.
This is the area of the Touch Screen that will recognize a touch event.
A graphic to define keys and buttons for certain display applications.
This refers to electrostatic discharge.
This refers to a very high bond.
This refers to electro-magnetic interference.
This refers to radio frequency interference.
2.0 Touch Screen Kit
2.1 Components
Touch Screen
Touch Screen Controller
USB Mini Cable and/or RS232 Communication Cable and Power Cable
Figure 1: MulTI-Touch Screen Kit Components
Document Number: 6500493 Rev. 1.1 Pg. 4