Thank you for purchasi ng the V200 Seri es PLC (Programmable Logic Controll er) product from
Toshiba I nternational Corp. V200 Series products are versatile PLCs which are configured with
Microsoft Window s based software.
Manual’s Purpose and Scope
This manual provides information on how to safely install, operate, and maintain your
TIC V200 Series PLC. This manual includes a section of general safety i nstructions t hat
describes the warni ng labels and symb ols that are used througho ut the manual . Read
the manual completely before inst alling, operating, or performing maintenance on this
This manual and the accom panying dr aw ings should be considered a p ermanent part of
the equip me nt and shoul d be readily available for reference and review. Dimensions
shown in t he m anual are in metric and/or the English equivalent.
Toshiba I nternational Corporation reserves t he right, without prior notice, to update
information, make pro duct changes, or to discontinue any product or service identified
in this publication.
TOSHIBA is a registered trademark of the Toshiba C orporation. All other product or
trade references appear ing in this manual are registered tr ademarks of their respective
Toshiba International Cor poration (TIC) shall not be liable for techni cal or
editorial omissions or mistakes in t his manual, nor shall it be l iable for inci d ental
or consequential damages resulting from the use of inf ormation contained in thi s
This manual is copyri ghted. No part of this manual may be photocopied or reproduced
in any form without the prior writt en consent of T oshiba Internat ional Cor poration.
Toshiba I nternational Corporation.
All right s reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Important Notice
The instructions contained in this manual are not intended to cover all details or
variations in equipment types, nor may it provide f or every possible contingency
concerni ng the installation, operation, or maintenance of this equipment. Should
additional information be required contact your Toshiba representative.
The content s of this manu al shall not become a part of or modify any prior or existing
agreement, commitment, or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire
obligation of Toshiba Internati onal Corporation. The war ranty contained in the contr act
between the parties is the sole war ranty of Toshiba International Corporation and any
statement s contained h erein do not create new war ranties or modify the existing
Any elect rical or mechanical modifications t o this equipment without prior written
consent of Toshiba International Corporation will void all warranties and may void the
party ( C E, UL, CSA, etc) safety certi fications. U nauthorized modifications may also
result in a safety hazard or equipment damage.
Contacting Toshiba’s Customer
Support Center
Toshiba’s C ustomer Support Center may be contact ed to obtain help in resolving any
system problems that you may experience or to pro vide application information.
The center is open from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. (CST ), Monday thr ough Friday . The Support
Center’s toll free number is US 800-231-1412 Fax 713-466-8773 — Canada 800527-1204 — Mexico 01-800-527-1204.
You may also contact Toshiba by wri ting to:
Toshiba I nternational Corporation
13131 West Little York Road
Houston, Texas 77041-9990
Attn: PLC Marketing
Or email
For further information on Toshiba’s products and services, please visi t our websi te
Rev No.
Initial Issue (for V200)
Manual Revisions
Please have t he following information available when contacting Toshiba Internati onal Corp. about
this manual.
1.2 V200 Features .................................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Configuring V200 using OIL-DS .................................................................................................... 75
4.2 Tag Database ................................................................................................................................... 78
9.4 Spare Parts ..................................................................................................................................... 131
• Warning Labels Within Manual
• Equipment Warni ng L abel s
• Preparation
• Installation Precaut ions
• Connecti on, Protection & Setup
• System Int egration Precautions
• 3rd Party S afety Certifications
Page 1
0.1 Warning Labels Within Manual
DO NOT attempt to install, operate, maintain, or dispose of this equipment until you have
read and understood all of the product warnings and u ser directions that are contained in
this instruction manual.
Listed below are the signal words that are used throughout this m anual followed by their
descriptions and asso ciated symbols. When the words DANGER, WARNING, and
CAUTION are used in the manual, they will be followed by important safet y information that
must be carefully adhered to.
DANGER — The danger symbol is an exclamation mark enclosed in a triangle that
precedes t he word DANGER. The danger symbol is used to indicate an imminently
hazardous situation that will r esult in seri ous injury, possi ble severe property and
equipment damage, or de ath if the i nstructions are not foll owed.
WARNING — The warning symbol is an ex clamation mar k enclosed in a triangle that
precedes t he word WARNING. The warning symbol i s used to indicate a potential ly
hazardous situation that can result in serious injur y, or possibly severe property and
equipment damage, or de ath, if the instructions are not followed.
CAUTION — The caution symbol is an exclamation mark encl osed in a triangle that
precedes t he word CAUTIO N. The caution symbol is used to indicate situations t hat can
result in minor or moderate operator injury, or equipment damage if the inst ructions are not
Page 2
To identify special hazards, other symbols may appear in conjunction with the DANGER,
WARNING, and CAUTION symbols. T hese warnings describe areas t hat require special
care and/or strict adherence to the procedures to prevent serious injury and possible deat h.
Electrical Hazard — The electrical hazard symbol is a lightning bolt enclosed in a tri angle.
The elect rical hazard symbol is used to indicate high voltage locations and conditions that
may cause serious injur y or death if the proper precaut ions are not observed.
Explosion Hazard — The explosion hazard symbol is an explosion image enclosed i n a
triangle. The explosion hazard symb ol is used to indicate locations and conditions wher e
molten ex ploding parts may cause serious injury or death if the pr oper precautions are not
Page 3
0.2 Equipment Warning Labels.
DO NOT attempt to install, operate, maintain, or dispose of this equipment until you have
read and understood all of the product warnings and u ser directions that are contained in
this instruction manual.
Shown below are exampl es of warni ng labels that may be found attached to the equipment.
DO NOT remo ve or cover any of the labels. I f the labels ar e dam aged or if additional
labels are required, contact your Toshiba representative for additional labels.
The following are examples of the warning label s that may be foun d on the equi pm ent and
are there to provide useful information or to indicate an immi nently hazardous situati on that
may resul t in serious i njury, severe property and equipment damage, or death if the
instructions are not f ollowed.
Examples of labels that may be found on the equipment.
Page 4
0.3 Preparation
Qualified Person
A Qualified Person is one that has the skills and knowledge relating to the construct ion,
installation, oper ation, and maintenance of the electri cal equipment an d has recei ved
safety training on the hazards involved (Refer t o the latest edition of NFPA 70E for
additional safety requirements).
Qualified Per sonnel shall:
• Have carefully read the entire operation manual.
• Be trained and authorized to safely energize, de-energize, ground, lockout and tag
circuits and equipment, and clear faults in accor dance with established safety practices.
• Be trained in the proper care and use of p rotective equipment such as safety sho es,
rubber gloves, hard hats, safety glasses, face shields, flash clothing, etc., in accordance
with established safety practices.
• Be trained in rendering first aid.
For further information on w orkplace s afety visit w ww .
Equipment I nspecti on
• Upon recei pt of the equipment inspect the packagi ng and equipment for shipping
• Carefully unpack the eq uipment and check for part s that were da ma ged from shipping,
missing parts, or concealed damage. I f any discrepancies are discovered, it should be
noted wi th the carrier prior to accepting the shipment , if possible. File a claim with the
carrier if necessary and immediately notify your Toshiba repr esentative.
•DO NOT install or energize equipment that has been damaged. Dama ged equipment
may fail during operation resulting in further equipment da ma ge or personal injury.
• Check to see t hat the model number specified on the nameplate conforms to the order
• Modification of thi s equipment i s dangerous and must not be performed except by factory
trained representatives. When modifications are required contact your Toshiba
• Inspections may be required before and after moving installed equipment.
• Keep the equipment in an upright position as indicated on the shipping carton.
• Contact y our Toshiba representative for assistance if required.
Page 5
Handli ng and S torage
• Use proper l ifting t echniques when moving the V200; including properly sizing up the
load, and getting assist ance if required.
• Store in a well-ventilated covered location and preferably in the origi nal carton if the
equipment will not be use d upon recei pt.
• Store in a cool, clean, and dr y location. Avoid storage locations with extr eme
temperatures, rapid temper ature chang es, high humidity, moisture, dust, corrosive
gases, or metal particles.
• Do not store the unit in places that are ex posed to outside weather conditions ( i.e., wind,
rain, snow, etc.).
• Store in an upright position as indi cated on the shipping carton.
• Include any other produ ct-specific requirements.
Never di spose of electrical compone nts via incineration. C ontact your stat e environmental
agency for details on disposal of el ectrical components and packaging in your area.
0.4 Installation Precautions
Location and Ambient Requirements
• Adequate personnel working space an d adequate illumination must be provi ded for
adjustment , inspection, and maintenance of the equipment (refer to NEC Article 110-34).
• Avoid i nstallati on in areas where vibration, heat , humidi ty, dust, fibers, steel particles,
explosive/corrosive mists or gases, or sources of electrical noise are present.
• The inst allation location shall not be exposed to direct sunlight.
• Allow pr oper clearance spaces for installation. Do not obstruct the ventilation openi ngs.
Refer to the recommende d minimum installation dimensions a s shown on the enclosure
outline drawings.
• The ambient operating t emperature shall be between 0° and 50° C (32° and 122° F) .
Mounting Requirements
• Only Qualified Personnel should install this equipment.
• Install the unit in a secure upright position in a well-ventilated area.
• A noncombu stible insulating floor or mat should be provided in the area immediately
surrounding the electrical syst em at the place wher e maintenance operations are to be
Page 6
• As a minimum, the instal lation of t he equipment should conform to t he N EC Arti cle 110
Requirements For Electrical I nstallations, OSHA, as well as any other appl icable
national, regional, or industry codes and standard s.
• Installation practices should conform to the latest revision of NFPA 70E Electri cal Safety
Requirements for Employee Workpl aces.
Conductor Routing and Grounding
• Use separat e metal conduits for routing the input power, and control circuits.
• A separate gr ound cable should be run i nside the conduit with the input power, and
control circuits.
• DO NOT connect control t erminal strip return marked CC to earth ground.
• Always gr ound the unit to prevent electrical shock a nd to help reduce electrical noise.
The Metal Of Conduit Is Not An Acceptable Ground.
Page 7
0.5 Connection, Protection & Setup
Personnel Protection
• Installation, operation, and mai ntenance shall be perform ed by Qualified
Personnel Only
• A thorough understanding of the V200 will be required before the installation, oper ation,
or mainten ance of the V200.
• Rotating ma chinery and live conduct ors can be hazar dous and shall not come int o
contact with humans. Personnel should be protected from all rotating machinery and
electrical hazards at all times. Depending on i ts program, the V200 can initiate the start
and stop of rotating machinery.
• Insulators, machine guards, and electrical saf eguards may fail or be defeated by the
purposeful or inadvertent actions of workers. Insulators, machine guard s, and electrical
safeguard s are to be inspected (and te sted where pos sible) at installation and
periodically after installation for potenti al hazardous con ditions.
• Do not allow personnel near rotating machinery . Warning signs to this effect shall be
posted at or near the machinery.
• Do not allow personnel near electrical conductors. Human contact with electrical
conductor s can be fatal. Warning signs to this eff ect shall be posted at or near the
• Personal protection equipment shall be provided and used to protect employees from
any hazards inherent t o system operat ion or maintenance.
System Setup Requir eme nts
• When using the V200 as an integral par t of a larger system, it is the responsibil ity of the
V200 installer or mai ntenance personnel to ensure that there is a fail -safe in place (i. e.,
an arrangement designed to switch the system to a safe condition if there is a fault or
• System safet y features should be employed and designed into the integrated system in a
manner such that system operation, even in the event of system failure, wil l not cause
harm or result in personnel injury or system damage (i.e., E-Off, Auto-Restart settings,
System Interlocks, etc.).
• The programming setup a nd system conf iguration of the V200 may allow it to start a
motor unexpectedly. A familiarity with Auto-restart settings is a requirement to use this
• Improperly designed or improperly installed system interlocks may render the motor
unable t o start or stop on co m m and.
Page 8
The failure of external or ancillary components may cause intermittent system operation,
i.e., t he system may start a motor wit hout warni ng or may not stop on co m m and.
• There may be thermal or physical properties, or ancillary devi ces integrated into the
overall system that may allow the V200 to start a motor without warning. Signs at the
equipment installation must be posted to this effect.
• The operating controls and system status indicators should be clearl y readable and
positioned where the operator can see them without obstructi on.
• Additional warnings and notifications shall be posted at the e quipment installati on
location as deemed required by Qualified Person nel.
Page 9
0.6 System Integration Precautions
The following precautions are provided as general guidelines for using an V200 in an
industrial or process control sy stem.
• The Toshiba PLC is a gener al-purpose pr oduct. It is a system component and is used i n
conjunction with other items of indust rial equipment such as PLCs, Loop Controllers,
Adjustable Speed Drives, etc.
• A detail ed system analysis and job saf ety analysi s should be performed by the
systems designer or systems integrator before including t he V200 in any ne w or
existing sy stem. Contact Toshiba for options availabilit y and for application-specific
system i ntegration information if required.
• The PLC may be used to control an adjustable speed drive connected to high voltage
sources and rotati ng mac hi ner y that is inher ently dangerous if not operated safely.
Interlock all energy sources, hazardous locations, and guards in order to restri ct t he
exposure of personnel to hazards. The adjustable speed drive may start the motor
without warning. Signs at the equip me nt installation must be posted to thi s effect. A
familiarity with Auto-restart settings is a requirement when cont rolling adjustable speed
drives. Failure of external or ancillary components may cause intermittent system
operation, i.e., the system may start the motor without warning or may not stop on
command. Improperly desi gned or improper ly installed system interlocks and
permissives may render a motor unabl e to start or stop on command
• Control through serial communicat ions can fail or can also override local controls, which
can create a n unsafe condition. Sy stem safety features should be employed and
designed into the integrated system in a manner such t hat system operation, even in the
event of sy stem failure, will not cause harm or result in personn el injury or system
damage. Use of the built-in system protective featur es and int erlocks of the equipment
being controlled is highly recomme nded (i.e., emergency-of f, overload protection, etc.)
•Never use the PLC units t o perform emergency stops. Separate switches outside the
V200, the PLC, and the ASD sh ould be used for emergency stops.
• Changes or modifications to the PLC program should not be made without the ap proval
of the system designer or systems integrator. Minor changes or modifications could
cause the def eat of safety interl ocks and permissives. Any changes or modifications
should be not ed and included with t he system documentation.
Page 10
0.7 3rd Party Safety Certifications.
CE Marking
The V200 Series Progr ammable Controllers conform to the directive and standards of ISO/IEC Guide
22 and EN 4501 4.
UL Certification
The UL Mark on a product means that UL has tested and evaluated repre sentative samples of t hat
product an d determined that they meet U L requirements. The basic standards used to investigate this
category are UL 508, the Standard of Safety for Industrial Cont rol Equipment and UL Standard for
Safety for Programmable Controllers. V200 Programmable Logic Controllers are certified NRAG
&NRAG7 for use in hazardo us locations
RoHS Product Certification
The V200 Series PLCs meet the European Directive on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in
electrical and electronic equipment companies This insures the chemical compliance of the V200.
Page 11
Purpose of this Manual V200 Basics Programming Computer
V200 Features
V200 Overview
What is V200 Series Controller
How V200 Works
V200 Series Specifications
Page 12
1.1 Purpose of this Manual
Thank you for purchasing V200 Series Products from TIC Houston. V200 Series Products are versatile highperformance programmable controllers with
This Manual explains the operation of the V200 Series and how to implement available features using the
OIL-DS Software. This manual will help you to install, configure and operate your V200 product.
1.1.1 V200 Basics
The V200 provides much more versatility than traditional programmable controllers. It supports basic relay ladder
functions. In addition to this it provides functions such as data operations, arithmetic operations, various functions
etc. Furthermore, its high speed counter functions, pulse output functions, and data communication functions allow
its application to a wide scope of control systems.
What is a Project?
project is an user created application in OIL-DS
model, Network Configuration, ladder information, etc.
What is a Ladder?
You use Ladder Logic to write your project application. Ladder is based on Boolean principals. Ladder Diagrams are
composed of different types of contact, coil and function block elements. These elements are placed in nets.
In any Ladder Diagram, the contacts represent input conditions. They lead power from the left rail to the right
rail. Coils represent output instructions. In order for output coils to be activated, the logical state of the contacts
must allow the power to flow through the net to the coil.
Windows based configuration Software.
A project contains information such as the V200
Page 13
1.1.2 Programming Computer
The following basic PC hardware configuration is needed to configure and operate your OIL-DS Configuration Software.
Minimal PC configuration for Windows2000 / XP:
800MHz Pentium processor OR euivalent processor
Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows 2000 with SP4
Microsoft Windows XP Professional / Home Edition with SP2
Hard Disk Space800MB (including 200MB for the .NET Framework Redistributable)
Display1024 x 768 High Color 16-bit
Minimal PC configuration for Vista:
Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows Vista Home and Vista Business edition
Hard Disk Space800MB (including 200MB for the .NET Framework Redistributable)
Display1024 x 768 High Color 16-bit
These are the minimum system requirements for a computer running the OIL-DS Configuration software.
1GHz Pentium processor or equivalent processor
Page 14
1.2 V200 Features
Expansion Models:
The following are the digital expansion models:
-> 16 points DC input
-> 16 points DC output (NPN Type)
-> 16 points DC output (PNP Type)
-> 16 points DC output (Relay Type)
-> 8 DC inputs + 8 DC outputs (NPN type)
-> 8 DC inputs + 8 DC outputs (PNP type)
-> 8 DC inputs + 8 DC outputs (Relay type)
The following are the analog expansion models:
-> 4 Universal Analog inputs & 2 analog outputs (V-I Type)
-> 8 Analog inputs (Linear Type)
-> 8 Analog inputs (RTD Type)
-> 4 Analog outputs (V-I Type)
Built-in high speed counter:
Two single-phase or one quadrature (2-phase) pulses can be counted. In single phase mode, up to 50KHz
and in quadrature mode, up to 5KHz frequency can be counted.
High speed processing:
Sophisticated machine control applications require high speed data manipulations. The V200 is designed
to meet these requirements.
· 1.4 ms per contact · 2.3 ms per coil
· 4.2 ms per 16-bit transfer · 6.5 ms per 16-bit addition
The V200 also supports interrupt input function (DC input type only). This allows immediate
operation independent of program scan.
High performance software:
The V200s offer various basic ladder instructions and other functional instructions. Subroutines,
Interrupt functions, Indirect addressing,
the V200. These functions allow the unit to be applied to the most demanding control applications.
Pulse output / PWM output:
One point of variable frequency pulses (max. 5 kHz) or variable duty pulses can be output. These functions
can be used to drive a stepping motor or to simulate an analog output. (DC input type only)
Removable terminal blocks:
The V200 is equipped with removable terminal blocks. This supports the easy maintenance work.
Real-time clock/calendar function:
has the real-time-clock/calendar function (year, month, day, day of the week, hours, minutes,
seconds) that can be used for performing scheduled operations, data gathering with time stamps, etc. The
real-time-clock/calendar data is backed up by a removable and replaceable battery.
RS-485 multi-purpose communication port:
The V200 CPU has an RS-485 multi-purpose communication port. Using this port, one of the
following communication modes can be selected.Computer link mode: T-series computer link protocol can be used in this mode. Up to 32 V200s can be
connected to a master computer. By using this mode,
Data link mode: Two PLCs can be directly linked together. This direct link is inexpensive, easily configured and requires no special programming.Free ASCII mode: User defined ASCII messages can be transmitted and received through this
terminal, printer, bar-code reader, or other serial ASCII device can be directly connected.
loops, Pre-derivative real PID, etc. are standard on
system can be easily configured.
Page 15
1.3 V200 Overview
1.3.1 What is a V200 Series Controller
V200 Series units are compact, easy-handling block style programmable controller. It also has modular
Configuration of V200 unit:
Each V200 CPU has to be configured using the OIL-DS Software before connecting it to the system.
Normal Operation:
The V200 family is designed to offer practical PLC features in a compact and expandable design, and at the same
time offer a simple-to-use philosophy. An external powered V200 Series base model by itself can be used as a
complete PLC system with optional built-in I/O points, or the system can be expanded with the addition of up to
eight I/O modules.
The V200 can be mounted in DIN rail plate. The base CPU and I/O modules are connected together via an
expansion port on the sides of the modules. A variety of I/O modules are available for flexible and optimal system
FIG-1: V200 Base with Expansions Modules
Page 16
Application Examples1:
As shown above, V200 base unit can be connected to OIS as well as to ASD. Thus it can worked with two
different protocols at a time.
Application Examples2:
As shown above, V200 base unit can be connected to SCADA as well as OIS.
Page 17
1.3.2 How V200 Works
The V200 follows a specific sequence and the sequence is as shown below:
Check for
Initialize serial and
Wait till Firmware
Download. Flash
Error and RUN led
at 1 sec interval
Soft restart
Check for
Initialize serial and
Wait till Ladder
Flash Error led at 1
sec interval.
Soft restart
Check for No
Initialize serial and
Wait till Application
Flash Error led at 1
sec interval.
Soft restart
USB ports
USB ports
USB ports
Page 18
CPU Watchdog reset
Soft restart
Power On
Clear All PLC
information and event
Restore Keep memory
Set internal configuration according
to application. ( Base Timer,
(100uSec) Timer 1, IO configuration
and other system parameter read )
Clear All PLC registers
except keep memory,
Configure communication channel and
detect slave serial devices.( if master )
Detect the expansion modules
update Expansion module
( Only at Power
Read the ladder address information.
Power Up Self Diagnosis
Set Power On system bit to ‘1’
Main Loop
Page 19
Main Loop Start
Start counting Main Loop
Scan Time
Error Down
Self Diagnosis
STOP Position
RUN Position
Update PLC mode from software
Hold Mode
If power On System
Scan Local and
expansion inputs
Turn On RUN Led
Clear non retentive PLC registers.
Execute Power-On Tasks.
Execute Power-Up ladder.
Enable User Timer Interrupt.
Initialize digital filter constant to
Reset Power On system bit to ‘0’
RUN Mode or Switch position
change from Stop to RUN
bit is ‘1’
default 10 mSec.
Halt Mode
Page 20
Update local, expansion.
Scan Local and
expansion inputs
Execute Global Tasks
Feed the CPU watch-dog
Start counting ladder scan time
Execute main Ladder
Stop counting ladder scan time
Execute First Scan operations
(1. Initialize special inputs and
outputs. 2. Load Digital filter
Update High speed
counter registers
Update local,
expansion and PWM
Feed watch-dog
Respond to the
monitor query (if any)
on USB.
Stop counting main loop
scan time
Page 21
Feed Watch-do g
Turn OFF all Outputs and
Respond to the monitor
query (if any) on USB.
Stop counting main loop
scan time
Set Power On system bit to ‘1’
Main Loop Start
Feed Watch-do g
Set the state of output as per ‘ERROR
(Local, expansion and PWM)
Turn ON ERROR Led.
Turn OFF RUN Led.
Respond to the monitor
query (if any) on USB.
Stop counting main loop
scan time
Main Loop Start
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