Toshiba T2E User Manual


Advanced Features

• Floating-Point Math
• Large Program & Data Memory
• Ethernet/DeviceNet Networks
• Active Serial ASCII Port
• MS Windows Programming Software


Small, Powerful Modular Style
Programmable Controllers
Toshiba’s T2E/T2N are small, modular type programmable controller suitable for both relay replacement and complex control applications. The T2E/T2N are
2nd generation T2 CPUs. The T2ETT2N
provide afunctional, economical, and compact solution to a wide range of OEM and user applications
in automotive, machine
control, and process
control systems.
Local I/O: Max. 2048 points Program: 23.5 k steps
0.33 ps/contact
1.2 ps/transfer
Local I/O: Max. 1024 points
Program: 9,5 k steps
Speed: 0.33 ps/contact
1.2 ps/trarsfer

Key Features

High speed processing

The Т2ЕЯ2Ы excels at applicartions where high speed processing is required.
• 0.33 ps/contact • 0.44 ps/coii
• 1.2 ps/16*bit transfer • 1.63 ps/16*bit addition

Advanced instruction set

The T2E/T2N offers 24 basic relay-ladder instructions and 192 function block instructions, including the following.
• Arithmetic operation • Data manipulations
• Trigonometric functions • PID/ramp/intsgral
• Subroutine call • For-Next loop
• Averaging/filteiing • ASCII ** Hex conversion
• Floating-point math

Two programming Languages

The T2E/T2N supports two programming languages: Ladder Diagram {LD) and Sequential Function Chart (SFC). By selecting the appropriate language, or coinbination of the two, program developrrtent time can be greatly reduced.

Built-in clock/calendar

TheT2E/T2N has a real-time-clock/catendar function (year, month, day, week, hours, minutes, seconds) that can be used for performing scheduled operations, data gathering with time stamps, etc,

Ethernet connection (T2N|

The T2N CPU modules (PU235N and PU245N) have built-in Ethernet interface (10BASE-T). Through the
Ethernet, the T2N can communicate with higher level
controllers (computer, workstation, etc.) or other
PLCs with Ethernet.

High speed industrial LAN

The T2E/T2N can be connected to Toshiba’s high speed industrial LANs (Local Area Networks) TOSLINE-S20 and TOSLINE-FIO. Tbe TOSLINE series are suited for real-time control data linkage. Through these networks, the T2E/T2N can exchange data with other Toshiba equipment, such as the TOSDiC CIE system, other T-sehes PLCs, Large Adjustable Speed Drives, General Purpose Inverters, etc. The T2N CPU module PU245N has the TOSUNE­S20LP (Loop version) built-in into the CPU module. The TOSLINE-S20LP is a high-ral¡ability double-loop fiber optic S20 rtetwork.

Device Net

A DeviceNat scanner module Is avalable for the T2E/T2M. The DeviceNet scanner module can
read/write data to any other manufacturer's ODVA certified devices (I/O blocks. Inverters to include
Toshiba’s G3, air valve manifolds, sensors, etc.).

Flexible serial port

Password protection

The T2E/T2N can be programmed with one of four selectable protection levels.
• Level 1: No protect (normal)
• Level 2: Wrlting/moditying program prohibited
• Level 3: Level 2 plus viewing program prohibited
• Level 4: Level 3 plus writing data prohibited

Battery-fess operation fT2E)

The user-program is saved in a built-in Flash memory. No battery maintenance is required.
The T2En-2N has RS-232C or RS-485 serial
communication port, (It is optional in the T2E) Using this port, one of the following communication modes can be selected.
• Computer link mode: Connection with higher level
computer, MMl/SCADA system, modem, etc.
• Data link mode: Easy data linkage between two
T2Es, T2Ns, T2E—T2N or T2E/T2N—Super T1.
• Free ASCII mode: Active communication between
serial ASCII devices, (bar code readers, etc.)

Programmer port function

The T2E/T2N*s RS-232G programmer port supports the T-series computer link protocol. This allows easy connection to a higher level computer, an operator interface unit, a modem, etc.

System Configuration

T2E CPU Unit Configuration

CPU module Power supply module
CPU status indicators Operation nKJde switch Optional communicatliMi port
(Add-on option card, RS-2^C or RS-4S5)
Programmer port (RS-232C)

T2E basic components

item Type CPU module CPU add-on
option card
Power supply module
PU234E CM231E CM232E RS-232C port, w/ battery BT231E PS261 100 to 240 Vac
PS31 24 Vdc
9.5 k steps, clock/calendar RS-48S port, w/ battery
Battery card
Item CPU rack BU218
Expansion rack
• The CM231E and the CM232E are optional communicatlcMi cards for T2E. These cards also have the optional
battery mounted on them.
• The CM231E has a terminal block for RS-435 interface. The CM232E has a D-Sub 9-pin (female) connector for
RS-232C interface.
• The BT231E is a card that has only the optional battery.
Type Description
8 irO slots, expandable UBB2 UBBl UBA2 UBAI 4 I/O slots, non ej^ndable BU2E8 8 I/O slots BU2&6
7 I/O slots, expandaUe
4 I/O slots, expandable
7 I/O ^ots, non expandable
6 I/O slots
• The T2E CPU module can hold only one option card: CM231E, CM232E or BT231E.
• The UBA1 and the U8A2 are stand-alone CPU racks, expansion racks can not be connected.
• The UBBl and the UBB2 can be used as either CPU or expansion racks. When the UBB1 or UBB2 is used as
expansion rack, only one expulsion rack can be connected.
• The BU266 and the 6U268 can be used as either CPU or expansion racks. When the BU2B6 is used as CPU
rack, (t has 5 I/O slots. When the BU268 is used as CPU rack, it has 7 I/O slots.
T2N CPU Unit Configuration
CPU module
Power supply module
Network status indicators (PU235N/PU245N)
CPU status indicators
Operation mode switch Programiner port (RS-232C]
communication port

T2N basic components

Item Type Description CPU module
PU215N PU236N PU245N
23,5 k steps, standard type Standard ptua Ethernet Standard plus Ethernet and TOSL1NE-S20LP
Item Power supply
moduie CPU rack BU228N 1 8 I/O slots
Expansion rack
Type Description
PS261 j 100 to 240 Vac PS31 1 24 Vdc
BU268 BU266 5 I/O slots
8 I/O slots
• The RS-232C/RS-485 communication port (D-Sub 15-pin femaie connector) is built-in the T2N CPU module. The interface, RS-232C or RS-485, is selected by the switch provided on the CPU module. This port has the
same function as the optional communication cards (CM231E or CM232E) on the T2E CPU.
• The PU235N has all the PU215N functions plus Ethernet (10BASE-T) interface.
• The PU245N has all the PU215N functions plus Ethernet (10BASE-T) interface and the TOSLINE-S20LP
• Each T2N CPU module comes with a battery,
• The T2N CPU module can be mounted only in the BU228N rack.
• The BU266 and the BU26B can be used only for the expansion racks with the T2N.
Expansion Configuration
up to three expansion racKs (BU266 or BU26S) can be connected to the T2&T2N CPU rack. In the maximum
configuration, the T2E/T2N provides 32 slots for I/O modules.
CPU unit
Expansion unit #1 Expansion unit #2
Expansion unit #3
A power supply module is nec^sary in each rack.
' The following expansion cables are ayailable; 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm and 1.5 m.
■ The total cable length cannot exceed 4.5 m.

Power Supply Check

The power supply module can output maximum 2,5 A {5 Vdc) to power the Internal logic of the modules. Check that the internal current consumption of the modules on a rack is less than the 2,5 A maximum. The list below shows the internal current consumption of each module.
Item ' Type
T2ECPU T2E optional communication card CM232E 200 mA or less T2N CPU
CPU rack tor T2E BU218 50 mA or less
CPU rack forT2N Expansion rack BU263 60 mA or less
16 points DC input DI31 32 points DC input 64 points DC Input
16 points AC Input
12 points relav output R061
PU234E SOD mA or less CM231E 200 tnA or less
PU215N SOD mA or less PU236N PU245N 2.0 A or less
UBB2 50 mA or iess UBDI
U8A2 50 mA or less UBAI 60 mA or less BU223N SD mA or less
BU266 50 mA or less
DI32 80 mA or less DI235 100 mA or less IN51 IN61 15 mA or less
Internal 5 Vdc oonsumptÈon
1.5 A or less
50 mA or less
15 mA or l^s
15 mA or less
50 mA or less
Item Type Intanai 5 Vdc
8 points relay output R062
16 points transistor output D031
D0233P 32 points transistor output D032 250 mA or less 04 points transistor output 12 points trtac output AC61 300 mA or less 4 chantieis analog input
2 channels analog output
1 channel pulse input
1 axis position control Communication interface CF211 TOSLINE-S20 (coaxial)
TOSLINE-S20 (optical) SN222A 700 mA or less TOSLINE-F10 (master) MS211 TOSLIME-F10 (remote)
DevIceNet scanner
D0235 250 mA or less
AI21 AI31 50 mA or less AI22 AÌ32 A031 70 mA or leas A022 170 mAor less A032 PI21 80 mA or less Mcn
SN221 600 mA or less
RS211 60D mA or less DN211
40 mA or less 60 mA or less 60 mA or less
50 mAor less
50 mA or less 50 mA or lass
170 mAor less
200 rnA or less 550 mA or less
600 mA or less
500 mA or less

Flexible Serial Port

Programmer Port

The T2E/T2N’s RS-232C programmer port supports the open T-sprles computer linK protocol as well as the
proprietary programmer protocol. This próvidas an easy connection to a higher level computer, an operator interface unit, a modem, etc.
Interface RS-232C Transmission system Half-duplex Transmission speed 36D0 bps
Framing Start bit: 1 bit
Data bits; B bits Parity: Odd or none Stop bit: 1 bit
Computer (ink protocol. Programmer protocol
Operator interface
I .
Master computer
Telephorre lirve

Communication Port on the CPU Module

The RS-232C or RS-485 multi-purpose communication port is standard on the T2N CPU. The interface is selected by a DIP switch. The RS-232C or RS-4S5 multi-purpose communication port is an option on the T2E CPU. A CM231E or CMI232E card must be mounted in the T2E CPU module.
By using these communication port, one of the follow'lng three communication modes is available.

Computer link mode

T-sertes computer link protocol can be used in this mode. When the RS-485 is used, a maximum of 32 T2E/T2NS can be connected to a master computer. By using this mode, all the T2E/T2N's data can be accessed by a master computer. The T-series PLC programming software fT-PDS} can also he used in this configuration.
Transmission system Transmission speed
Protocol Computer link protocol,
Half-duplex 300/600/1200/2400/ 4800/9600/19200 bps Stsfl bit: 1 bit
Data bits: 7 or 6 bits Parity: Odd/ewen/none Stop bit: 1 or 2 bits
Programmer protocof
Master computer
Waster computer
RS-23X {15 rr max.)
T2E/T2N T2&T2N T2E/T2N
32 T2E/T2t4s max.

Communication Port on the CPU Module

Free ASCII mode

User defined ASCII messages can be transmitted and received through this port. A termini, printer, bar-code reader, or other serial ASCII device can be directly connected. Шз mode allows the T2E/T2N to communicate with other PLCs 0Г1, T2E. T2N. etc.). Inverters (3uch as VF-S7/A5, G3), or Motor protection relays (S2E21).
Transmission system Transmission code ASCII Transmission speed
Message (ength
300/600/1200/2400/ 4800/9600/19200 bps
Data bits: 7 or B bits Parity; OdcVeven/nofie Stop bit; 1 or 2 bits
512 bytes max.
bit; 1 bit
Mete) RS-A^B5 2-wirs sy^sm

Data link mode

Two PLCs (any combination of T2E, T2N or Super T1-40) can be directly linked together. This direct
link is inexpensive, easily configured and requires no special programming. File registers FOOOO to F0Q31 are used for the data transfer.
T^E orT2N
RS-232C (15 m max.)
RS-485 (1 l«n max.)
Station No.1
Transmt^ion speed
Protocol Special Link data capacity
Link data update time
19200 bps
16 words (station 1 to 2) 16 words (station 2 to 1)
approx. 50 ms (not synchronized with T2E/T2NS scan)
Station No,2
F0015 F0016
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