Toshiba SCALE VIEW V3 User Manual

TEC Software Solution
Original Apr, 2003 (Revised Mar., 2004
Document No. OM-9000
TEC America, Inc.
TEC America, Inc. provides this publication as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. TEC America, Inc. may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or program(s) described in this publication at any time.
Last Revised March 12, 2004
Scale View Owner’s Manual Table of Contents

Table of Contents

DATA MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................... 1
Getting Started .........................................................................................................
Add New PLU ............................................................................................................
Edit PLU’s .................................................................................................................
Delete PLU ................................................................................................................
Add/Edit Ingredients ................................................................................................
Delete Ingredients ....................................................................................................
Add/Edit Nutrition ................................................................................................... 4
Delete Nutrition ........................................................................................................
SCHEDULED BATCHES ...............................................................................................
Send by Batch with Windows Task Scheduler ...................................................... 7
MAIN MENU ................................................................................................................... 8
Sort/Search Database ..............................................................................................
Send PLU’s/Ingredient’s/Nutrition by Batch ........................................................ 8
Set Back .................................................................................................................... 9
View Button .............................................................................................................. 10
Log ............................................................................................................................. 10
Reports ..................................................................................................................... 1
Export Options .................................................................................................... 11
NOTES: .......................................................................................................................... 1
ERROR MESSAGES ..................................................................................................... 1
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Scale View Owner’s Manual Data Maintenance


Getting Started

When Scale View is first installed the PLU, Ingredient, and Nutrition databases are empty. The database(s) can be created by one of two methods: Uploading/importing from selected scale(s) or from scratch. The installing TEC dealer should only do the upload/import method.
If the database(s) are to be built manually, to add the first record, double click anywhere below the title “PLU Table” and the PLU Maintenance form will appear.
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ScaData Maintenance Scale View Owner’s Manual

Add New PLU

To add a new PLU, double click on any PLU in the database (preferably one in the same dept), then click the Add button. The cursor will be in the PLU textbox. At this point a PLU number must be entered, even if you wish to just close the form. Now
enter all the information related to the PLU. If incorrect data is entered in a textbox, you will here a beep then the textbox will be cleared. For price and discount, a decimal does not have to be entered; it will automatically format to 2 decimal places. Commodity line 1 must have at least 1 space due to the “DeptCom1” sort index. For the tare field, make sure to enter the correct increment depending upon the base weight of the scale. If the base weight is lbs. multi­range, the tare must be in 5 increments (i.e. 5,10,155 ounce). Ask your installing dealer if you are not sure. When setting the PLU price to $00.00, set Price Per to LB Open. When setting By Count PLU’s with $00.00, set the pieces count to “0” and set Price Per to LB Open. The sale price may be higher or lower than the regular price. When sending PLU’s via complete file download or by batch, if the sale price is greater than zero, this price will be sent to the scale. If the sale price equals zero, the regular price is sent to the scale. The sale number allows 9 different sale “batch’s” for the entire PLU database. This is explained more in the Set-Back section. A new PLU must be saved before the editing of Ingredients or Nutrition is allowed. Before clicking the save button, decide if the batch checkbox is to be checked or not.
When saving the PLU there are 3 options. “YES: save and add to batch”: this option will save the PLU and set the batch flag on. “NO: save only”: this option will save the PLU and set the batch flag off. “CANCEL: no changes saved”: any changes including the batch flag will be ignored.

Edit PLU’s

Double click on the desired PLU to edit. Make the necessary changes, and then click save. When editing, the PLU number cannot be changed but the dept number can. If this PLU belongs in another dept, enter the desired number, save the PLU, and then delete the original. Tip: The SL­9000 can have 4 lines of commodity printed on the label. If only 2 lines are required, by using lines 1 and 3, the print will be larger provided the number of characters is less than 25.
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Scale View Owner’s Manual Data Maintenance

Delete PLU

PLU’s are deleted individually and not by batch. To delete an item, double click on
the desired PLU and the PLU maintenance form will appear. Click on the “Del PLU”
button and a message box will appear. Before clicking “Yes” make sure the correct
PLU has been selected. The selected PLU, associated Ingredients and Nutrition (if applicable) will now be deleted from all scales in that dept. If communications is successful, the PLU, associated Ingredients and Nutrition will be deleted from the database. If there is an error at any scale (except “PLU does not exist”), the item will remain in the database.
To delete a PLU when there is no scale connected: do not have a scale assigned in the Scale Table to the same department of the PLU to be deleted.

Add/Edit Ingredients

Each PLU can have up to 38 lines of Ingredients and each line can be 54 characters
long (32 characters if the bold font is selected).
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+ 15 hidden pages