Q: What is the purpose of the MA-1060-100 Electronic cash Sale?
A: The MA-1060-100 is used as a point of sales system whereby it registers sales, issues receipts and many other accounting functionalities useful in the retail industry.
Q: Can you explain the function of the keys on the keyboard?
A: As for the keyboard, it has the capacity of having 30 department keys and this helps in registering various items with different prices.
Q: What are the different modes available in the system?
A: There are: LOCK, REG (normal or business functioning), X (for reading of summary totals), MGR (executive functions of the machine), Z (totals reading and resetting) and SET (configurations programming) modes.
Q: What if I do not wish to program the cash register that I buy?
A: The cash register can be used immediately after purchase and attempts to program the device however when combined with business needs such as pricing and department keys can optimize the performance of the device.
Q: For transactions, what kind of media are available?
A: Cash, checks, charge cards, and other forms of tender such as miscellaneous tender are in the list of accepted mediums.
Q: How does the system determine which authentication to use during the transaction?
A: When a sale is conducted and an item is registered a validation slip is produced which acts as a permanent record for the sale especially during the process of authentication.
Q: So is it true that more than one tender can be processed at a single time?
A: Yes, it can be done and different kinds of payments can be processed within a single transaction, more so it can handle multi-tendering and split tendering.
Q: What do you think will occur in the event of a power outage?
A: It is required that the register has a mechanism in place for a power failure, sheltering vital information and capability. The user manual contains an account of certain specific restoration procedures.