Only qualified service technicians who are familiar with safety checks
and guidelines should perform service work. Before replacing parts,
disconnect power source to protect electrostatically sensitive parts. Do
not attempt to modify any circuit unless so recommended by the
manufacturer. When servicing the receiver, use an isolation transformer
between the line cord and power receptacle.
Use EXTREME CAUTION when servicing the high voltage circuits. To
discharge static high voltage, connect a 10K ohms resistor in series with a
test lead between the receiver ground and CRT anode lead. DO NOT lift
the CRT by the neck. Always wear shatterproof goggles when handling
the CRT to protect eyes in case of implosion.
Be aware of the instructions and procedures covering X-ray radiation. In
solid-state receivers and monitors, the CRT is the only potential source of
X-rays. Keep an accurate high voltage meter available at all times. Check
meter calibration periodically. Whenever servicing a receiver, check the
high voltage at various brightness levels to be sure it is regulating
properly. Keep high voltage at rated value, NO HIGHER. Excessive high
voltage may cause X-ray radiation or failure of associated components.
DO NOT depend on protection circuits to keep voltage at rated value.
When troubleshooting a receiver with excessive high voltage, avoid close
contact with the CRT. DO NOT operate the receiver longer than
necessary. To locate the cause of excessive high voltage, use a variable
AC transformer to regulate voltage. In present receivers, many electrical
and mechanical components have safety related characteristics which are
not detectable by visual inspection. Such components are identified by a
# on both the schematic and the parts list. For SAFETY, use only
equivalent replacement parts when replacing these components.
Perform a final SAFETY CHECK before returning receiver to customer.
Check repaired area for poorly soldered connections, and check entire
circuit board for solder splashes. Check board wiring for pinched wires or
wires contacting any high wattage resistors. Check that all control knobs,
shields, covers, grounds, and mounting hardware have been replaced. Be
sure to replace all insulators and restore proper lead dress.
Cold Leakage Checks for Receivers with Isolated Ground
Unplug the AC cord, connect a jumper across the plug prongs, and turn
the power switch on (if applicable). Use an ohmmeter to measure the
resistance between the jumped AC plug and any exposed metal cabinet
parts such as antenna screw heads, control shafts, or handle brackets.
Exposed metal parts with a return path should measure between 1M
ohms and 5.2M ohms. Parts without a return path must measure infinity.
Hot Leakage Current Check
Plug the AC cord directly into an AC outlet. DO NOT use an isolation
transformer. Use a 1500 ohms, 10W resistor in parallel with a .15µF
capacitor to connect between any exposed metal parts on the receiver and
a good earth ground. (See figure below.) Use an AC voltmeter with at
least 5000 ohms per volt sensitivity to measure the voltage across the
resistor. Check all exposed metal parts and measure voltage at each point.
Voltage measurements should not exceed .75VAC, 500µA. Any value
exceeding this limit constitutes a potential shock hazard and must be
corrected. If the AC plug is not polarized, reverse the AC plug and repeat
exposed metal part voltage measurement at each point.
SET 5266
High Voltage Shutdown Test ....................1
Important Parts Information ..................... 1
Miscellaneous Adjustments ..................... 1
Parts List ...................................................4
Placement Chart ....................................... 1
Safety Precautions .................................... 1
Schematic Component Location ..............3
Schematic Notes ....................................... 2
A/V Switching ................................... 3
CRT ................................................... 2
PIP Control ........................................ 2
Power Supply .................................... 2
System Control .................................. 4
Television .......................................... 2
Test Equipment ......................................... 1
Tuner Information ....................................1
Technical Service Data
Model CZ36V61 (Chassis TAC9922)
Representative Model
Essential coverage
for servicing a television receiver...
Apply 120VAC and turn receiver on. Set all digital customer controls for normal operation. Momentarily
short test point X to test point R. Receiver should lose raster and sound. If the receiver does not lose raster
and sound, the shutdown circuit should be repaired. To resume normal operation, remove AC power and
wait 30 seconds. After restoring AC power, the receiver should power up automatically.
The listing of any available replacement part herein in no case constitutes a recommendation, warranty, or guarantee by
SAMS Technical Publishing, LLC as to the quality and suitability of such replacement part. The numbers of the listed parts
have been compiled from information furnished to SAMS Technical Publishing, LLC by the manufacturers of the specific
type of replacement part listed.
Reproduction or use, without express permission, of editorial or pictorial content, in any manner, is prohibited. No patent
liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
© 2007 SAMS Technical Publishing, LLC
9850 E. 30th St.
Indianapolis IN 46229
Printed in the United States of America 5 4 3 2 1 07PF03377
Page 1 SET 5266
For a Complete List of Manuals,
Visit www.samswebsite.com
Component locations
Parts list
Coverage includes this additional model and chassis:
Model Chassis
CZ32V61 TAC9920
JUNE 2007 SET 5266

Page 1 SET 5266
Important Parts Information
Pin VHF Low Band VHF High Band UHF Band
1 (AGC) 1.7V 1.7V 1.6V
3 (A) 4.6V 4.6V 4.6V
4 (SCL) 4.3V 4.3V 4.3V
5 (SDA) 4.3V 4.3V 4.3V
6 (MB) 0V 0V 0V
7 (+5V) 5.0V 5.0V 5.0V
9 (+32V) 32.7V 32.7V 32.7V
11 (IF) 0V 0V 0V
NOTE: VHF Low Band voltages taken on channel 2.
VHF High Band voltages taken on channel 7.
UHF Band voltages taken on channel 14.
Pin VHF Low Band VHF High Band UHF Band
1 (NC) 0V 0V 0V
2 (+32V) 32.7V 32.7V 32.7V
3 (SCL) 4.4V 4.4V 4.4V
4 (SDA) 4.3V 4.3V 4.3V
5 (NC) 0V 0V 0V
6 (ADS) 0V 0V 0V
7 (+5V) 5.0V 5.0V 5.0V
8 (AGC) 3.4V 3.6V 3.2V
9 (9V) 8.7V 8.7V 8.7V
10 (A OUT) 0V 0V 0V
11 (GND) 0V 0V 0V
12 (AFT) 1.8V 1.8V 2.0V
13 (NC) 0V 0V 0V
14 (GND) 0V 0V 0V
15 (V OUT) 4.4V 4.4V 4.4V
NOTE: VHF Low Band voltages taken on channel 2.
VHF High Band voltages taken on channel 7.
UHF Band voltages taken on channel 14.
n Parts not listed in the parts list are commonly available at your local electronics parts retailer.
n The parts listed here are those not usually available from a well-stocked supply cabinet or bin.
n On the parts lists, safety items are marked with a # to remind you that only exact replacements are recommended for
these items.
n When ordering parts, state the model number, part number, and description.
Obtaining Parts
Many of these parts are available from your local Sams authorized distributor or the manufacturer of the equipment. Call
Sams for the name of your nearest distributor:
Test equipment listed by participating manufacturer illustrates typical or
equivalent equipment used by Sams engineers to obtain measurements.
This equipment is compatible with most types used by field service
Equipment Sencore No.
Oscilloscope SC3100
RGB CM2125
Multiburst Signal VG91
Color Bar VG91
TV Stereo VG91
Digital VOM SC3100
Frequency Meter SC3100
Hi-Voltage Probe HP200
Accessory Probes TP212
Isolation Transformer PR570
Capacitance Analyzer LC102
CRT Analyzer CR7000
AC Leakage Tester PR570
Inductance Analyzer LC102
Flyback Yoke Tester TVA92
Field Strength Meter SL753
Transistor Tester TF46
Horizontal Analyzer HA-2500
Video Analyzer VG91, TVA92

SET 5266 Page 1
Tune in a picture. Set brightness, contrast, and color to minimum. Connect a high
voltage probe to the CRT anode. Model CZ32V61: high voltage should read 31kV
to 32.4kV. Model CZ36V61: high voltage should read 31.9kV to 33.3kV.
To enter the service mode, press the mute button on the remote. Press the mute
button again and keep pressing while simultaneously pressing the menu button on
the receiver. The letter S will appear on the screen indicating that the receiver is in
the service mode.
To enter the design mode, enter the service mode and press and hold the recall
button while simultaneously pressing the menu button on the receiver. The letter D
will appear on the screen indicating that the receiver is in the design mode. No
items are to be adjusted according to the manufacturer. No information available
for option codes.
When in the service mode or design mode, press the menu button on the receiver to
display the adjustment menu. To select the item to be adjusted, press the channel up
or down button. To adjust the reference value, press the volume up or down button.
To exit from the service mode or the design mode, press the power button to turn
off the receiver.
Enter the service mode. Press the menu button on the receiver to display the
adjustment menu. Press the TV/video button on the remote to display the built-in
test patterns in the following order:
Normal picture, red raster, green raster, blue raster, black screen, white screen,
black screen with white window, black cross bar, white cross bar, black crosshatch,
white crosshatch, black crossdot, white crossdot, white h signal, black h signal,
black cross bar on green raster, and back to normal picture. In some models the
audio test signal may not work with the white h signal, black h signal, black cross
bar on green raster test patterns.
NOTE: If a video cable is connected to the video input jack, the built-in test
patterns will not be displayed on the screen.
Enter the service mode. Press the 9 button on the remote to check for proper
execution of IC interfacing. The following is an explanation of what is displayed on
Display Explanation
[SELF CHECK] Self diagnostic function.
No. 23905036 Part number of QA01.
POWER : 000 Operation number of protecting circuit.
000 display is normal.
BUS LINE : OK BUS line check. OK is normal.
SCL-GND indicates a short to ground of
the SCL signal. SDA-GND indicates a
short to ground of the SDA signal.
SCL-SDA indicates a short between
SCL and SDA signals.
BUS CONT : OK Bus line acknowledge check. OK is
normal. A location number is NG.
QA02 NG indicates QA02 is bad.
BLOCK : UV V1 V2 Green display is normal. Cyan display is
QV01 QV01S no check. Red display is NG. UV is TV
mode, V1 is Video 1 mode, and
V2 is Video 2 mode. UV, V1, and V2
may not be used in some models.
To initialize the self diagnostic data, press and hold the recall button on the remote
while simultaneously pressing the channel down button on the receiver.
NOTE: QA02 must be initialized after replacement. Do not initialize QA02 unless
it has been replaced.
Enter the service mode. Press and hold the recall button on the remote while
simultaneously pressing the channel up button on the receiver. The initialization of
QA02 is complete. Program channels into memory.
The following is a list of the buttons on the remote that will go to an item or
perform a different function of the service mode:
3 BCUT 8 Toggles audio test signal on and off.
4 SCNT 9 Self diagnostics
Tune in a color bar pattern. Set contrast to maximum and brightness to midrange.
Connect an oscilloscope to the red cathode. Enter the service mode. Select item
COLC and adjust reference value to obtain 150Vp-p. Tune in an active channel.
Select item TNTC and adjust reference value for proper flesh tones.
Tune in a picture. Set contrast to minimim and brightness to center. Enter the
service mode. Select item BRTC, adjust reference value until vertical retrace line
just disappears. Adjust contrast for normal picture. Perform Height (HIT)
Enter the service mode. Press the TV/video button on remote until a crossbar
pattern is displayed. Select item HPOS or VPOS and adjust reference value for the
horizontal and vertical position alternately until the pattern is centered on the
screen. Check the position of the picture with off-air signal.
Enter the service mode. Press the TV/video button on remote until a crosshatch
pattern is displayed. Select item HIT and adjust reference value for slight
underscan. Advance the data value by 9 steps and check the vertical position of the
Enter the service mode. Press the TV/video button on reme until a crosshatch
pattern is displayed. Select item WID, adjust reference value for slight underscan.
Advance the reference value by 7 steps. Check for proper horizontal position of the
Enter the service mode. Press the TV/video button on remote until a crosshatch
pattern is displayed. Select item DPC, adjust reference value for straight vertical
lines on both sides of the pattern.
Turn receiver on. Allow a 10 to 30 minute warm up time. Adjust contrast to center
and brightness to maximum. Enter the service mode. Press the TV/video button on
remote until the white screen pattern is displayed. Select items RCUT, GCUT,
BCUT, GDRV, and BDRV and set the reference value for each to 40H. Press the
TV/video button on the receiver to obtain a single horizontal line. Advance the
screen control until a faint line of one predominant color appears on the screen.
Adjust the other two cutoff items to obtain a dim white line. Press the TV/video
button on the receiver to get full deflection. Select items GDRV and BDRV and
adjust reference value of each for the best black and white picture on screen.
The yoke is bonded to the CRT. Color purity and convergence adjustments are not
Enter the service mode.
Attenuator (ATT)
Select item ATT. Input a 1kHz, 30% modulated signal. Connect a RMS meter to
pin 12 of H002. Adjust reference value to obtain a reading of 130mVrms.
Stereo VCO (STVC)
Select item STVC. Connect a frequency counter to pin 12 of H002 and connect pin
9 to ground. Adjust reference value to obtain a reading of 62.936kHz.
Select item SAVC. Input 78.67kHz, 147mVrms to pin 9 of H002. Input a mono
signal. Adjust reference value for a reading in the center of the range for STA7=0
and STA8=1.
Stereo Filter (STRF)
Select item STRF. Input 9.4kHz, 600mVrms to pin 9 of H002. Input a mono signal.
Adjust reference value for a reading in the center of the range for STA3=1.
SAP Filter (SAPF)
Select item SAPF. Input 88kHz, 110mVrms to pin 9 of H002. Input a mono signal.
Adjust reference value for a reading in the center of the range for STA4=1.
Stereo Separation (WBAN) / Spectral (SPEC)
Select item WBAN. Input 300Hz, right channel signal. Select stereo mode on
receiver. Connect an oscilloscope to pin 14 of H002. Adjust reference value for
minimum amplitude of waveform. Select item SPEC. Input 3kHz, right channel
signal. Adjust reference value for minimum amplitude of waveform.
Audio Test Signal
Enter the service mode. Press the 8 button on remote transmitter to toggle the audio
test signal (1kHz) on and off.
Adjustment Direct Preset 32 36
Item Name Button Value Value Value
RCUT Red Cutoff 1 40H 40H 40H
GCUT Green Cutoff 2 40H 40H 40H
BCUT Blue Cutoff 3 40H 40H 40H
GDRV Green Drive - 40H 40H 40H
BDRV Blue Drive - 40H 40H 40H
SCNT Sub Contrast 4 08H 08H 08H
BRTC Sub Brightness - 40H 40H 40H
COLC Sub Color 5 40H 40H 40H
TNTC Sub Tint 6 40H 40H 40H
SAVC SAP VCO - 88H 88H 88H
ATT Attenuator - 08H 08H 08H
SAPF SAP Filter - 88H 88H 88H
STVC Stereo VCO - 1CH 1CH 1CH
STRF Stereo Filter - 16H 16H 16H
SPEC Spectral - 30H 30H 30H
WBAN Stereo Separation - 22H 22H 22H
HPOS Horizontal Position - 16H 16H 16H
VPOS Vertical Position - 03H 03H 03H
HIT Height - 1EH 1EH 1EH
LIN Vertical Linearity - 07H 06H 06H
VSC Vertical S Correction - 01H 04H 04H
VPS Vertical Shift - 1BH 1BH 1BH
VCP Vertical Compensation - 03H 03H 03H
WID Width - 37H 18H 35H
DPC E-W Parabola - 17H 0AH 17H
CNR E-W Corner - 07H 07H 09H
TRAP Trapezium - 0EH 09H 08H
HCP Horizontal Compensation - 00H 00H 00H
VFC Vertical F Correction - 0FH 0FH 0FH
PCOL (1) PIP Color - 08H 08H 08H
PHUE (1) PIP Tint - 00H 00H 00H
DAC - - 03H 03H 03H
PGOF (1) - - 00H 00H 00H
PROF (1) - - 0AH 0AH 0AH
PBOF (1) - - 0AH 0AH 0AH
(1) Adjust to match PIP brightness, white balance, tint, and color to main screen.