Read Me First BEFORE You
Turn on the Computer
Updating the Atheros
AR5004X/AR5004G Wireless
Network Adapter Software on
Your Toshiba Computer
For systems with the Atheros AR5004X/AR5004G
wireless network adapter, turning the wireless
antenna switch on or off while your computer is in
Suspend or Hibernation Mode may prevent the
wireless device from operating when you Resume
using the computer.
To correct this situation, you will need to update the
wireless adapter driver using the following
If you are recovering your system using the Recovery
media that shipped with your computer, be sure to use this
procedure to update the wireless network adapter driver
after completing the recovery.
1 Log onto the computer with Administrator
(continued on back)

Updating the Atheros® AR5004X/AR5004G Wireless Network
Adapter Software on Your Toshiba Computer
2 Insert the “Atheros AR5004X/AR5004G
Wireless Network Adapter Software CD V1.00”
(shipped with your system) into your computer’s
optical drive.
3 Select Start, Control Panel, Performance and
Maintenance, and then System.
4 Select the Hardware tab and click Device
5 Select Network adapters, and highlight either
the “Atheros AR5004X Wireless Network
Adapter” or “Atheros AR5004G Wireless
Network Adapter (depending on your computer’s
6 Right click on the adapter and select Update
Driver to start the Hardware Update Wizard.
7 Select “Install from a list or specific location
(Advanced)” and click Next.
8 Select “Include this location in the search:” and
type D:\Driver\WinXP in the box.
9 Click Next.
10 Follow the on-screen instructions and then click
Finish when a message indicates that the Setup
has completed.
11 Remove the CD.
12 Restart the computer.