Publish Date: 98/01/22
BSI No.: A28002
Changing the CIS and ROM
Model: TF831, TF861
Category Field Application Unit
Modification of Software (ROM) To be applied when necessary ROM
Factory Application: From the production of January, 1998
1. Reason for Modification
To improve the scanning quality in the standard mode.
2. Details of Modification
Changed from old CIS (Part No. 12009219) to new CIS (Part No. 12009250).
With the CIS change, the ROMs are also changed as follows:
Unit / IC No.: Main PC board / IC3 (ROM1) and IC4 (ROM2)
ROM Version:TF831 IC3 (ROM1) 1ACWWTS2k
Check sum 745D
TF861 IC3 (ROM1) 1ABWWTS2k
Check sum 745B
TF831/TF861 IC4 (ROM2) 2AAWWTS2k
Check sum 23A4
Note: The ROMs for the new CIS include all the changes in the old ROMs reported by
Service Note (Ref. No. M-FSA28001).
When the old CIS is replaced with the new CIS, the ROMs must be replaced at the
same time.
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